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Powerful power often comes with corresponding risks.

What does Schrödinger's life corridor rushing to 300% power mean?Look at the synchronization rate between Shinji-kun next door and the purple long-legged robot reaching 400%, and what happens when the magnetic field of the troubled Haihu brother is pushed to 100 million horses, you will probably be able to gradually understand it.

After sleeping for 8 hours and eating two servings of beef rice, Master Yin still felt a little weak, lacking the strength and vigor of ordinary late-comers who work hard to catch up with the late bus in the early morning.

At the familiar platform, the promotional poster of the beautiful girl remains the same.

"This is Yatsuhashi cake, a specialty of Kyoto, and some matcha snacks. Take them all. If you are free, come and walk more often. Tokyo is too crowded, and it is always tight on holidays." Masaki Kigami said Expressing reluctance, he handed over two packs of gifts.

"Are you okay?" Yin Ze asked worriedly after taking the heavy bag.

"It's okay, I just need to rest for a few days." Kigami Masaharu waved his hand, the plaster on his right hand was very conspicuous, "Leave the rest to Takemoto and others."

"...Yes, for example, as a dignified painting supervisor, I was ignored by my gorgeousness." Nishiya Taishi said speechlessly with his eyes half-opened.

"Haha, Brother Xiwu wants to show this kind of expression of being abandoned from beginning to end. Besides, the farce this time is all because of supervision. If you have anything to do, remember to ask him." Yin Ze said seriously.

"Takemoto has made two plans this time. One is random, and the other is to connect normally if he can't make it in time. After all, it's his unilateral ambition. Of course, it's not easy to ask you to increase the workload for nothing. Apart from my boss, He is also his master, so it is normal to help, while Brother Yin is taking orders, with reason and evidence.” Kigami Masaharu reassured, “So don’t feel like you have been abandoned.”

"...What Yoshida-san said before seems to have come true, and I really did one more episode." Taishi Nishiya sighed, then shook his head, showing a peaceful smile, "I don't have many people to work with this time, if there is a chance, I really want to sit next to you and see how you draw that scene."

"Okay, don't stick around, let's all go back, the car is coming soon. I have to talk to my manager when I go back, because it's a week longer than the scheduled vacation, and there are a lot of auditions in the middle. I want to dub the hot original painting that just came out." Yin Ze said.

"You are really a role model in the seiyuu world." Nishiya Taishi praised.I sincerely hope that this is just a special case, and that this route will not be followed in the future, otherwise, I will really pull the level of competition to a level that an industry should not have by myself.

"Agent? Voice actor?" Masaharu Kigami frowned, very confused, "What are you talking about? Isn't he the former art backbone of AQUAREENIX?"

"Oh, I almost forgot, you don't know the details yet. No, he is a registered voice actor of EmEnterprise, and he is quite active now. By the way, the most recent main role is "Hingguo", and he plays the male lead." Westinghouse Taizhi explained slowly.

"???" The old painter was completely confused.

"Uh, the train is here, so I'm leaving first." The railroad tracks in the distance rumbled, and the train was slowly moving in. Yin Ze picked up two packages of special products he was full of heart, stepped into the compartment in a few steps, and waved goodbye.

The train quickly went away, gradually accelerated, and soon disappeared from sight.

Masaharu Kigami watched the train, and remembered the scenes of his own entry and departure in Beijing in the past. His mother and childhood sweethearts must have stood in such a position back then.What a strange guy, although he has only been together for more than ten days, he has the illusion that he has been with him for a long time.Even, from him, he saw his former self, the young man who let go of his shackles, stayed away from his hometown, and went forward indomitably.


Yin Ze leaned on the back of the chair, the high-speed train was steady and fast, with only a slight vibration.What followed was a few hours of boring driving, plus taking the bus, and it was already afternoon when I returned to the kennel, and it was almost evening.

He took out his mobile phone and clicked on the various software that was completely immersed in the battle, which resulted in him not being touched for seven or eight days.

The first is to click on the boat tour to collect the expedition.Then there is the Twitter account, which does not update the news for more than ten days. For a high-intensity surfer like him, it is almost like the Internet is missing. I completed self-rescue and evolution within a few days, and started to share graphic and text links in the comment area by myself to pass on the torch. For a while, there may be treasures buried in the comment area under each dynamic, and it is time to start the era of great navigation and the wave of gold rush.Afterwards, netizens who saw stupid people and stupid things also joined in, spreading funny jokes.Discussing historical issues also formed a school of its own.

The smart netizens took off the cloak of reaching out to the party, and completed the feat of transforming the silent Twitter account into a forum.

The most helpless among them are passer-by female fans who are attracted by the beauty of the tweeter. Since the tweeter seldom takes selfies, they are too lazy to accept interviews, let alone appear on camera.As a result, there are only formula photos, promotional photos of radio dramas, and a few screenshots of events, which can't form any combat power. They can only hide their strengths and bide their time, dormant and forbearing, waiting to occupy the top of the Twitter account one day in the future.

In the king's fiefdom, smoke is everywhere, and chaotic officials are rampant.

The man was very speechless. He quickly saved the photos shared by netizens, edited them, and released them immediately.This kind of despicable behavior of purchasing in the comment area and re-exporting it was quickly discovered. Everyone was happy and sad. The surprise tweeter remembered the password, and the sad tweeter no longer had the stock of exquisite photos.

Finally open Line.

Most of the unread messages of the car maintenance man and the pure moon man are what to eat on the day off, what to play on the day off, are you pretending to be a master behind my back if you don’t talk?

The mature and prudent adult has only been looking for it a few times, and his words are quite polite. He doesn't know what happened, maybe he wants to hide his true thoughts and don't want to be seen through, so he imitated the thinking of this Texas Hold'em player.

The news of Haneda truth is a trivial matter, such as cooking, such as nonsensical anecdotes with younger brothers.

The manager is very restrained, just saying that life is good, don't let it get you down, if you really go to Hokkaido to start a business, the big deal is to go all out on your own, just pay more attention to the main character of the R18 game...

good!Unexpectedly, there is such a surprise!I must take a screenshot immediately for future reference!

Mana Hidaka behaved similarly to Sakura-san, and it was here that the man learned that he was about to attend an offline meet-and-greet.sad.

After the messages are processed sequentially.

"Tyrannosaurus rex and the Philosopher's Stone: I tried to draw again before, but I didn't hold a pen for a while, it would be very unfamiliar. Untitled picture 1.JPG"

"Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Sorcerer's Stone: After Bingguo is done recording, we will have a meal to celebrate. Let me treat you this time."

Yin Ze typed on the virtual keyboard.

"Tauren Chief: That's excellent."

"Tyrannosaurus rex and the Philosopher's Stone:?? I was willing to go online and replied. I thought this was an added job account."

"Tauren Chief: Just busy."

"T-Rex and the Sorcerer's Stone: Oh, it means I'm too lazy to go back."

"The tauren chief: I'm so busy that I don't even have time to look at my phone."

"Tyrannosaurus rex and the Philosopher's Stone: A person's usual behavior will affect his future credit. In my thinking, you should not be too busy to look at the reality of your phone. Let's admit it honestly !"

"Tauren chieftain: I have evidence!"

"T-Rex and the Sorcerer's Stone: Empty Talk!"

"The Tauren Chief: The last episode of "Bingguo" is my gift to you."

"T-Rex and the Philosopher's Stone: Huh?"

"The tauren chief: You'll know when the time comes, heh heh. After dubbing together, you have to remember to sit on the live broadcast of the TV station, and the replay will not be new."

Putting down the phone, looking at the field scenery flashing by outside the window, the man squinted his eyes and fell asleep again.


A few hours later, Yin Ze returned to the rented house with all his bags, and first changed his clothes, took a shower, and rested for a while.

Only then sat down at the table and took out the diary with an old cover.

——Takizawa Satoru's name will appear at the end.The people who participated in the production are all good people with dreams in their hearts. In some ways, they are simpler than children and have courage.This animation is excellent, and I did my best at the end.The rest, unfinished regrets, I finally made up for it.

After writing a short line, Yin Ze put down the pen and closed the diary.

The contents of this notebook, from learning to society, with the joint efforts of two people from different worlds, finally wrote to the end, and it was also the last paragraph just now, which happened to be the last paragraph.

I have thought about whether to find a clean and beautiful place and burn it to the distance with flames.But after thinking about it for a long time, I put it back in the drawer.

The past and the future, parting and arrival, the momentary reunion, all the secrets are hidden in different handwriting and pen and ink.After writing the remaining half, this is also my own.

Just put it here.

Until the day when I miss it again.

The man sighed, and the wind outside the window blew away his sigh and a touch of melancholy.He rubbed his stomach, grabbed the keys and rode the hot blonde for a long run.


Yin Ze hurried upstairs carrying the plastic bag and knocked on Xiangyuejiang's door.

"I have eaten bento and rice bowls for several days. I miss your craftsmanship so much, little sister. This is a live duck brought back from the market. Let us chug it, first boil the hot water and pull it out..." The man held his pocket , the duck was restrained, and it was uttering its last words quackingly.

"Knocking on the door of an underage girl's room in such a hurry is not very good, even if you take raw poultry and ginger, onion and garlic as a cover." The beautiful Shanliu Shengqinghua stood behind the door.

"Ah, in the middle... the granddaughter of the teaching director, you are also here, are you here for the forced meeting today?" Yin Ze was a little surprised, "How is the old man, the director?"

"It must have been a bad life. Because he was addicted to playing games, the console was given to his cousin by his unbearable grandma. Now I am very sad."

"Hey, it's just playing video games, why is it so?"

"Mainly for a GalGame CG, I will try and make mistakes all night to pass the level."

"Well... After all, you are getting older, you still have to pay attention to your body."

"You came back today?"

"Huh? How do you know I didn't come back yesterday?"

"Because I came here a few days ago and you didn't move at all... Come in, it's just that there are not many slippers."

A tomorrow that will surely come, an unknown future.

Start with this rustic dinner.

brotherly love

"This documentary is well-produced and very popular. Now we are looking for a Japanese replacement for the third season. I don't know, is there any hero who is willing to participate in the audition and capture the flag?" Kashiwa Ippei sat on the sofa, holding The momentum of the materials is like an emperor holding a memorial, speaking words with weight and bearing.

There was silence in the hall, and no one responded.

"Okay, then let me, a social animal whose liver cirrhosis is in sight, come to me." Bai Jingyi said flatly, "Little White Dragon in the Waves, let you fight this battle, how about it?"

Yin Ze silently looked around at the rest area of ​​the office where only he existed, and said to save face, "I'm not sure about this matter either."

"How can you hurt your ambition? Why don't you think about it the other way around?" The manager was displeased.

"I'm not sure about this either," the man said again.

"Okay, you naughty dragon, you took half a month's leave without saying a word, missed so many high-quality opportunities, and no one answered your phone calls. After I came back, I was the waiter for Coke Fried Chicken, and now I am still hesitant to do things. What should I do? What did you do to make you disrespect me so much?" Kashiwa Ippei snorted, "Is it so difficult for you to pat your chest and say that you will succeed immediately and issue a military order?"

"Do you still remember the consequences of my last military order?" Yin Ze asked.

"I don't remember that." Kashiwa Ippei shook his head honestly.

"After listening to your suggestion, I participated in King of Idol 2, which made me look for you on the streets of Shinjuku. Do you remember?" Yin Ze flipped through the old story.

"...I don't remember that." Kashiwa Ippei shook his head with a guilty conscience as his eyes drifted away.

"It doesn't matter, I care about another matter, and there is evidence, you can't pretend to be stupid." Yin Ze took out a screenshot of the Line chat interface, and said excitedly, "Where is my R18 notice? Where is it? I can't wait to use it The vest of the 'Dark Fear', it is the first time to set foot in the mysterious and chaotic inner world!"

"Oh, this matter, don't worry, I always do what I say, and I really asked for you." Kashiwa Ippei waved his hand smartly, "There was a top-notch sequel called "Snow Color Album 2" before. , After I heard about it, I made a special trip to ask for the opportunity.”

"Okay! You are finally willing to make a move!" Yin Ze was overjoyed after hearing this, and even used his honorific title, and hurriedly asked, "Then when will I participate in the competition? Even if I fight hard, I will fight for the main player."

"Because of the schedule, I let Matsuda go." Kashiwai Ippei said.

"Why did he take care of all these good things?" Yin Ze was upset, "Last time, he was also given the role of a perverted priest in the harem. What about the follow-up, has it been settled?"

"It fell short, and I didn't get it." Kashiwai Ippei said regretfully.

"Haha, I'm still younger, so let me, the social Neptune, no, a master of the Neptune go." Yin Ze's eyes brightened again.

"This is a bit difficult, because the audition was over 2 years ago, and the game has been released for a long time. The only thing that has not been settled is the faction between the fans of the two female characters." Kashiwai Ippei nodded.

"Do you think you are very humorous? Show me the pancake painting from the previous dynasty?" Yin Ze gripped his phone tightly.

"The big deal is "Snow Color Album 3" let you play, besides, I just want to express that I also have some connections and resources in the GalGame world." Kashiwai said calmly, "And I also want you to know, yes As far as seiyuu is concerned, opportunities are fleeting, even for super popular ranks. Those heavyweight dramas and characters are hard to come by, so there is no reason for people to choose? You run away? In a short period of time, I missed a lot of good opportunities. Alas, there are really too many monks. Therefore, in order to stand out in the cruel competition..."

"It must have a different quality?" Yin Ze answered.

"That's right, then do you want to save face or face?" Kashiwa Ippei asked.

"Since it's destiny, it's natural to have a bright face and a real heart." Yin Ze nodded.

"That's right. I've heard your singing skills in radio dramas. It's all about emotions. Why don't you just find an opportunity to make your debut by singing the first OP. I'm watching those idolized voice actors, but in general, there are only those who avoid the edge in front of you. share."

Kashiwa Ippei made an impassioned speech.

"As for the inner world and the harem fan you mentioned? After you wear starlight, it will not be a problem at all! Everyone wants to see the pure person fall into the maze world of luxury. Just imagine the popular male voice actor who is clear and chaotic Guo Lan Si, how exciting is it to play the role of a gentle and bitter master? This kind of high-profile publicity is not something that ordinary people can resist, and if there is a market, there will be business. Worry about no chance? First dominate the world of watches, and then climb to the top of the world, when the time comes to control light and shade, combine Tai Chi, and create an unbroken legend in the industry.

"...You have this kind of speech ability, so don't stoop to being a broker, hurry up and write PPT to cheat investment." Yin Ze was shocked, "But I still want to learn from real talents, not become a pink skeleton."

"This is too self-effacing. Your bitter love songs are full of charm. You haven't lost love several times, but you can't sing that taste. Isn't that considered real skill?" Kashiwa Ippei comforted.

"But I think that we can start from the aspect of painting. If I can take care of the original painting, animation, background and other links, I will be a voice actor who can help with the draft. Isn't this cost-effective and competitive? There will be production companies that don't like it. ?” Yin Ze said tentatively.

"This is not completely impossible." Kashiwa Ippei pretended to be thinking, "But for you, for a dubbing salary, you have to help out with painting? Just kidding, what kind of person are you? I still don't know? By then I must find all kinds of excuses!"

"You really understand me." Yin Ze nodded, "However, we need to analyze the specific situation. If the other party is a passionate dream-building team, who is noble, and who is holding the rope for the fetters, I will still help, just like this Same time."

"You, you are too ambitious. Before, you talked about going to Hokkaido to open an outsourcing company, and you also cooperated with a certain painter to do hard work, and you didn't make any money. This time, you said that you will do the painting. Next time, I will talk about overnight. I’ve moved into the Louvre.” Kashiwa Ippei couldn’t help but laugh, “But I still appreciate the humor and optimism of this life.”

"What if daydreams come true?"

"From then on, I will never mention the word 'idol' in front of the Emperor of the Sea! I will never interfere with fishing! Career planning is all up to you! You can go to the audition if you want, cut first and then play, the manager's permission!"

"Okay! It's a word!" Yin Ze raised the free boiled water on the table, as carefree as an ancient hero.

"The third speed in the universe is hard to catch!" Kashiwa Ippei also picked up the teacup with both hands and drank it down in one gulp.

"Big cause!"

"Big cause!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

The man clinked glasses with the manager successfully, smiling all over his face, as if he was enjoying himself.

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