"Oh, this... come here as soon as you come, why don't you bring a Yueguiguan Daiginjo?" The man could accurately see the essence of the gift at a glance, declined several times sincerely and falsely, and finally accepted it reluctantly.

After Xiong Xinan delivered the gift and apologized, he suddenly didn't know what to say.The excitement seemed to be stuck.

What he feels now is like visiting relatives during a holiday, and coming to the home of relatives and friends. The elders are chatting and playing mahjong, and he is sitting and waiting in a proper manner, even a little boring... No, it shouldn't be, the person in front of him They are all bigwigs in the industry and popular voice actors, how could they feel like this?

"May I ask why Takizawa-san appeared here?" Hiroaki Tsuchiya was extremely curious.

"Have you been watching "Bingguo"?" someone said.

"Of course! Every episode must be followed! The broadcast never fails!" Tsuchiya Hongliang was full of confidence.

"There was an accident in the middle of a part of the animation, so they asked me to help. The missing part is almost filled in, and I feel like I can finish it the day after tomorrow."


"I can understand your doubts now, but it's more complicated to explain in detail, but the fact is that he is helping us draw animation." Takemoto Yasuhiro saw the blank expression on Xiong Shinan's face, and thought of himself yesterday, feeling a little empathetic .

"There are precedents for voice actors to participate in animation, but most of them are easter eggs and fun, which are often used as an addition. I wonder what Takizawa-san drew this time?" Hiroyoshi Tsuchiya cheered up again.

"I don't have a specific number, but counting the previous ones, it would add up to several hundred." The man thought for a while.


Feelings are not acting in friendship, but really punching in and going to work?

"Why don't you open the wine yet?" Shi Yuanli also pointed to the Daiginjo on the table, licked his lips, deliberately put on the disguise of a hunter, "I have an unfeeling request..."

"What does this mean? A gentleman doesn't take what others like. Forgive me for refusing." Yin Ze vibrated cleanly.

"What do you mean by seizing someone's favor? I just want to open a bottle and share the gift that others gave us." Shi Yuanli also said innocently.

"These words are interesting. They were clearly given to me by others, so why did they suddenly become everyone's?" Yin Ze snorted softly.

"Did Mr. Tuwu know that you would be here in advance? I don't know. When he came, his main purpose was to interview the first studio, so the gifts he prepared were all for the studio, and you appeared by chance. Yes, it is not in other people's gift list at all, so this bottle of wine was originally bought for us, and you just happened to cut it off, so we have the orthodox inheritance right." Shi Yuanli also distorted the facts.

"It's disrespectful. Why do you emphasize us? Although I'm just an outsourcer who leaves for a few days, as long as I sit at my desk, I'm a member of everyone. Supervisor Ishihara is creating confrontation and contradictions, but No way. I will report this matter to Director Kigami later, so you should reflect on yourself." Yin Ze said solemnly.

"Since you are a member of everyone, it would be even better if you admit that you are one of us. Quickly open the box and share it together."


Master Yin bound himself in a cocoon and couldn't get out of it.I had no choice but to unpack the package silently, bring paper cups for everyone, and pour them one by one.

Supermarket bento, roasted pork, pork chops, expensive wine and powerful industry figures, a daily lunch already has the atmosphere of a private reception.

Hongliang Tsuchiya never imagined that he could be like an acquaintance, and exchange drinks with everyone.After graduating from university, he resigned and started his own business after being a member of the commune for a period of time, and rarely socialized.Now it seems very serious, often have to stand up and bow to pay tribute, hold the cup in both hands a notch lower, and always drink more than the other party.

"Sit, sit. This wine is still yours, why are you so polite. We are all friends." Yin Ze saw that the other party was inexplicably nervous, so he couldn't help but greet him kindly.

"Then, that, can I interview you later?" Tsuchiya Hongliang asked cautiously.

"Should I ask the agent first? It's so troublesome." The man pondered.

"Ah, I was abrupt, sorry, sorry." Tsuchiya Hongliang lowered his head.

"So don't make it so troublesome. For interviews or something, just chat." The man smiled, "Don't use honorifics, it's long and inefficient. It's two shoulders against one head, and I'm not What is worthy of respect, everyone is of the same generation, don't make it like a big star doing interviews."

Tsuchiya Hongliang was slightly stunned, and suddenly seemed to understand how this strange feeling came about.

According to expectations, it was supposed to be a slightly more serious meeting, with a sense of social distance full of etiquette.But the atmosphere at the dinner table is like a club activity.

Although it is still a bit difficult to understand, it sounds like the other party has just arrived in Kyoto Animation to help, so why can he get along with these industry elites without distinction.An animation supervisor is an existence that is ruthless to both himself and the production team. The pursuit of high-quality works must have an uncompromising persistence. To a certain extent, he is very stubborn.

Basic etiquette in this country is like an invisible wall of the heart. Everyone is kind and magnanimous. In this environment that pays attention to reading atmosphere, if you use too much force, you will cause people to slander.

But that person blended in so harmoniously.


After the meal, there is a short lunch break.The employees either flattened the chairs to take a nap, or seized the time to do individual exercises without taking a breath. There are still more hardworking and simple people in the world.

Peace has returned to the studio on the third floor.

"Eat candies?" Yin Ze grabbed a handful of candies from his pocket, with the generosity of a missionary, "Big White Rabbit, authentic imported goods, authentic, the taste of childhood!"

But I never saw this brand when I was a child.Tsuchiya Hongliang scratched his head, but accepted it gratefully.

"How is it, where is brother?" Yin Ze peeled off the packaging, ate one, and asked relaxedly.

"I'm a freelancer." Hiroshi Tsuchiya paused and introduced himself softly, "I run my own blog, I also make videos, and I also participated in some comics and GalGames of fan clubs."

"That's good. You should like this field, right?" Yin Ze nodded.

"Yes, I loved reading novels and animations when I was studying, and I started working after graduation, but my life in the workplace was not smooth, and I had an unpleasant fight with the seniors in the company. I was reckless and simply resigned." Hiroshi Tsuchiya was a little embarrassed, "At that time, I didn't dare to tell my family members, for fear of being accused of not doing my job properly and disappointing them."

"But you can get an interview here, which means that this freelance job is not bad?" Yin Ze said with a smile.

"Yes. I can be regarded as a leading personal media worker. I have a lot of fans and my income is at the average level in the news investigation report." Hiroshi Tsuchiya mentioned these with a little confidence, "I still think about it now, should I Let’s build a team and seek better development.”

"It's a great thing to turn a hobby into a job without professional training, and I'm also happy for you." Yin Ze said, "Should your family recognize it?"

"...No, there are still people who are criticized, and the elders don't agree." Tsuchiya Hongliang reluctantly said.

"Why?" Yin Ze was puzzled.

"Because I'm an otaku." Tsuchiya Hiroshi intertwined his fingers and said slowly, "My father is naturally from the bubble era. At that time, all walks of life in society didn't like Otaku very much, even now. "

"Is it so serious?" Yin Ze clasped his hands, "It's obviously just an inherent impression. There are good people and bad people in every group, isn't it?"

"Maybe because I am my own child, I don't want to be associated with those negative impressions. This country still has stubborn and rigid thinking concepts. The atmosphere of public opinion is a very sharp knife, which is always held in the hands of the public. to a small number of people."

Tsuchiya Hongliang said in a low voice.

"When I was in elementary school and middle school...well, I was bullied. The reason was probably fat and short. At that time, I had no one to talk to, so I played GalGame. The world in the game is very good, no So many unlucky things, but playing the beautiful girl game made me feel inferior in the class, so I was alienated, so I played the game, and the cycle continued.”

"But Mr. Tuwu seems to be a reliable person, and he is also very talkative." Yin Ze said.

"After all, I have studied so many literary works." Hiroaki Tsuchiya said embarrassingly, "And the image, don't make fun of me. I used to say hello to the female students in the class, and I was said to be disgusting."

"It's probably because of the coercion of the so-called 'air'. Otherwise, if we get along well with you, we will be brutally placed in the bullied team." Yin Ze shook his head.

"Actually, regarding this, I also went to a game meeting in the early years. At that time, there was a character I liked very much. When I met the female voice actress of the character, I said that I liked it very much and would support the sequel, but it was also said It's disgusting." Tsuchiya Hiroshi sighed, "It was really uncomfortable at that time, after all, it was said by the voice that was exactly the same as the character I like. I also didn't understand, obviously I didn't do anything wrong, but I wanted to treated like this."

"But you are still engaged in related work, you should have your own answer." Yin Ze said.

"Yes. It is true that due to entertainment and commerce, the flood of products that are difficult to be accepted by the mainstream in the market has also increased some prejudices, but apart from these exaggerated things, Anime also has wonderful things. At least, I remember it deeply. The most important thing is the surprise and touch it brings...the fantasy of giant robots, the adventures of the chosen children, and some bloody and peaceful principles that even simple children can understand."

Tsuchiya Hiroshi said with a smile.

"In addition, the topic of voice acting just mentioned...Because in the past, this was not a glamorous industry. Some radio stations and actors participated in animation dubbing and even hid it. For that person, this was a compromise for life. , without goals other than rewards, it is only natural to be angry if I interrupt you hastily."

"Now it's developing more and more behind the scenes." The man rubbed his chin.

"Then why did Takizawa-san become a voice actor?" Tsuchiya Hiroshi finally asked.

"At first it was because of some coincidences, but gradually I found it quite interesting, now." The man chuckled, "I met a kid before, and I spoke lines to him with the voice in the animation, and his face flushed with joy. In his view, I am the incarnation of a hero. Us adults, our blood has cooled, and being a good person is enough, let alone becoming a hero that makes children look forward to it? This is also a special gift that can be enjoyed as a seiyuu .”

"So that's the case, so what's your future prospect?" Tsuchiya Hongliang's eyes brightened.

"I have two desires." Yin Ze said very seriously, raised his finger and said, "The first one is to be a hero among heroes, to voice the Giant of Light or Kamen Rider!"

"It's great." Hiroshi Tsuchiya clenched his fists, He Hui is still a teenager, and his pure ice and snow desire is admirable, "I think it's not just about giving voice, you have the conditions for a real person to play! Then the second one is what?"

"Become the hero of the harem."


After a few seconds.

"Why are you showing this expression? Don't you want to?" Yin Ze asked back.

"Uh, I think, of course I want to, but, it's just that this turning point is too blunt, and I'm a little caught off guard." Hiroshi Tsuchiya paused for a few seconds, "So, what do you think is the most satisfying role you've played so far? Woolen cloth?"

"Nobuyuki Sugo."


"Haha, just kidding, it's naturally El Reido, after all, it's his debut work, the origin and beginning of everything."

"...Why did you say it so reluctantly, and still grit your teeth?"

"I see that you are wearing the pain clothes of the Spring Horse of the Heavenly Courtyard. I think you are an old fan. Don't you really know the reason why I am in this field?" Yin Ze narrowed his eyes.

"Hey, I personally think that "Hyoka" will be a turning point in your career, it will be a masterpiece, and Oreki Houtaro will also be a label-like character." Tsuchiya Hiroaki said firmly, "This may be because of being famous since childhood and becoming super popular. The first step of a voice actor, I still have some vision in this regard.”

"My agent will definitely be very happy to hear such a judgment, but it doesn't matter to me. From now on, it will be more meaningful to me to participate in works of this quality." Yin Ze said calmly.

"Other people say this, maybe it's a scene, but I believe you are sincere." Tsuchiya Hongliang said, he felt that the person in front of him was the same as the outside, "Well, I want to talk about a more personal topic..."

"Not in love." Yin Ze replied in seconds.

"How did you know I wanted to ask this?!" Tsuchiya Hiroshi was shocked.

"Come on, brother, do you still need to guess? This kind of gossip will never be returned to the version." Yin Ze disdains.

"A character like Takizawa-san must have many suitors." Hiroaki Tsuchiya pushed the boat smoothly, "On the radio, he also seems to have a lot of experience in dating."

"Unfortunately, I haven't met anyone who confessed so far."

"...Who will end up with a straight ball as soon as it comes up?"

"Then how do I know she's interesting if she doesn't tell me?" Yin Ze frowned.

"Could someone with a dignified emotion not even notice this?" Tsuchiya Hongliang didn't believe it.

"Those words are all to fool you. How can there be so many layers of games? There is only one iron rule in playing friends. If you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it. Only young people who have not yet explored their confusion, what else will they believe? Communication tips, those are written by emotional bloggers to earn some pocket money." Yin Ze waved his hand.

"Are there any relatives and friends in the industry?" Tsuchiya Hongliang was curious.

"Makoto Matsuda and Nobunaga Shimadzu, and other things, I have a good relationship with the seniors in the office." Yin Ze pondered.

"Well, what about the opposite sex?" Tsuchiya Hongliang cast a rigorous and elegant look.

"Female colleagues... In terms of relatives, Matsuda and Shimadzu are not as close as they are," Yin Ze said.

"Thank you for talking to me about this." Tsuchiya Hiroaki breathed a sigh of relief. He raised his wrist and looked at the time. Since it would take several hours to drive back to Tokyo, it was time to leave.

"It's just a little effort, you don't need to be so polite, I am the one, thank you for the wine. And you usually support the works I participated in, right? Thank you for your kindness." Yin Ze cupped his fists in thanks.

Tsuchiya Hongliang showed a generous and naive smile, turned around and began to pack his things.

"By the way, before leaving—" Yin Ze suddenly looked at him and said, "I want to say that when you talk about the things you are good at and like, you look very confident."

"What?" Xiong Xian showed a surprised expression.

"Maybe sometimes we work hard but can't achieve the expected results, maybe sometimes we can't do it well, maybe there are many things that we can't control. But it doesn't matter."

The man gave this random encounter a thumbs up.

"There must be cracks in life, so that the sun can shine in. In the future, you must work hard. One day, you will be the pride of your family."

Tsuchiya Hongliang's expression changed a few times, he pursed his lips, and finally nodded vigorously.

"Well, next time, if it's still like this next time, if we meet by chance, if time and circumstances permit, can I treat you to dinner and drinks?" Xiong Xian asked softly.

"I won't be polite." The man waved his hand boldly.

"thank you……"

Tsuchiya Hongliang didn't stay any longer, he packed his things neatly, and left with big bags and small bags. Before going out, he turned around and waved his hands, saying goodbye in a very simple way.

Ten minutes later, Ah Liang was waiting for the train on the quiet platform.

Then, after such a long time, a feeling of being encouraged and moved and warm emerged from the bottom of my heart.

To be honest, even an otaku, becoming a powerful otaku, is not so easy to apply for a visit from Kyoto Animation.

I am not an outstanding person, not to mention whether I have perseverance, nor do I have the technology to enter the industry.So in the end I just became a viewer, an interpreter and a sharer.To the greatest extent, from this perspective, he moves forward with the things he loves.

Animation can be seen by children as well as adults, it is such a good thing.The intention of creation is common, to convey good hope to the world, regardless of the carrier and medium, I hope this matter can let more people know.

That person, that voice actor, that artist, is such an incredible and kind person.

Hiroshi Tsuchiya sighed again.

Tomorrow, we must continue to work hard.

No.40 Chapter [-] I want to go further

The past few days in Fushimi, Kyoto, are really leisurely and soothing.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been in the bustling center since the beginning, crowded with too many full-crowded subways, and crossing the zebra crossing is like a race-walking competition. The big screen in the square is always full of advertisements of handsome men and women, so that it’s a new day immediately after you blink and close your eyes. , too late to experience.When you come to this corner, you can really feel the time passing like gravel at your fingertips.

Work and rest from [-] to [-], paint in a quiet atmosphere with a sense of sight and familiarity, and after seven hours of full combustion, go to the river after work to hang out, be chased by egrets, and tease the corgi dog that the uncle leads for a walk, all right I also went to the mahjong parlor, used despicable card-recording methods, plundered the money from the aunts to buy cabbage, and looked out the window at the girls in school uniforms who had finished their club activities and returned home.

Riding the wind and breaking the waves is not often, and the firewood, rice, oil and salt are all there.

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