If sea bream is the fish that best represents Japan, then tuna is the king of fish, the pinnacle of deliciousness, unstoppable, irreversible, and the conqueror of taste buds.

Since the complete yellowfin and bluefin tuna in my warehouse were too heavy to carry, I could only retreat with tears in my eyes. Next, I brought a few small albacore tuna.

One day, if the event goes to the mainland of Osaka, I will definitely use a trolley to pull the real delicacies there.

Takata Kenyoshi has been in the house for some time, and he has been here to visit manga exhibitions and festivals before, but this time he walked cleanly and did not waste much time, and arrived at the destination soon.

There were people coming and going around the venue, most of them came to participate in the offline meet-and-greet, and everyone was young, and it was very leisurely to go into battle lightly.And Kenliang Takada, who is carrying a bulky cryogenic box and wearing a baseball cap, looks like a delivery man.

He looked up, found the iconic landmark, walked to the appointed place, looked down at the phone again, typed and sent.

Soon, several male compatriots walked over quickly.

With just a few glances, they confirmed many, many things.

"Understand?" The leader, a broad and fat bear man, had a mellow voice.

"Group leader?" Takada Kenliang whispered, showing joy.

"Well, we finally met, don't be restrained, just call me Ah Liang."

Tsuchiya Hongliang showed a warm smile.

"You are the latest to arrive. Come on, let me briefly introduce you. This professional elite in a padded jacket is Five from the golden pickup truck, and this young brother from Chiba County with a younger sister is a sweet potato stir-fried potato. And this Well, the high-achieving student at Keio University is Hayate DD Alexander, and the last one, the one with the surrounding handbag is Urban Phlegm."

Everyone is an active person in the group chat and a veteran along the way.

"Finally, I can see everyone's demeanor. I saw you today, and you are all dragons and phoenixes." Takata Kenyoshi, who is mediocre in appearance and lacks talent, can only choose to inherit the family business. I am a little ashamed.

"Today we 'Takizawa Hidaka Comicai Broadcasting Fellowship Group', we met, it is really something worth celebrating, how about we take a photo together?" Tsuchiya Hiroshi suggested.

"As it should be."

"of course."

Several people asked the kind people passing by to help take pictures.In the photo, the group leader occupies the C position, followed by the administrator.Everyone is tall and straight, and behind them is the promotional poster of the Sword Sanctuary event.Everyone is so high-spirited, and the smiles come from the heart, brimming with happiness and beauty.

"I saw those people wearing the clothes of the characters, such as Kirito sweater, Asuna hoodie, our fan group is also a leader in the fandom, how can we lag behind others?" Kenliang Takada couldn't help saying.

"I don't want to lose the card, but the question is, do you still remember who Takizawa-san played in this movie?" Hiroaki Tsuchiya was silent for a few seconds, "...do you think Nobuyuki Sugo will have such people around him?" Does it exist? Who would buy it?"

"Today is the venue of Sword Sanctuary. We are just here as animation fans, and we will see Takizawa's demeanor with our own eyes. In time, there will be another home venue, and it will not be too late to support at that time." Metropolis The strange phlegm laughed.

"It's my fault." Takada Kenliang nodded, "It's not too late, let's enter the venue right now. By the way, after the event is over, we can't disband on the spot, we have to have a dinner together."

"Of course, it's rare for everyone to come from all over the place, so how can you not have a few drinks?"

Although it was the first time for everyone to meet, they were all like old friends who had known each other for a long time. Occasionally, they would talk about interesting things that happened in the group, hook shoulders and shoulders, and have a good time.

The venue has already started to check tickets and enter the venue, and everyone followed the crowd to line up.

"There are more people than expected." Sweet Potato Stir-Fried Potato said.

"After all, it is a popular work." Five of the golden pickup said.

"Well, you guys go first, I'm suddenly in a hurry, I'm going to go to the bathroom, and I'll see you later in the arena." Tsuchiya Hongliang suddenly covered his stomach, with a troubled expression on his stomach, and trotted away halfway.

"What unclean did the military division eat?"

"I don't know. But the image of the group leader I first conceived in my heart was that of a thin scholar. After all, every letter he writes is quite standard."

"Hey, do you think the group next door came? After all, Brother Takizawa doesn't have any live events except for the Forest of Firefly promotional event and the fantasy of Baiyin's coming to the world."

"Hmph, so what if you're here, do you still want to engage in friendship? Different ways don't conspire!"

"That's it."

The team is advancing steadily.

"I almost forgot to buy water. I'll go to the convenience store and buy some drinks for everyone." Takada Kenliang, who has been silent all the time, said suddenly.

"You don't need to bother, we're going in soon." Five of the golden pickup said.

"Isn't it earlier than the scheduled time? It's okay, just let me treat you." Kenliang Takada smiled gracefully and withdrew from the team.

"Brother Dong is outspoken in the group and does not take the usual path, but he is a kind person in reality." Sweet Potato Stirred Potato said.


Same venue, same opponent.

The two people in the organization, one after the other, turned back to the meeting place just now.

"Group leader!" Takada Kenliang, who came late, whispered again, but this time the meaning of the shout was completely different.

"Well, you pretended well, and you didn't show your feet." Tsuchiya Hiroyoshi restrained his expression and stood with his hands behind his back, "Today we 'Takizawa Sakura Friendship Witness Team' met...but you really are You don’t hide it, you don’t use a trumpet at all.”

"Doesn't it look like you're pretending?" Takada Kenliang said admiringly, "Besides, what are you afraid of? Could it be that there are undercover agents?"

"Wait a little longer, the other team members will be arriving soon, and the fastest thing is the thick phlegm that can't be chewed." Hongliang Tsuchiya lowered his head and turned on the phone and said, "Then there will be green onion fried rice without eggs and black snow..."

"Eh? Group leader, didn't you go to the bathroom? Brother Tang, are you still here?" A voice said strangely.

The two were stopped, their bodies trembled unavoidably, and then they turned around.

"It's Urban Monster Tan-san, why did you come out?" Takada Kenliang was puzzled.

"I'll pick up a friend temporarily." The urban monster Tan seemed a little embarrassed, and forced a smile, "What about you?"

"Oh, we also saw some people talking in the group temporarily, and we came to pick them up." Takada Kenliang said quickly.

"...That's right, but I haven't seen any news in the group."

"It's a friend's conversation, a friend's conversation."

"I see."

There was an eerie silence.

The three of them were humming a little song, and inadvertently all turned their backs.

"Takizawa Sakura Friendship Simultaneous Witness Team"

"Chewing thick phlegm: Where are you guys? I'm already here."

"Xiuwen's Zhongda: I'm here too. Where are you? Is there anything conspicuous around? We'll go look for you, so don't come here. There's something in the way."

"Chewing phlegm: I'm next to a fat house."


"Zhongda of Xiuwen:?"

"Zhongda of Xiuwen: What does that fat house look like?"

"Chewing thick phlegm: tall and fat, wearing a T-shirt of the Spring Horse of the Heavenly Court, and wearing a jacket."

After three seconds.

"Chewing phlegm has been kicked out of the group"

There was an eerie silence.

The three people with their backs facing each other slowly raised their heads, keeping still before drawing their guns like a western gunslinger duel.

When sparrows streak across the sky.

"Haha, group leader, we finally meet. I have admired you for a long time." The city monster Phantasm raised his hand in greeting, as if nothing had happened.

However, Xiong Xian was not so calm, but went up with a set of throat locks.

"Don't! I don't know either! Tsukatora! Emperor Xuan of Jin, Emperor Gaozu of Jin, King Sima Xuan!"

"Ha ha!"

And in the distance where this Infernal Affairs took place, Haifeng·DD·Alexander, an international student whose real name is Zhang Wei, was leaning against the shadow of a certain corner with his arms folded, silently seeing this scene in his eyes.

Five of the golden pickup had already entered and sat down. He waited patiently for the countdown, but he still cast doubtful glances at the five vacant seats next to him.

Why in the blink of an eye was I suddenly left alone...

Four chapters, right and wrong, success or failure

The group of friends rushed back in the last few minutes.Everyone is smiling, it seems that the ice dew mineral water is delicious, it seems that the toilet is exquisitely decorated, and the diarrhea is very comfortable.Just a few of them, their clothes are not very tidy, there are traces of MMA and UFC, I don’t know what happened.

The venue was inevitably noisy, and everyone was exchanging conversations.

After Asuna's voice read the prohibition of private photography and fire safety and other reminders, the bright lights in the room dimmed uniformly, and the shaking fluorescent sticks of various colors were very conspicuous.A passionate BGM sounded, which was the OP accompaniment of Sword Sanctuary.

A thin man with over-the-ear hair walked quickly onto the stage holding a flowbook.

"Hello, everyone! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come to the Sword Saint Realm Autumn and Winter Seiyuu offline meeting. I am today's host Yoshino Shoki. Let us spend the rest of the time happily. Please give us your advice. "

There was applause from the audience.

"It's not too late, let's invite today's guests to come up. First of all, Matsuda Makoto-san, who is the voice of Tong Gushuren——"

The image of a black-clothed swordsman wielding two swords immediately appeared on the large screen on the front.The male voice actor who was called on the stage trotted onto the stage from the backstage, bowed slightly to the audience as he ran, and finally stopped at a place, standing still with his legs together, holding the microphone with both hands, and kept on standby. redundant action.

"Next is Maeda Haruka who voices Asuna."

The female lead was much more generous than the male lead, half in a red dress and half in a textile skirt, with a soft smile, waving her hands.

"And then there is the daughter of the two, the lovely little angel, Yui's voice actress Ito Kase Kei-san."

Although the characters in the play are young, in fact, I have worked longer than the main character, and the somewhat petite senior walked over with a pose of cheering.

"There is also a brief encounter on Sunset Hill, Silica's voice actress, Hidaka Arina-san."

The expression management of the younger seniors is at the textbook level, even if the moderately sweet smile is captured by the camera close-up, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Okay, the guests participating in this event are the above..." Shoki Yoshino stood sideways, holding the open process book, and said heavily into the microphone.

"—Oh, I'm so happy, the people who are in the way are here, let's have a fun party! Ahhh... finally the long-awaited moment. The best guests When I arrived at the scene, it was worth my hard work! Now all the information in this space will be recorded! You should try to make vivid expressions!"

A greasy and salty voice suddenly rumbled, and the image of the despicable villain appeared on the big screen in an instant, but after careful consideration by the staff, the picture was not a standing painting, but a hand cut off. Screenshot of Yan Yi's animation with wide-eyed eyes.

The audience roared wonderfully at this unpleasant line that made people get goosebumps, and the fluorescent sticks were replaced with the same hair color of yellow hair and waved. It was very lively.

"Jie Jie, that's the way it is. I'm curious how long you guys can be happy, one hour? Or a whole day? Please try to prolong my fun - after I enjoy it here. I'll go to Asia In Sina’s ward, lock the door and turn off the camera, just two people alone. I want to set up a high-definition projection screen there, and play the BD disc of today’s meeting while enjoying the chicken and French fries bought with the ticket money ,Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ahh~... so sweet, so sweet! Come on, for me, buy some more accessories, let me exchange for an extra pack of ketchup!"

The falsified lines were very funny, and the audience responded with even more intense chanting.

"Then, the last guest for today, Diabell, Nobuyuki Sugo, voice actor of the Spirit King Oberon, Takizawa Goku--!"

The quiet man silently appeared under the spotlight, and the enthusiastic shouting did not make him raise his eyes.His steps were smooth and his expression was calm, as if he was just passing by here to eat a couple of small noodles across the street.His hairstyle today is a refreshing comb back. With the passage of time, his high-quality bones have begun to show. From the initial pure youth, he has transitioned to a deadly thick face. A few strands of hair hang between his neat and flying eyebrows. , surly and undisciplined at the same time, it is a stern style rarely seen so far.

Combing my hair like this today is mainly for the convenience of wearing a helmet.

The group of friends raised their hands high and clapped their hands. Seeing the eldest brother's real face, he felt that he had lived up to the trip.The applause was like thunder. It was obvious that the villain and clown were being played, but someone's popularity was actually very high. It seemed that he was not a low-quality tauren from Thunder Bluff, but an inspiring high-quality human hero who appeared on the stage.

And the handsome man in the style of British winter and snow just whispered a self-introduction and hello everyone after he came on stage, and then turned off the microphone, as if the perfect salty and wet guy's voice just now had nothing to do with him.Even if it's a happy match.


A roar came from the audience, and it was difficult to spread in the wide venue, and it barely reached the stage.

The man looked sideways and nodded slightly reservedly in response, very aloof.

ah!My one-push nodded to me, he had me in his heart.

Takada Kenrago, who mustered up the courage to call his elder brother by his name intimately, felt the affirmative gazes of his companions around him, and couldn't help puffing out his chest.

"Then, please sit down first, voice actors." Yoshino said, "It really came out full of momentum, and the mood of the venue immediately rose. I didn't expect to appear like this, which is surprising."

"Because the process is arranged like this." The man said simply, "Don't you also let go of your burden?"

"But the performance is very good." Yoshino Shoki praised.

"It's all necessary for work, it's not easy to refuse." The man said.

"Huh? But it's rumored that you like this character very much." Yoshino Shoki said a little story he heard in the lounge not long ago.

"It's purely a rumor." The man shook his head.

"Compared to the previous cooperation, today is a bit gloomy." Yoshino Shoki couldn't help asking, "Is it because you are sick?"

"That's my real personality." The man said with a tone, "Compared with a loser in a drama like me, everyone wants to see Kirito active, right? He is the protagonist and the endorsement of good luck. Please cast all your expectations and love on that man of destiny.”

"It's very humble." Yoshino Shoki commented.

Matsuda, who was sitting at the other end, faintly sensed the sinister heart here.

"But having said that, Sword Sanctuary is really a good work. You can feel the influence of this animation just by seeing the number of audiences present today. Then, as the voice actors of the characters, what do you think of this work? What about it? Could you ask Matsuda-san to talk about it first?" Yoshino Shoki began to cut to the point and asked.

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