"There are no dramas this season, but you can't take it easy. There is an offline event, so go." Kashiwa Ippei wiped his mouth.

"I've heard from Senior Rigao." Yin Ze nodded, "It's just that I still don't know why even an insignificant supporting role like me is going."

"For activities, of course, the more complete the lineup, the better. There's nothing to say. Quan is helping Matsuda." Kashiwa Ippei said slowly, "Although he won the rookie award because of the small twists and turns before, but this time is also I didn’t meet a good character. Fortunately, Sword Saint Realm is really hot enough. The second phase has been confirmed, and there will be games and so on. "

"It seems that this is the first time for me to do activities with him." Yin Ze thought for a while, and said happily, "With him in the picture, everyone won't just focus on persecuting me, right?"

"... Are you really friends?" Kashiwa Ippei was speechless.


is the day.

Master Yin is on a long-term meal ticket, and the super-long story is provided to the set of the animation "The Crying Little Pineapple", and he routinely voices the durian senior.After finishing his work and greeting many elderly seniors, the man wearing the most expensive Sakura jacket in the closet brushed his hair, put on his helmet, and galloped all the way on a blond ocean horse.

Alas, Tokyo is indeed full of comparisons and impatience everywhere. Look, just as I was on the road, I encountered provocations from ignorant students.

On the street, an ordinary middle school student quietly stared at the man in the helmet with Yamahe R6 on his crotch.

"The Encounter Road is narrow, and it's you again. Why, go to tutoring today?" Yin Ze's deep and charming voice came from under the helmet, "It's a pity that I have business today, and I won't let you go 100 meters. But even if I let you My opponent, hahaha."

"Tsk, isn't it just a few pennies to trade for a mount? What's there to be proud of?" The middle school student gritted his teeth.

"Sorry, it's really great to be rich. But I think you don't understand such a profound truth." Yin Ze sighed artificially, "When I was 12 years old, I drank a cup of Americano coffee and thought I had tasted the spring of capitalists. Boy, are you right? The cognition of the world has not yet been fully established. When going out to play, there is access control, and you will blush when you talk to female classmates. That’s it, it’s too early to surpass me. What’s the use of pedaling fast? Have you seen "A Love in the Sky"? ? That's the right way for a rider to open."

"I think some people just bully the weak and fear the strong." The middle school student said disdainfully, "You have the ability to beat the one on your left."

Yin Ze looked to the left.

A crimson Ferrari Enzo, with the brilliance of money and the fragrance of successful people flowing from the body.The driver is a calm man with a face as deep as the sea.The co-pilot sat a well-dressed girl who was constantly trying to get along with the owner.

The traffic lights flashed, Enzo started, the sound of the engine roared, shaking like a red dragon, and the red shadow went away.

"Hmph, little bourgeois, I think he can't beat the second-hand Santana when he really runs." Master Yin criticized, "And you too, you are young and imposing. Although I have two wheels less than him, I am still Automatically, how about you?"

"I have a girlfriend." The middle school student said inscrutablely.

"Generally speaking, only those who have not made achievements in their careers and studies will use such a normal and trivial thing as having a girlfriend as talk and show off." Yin Ze smiled, "Happiness is short-lived , you'd better study hard, or just finish the college entrance examination and separate the two places, maybe we will break up."

"I don't think my eldest brother is driving a car, nor is he happy to be in a relationship. Could it be that you are the one who has neither a career nor a girlfriend in the words just now?" The middle school student was surprised, "You still said that you have business today? Is it work? Why are you unhappy? Is it because you don’t like it? Why do you still do it if you don’t like it? Is it involuntary?”

"Children are rampant! I respect you for provoking my savage four-cylinder engine many times with a home-grown bicycle. I didn't expect to be so presumptuous!" !"

"Who can compare with you? Today I went to participate in the Sword Sanctuary event with my girlfriend who has the same hobbies." The middle school student snorted.

"I didn't expect you to watch this too, so do you know Nobuyuki Sugo?" The man's voice suddenly became elegant.

"Of course, it's just a clown who plays tricks on other people's feelings."

"In fact, we are on the way, but your bicycle seems inconvenient to carry people. Why don't you let your girlfriend sit on the back of my motorcycle? Let me also feel how handsome Dehua was back then?"



Of course, Master Yin did not go with the bicycle boy in the end, everything was just a joke.

When he arrived at the venue, he locked the car cautiously, swiped his face and entered the backstage.

The moment you enter the rest room.

The man saw the friend who was huddled in the corner and did not dare to join the lively girls' club next door.

Matsuda sincerely saw his companion, although he knew about it a long time ago, he still couldn't help showing some joy.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Yin Ze immediately closed the door again, cutting off the other party's hope.

I'm sorry, brother, today I'm trying to get rid of some bad reviews.If every event becomes the bottom of the food chain, there is really no turning back.

Yin Ze sighed in his heart, and walked away humming a little tune with his hands behind his back.

"Junior?" A voice sounded.

"Senior Rigao, we meet again." Yin Ze raised his hand in response.

What does the second word have to do with me?

Strictly speaking, Hidaka Mana-senpai is closely related to her short career, at least so far.

She has her shadow in both her debut and the main character, and she even made a small contribution to becoming a rising star in N Station Ghost and Animal II Creation.

Although she is of the same generation as Sakura-san, I always subconsciously assume that she is more mature and stable.When we met for the first time, I had the illusion of facing HR directly. In the later work together, I had a high-intensity line-up. I never thought that a high school girl would have the upper hand in all kinds of dark duels with people from Lipai society. The brand of scissors, making someone a branded warrior.

Master Yin will feel a little bit emotional when he is defeated.

She, who surpasses the average peers, has a childhood and youth?

Seeing each other again today, it seems that she has grown again.

The top is waist-tight, and the design style has elements of the Victorian era, adding a little formality to the category of casual clothes. The black long skirt is affixed with small sequins, which is very smart when walking and attracts attention.Exquisite and accurate makeup, I don't know if it's me or with the help of Staff, it's the first time I've seen it break away from the bland and partial thick line, and the lips are bright and rosy.

It's the kind of pretty person who can't help looking back at his girlfriend's resentful gaze after seeing it in bustling business districts such as Shinjuku and Shibuya.It is also a kind of beauty that has a sense of distance from school classrooms and clubs.

...Ah, but yes, she and Sakura-san will both be college students after this winter.Never look at it through the eyes of a middle school girl.

Thinking of this, the man felt a little regret like the waves of a mirror lake.

I used to think that drinking alcohol is not enough to let you go home, secretly looking at the back of your sweetheart is the happiest.However, youth is a great time that can never be turned back, just like a heavy rain, short and intense.

I don’t know if the juniors leaned against the window, listened to the long and short neighing of the cicadas, watched the green ivy slowly climb over the high wall, did they find tenderness in the graduation season when the sun polished the parting? The senior wants a button.Have you ever fantasized about throwing yourself into someone's arms on a windy night when there is no one around?

You don't have to be so busy, and you don't have to look like an adult, but it's totally fine.

Who wants to grow up again.

He is upright, and there are faint dark circles under his eyes. While doing a good job in his career, he must continue to live as a student. It must be very tiring.In fact, at this age, the opposite is true.

"Why do you look like the teacher in charge who has witnessed the eighteen changes in the students in the past?" Hidaka Aina didn't say a word when she saw this person, her eyes were full of loving care, and she frowned dissatisfiedly, then looked down at herself, "Or Is it weird to say that my outfit doesn't match today?"

"No, no, it's very suitable. This kind of unripe charm is the same level of natural beauty as the moment of sunrise." Yin Ze spread his hands and explained.

"What kind of izakaya greasy uncle's accent is used to talk to seniors." Hidaka Mana clasped her hands, putting on a familiar air.

"I'm very sorry. In order to express my apology, please accept my authentic imported white rabbit toffee." Yin Ze took out the snack that everyone loves from his pocket. He has devoted himself to Amway's childhood memories in recent days.

"Why do you carry this with you, it's too childish." Hidaka Mana said so, but actually accepted it well.

Sure enough, she was still a young girl.

"Compared to handing cigarettes, I suddenly found that giving sugar can quickly shorten the distance with professionals. It seems that everyone has returned to the time when they were in the production team, and each other was a kid in underpants at the grocery store counter. What a wonderful time. " Yin Ze said with longing.

"Well, it's delicious...but it has to be replaced with the throat lozenges specially used by our voice actors." Hidaka Mana commented on the sticky texture.

"You are too serious, even eating lump candy has to be related to work." Yin Ze taught unwillingly, "From now on, until we are 70 or [-] years old, we will have to spend time at work. One The gears are spinning dry, and sooner or later they will get stuck, and we have to learn to combine work and rest. You might as well learn from satisfying your appetite first."

"If I learn from you, it will become a fusion of Yi and Yi." Hidaka Mana said disgustedly, with doubts and puzzles in her big smart eyes, "I doubt that you must have used some kind of unreasonable method to get into college. It’s a strange method that everyone knows, otherwise, according to common sense, people who can pass the Tokyo University exam must have an element of struggle in them, so how could they be so keen on lying down peacefully.”

Unexpectedly, he revealed the existence of Schrödinger's life corridor inadvertently.

Woman, your sixth sense is really scary!

"Why are you standing here, junior? Let's go to the rest room?" Hidaka Mana said.

"At this moment, Matsuda is suffering from social difficulties. After I go in, he will definitely ask me for help, and once I go out, he can sit on the sidelines and watch. This is absolutely impossible." Yin Ze said coldly, "For my own selfish desires, I need him to help me absorb the firepower today. After going through all kinds of Waterloo broadcasts and broadcasts, I am determined to make a comeback today. At worst, I will treat him to a high-end barbecue to apologize when I go back."

"..." The girl didn't make a sound, but just stared.

"Why do you look at me like this? Isn't it you who are the culprit of all this? What about dark fantasy talk, what kind of nightmare girl won't eat the radio, I listened to it over and over again, and only heard two words - persecution." The man clutched his chest in pain.

"Huh? Don't you enjoy it?" Hidaka Mana said in surprise, "You are obviously very cooperative."

"It's all for the audience's sake, I'm just forming a team with you." Yin Ze sighed, "I thought that senior Sang, who has always been known as a little genius, would be cautious when he was a teenager. Okay, I'm sympathetic to the younger generation, I didn't expect my kindness to get worse."

"Well, it's true that when I'm partnering with the younger generation, I'm more lively than usual." Hidaka Mana actually readily admitted, "I'm not so interested in being with others."

"Are you going to argue? Very good, just let me listen." Yin Ze put his hands on his hips and listened quietly.

"If you have to say..." Hidaka Mana hesitated, "Because the other party is a junior."

"This kind of rough and muddled rhetoric produced under the same tension as when a student made a mistake and was caught by the director of the Moral Education Department is useless in front of me. Today I see that the seniors are dressed so formally, please use more formal language, otherwise, Hmph, maybe it will cause diplomatic incidents between the two major offices of Tai Ze and EM." Yin Ze threatened by exaggerating his status in the agency.

"What is it like a student? I am a student. I haven't even taken the college entrance examination." The girl retorted stiffly, "Isn't it reasonable to be self-willed occasionally?"

"Then why is it me." The man was sad.

"Yeah, why is it you." The girl showed a rare playful smile. She was a little tired from standing in the aisle, so she squatted down close to the wall, "I hope the younger generation will think about it too."

"Aren't there any other places?" The man was still lucky.

"No, I stepped into the industry very early, and I am a very professional person. I am very polite to directors, supervisors, and other actors, and I am very safe in doing things. Only the younger generation is like this." Rigao Ai Leang Said with a small face.

"It's very early, how early is it?" Yin Ze tilted his head slightly.

"Sixth grade?" Hidaka Mana thought for a while, "Probably around that time."

"It's really not easy. But it's good, at least you have some memories of escape." Yin Ze also squatted down against the wall and relaxed, "As a senior on the road of life, I forgive you."

Hidaka Mana looked at the person beside her, and changed the subject, "Your clothes look familiar, I often see you wearing them."

"This is the most expensive item in the closet. It is very suitable to accompany me to attend such public events in autumn and winter." Yin Ze said modestly.

"Is this also included in the last silver fantasy event?" Hidaka Mana recalled, "But it's best not to show the same clothes repeatedly."

"What kind of rule is this?" Yin Ze was taken aback.

"An unwritten tacit understanding in the industry?" Hidaka Mana shrugged, "It seems to be the same in the entertainment industry next door."

"What an anti-thrifty tradition, doesn't that mean that I have to buy clothes frequently?" Yin Ze frowned, "Such consumption...it is more affordable to refuse to participate in activities."

"It must be that the salary for extra work is more than the money for buying clothes." Hidaka Aina said helplessly, "But since you are so frugal, why would you buy this clothes? If you look closely, the materials and workmanship are quite fine, and they are still very high-end fashion brand."

"I went to buy this with Sakura-san. She originally thought of giving it to me as a gift, but as the most responsible male voice actor in EM who is only inferior to his close brother Majima Nakajima, I certainly won't do it in vain. If I accept it, I will naturally return another gift." Yin Ze said simply.

"Isn't that why you two have the same style of clothes?" Hidaka Mana was taken aback.

"Of course, I bought it from a store, what's wrong?" Yin Ze was puzzled.

"You and Mio have known each other for a long time, and you have a very good relationship." Hidaka Mana nodded, "By the way, I found out why you always hang out with friends in the industry? What about friends outside the industry?"

"There are relatively few, and they all met after working in the industry, such as Nagasaki Yukisuke and Yoshida Tomoki..." Yin Ze simply distanced himself.

"Is this also from the workplace? Besides, the Nagasaki sound supervisor, others are almost 60... You have the nerve to say that you are friends and brothers with others."

"Then what can I do? My social circle is all from the workplace, and the other is the school teacher and the little girl who lives upstairs—huh? The circle of work friends is almost equivalent to the circle of personal life. Am I surprised? A career madman?" Yin Ze felt that he had discovered a blind spot, and said in amazement that he couldn't believe it.

"Hey, since they are all friends in the industry, where do I rank among your relationships?" the girl asked as if discussing gossip with her deskmate after class, "Of course, if you exclude your two relatives and friends, I will I know you have a good relationship."

"...Of course it's number one." The man said firmly.

"Tell the truth." The girl narrowed her eyes.

"In the 'Tough Enemy List', you are really number one." The man said in detail.

"Why is there such a strange ranking? What are you building in your mind all day long?" Hidaka Mana snorted softly, "By the way, did you disassemble the ship I dubbed in person during the live broadcast?"

"That's a good thing done by 'Thunder Cliff Nail House', what does it have to do with me?" Yin Ze opened his eyes innocently.

"Still denying it, I played that game, after the prologue animation, the first thing I did was to bring a reliable girl and go to the sea to rescue you."

"Don't confuse seiyuu with characters. Besides, I have a highly trained Hidaka team. This kind of thing is enough to prove my respect for you."

"Hey, I don't know what's so fun about this kind of game. If you don't have any activities, you can only grow grass and hang up."

"I didn't play much, the main thing is, that's it, I can hear the seniors using all kinds of voices to please me, making me feel the warmth that doesn't exist in reality..."


It's time to get started.

Matsuda Makoto came out of the rest room and wiped his sweat with his sleeve.

Then he discovered that someone was squatting in the corner with Silica's female voice actress, and was forced to look at his ghost on N station with a look of lovelessness.

Matsuda Makoto suddenly felt relieved of what had just been abandoned.

Three Chapters Wei and Shu Noodles Foundation

Kenliang Takada, a native of Osaka, a hereditary baron of fishery and seafood, a lonely shopkeeper, a Jiboling of the Shenghuang wholesaler in the Kuromon Market, a low-key son of the upper class, a respectable brother, who does not change his name and sits without changing his surname, and walks on the Internet A fierce man, a rare nine-dan strongman in Kansai.I have fought fiercely with the notorious "dream of middle-aged and elderly women in the Eastern Hemisphere" in the comment area of ​​my eldest brother's Twitter account several times, and basically ended in both losses.

Today, he deliberately asked for leave for his family, applied to release the chain of the demon clan who kept the store and kept the bookkeeping, and brought a lot of seafood, and went to the luxurious Tokyo alone.

Along the way, Kenliang Takada couldn't calm down his excitement. He kept swiping his phone and chatting with his colleagues. The punctuation marks were filled with anticipation.

Of course, the bold words and gifts made before have not been forgotten.A heavy freezer is proof.

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