"Not to mention so much, after confirming the acceptance of the contract, I completed part of the cut last night. But after all, the industry is different, and the production standards are also different. I came here specially to formally connect with you, so as not to delay the process. "Yin Ze took out a small USB flash drive.

"Okay, please come in with me." The young man nodded again and again, and then showed an introverted and innocent smile, "Oh, by the way, I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm sorry, my name is Taishi Nishiya."


The temperature inside the studio is pleasantly cool with the help of the air conditioner.

The first floor is very spacious and leisurely, only a few personnel ladies stay here, there are free snacks and drinks, the walls are covered with animation posters made by myself, and figures and surroundings can be seen everywhere, if animation lovers can come here It's a pleasure to visit, and it's fascinating in itself to learn how a hobby is born from scratch.

Is this one of the places where many dreams are made?

Blue sky, sunset, flowing water, and wooden classrooms... and these warm and peaceful things permeate almost every work of Kyoto Animation.

"It's basically wooden decoration." Yin Ze sighed.Men still stay in the idea that log furniture is good, but expensive.

"From here, you can directly go up to the second and third floors." Nishiya Taishi pointed to a particularly unusual and well-designed spiral staircase. The stairs opened up the gap between the two floors and the third floor. It is very convenient to go up and down. .

"It feels like a small castle. It's really interesting." Yin Ze also found it very novel, and followed him to the second floor where the painting was done.

The layout of the space and workstations is somewhat familiar. Tables and chairs are neatly placed on the flat floor. People are quietly bending over their desks. Their slender figures are buried in the thick materials and books on the table. The sound of pencils scratching ear.

Nishiya Taishi led the man straight to a certain corner. A few busy employees noticed the movement and subconsciously looked up here, while the fledgling young girls couldn't help but stare silently for a few more seconds, and then exchanged small glances.Probably the idea is that there may be handsome colleagues in the future, and it is for painting, not for the photography department.

"This is Mr. Masuji Kigami, our master craftsman, and he was the one who contacted Mr. Yoshida Satomi from your department."

Nishiya Taishi's voice was filled with the trust and respect of those close to him, and he introduced again.

"Mr. Mushang, this is Mr. Yin Ze who was invited to help Binguo make up the middle frame."

Hearing this, the person in the workstation stopped drawing, diverted his attention from the paper, turned around, showing an ordinary face, like a middle school Chinese teacher somewhere, gentle and elegant.His hair has been mixed with a pale color that represents the passage of time. From the perspective of age, he may only be younger than Yukinu Nagasaki. At this age, he should actually leave such a high-intensity front-line painting job.

However, the spirit of this old painter is very good. Just one glance can tell people that he is enjoying it and is still enjoying the joy of painting.

Incalculable reference materials and past manuscripts have been accumulated on the table, and those things are piled up layer by layer, forming a mountain that is a head taller than an adult. In front of the old painter, he looked very humble.

Because he is a person who has created giant mountains, seas, boundless skies and worlds in the past.

"Thanks for your hard work. It's a long way from Tokyo, and the ticket is not cheap." Masaharu Kigami said in an approachable manner.

"No, just now, I feel like I got my money back."

Yin Ze chuckled. He found the thick calluses on the old man's palm due to holding the pen all the year round, and among the stacked materials, there were old manuscripts containing the fields of Doraemon, Akira, Macross, and Maoyan.

"The person who painted his childhood dream in the past is in front of him. This feeling cannot be bought by money."

"I just made a small contribution to painting, and I can't be compared with those real masters." Kishang Masaharu understood the meaning of his words and shook his head gently.

"Although it is a dream, hundreds of shots, thousands of manuscripts, and tens of thousands of lines are drawn by people. You are indeed one of the weavers of children's childhood dreams, there is no doubt about it." Yin Yin Ze said affirmatively, "Animation production is labor-intensive. Without your help, everything is just a castle in the air."

"Shouldn't young and promising people put their minds on a higher level? Especially a genius like you who is working in a world's largest factory at a young age?" Kigami Masaharu asked with interest, "Many people's original intention of learning art is I want to portray the fantasy in my heart freely. So you should look forward to famous supervisors? They are leading a story."

"Not only must the extraordinary basic skills of being able to project the three-dimensional world onto two-dimensional drawing paper, but also need to be connected in series to give it time. For this reason, an animator must not only observe the daily life in detail, but also have an eclectic vision. Imagination, and in the end, it is necessary to invest a huge amount of energy to improve in order not to lag behind the environment of the times...even at the expense of physical health, and persist in fighting for a long time." Yin Ze said slowly, "And all this starts from a beautiful and kind heart , isn't it admirable?"

"Then you who have technology, will you always do this kind of hard work?"

"There's nothing wrong with An Ding, that's all I have left now."

"Haha, I'm just kidding. If I really have a strong ability, I can't just let him bow his head to do animation and original painting. Even if the other party doesn't want to, I will drive him to the important place like a duck." Go up to the post with a bigger burden." Masaharu Kigami smiled, and he really looked like an excellent teacher who would appear in the animation, "I heard from Mr. Yoshida that you have already done part of it? Are you so confident? Don't worry about it. The quality is not good, or simply different specifications, resulting in useless efforts to repaint? Let me tell you first, it is difficult for me to be strict in the eyes of this group of juniors.”

"If the instructions and diagrams written in the mailbox are all there is, I think there should be no problem." Yin Ze thought for a while.

"...I haven't seen such a sharp and lovable little guy for many years. I really envy AQUAREENIX. More and more talents are flowing to game art." Masuji Kigami sighed, " Taizhi, you go and print out all his manuscripts first, and I will sign a simple outsourcing contract with him."

"Okay." Taishi Nishiya responded, took the USB drive and walked away.

"Let's go to the first floor for a meeting. I just want to exercise too." Masaharu Kigami stood up and twisted his sore waist.

"Are you sure?" Yin Ze was taken aback, surprised by the speed of decision-making here.

"AQUAREENIX's Final Fantasy is a national-level IP, and it has been the hard work of your company for decades. Producer Yoshida dared to restart the failed work. This courage alone is definitely a character, let alone a big success. Your business department It also definitely has the strength of the industry leader. I have no reason to doubt that, as I said before, there is only a problem of standardization." Masaharu Kigami said with approval.

"...I don't work there." Yin Ze reluctantly explained.

"Changed job?" Masaharu Kigami frowned, "Then have you considered giving up the game and doing animation? Our company's treatment is not bad in the industry. Almost all animators under our company are full-time members and pay insurance and money. "

"Aren't these conditions taken for granted?" Yin Ze asked suspiciously.

"You are in a well-known company with good conditions, so you may not know."

The two went downstairs, and Kigami Masuji talked while walking.

"The vast majority of animators in China are only individual business owners. The investors cooperate with the production company, and the funds received from the employer are generally divided into hundreds of orders and sent out. The animators rely on the completion of the order. rewards for living."

"Pure performance flow?" Yin Ze was curious.Isn't this what people who are as good as crouching dragons and phoenixes in the workplace do?For example, if I help you complete an investment, you don't need a basic salary, but you have to take [-]% of the profit.Full of high-class demeanor.

"Well, many animators work on orders, and there are no other guarantees, such as compensation and responsibility for aftermath." Masaharu Kigami smiled bitterly, "In a society where many companies employ a lifetime employment system , this industry is the opposite.”

"Why is there such a form?" Yin Ze was puzzled.

"As a mass commercial entertainment product, the risk of making animation is very high. Perhaps nine out of ten films will lose money. However, the only one that makes money is luckier. In addition to making up for losses, it can even make more money. Many, super many. With such appeal and market masterpieces, I don’t need to give any more examples, right?”

Kigami Masaharu explained in detail.

"But no one can guarantee that it will be successful. There have always been cases of well-produced but violent deaths. In such an environment where large companies with sufficient funds rely on the form of production committees to spread risks, how dare small workshops work at will? , One failure may mean losing everything, so most production companies are in the state of taking orders, so they can't occupy a dominant position in animation production."

"Contractor?" Yin Ze was stunned.

"Well, you can make money if you have a job, and it's hard to support idlers if you don't have a job, so I dare not sign a long-term contract. On the contrary, as long as there is reliable management and coordination, there is a big project, and people can be recruited at any time. There is nothing to do. It’s actually easier to be able to work for another company. It’s just that, it’s hard to avoid the low-level animators.” Masayoshi Kigami said slowly.He found personnel and asked for two simple contracts.

The two walked to a nearby sofa and sat down.

"Then how did you do it? In such a big environment, how can you fight against it?" Yin Ze asked, looking at the thin contract at the same time.

"Become a good hand among the contractors, and after accumulating strength, become your own capital. The cost of living and operating in Kyoto is lower than that in Tokyo. Many previous works, including Suzumiya Natsuri, brought funds and word of mouth, but in the end The most important thing is to cultivate and reserve talents.”

Kigami Masaharu waited at the side, continuing to speak like a teacher explaining a student's doubts.

"To be honest, a good animation needs to have the value of commercial entertainment as well as artistic value. Of course, this has high requirements on the ability of the creative team. It is not only talent, but also practical training. The flexibility to cooperate with others, such a strict threshold, brings about a high elimination rate.

"Perhaps there are many people who just lack time. As long as they work hard, they can still become excellent animators, but the industry does not allow them. The meager income at the bottom cannot support their stable growth. They can only work part-time for their livelihood. Even if they overcome many bottlenecks, the real If you gain a firm foothold, you will also face the situation of relying on orders as mentioned before, and it is still unclear after all, so you will eventually quit.” The old man sighed.

"It's like a jungle that grows wildly." Yin Ze compared, "There are giant trees that block out the sky, and some grow stubbornly and accompany them. Most of them die due to lack of sunlight. Then your road, Is it fine and correct?"

"I don't know." Masaharu Kigami said unexpectedly and quickly, "We use this method, and naturally there are drawbacks. For example, the convergence of creative styles and the solidification of structures, and because of this, we have lost those employees who are too powerful .

"But our animators are all solid. Even if they leave and go to other places, they won't have a hard time relying on mature technology." The old man said emphatically.

"This time, Bingguo's progress was wrong, because many intermediate frames were not damaged. Although it was a huge mistake, strictly speaking, it would not seriously affect the progress, or even release the main episode. We have always been stable. It's just that If we want to continue broadcasting on time, we will inevitably have to compromise on quality, of course that kid Takemoto is 1 unwilling, so he asked for help."

Kigami Masaharu paused.

"Since I've already found someone, I simply asked my friends to help me inquire. All I'm looking for are high-level painters, and I just want to keep improving."

"Understood, I will not hold you back, and I will do my best to help you this time." Yin Ze said calmly.

"Thank you." The old man said happily.

Yin Ze took the signature pen and was about to sign his name smartly.

"Mr. Kigami, I brought the manuscript." Taishi Nishiya stomped down the stairs, holding a thick stack in his hand.

"So much? How much is this?" Kishang Masaharu held it in his hand, looking at so many, he was a little surprised.

"It was drawn according to the requirements you gave, and it will take about 5 seconds to play." Yin Ze roughly calculated.

Masuji Kigami calmed down and flipped through slowly. Although there were a lot of them, he finished reading them quickly. However, the old painter didn't speak but read it again from the beginning, and he went back and forth. He read it for three times without saying a word. all over.When reviewing the drawings, he exuded the majesty and seriousness of the old man, making people afraid to offend.

Seeing that the other party was silent and frowning slightly, Master Yin suddenly thought of those Party A representatives and department managers who came to check the results. The situation was so similar, and he couldn't help but thump in his heart.

If there is a problem with the specification, it should be pointed out when looking at the first 10 photos.

I haven't made a sound for so long... Could it be, could it be that the quality of the hips has been stretched, causing this old painter who has always talked with him to think in the bottom of his heart, how to say it in a tactful and not hurtful way?

The man's expression became serious. He tried hard to recall whether he had deserted last night. He found that experience in the corridor of life, reviewed it quickly, and finally admitted that there was some element of picking his feet in the middle, but he probably didn't perform abnormally.

"You guys..." Kisami Masuji finally spoke slowly, with extremely sharp eyes, "How long did it take?"

"Two, two hours?" Master Yin said cautiously, and at the same time glanced at Taishi Nishiya standing next to him, trying to see some details from the expression of this old man with the temperament of a college roommate.

Taishi Nishiya also had a serious expression on his face, and the corners of his mouth were tense, obviously his attitude towards something unusual.

The standard of the animation industry is so high?

Master Yin was surprised, but also felt a lot of bitterness. Unexpectedly, there was Schrödinger in the corridor of life, who broke through the essence of the classics, and reached the realm that he dreamed of before.

I am still arrogant, so I should be fully prepared, such as starting with the analysis of Ukiyo-e, and then going down the stream to delve into the core of the Japanese series——

"It only took two hours?" Kikami Masaharu said in a teacher-like questioning tone, which was similar to the teacher explaining typical wrong questions.

Yin Ze is sitting upright, intending to admit defeat. He is not a born unruly person. On the contrary, he has walked step by step. On the road of painting, no one can get carried away, without excuses and cover-ups. Because of this wandering road of art Do not sympathize with tears, all speak with the works.

"Sorry, I should polish it more carefully..." The man lowered his head.

"You only spent two hours? Generally speaking, this should be a four-hour workload." Masaharu Kigami said quickly.


"Are you sure it's two hours?" Kisami Masaharu frowned and asked urgently, "Didn't I remember the time wrong?"

"Uh, it should be right." Yin Ze scratched his head.There are also two variety shows on the computer, each one hour long.

"That's amazing."

After receiving a definite reply, Kigami Masaharu stroked the paper slowly with his hands, expressing the relief of seeing beautiful things and outstanding descendants in his words.

"...It's really a movement with a soul, and the lines seem to be breathing. Such a manuscript is not common."

"Yes." Nishiya Taishi also nodded in agreement, and said with admiration, "It took almost half of the time to hand over such a finished product, which made me feel a lot of pressure. It is worthy of letting Mr. Yoshida Tomoki say, 'Maybe after the rush is over. In the future, you can make one more episode of Miyoshi excellent employees."

"I'm not a member of AQUAREENIX." Yin Ze said again.He felt that Yoshida-sang's Sima Zhaozhi was known to all passers-by, and he planned to do despicable things first and then play, relying on the way of saying that he was his subordinate when he met everyone, he passively became active and naturalized himself!

"I know, I know, I've resigned." Masaharu Kigami expressed his understanding.

"I have never held a position..." Yin Ze said.

"That doesn't matter. Do you have any idea of ​​changing jobs? From game art to animation, it's not considered a cross-industry. You can still display your talents. I'm one of the directors, and I can offer you a better salary with the same qualifications." , of course it may not be comparable to AQUAREENIX."

Kigami Masuji said persuasively.

"But working in a big factory is not so smooth, is it? Huge interests are destined to complicate the power structure there, and pure technical talents will inevitably encounter some unhappy things. But Kyoto Animation is very simple and the atmosphere is harmonious. , you are still young and suitable for exploring your own possibilities, so you should seriously consider it."

"Let's finish the commission at hand first..." Yin Ze found out that the old man said these words sincerely, so he decided not to reveal the fact that his current company is EmEnterprise for the time being.

"Okay, just take this opportunity to do things here for a while, let's experience it first, and then talk about the future." Kigami Masaharu nodded and said, "If you have any questions in the future, just ask Taizhi. I will help you first Let’s deal with today’s accommodation issue, and stay here for the next few days? Otherwise, although the Shinkansen is fast, it’s too tiring to travel seamlessly.”

This master Yin did not object, he came here today just for Bingguo's painting, there is no conflict in the itinerary, and there is no seiyuu work at present.So according to the original plan, he will record the things he drew on the set in Tokyo soon...

"Sit here again, and we'll talk later at dinner." Mashiji Kigami left the studio after speaking, and went to find a familiar friend in a nearby homestay. His steps were brisk, showing the happy mood of the old man.

"I still have something to do over there. Teacher Yin, if you have anything to do, don't worry about it. Come find me upstairs. My seat is behind the fourth row." Taishi Nishiya lost his embarrassment and greeted, " There are free snacks here, you can eat if you have nothing to do, and there are special magazines to read."

"Okay, go get busy, I don't care, I can still use my mobile phone to play Fleet Collection." Yin Ze lowered his head and signed the contract first.

"Are you playing too? Add a friend later?" Taishi Nishiya was surprised.

"It's easy to talk about." Yin Ze readily agreed.

"The game is okay, and it's getting more and more popular now. I heard that there was a manure extraction that used dark alchemy to dismantle destroyers to get a guarantee. The result was seamless and the official repaired it. The operation is still online. Do you think it's okay? Interesting?" Nishiya Taishi said with a kind smile, and went upstairs to work.


Master Yin opened the fleet collection with an indescribable mood, and began to routinely collect expedition resources.

After ten minutes.

The pocket automatic glass door was opened, and a man walked in with a whole bag of energy drinks. His dark circles were very conspicuous, and his body exuded a determination to never let go, as if he was about to fight the villain, the big devil, in the next second. It is the domineering and indomitable spirit of Tian Di Tong Shou.

"Hey, isn't this Wu Bensang? How can you become a panda after not seeing him for a few days?" Yin Ze raised his hand in greeting.

The soldier with dark circles turned his head and was stunned for a moment when he saw the familiar figure lying on the sofa and playing with his mobile phone.

half an hour.

"I must have been so tired from working overtime that I had hallucinations. I not only saw other people's illusions, but also heard voices that shouldn't exist." Takemoto Yasuhiro looked sad, "I'd better sleep for a while later."

"You read that right, I am alive." Yin Ze was speechless.

Takemoto Yasuhiro remained unmoved, wiped his eyes like a ghost, then stepped forward suspiciously, touched the man's face, felt the real body temperature and touch, and was finally defeated, discouraged and collapsed like a punctured ball limp on the sofa.

"It's over, even the seiyuu came to the door from Tokyo by car to remind them." The supervisor's tone was empty, "It's over, the reputation of Kyoto Animation will start to collapse from me..."

"Come on, I'm here to help, it's absolutely fine this time." Yin Ze couldn't help cheering.

"It's over, it's over, it's over, even the main character is affected, and he's mentally disturbed. A seiyuu didn't read the stage book but read the book of Berryman's human body mechanism, and took the initiative to draw."

The supervisor's figure gradually became transparent, and his voice was also ethereal.

"I have been the biggest sinner since the company was founded. When it's over, I will become a black history in the company's history."

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