The personnel lady who stayed on the first floor quickly came to open the door.

"I'm Tsuchiya Hiroyoshi who has made an appointment before, please give me your advice!" Ah Liang bowed.

"Please wait for a while, I will let the people from the production department come over." The young lady said politely.


Tsuchiya Hongliang piled up several backpacks in a corner, took out suitable equipment and lenses and began to assemble, and then sat on the edge of the sofa with an extremely formal demeanor.

Not long after, a friendly, kind and simple person greeted us with a smile.

"Is it teacher 'Superman Ah Liang'? I have heard about it for a long time. The articles on your blog are very high-level, and the impressions and evaluations are of high quality. It will also be used as analysis materials for some companies on the market environment."

"How dare you be called a teacher, please don't use honorifics." Tsuchiya Hiroshi said repeatedly, "It really makes me flustered."

"Then I'll be Tsuchiya-kun." The young man laughed, "My name is Taishi Nishiya, and I also follow your blog."

"Ah, I'm really terrified, I hope what I wrote isn't a joke..." Tsuchiya Hiroyoshi said cautiously.

"Your game strategy is very good. It's detailed and comprehensive. The previous topic on the fantasy of silver coming into the world is really perfect. The collection of fleets these days has also given me a lot of help in terms of team matching."

"This is really great. I also brought some gifts today, and I hope you must accept them. It's Yin Dan Baixue. It's a fine wine. Please don't refuse."

"Oh, for this, Mr. Kigami will definitely like it very much." Said Nishiya Taishi seeing the exquisite packaging.

"Is it Mr. Mashiji Kigami? Is he here too?" Tsuchiya Hiroyoshi felt uneasy and dreamed again.

"Yes, yes. You look very excited, why don't you give it to him yourself later?"

"Okay, sure!"

"Then let me show Tsuchiya-kun around first, how much do you know about our first studio?" Nishiya Taishi asked kindly.

"I only collected information beforehand, please teach me, sir." Tsuchiya Hongliang lowered his head like a student.

"Well, it turned out that the founder moved to Kyoto Prefecture for work reasons, and then brought the surrounding housewives in Uji City to learn original painting and coloring, and then there was a later story."

Nishiya Taishi explained.

"Tokyo has the advantage of geographical location and the concentration of cultural industries. In the last century, animation production was still a division of labor, each responsible for its own part, and one company ensured the quality. In order to facilitate coordination, the physical distance should not be too far away. But nowadays, computer processing and Independent productions have also appeared, and one company can do all the production, which can better ensure the quality and reputation, so many companies have successively set up studios outside of Tokyo."

"Most of the backbone of our company, such as those who can serve as painting supervisors, are in the first studio, which is here, and the second and fifth studios are mainly newcomers."

Nishiya Taishi went on to talk.

"The first floor is for hospitality and rest, and the second floor is the work area. Supervisors and other people often have meetings on the third floor. Why don't you take a look at our storage room first?"

"Okay, okay." Tsuchiya Hongliang held up the recording pen and followed behind the other party obediently.

The storage room is not big, and there are layers of corrugated boxes inside. At a glance, I thought it was a small fruit warehouse, but the boxes are full of manuscript paper, full of the thickness of time and the conciseness of art.

"Of course it's impossible for all the paintings made over the years to be here, and we can't let them go at all. Only a small part of them stay here. I can show you, does Tsuchiya-kun have any favorite works?" Taishi Nishiya asked proactively.

Xiong Xiong didn't respond for a while, and forgot to respond. He stroked the cardboard box in front of him as gently as he was stroking his lover's face.

The label on the box clearly reads "Natsuri Suzumiya". Just this word alone brings Ah Liang back to the summer six years ago.At that time, he had not yet left the campus, and he was still full of vigor and childishness. He even remembered that year, a girl surnamed Suzumiya sang a passionate song to himself on the screen, and the voice was so exciting.

Xiong Xiong moved his eyes slowly, and then saw "Full Metal Trend", "Light Music Girl", "Kanon", "Lucky Star", "Daily"... This is the origin, Ah Liang's long breath , I suddenly felt extremely peaceful in my heart, and a sense of happiness enveloped my whole body warmly.

"This is the original painting, that is, the key frame." Seeing the other party's embarrassment, Taishi Nishimiya simply took the initiative to open a box and brought the materials.

Tsuchiya Hongliang took it with trembling hands and turned it slowly.

It turned out to be CLANNAD, and it was still a later plot. Nagisa died, leaving only the distraught Tomya and the sensible and well-behaved Xi.Later, the father and daughter finally confessed to each other, and Xi cried in Tomoya's arms.

It is this paragraph, this frame of embracing and crying.It was so familiar, the music and the wonderful performances of the voice actors sounded in my ears.

Tsuchiya Hongliang just glanced at it briefly, then quickly turned his head and handed the original painting back.

It would be a great loss if tears wet the precious manuscript.

"Can I take photos?"

"Yes, this can be announced. It was originally in the previous set."

"Thank you very much." Hiroshi Tsuchiya thanked again.

"Tsuchiya-kun seems to be very concerned about "Suzumiya Summer Day"?" Nishiya Taishi asked.

"Yes, after all, this film has a great influence. In fact, I can even dance those dances in the OP." Tsuchiya Hiroshi said shyly.

"Seeing that you are so satisfied, I am also happy. I used to be one of the chief animation supervisors of the series. My work is so valued by others, no amount of hard work is worth it." Nishiya Taizhi sighed.

"I have also collected some questions from other fans here, hoping to get answers on their behalf." Tsuchiya Hongliang said.

"Of course, you can just ask." Taishi Nishiya spoke very well.

"When will the follow-up of "Suzumiya Summer Day" be released?"

"For this, the original author must first write a plot of sufficient length..."

"There are some behind-the-scenes productions, such as the endless August period, why did you really do eight episodes?"

"Uh, this is a bit esoteric. I'll try my best to call Supervisor Takemoto to help you answer later..."


The painting department was quiet. Most of the members were wearing earphones, looping through the playlist, and kept their heads down to catch up on the draft.The only sounds around are low-speed fans shaking their heads and people constantly flipping paper.

Yasuhiro Takemoto had just finished a stage, he habitually put down his pen, rubbed his shoulders, and looked at the scenery outside the window.

Behind him is a workstation with fewer objects. The original owner stayed in Tokyo most of the time, and occasionally returned to the studio in Kyoto, so he arranged it for the new dead line nemesis man.

A certain person is hanging his head slightly, and the weight of the whole body is delivered to the cushions and cushions, appearing very relaxed, only the wrists and arms are constantly moving.Since the morning till now, this guy has been maintaining such a state of concentration. Every once in a while, he will go to the supervisor with a large stack of papers. Basically, there is no feedback and no modification is required.

Stable and efficient, just like a printer, it does not need to be charged.

Supervisor Sang was very pleased at first, then moved, then frowned, then blushed, and then felt like a thorn on his back.

The man is simply a stress monster, from morning show to night, he keeps outputting.This kind of aura that makes others feel that he is slow, stupid and ashamed seems to have returned to the time when he just joined the job and sat next to Kigami Masaharu.In fact, Master Mushang was sitting on the other side of the building, and was doing his job with ease while helping the newcomers revise the teachings.

The two ends pressed against each other, and the people in the middle also subconsciously accelerated their writing speed.

Can this person not make a mistake?

Takemoto Yasuhiro cast his academic and scrutinizing eyes, and found that although someone drew very fast, he seemed to have never used an eraser.

This is contrary to common sense. Even if you are copying homework, you will inevitably write typos.


Yin Ze sensed a strange sight, just like a scientist inspecting a new species, but when he turned his head, he could only see the back of the supervisor who was diligent and diligent, without any change.

The man shook his head, continued to tick off the last dozen strokes, paused the cross talk audio in his mind, and turned off the social animal mode of the life corridor.

After overclocking for so long, I am hungry.It's almost time for dinner.There are vending machines on each floor of the company, among which bento and supper are provided for free, and staff change or replenish every day.

A free lunch, listen, how sweet it sounds.

"Wu Bensang, it's time to eat." Yin Ze sorted out the manuscript, put down his pen, and left his seat.

Supervising Sang frowned, wanting to refuse, wanting to prove that his diligence is not inferior to others.Just kidding, can the elite of the first studio be defeated by the new outsourcers?Or the game industry has crossed over!

However, this is just the idea of ​​a lonely family.

A bunch of people stopped writing after hearing the word "eating". Even if there are still ambitious people, their minds are not on the paper.

Oh, that's all.After all, it was a wrong payment.

Takemoto Yasuhiro took out the bento made by his wife at a high speed, and strode past the man in front of him, heading straight for the microwave oven.

"Old thief Takemoto! You rob again! It's still hot for so long every time!" Someone saw this and made a voice not to be outdone.

"Why don't you go to another one?"

"Those two haven't been repaired yet!"


Tsuchiya Hongliang looked at the material in the camera contentedly, as happy as a child who has collected enough lucky money for the New Year.

This trip is full of rewards, and I feel extremely fulfilled from the heart to the outside.Even at the invitation of Nishiya Taishi, try the staff meal.Although it's just an ordinary free store bento, but eating with many employees here, there is a sense of satisfaction that I am also one of them.

Ah Liang carefully held a bento, watching these people walking around the microwave oven.

Oh my god, the one laughing and trying to pretend that he jumped in line was Takemoto Yasuhiro, the one arguing with him was Ishihara Rikiya, and the one who inadvertently occupied the front row and was even constantly abdicated was Kigami Masuharu!A treasure-like existence!

Ah Liang was at the end of the line, his face was reddish, seeing these famous animators playing and joking, he was like a girl in Huaichun who met the lover of her dreams, she was extremely shy and dared not make any mistakes.

At this time, the first hot bento was finally finished, and the man picked up the things and left without any delay.

Back so young?who?What status?Didn't get cut in line by Supervisor Takemoto?

The man turned around, revealing a startled face.

Ah Liang felt that the sounds of this world were far away, and finally fell silent, and then suddenly felt that his heart was hit by a huge pendulum, followed by a huge unbelievable dream like a dream.


Yin Ze sensed a strange sight again.Burning, gentle, full of power, even with a beast-like aggression.

He looked in the direction, and then saw a bear-like man wearing a familiar character's suit, covering his face with one hand like a little girl, with happiness shining in his eyes.

What a revealing of true feelings, put it in a traditional love movie, this is definitely the moment of reunion.

The man took a step back subconsciously, tactically protecting the hot free lunch, as if afraid of being snatched away, and slipped away like a thief.

"Please wait—" Tsuchiya Hongliang exhausted all his strength, but found that he could only call softly.

"You, what's the matter with you?" Yin Ze asked warily.

"No, it's nothing, just, just, I want to tell you..." Tsuchiya Hiroyoshi hesitated and spoke incoherently, feeling that his body was out of his control.

Master Yin looked at the pain clothes again, remembered something, and suddenly ran away.

"Wait, wait, why did you run away? No, I have no malicious intentions!"

Facing the figure that was getting farther and farther away, Ah Liang grabbed his clothes and let out a heartbreaking sound.


He really deserves to be my single pusher, even running so handsomely.

No.40 Chapter [-] I will not be polite

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen. Now it's not easy to be a voice actor. Not only must the image be excellent, but also sing and dance. Although the improvement of the standard makes the entertainment performance more exciting, I just don't know whether it is good or bad." Takemoto Kang Hong picked up a piece of tonkatsu, feeling a lot of emotion.

"The turmoil in King of Idol 2 is a natural disaster for Mr. Yin." Taishi Nishiya drank barley tea calmly.

"As the saying goes, fortune and misfortune depend on each other, at least cut off the despicable plan of a certain agent who wanted me to sell my charm." Yin Ze chuckled.

"Haha, old thief Takemoto, you're so shy and introverted. At this age, there are actually smiling face rice balls in the bento, such as rabbit and fish cakes to coax children." Shi Yuanli also suddenly discovered the blind spot, and couldn't help it. Tease out loud.

"Is it funny? My wife made it for me." Takemoto Yasuhiro asked back, "Do you have any?"

"Unreasonable! Something is wrong with you!"

"Look at this knife, it's just the size of a bite, and the tenderness is already on the outside. Look at this pork, how well fried it is, it's charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and it tastes delicious after one bite. It's so good to be married." Yasuhiro Takemoto Pretentiously tasting the food.

"What does it have to do with marriage? Isn't the meat delicious because the pig is well developed?" Shi Yuanli also hummed heavily.

"Why is it the same teriyaki chicken drumstick rice, yours has more meat than mine?" Yin Ze frowned.

"But I think it's almost the same. They are all products made on the same line." Taishi Nishiwu tried to compare.

"This bowl of yours may have been made by a senior chef. The cut method is neat, and the side dishes are also carefully arranged. I think you are a person with professional pursuits. I have a heartfelt request. I would like to try the old craftsman. The gap with novices." Yin Ze said seriously.

"Teacher Yin, please go ahead." Taishi Nishiwu thought to himself, isn't this all inclusive?But he was an honest man, and he granted the request.

The man happily picked up a small piece of meat, gave a few vague compliments, and then turned to Supervisor Takemoto.

"A real chef is one who can turn ordinary ingredients into delicacies and turn decay into magic. Your tonkatsu exudes the warmth of the family. On the dining table of single dogs, it shines like fireflies in the night. I have three times in my life. Wishing, one is to travel thousands of miles, one is to read thousands of books, and the other is to taste all kinds of flavors. I have a heartless request, and I dare to taste the true taste of this dragon-level killer tonkatsu."

"A strong man is no better than other mediocre people, knowing that this is a rare treasure in the world." Takemoto Yasuhiro said with satisfaction, and generously shared a small piece.

The man ate a good free lunch, and the hunter continued to look for the target.

"Supervisor Ishihara is known as one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Kyoto. His aesthetic style is naturally extraordinary, and his diet must also be very philosophical. I have a heartfelt request..."

"You're here to browse the buffet." Shi Yuanli was also much shrewd, and quickly took defensive measures against the meat dishes in the lunch box.

Tsuchiya Hongliang who was sitting by the side was in a complicated mood.

Unexpectedly, these dream builders who have a very high status in their hearts are actually intriguing and colluding with each other for a small piece of tenderloin.

"Hey, it's really a great fortune in my life to be able to sit with all the teachers today. I asked Takizawa-san to forgive me for being rude and rude before. A small gift is not a respect." A Liang took out the beautifully packaged box from his backpack again.

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