
No.40 Chapter [-] The next spring will come as promised

Young people think about when the new tomorrow will start, and social animals think about when the old today will end.

After a fulfilling day, the town is still quiet at dinner time, but there are more elderly people who come out for a walk, and the short-legged dogs wag their tails and follow them step by step.The sky gradually dimmed, and then the lights of thousands of houses were lit.

The restaurant was busy at meal time, the range hood kept ringing, the chef with a big head and thick neck was playing with a frying spoon like a master, and the front hall was full of laughter and joy.

"Boss, come 10 skewers as on the list." Takemoto Yasuhiro raised his hand and yelled like a business tycoon who raised his price twice at an auction, very graceful and luxurious.

"So proud? It's too expensive. If you order too much, you won't be able to finish it. Let's order as you eat." Yin Ze persuaded with good words, and at the same time decided to let go of his stomach to eat.

"It's okay, the skewered dishes in this restaurant are actually just different." Takemoto Yasuhiro's expression remained unchanged, "I'll have four more grilled cod and refreshing beer."

"Your dark eye sockets have the texture of smoky makeup. Since you are not in good spirits, you should stop drinking." Yin Ze still chose to be kind.

"It's all right, just have a few drinks. And since the construction period is not a problem, then the stone in my heart is also let go, and I can sleep very soundly."

When Yasuhiro Takemoto said this, he was deeply moved.

"I really didn't expect you to be the 'Yin Ze' who has been discussed in the game art circle recently, a real fighter who can change Yoshitaka Amano's wrong goods into very right goods. Hundreds of UI icons are produced every month. You have a few large perspective compositions, and I have also admired them. However, it is like an old hairy man who has been boiled in a red soup hot pot, but no one in the industry knows the origin. It is really strange... ...It's a bit like a user nicknamed Master suddenly logged on to the Go platform and climbed up the leaderboard all the way."

"Hehe, there really isn't an ancient soul revived to use the brush."

"Why, how could it be, haha."

"There are so many disturbances in the secular world, and I never paid attention to them. It's just a mention today. Let me ask the experts from all walks of life, how do you praise me?" Yin Ze asked pretending to be reserved, "Don't be shy, please supervise the bold retelling!"

"Some people guess that you are an academic genius who has just returned from overseas. Some people say that this is a pseudonym used by the low-key factions of European and American manufacturers. Some people say that you are actually ACE from other regional branches of AQUAREENIX, who was sent here to help." Takemoto Kang Hong said.

"Who spread that last rumor?" Yin Ze frowned.

"This kind of secret is naturally only accessible to AQUAREENIX's internal staff. It should be your colleague. But although I am surprised, I can feel at ease. There is a legend in your circle that you create 120 man-days a month. A discount of 90 is enough to make the boss happy, and the project manager is ecstatic." Although Yasuhiro Takemoto was still surprised, he was determined.

"It turns out that you are the famous 'Yin Ze'." Sitting next to him, Taishi Nishiya suddenly realized, "A few manga artists I follow have also retweeted your account."

"...Boss, add 20 skewers to each skewer on the list." The man raised his hand.

"Aren't you worried that you won't be able to finish eating?" Takemoto Yasuhiro asked.

"I can pack it." The man said lightly.He felt that the world's evaluation of him seemed a little distorted, and he could only use this method to express his spiritual injury.

It's abominable that he cares more about his fearless work efficiency than his extraordinary talent!

"The beer is here." The waiter wearing a turban came over with a plate, and at the same time said familiarly, "Ani Meisang, how are you doing today?"

"The situation is great." At this time, Takemoto Yasuhiro was like Cao Cao who had obtained the Guan Yu experience card. He was very excited and felt that there was no way to fight.

"That's right, come on, my nephew is chasing your animation every day, and he also hopes that there will be more campus ambiguous plots between the hero and heroine." The waiter presented a delicious grilled chicken skewer.

"I'll think about it."

"Oh, thank you for your hard work."

Gathering with trustworthy people for a drink is always fun and relaxing, and the tinkling sound of glasses full of beer flickering and colliding under the lights.

"Do the nearby residents know you?" Yin Ze held up a skewer and quickly disposed of it in two or three strokes. He didn't eat anything on the Shinkansen today.

"Maybe it's because most of our company is young people. They can't be idle, and we always do some activities. In winter, we will do simple decorations for the studio, put on lanterns and sing songs, and some old people will come to see the excitement. Occasionally, there will be fans and Those who filmed the show came over to hang out." Taishi Nishiya said.

"Infused with a subtle youthful atmosphere, just like in your works." Yin Ze smiled and nodded, "So Animeisang is the nickname of the residents?"

"Animation is abbreviated as Anime in Japanese, and Animesan roughly means animator." Masaharu Kigami, who has been happily listening to young people chatting, said, "By the way, do you know the origin of the word Animation? ?”

"Is there any allusion?" Yin Ze asked.

"Anima, which originated in Latin, originally meant 'life' or 'soul'. To give life and soul to inanimate objects, make them move and come alive, this is the original intention of animation." Kigami Masaharu folded his hands, Said kindly, "Of course this is a very labor-intensive thing, so you must have perseverance and enthusiasm from the beginning to the end."

"I don't intend to offend... It's just that after talking with you today, I think that only these, maybe one or two films can be made, but can it go on forever?" Yin Ze said slowly, "The industry seems to be prosperous. , but many production companies are walking a tightrope."

Tragically animated things happen from time to time, not to mention originality, let alone blazing my own path.

"Those who fight against money must have no good results." The man's palm rested on the cold handle of the glass, muttering to himself.


As a cultural and creative staff member, Kigami Masaharu did not refute, but also held up a chicken skewer.

"30 years ago, I participated in "Nobita's Dinosaur" and "Do You Remember Love" back and forth. I remember that the salary I got at that time was spent in less than a week. I can only continue to live on a tight schedule. Even today , My savings can’t be called rich. If I study one thing for decades, I can only get the current results. It can only be said that this line of work is really not profitable.”

"Not only that, but the rules of the game in the painting industry have been formulated by the predecessors. You have to learn their language and vocabulary, follow their norms and pass them one by one, and then continue to use the same rules to suppress the latecomers. Then, when you reach 30, At the age of 40, I found that no matter how good my paintings are, my body can't handle it, and my income can't be stable."

Kigami Masaharu chewed with small mouthfuls and smiled peacefully.

"If I hadn't come to Kyoto Animation in 1990, this might be my end. After all, I consciously lacked the ability to be a smooth and sophisticated person, and I also lacked the ability to tell stories as a supervisor. I only have the technology of drawing and imaging."

"The modesty of the master craftsman will make us students feel ashamed." Nishiya Taishi said with emotion.

"No, it's the truth."

Kigami Masaharu took a full sip of beer and let out a long huff.

"My life is actually very thin. Although the general public is like this, I should be thinner. At that time, I was touched by Osamu Tezuka. I liked drawing since I was sensible. Once I started to pick up a pen, I forgot the passage of time. , I came back from school on Friday and continued to paint until the next morning. When I entered the society, I found that there was no place around me that allowed me to continue painting, so I went to Tokyo to continue painting by working part-time, and finally arrived here. It is a goal to move towards this field, rather, I just kept the painting by my side, and ran over naturally."

"Where's Wu Bensang?" Yin Ze asked.

"Of course it's burning dreams and ideals...it's no wonder." Takemoto Yasuhiro rubbed his black eyes and said, "When I was in high school, I didn't want to be an office worker, so I went to inquire about the employment situation in the direction of art, and found that manga artists are easy to die , although the illustrators are good, only a few people can stand out. Finally, I found that at the end of the cartoon, there are always many people on the staff list. I thought that if there are so many people, the competition should not be fierce, so I should be able to enter, so I came in It turned out to be a sad discovery, although there are many people, but almost all of them are very strong."

"It's really old-fashioned, just like your past lines." Masaki Kigami commented seriously, "It's the same now, you have to continue to be able to do it."

"Yes, yes." The supervisor who has become a father replied obediently.

"If you talk about money and social status, this is not a valuable job. But it is very suitable for me who is as boring and thin as paper. If I go to a big company and enterprise, I must I will be depressed all day, and I will be physically and mentally exhausted by calculating complicated people's hearts."

The old man sighed, turned to Yin Ze and said.

"Now I can continue to paint, and I can pass on my only pride, the technique, to others. Even though my body is old and I can't hold a pen all night like before, the characters I painted in the past are still alive, and I can still see them from time to time. Seen on the big screen, although I can't compare with characters like Osamu Tezuka, I have left my own mark in the times.

"Everyone has desires, and businessmen are always chasing greater interests. I am also very greedy. Even now that my life is half over, I am extravagantly seeking works and stories that will be passed on for generations. I want to bring my youthful touch to my heart." To the next generation, the next generation, a hundred years later, a thousand years later.

"I'm more greedy than any businessman in the world."

"I don't know how to answer, maybe the nature of life is a mess - I am still not rich, not admired by many people, doing ordinary things, but I have no regrets. This is my personal The answer to your question." Masaharu Kigami said seriously.

Both Taishi Nishiya and Yasuhiro Takemoto seemed to agree.

The man heard the gossip of the parents at the next table, and heard some children's coquettish voices and crying.

"The food here is really good." Yin Ze said happily.


The restaurants in the small town are of good quality and cheap, and the quantity is big enough to fill you up. Master Yin has eaten the beer belly of the youth version. When he saw the level of the bill, he suddenly had a different kind of thought in his heart, and even wanted to move in here immediately.

Isn't it common to work in a high-income city and live in a low-consumption city.

A man once dreamed that he had obtained any door, and he was overjoyed immediately. He immediately started a grand plan, washing dishes in New York during the day, and returning to Nepal to build a house in the evening, so refreshing.Finally, after waking up from the daydream, I leaned on the bed and choked speechlessly.

There are any doors, and I am still thinking about working and buying a house... What on earth killed my romance.

"It's really a leisurely place." Yin Ze stood outside the chain convenience store, he looked at the small bridge and the river in the evening, and the egrets were all flopping back home, feeling a little sad, "Humans are really easily affected by the environment. In the congested bustling city, the towering buildings are endless all day long, listening to the full train tracks speeding past, I also start to feel anxious. But here, the gears jumped out of the system, and even the swollen desire subsided. In the future, I also want to Live like this."

"I think we can put it into action now." Takemoto Yasuhiro came from behind, broke apart the pair of popsicles in his hand, and handed out one of them.

"Let's wait until it calms down." Yin Ze took the popsicle unceremoniously.

"Sit next to me tomorrow, there just happens to be a vacant seat." Takemoto Yasuhiro said politely.

"...Today, I have a doubt that has been solved." Yin Ze paused.


"Why animation is such a labor-intensive thing, you can do it very well."

"Are you interested?" Takemoto Yasuhiro bit a popsicle and said vaguely, "Then join in, start as an animator, start from drawing lines again."

"I don't think I'm a hardworking person, and I can't become an existence like you, so let's forget it." Yin Ze shook his head, "I'm not trying to be lazy this time, I'm speaking the truth."

"If you're talking about Mr. Kigami, don't worry at all, because there are indeed not many people who can become such a dazzling existence." Takemoto Yasuhiro smiled cheerfully.

"You have always been respected as master craftsmen, what kind of job is that?" Yin Ze wondered.

"In a literal sense, Mr. Kigami entered Kyoto Animation in the 80s of the last century. He once took care of almost all the processes, from performance to coloring, and left valuable experience for each department. With his help Only then did the job that could only be done with coloring in the past become Kyoto Animation, which can independently complete animation production, and now everyone in the company has been directly or indirectly influenced by him.”

Yasuhiro Takemoto and Yin Ze walked to the public chairs in front of the convenience store and sat down, looking at the calm river in the distance under the colorful lights of the signs.

"President Hatta's business philosophy is very upright, and the two people's ideas are compatible. So one side keeps people, and the other side spares no effort to cultivate them. The determination is so strong that it will not hesitate to break the confidence of the younger generation. "Takemoto Yasuhiro said, "I have also received many teachings from him."

"Are you able to achieve this level by yourself? In such an environment?" Yin Ze thought of the plight of animators that the old man told him before.

"What kind of animation people in Kyoto are like, you can see clearly by looking at the back of Mashiharu Kigami." The supervisor said to himself.

"I hope Yasuhiro Takemoto will be added to this kind of praise in the future." The man patted the other person on the shoulder.

"I'm still far away, I'm still far away."

"Takemoto-san, in your heart, is there anything more important than making works?"

"It seems... not at all. Although I hope my daughter grows up well, I guess I have become the type of Mr. Kigami, and I will be inseparable from this in the future."

Yasuhiro Takemoto raised his head, the sky at this time is strange and gorgeous, the sun is hidden behind the mountains, the clouds on that side are still glowing with the fiery red of the sunset, but this side has already been dyed with a transparent dark blue, the clouds are scattered and the sky is high .

"There will come a day when animated films will have depth, masterful shapes, and layers of color...there will be the soul of Delacroix, the charm of Rubens, the passion of Goya, and the energy of Michelangelo. A vision A symphony is more exciting than the sounding symphony of the greatest musicians. I believe it deeply."

"Is there any plan for the future?" Yin Ze asked again, "It's good to have a warm daily life, but the company also needs to adapt to the development of the market. Have you ever considered making combat themes? With such a strong talent pool, no matter how difficult it is Action, fighting with giant robots, is not a problem, right?"

"Is it a magnificent story? It's very good, but I may not be able to control it. I'm not very good at the epic confrontation with conspiracy and gold hidden under the red wine. I'd better leave it to other colleagues. I really want to do more There are more life-like and peaceful animations, I want my daughter to watch them, and tell her that people are kind and they will become strong."

Yasuhiro Takemoto scratched his head, and suddenly showed a shy smile. He was obviously a father, but he was still like an introverted boy who expressed his future ideals in front of the whole class in middle school.

"Also, it's kind of embarrassing... I kind of hate stories that kill people, though."

Hearing this, the man froze when he ate the popsicle.

Feeling the coldness on the tip of his tongue, he couldn't help but smile naturally.

One and two are really innocent people.

"Are you cosplaying Chitanda?" Yin Ze tilted his head, "Is this her line at the end of a certain episode?"

"Oh, as expected of Oreki-kun, you know the source exactly! I hit it!" Takemoto Yasuhiro gave a thumbs up.

"Wu Ben-sang, I don't have the talent to tell stories, but leave the painting to me." Yin Ze paused for a few seconds, got up and threw the dry wood chips into the trash can, and turned around with a confident expression, " Don't worry, I will definitely create a picture that does not insult your sincerity."

"Then please."

"it is good."

There is already a hint of coolness in the evening wind, and the warmth hidden in the air a few days ago has gradually dissipated.

"It's autumn and winter." Yin Ze looked at the tired and setting sun, and suddenly felt reluctant to part with this energetic summer.

"It doesn't matter, spring will still come as promised." Takemoto Yasuhiro said, "Just like life."

No.40 Chapter Six Heartbeating Boys

A few hours later, the soles of Tsuchiya's loud sports shoes finally touched the land of Fushimi. He stretched out on the platform, his fat trembling, and even the smile on the face of the two-dimensional boy on the sore clothes was vivid. A few points.

As for why the well-known ACG expert and animation master's pain clothes are not traditional beautiful girls but prince-like handsome boys, Ah Liang can only say that everything is predestined.

This item is the personal merchandise of King of Idol 2, Mars group, Captain Tenshangin Haruma, in other words, it is related to that man!

Although King of Idol 2 died suddenly in the early stage of sales due to wise development and operation operations, after the launch of a series of compensation and rescue plans, coupled with the large number of players, it can be regarded as gradually recovering.It's just that the Mars group has been completely sidelined because of this, and I'm afraid they will encounter some bad luck again.

From time to time, Ah Liang would feel the impermanence of life. He used to listen to that man's singing in the audience of the press conference, and he only felt resentment and grief of being played with in his heart, but now it is exactly the opposite.The experience of nurturing a female idol is so mediocre, not one-tenth of his in appearance and innards. I really hope that one day I can join hands with that man in the game, cheer together in the background, and dance together in the dance room Sweating, hugging and crying together on the podium, hearing his fettered voice.

If the deity participates in the official concert performance again, and I call enthusiastically in the audience... Ah, blessed~

Tsuchiya Hongliang waved away these little distracting thoughts, and enjoyed the peaceful scenery of this small town. While walking around, he also picked up an expensive camera to take pictures and leave materials.

I am here today mainly to do a behind-the-scenes interview about Kyoto Animation.It stands to reason that a major production area should be free from disturbance, but Ah Liang has focused on the ACG field for many years, is self-taught, and has achieved great success in personal media.

He has a deep analysis of light novels and animation, and is full of dry goods. There was once a recommendation article that increased the sales of a light novel by 30%.In terms of photography, he is also quite capable, with strong equipment and photo editing.It is the top choice partner of cosers on Twitter, who is used to capturing the natural beauty of innocence in the blink of an eye, and despises the rough behavior of flattering the house.Known as "ManzhanのZatoichi Bear Man".

"If you just stick to the amount of fabric, but don't have the idea of ​​taking pictures of spiritual beauty, your photos will be very superficial, and they will be vulgar silhouettes."

This is Ah Liang's creed and warning, as well as introspection.

This profession, this love, won everyone's approval, and finally won the nod of the animation production company, allowing him to visit and collect materials.

Hiroshi Tsuchiya came to the first studio of Kyoto Animation with his big bags and small bags. Now he is standing in front of this small building with only three floors. Some believers come to Jerusalem for the first time, and there is a throb of pilgrimage. surging.

Xiong Xian smoothed his bangs with his fingers, and then solemnly pressed the doorbell.

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