The ear-piercing screams and howls of thousands of rusted gears spread throughout the space.The elf king in gorgeous clothes was dragged up by the swordsman in black to be executed by his hair. He stabbed the sword with all his strength, only to see the blade piercing through the silhouette of Oberon's head, and the white flame spread out all of a sudden. Completely burn and dissolve the arrogant and arrogant villain.

Simple and crude.

There was loud applause from the auditorium, the voice actors on the stage covered their mouths and couldn't help laughing, and the cameraman focused on a certain man.I saw someone twitching the corners of his mouth, resisting the coldness for a few seconds, and finally couldn't hold back anymore, shaking his head and smiling.

"It seems that everyone likes this. But after listening to it a few times, it feels amazing. Is this cry really made by Takizawa-san? It doesn't match your original voice at all. My real voice is very gorgeous. "Yoshino Shoji praised, "This is the skill of being a voice actor. But then again, why did Ito-san choose this?"

"Isn't this expressive very powerful?" Megumi Ito Kase said seriously, holding the microphone in both hands, "Although the audience watching the animation will think this character is disgusting, but from our professional perspective, the acting is really good Especially on the set, watching his performance live, the sense of power is really strong. Although Yui is the little padded jacket of parents, I really want to applaud Takizawa-kun for this part."

"Yeah, the acting is so good that I also like Nobuyuki Sugo." Haruka Maeda said with a smile.

"Playing with him in that state will feel pressure." Matsuda said truthfully.

As expected of the single push I was waiting for.

The group of friends below the stage also nodded repeatedly.

Being able to play a character as a person who hates the character itself and feels distorted love because of the actor himself, presents this kind of Schrödinger effect-like success. The acting skills of the person I push alone are really powerful!

"Unanimous praise, is it convenient to reveal the trick?" Yoshino Shoki was in high spirits.

"The important thing is that you enjoy the process." The man borrowed a famous saying from a crumb producer, gesticulating something unclear with one hand, "find the qualities you don't have, and bring them out. Again, This role is challenging for me, relatively speaking, I also want to play something normal, even if there are fewer roles, it doesn’t matter.”

"Oh? Can you give me an example?"

"Well, it's a character in the sequel, is it appropriate to say now?"

"It's okay, the secret PV will be released at the end of today's event, you can take it as a warm-up, but it's too core to talk about."

"That's good. In the second issue, there is a character named 'Shinkawa Kyouji', who has very few scenes, but unexpectedly, he is an ordinary student who tests his shaping ability. There is also a confrontation scene with Kirito. I still want to try it. Yes, if the production team is willing to give it a chance." The man said modestly.

"So that's how it is. Although there are few scenes, it is an existence that attracts the voice actors' attention. There must be something extraordinary about it." The host didn't notice him.

...I believe in you, Matsuda sincerely rarely showed a speechless expression.

As a super dedicated person who has read all the series of novels in Sword Sanctuary, he is very clear about the content and plot of this character.Proper youth version of Nobuyuki Sugo.Didn't the relationship come back after a big circle?

"Then next, Miss Hidaka chooses, please watch."

The big screen works again.

'Levels are just numbers, and the power of this world is just a fantasy. We have more important things than this.So meet up next time in the real world.In this way, we can be friends again. ' said the swordsman in black in a gentle tone.

'Okay, sure, it's an appointment. '

Silica smiled from the bottom of her heart and said that she really wanted to throw herself into the arms of the person in front of her.But I no longer expect anything extravagantly.

'Then call Pina back. '

'it is good! '

'Sprinkle the dew stored in the flowers on the feathers, so that Pina can be revived. '

'I see……'

Looking at the long blue feathers, Silica whispered in her heart.

Bina... I have many, many things to say to you.About today's thrilling adventure, and about the man who helped Pina, who became my brother for a day.With tears welling up in her eyes, Silica gently poured the flower on her right hand onto the feather.

The screen ends.

"Kirito is such a gentle guy, and his love luck is indeed as powerful as Takizawa-san said before. This is the first girl who has troubles, which is really enviable. Are you right, Matsuda-san?" Yoshino Shoki asked a question on purpose.

"This, this, it's just extending a helping hand to those who are in trouble. It's not affectionate... Can a gentle personality be considered a crime?" Matsuda sincerely blushed, hesitating, and then there were some "bonds" ", "I like Asuna" and other incomprehensible words.

"Wait, why does Takizawa-san over there have such a disapproving expression? Did you expect Miss Hidaka's favorite?" Yoshino Shoki asked.

"Of course, what else is there to choose besides this paragraph? The other appearances don't last more than 10 seconds?" The man shrugged.

"Huh? Is this the tone? What do you mean there is nothing to choose? This is a single episode!" Hidaka Mana said indignantly.

"But with the same treatment, I think Leeds next door is more..." The man frowned.

"Why, look at Silica too—!" The girl left the seat angrily, and walked up to make a gesture of beating.The latter could only dodge quickly.

Matsuda stretched his head out to watch the excitement sincerely gloating.

The audience in the audience saw the dramatic interaction, and there was a burst of laughter.

PS: Sorry, I have caught a cold these two days.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Finally, let's take a look at the clip decided by Takizawa-san. What kind of scene will it be?" Shoki Yoshino continued to host the process.

The lights dimmed for the fifth time, and the stage fell into darkness for the fifth time.

before the video is played.

"Wouldn't it be a scene where you bully Asuna in front of Kirito-kun..." Matsuda Makoto's microphone was turned off, and his voice came out slightly from the shadows.

"I'm that kind of person?" Someone also replied in a low voice.

"It's hard to say..."

In the next second, the screen lights up.

The young swordsman runs towards the sunset.That muddy path seems to be far from his end. From then on, there are still several battlefields, long years, encounters and partings waiting for him.The swordsman seemed to have a premonition of everything in front of him. He roared vigorously, roaring violently, like the edge of a sword, pointing straight to the end of this destiny.

The angry sound penetrated the venue through the audio equipment, and everyone could feel the heat and determination contained in it.

"Oh——" Yoshino Shoki dragged his voice, somewhat unexpected, "This is where all these stories begin. Can you tell me why you chose this passage?"

"Well, well, let's start from the earliest times. I actually auditioned for the role of Kirito, and the supervisor said that I have become a candidate. If there is no accident, I will take on the role of Sword Sanctuary. Everything." Yin Ze said slowly.

"There is such a thing? This is a secret behind the scenes that is rarely heard." Yoshino Shoki asked curiously.

"But everyone knows now that the accident happened, and we were still sitting there." Yin Ze pointed to his friend, "I went to the audition with him and another friend that day. Although we are good friends on weekdays , but during those few hours, it was a competitor who would not give an inch."

"Although I did my best in the audition, I was also appreciated by the creative team. As for the reason for the loss...everyone has heard the angry howl just now, right? The answer is in the voice." Yin Ze said gratified , "I am convinced of the loss, and I am proud of my friend's excellent and amazing performance. There is a sentence I have wanted to say for a long time-the role of Kirito is none other than you, and I can't think of anyone else except you."

"Your hard work will eventually make fate look sideways, make you waste, and give you a gift, and this is only the first one."

Matsuda sincerely looked at the thumbs up that his friend gave him from across the air, never expecting such heartfelt words, so he was a beat slower before responding with the same action.

"No, the first gift that fate gave was not this job." Matsuda sincerely wasn't good at beating around the bush, and said what was in his heart, "It was the right time to know you that winter."

"What's the matter with this atmosphere that can't accommodate us, I'm obviously the heroine." Maeda Haruka, who was caught in the middle, complained innocently, "Why don't you sit together."

"Is it really possible to change positions?" Matsuda was sincerely eager to try, very tempted.

"No, no, this distance is nothing to us." Yin Ze waved his hand.

"If even Kirito likes Nobuyuki Sugo, who else can stop the villain?"

"I think Silica can do it." Megumi Ito Kase pointed out, "After all, he is a senior. On the set, Silica is the only one who can let him get off work later."

"Using the seniors from Tai Ze Office to overwhelm the juniors from our EM agency, what a great power." Master Yin snorted softly.

"Wait, your real relationship and role relationship are mixed, it's too complicated." Yoshino Shoji said repeatedly, "Take care of me, who has a well-behaved daughter, and my logic is not as sharp as when I was young. But everyone's status is getting worse. It’s a good thing that it’s getting better and better, especially Takizawa-san has gradually let go of it, and it’s good to be infected from restraint and silence.”

Yes, I have to keep in mind today's high-cold personality.It's really dangerous. If you don't pay attention, you will reveal your righteous and kind nature.Friendship must be put aside.The man's face immediately became serious.

"Then let's move on to the second session. The staff are ready." Yoshino said, and a staff member pushed a table with small cardboard boxes onto the stage. Representatives of the villain team step forward to draw lots."

"Okay——I will protect the dignity of all villains and clowns. Who said that the gentle actor Xingburst Airflow Zhan is better than the old boss driving a Mercedes-Benz? You four, let's go together!" The man is the only one. The villain, without the slightest shirk, directly stood up with arrogance.

Compared with the villains, the representatives of the protagonist group were forced out by the female voice actors.Sure enough, justice sometimes becomes the weapon of conspirators to kidnap those benevolent and brave men.

"Let's briefly talk about the rules first. It's actually Truth or Dare, but in addition to the two cards in the box, there is another secret message card. Before the event started, we collected some secrets from the animation production team. There are some things that the seiyuu may not even know about, and if they are never drawn, these things may be buried in the industry forever..." Shoki Yoshino's voice cheered up, "Then let's start."

"Hmph!" Facing his indecisive friend, Yin Ze said resolutely, "Let's start with the black-clothed swordsman first, and then the senior who is in the way—come on, let's make a move, and let you go first. Duel!"

"Even if you are so passionate, I still don't know what the game method is?" Matsuda scratched his head sincerely.

"Anything is good, just keep it simple, let's guess the punch, and win or lose in one round." Shoki Yoshino added.

The man was killed in a quick attack at this second, and the ding-ding calculation of the crazily reduced health value sounded in his ears, until the piercing sound of returning to zero.Maybe at the end of time and space, he still fought for the glory of the monsters, but now, the noise of the battle has stopped.

The next cutscene is just a cutscene.

The man stretched out the right wrist of the sealed person indifferently.

Scissors, rock, cloth.

"Matsuda-san cut the enemy under the horse neatly, and there was no joy of victory on his face, only the calmness of course. He is really a master." Yoshino Yoshiki explained the expressions of the two players.

In the close-up shot, the scissors gesture was very clear, the audience who knew the contract made noises, and the female voice actors on the stage also showed bewildered smiles that only professionals understand.

"Then invite the loser to draw the card." The host instructed.

Yin Ze was voluntarily involved in the game, put his hand into the box and fiddled with it for a while, and then drew a blue magic... Sincerity card.

"How many love letters have you written?" The man tilted his head, as if rejoicing but also disgusted.That's it?Not half as cruel as brother Morimu next door, "Are you talking about myself or Nobuyuki Sugo?"

"Of course it's have to ask the original author if Nobuyuki Sugo did such a thing." Yoshino Shoki said.

"One. I wrote one." Yin Ze said.

"Oh, I thought I would say no and I can't remember clearly, but there is a detailed number, and it is a unique 'one'. Can you talk about it in detail?" Yoshino asked.A group of people are also looking forward to it.

"When I was in middle school, I used to read those youth magazines that published all kinds of love stories. I was infected after going back and forth. I tore up a piece of homework paper and wrote a letter to the person I liked."

"Then, that, what's the result?"

"She handed it over to the teacher, and I was fined to stand for three classes, and I was educated by the director of the moral education department for 30 minutes." The man said sadly.

"The school you attended is really strict in management. I remember that my former head teacher didn't care about these things." Yoshino Shoki sighed, "How is it? Is there still contact now?"

"No, it's gone, and I can't get in touch." Yin Ze shook his head.

"It's such a regretful past, but it is also because of this experience that you can grow. By the way, I haven't asked yet, which female character in Sword Sanctuary do you like the most?"

"As long as I like Kirito-kun, I like it." The man said in a villainous tone.


"Then this is over, the next round will be next." Yin Ze wanted to throw the card away.If it's all small waves like this, then what's the point of losing all?

"Don't worry, there's more on the back." The host reminded in time.

Amazed and uncertain, the man flipped the card over, and then speechlessly found that the back was the red color of the trap card, which was a great adventure.

Can it still be like this? !

"What's written on this side?" Yoshino asked.

"...a love song to the opposite sex who is farthest from you."

"Hey, let me see, the farthest, um, is Miss Hidaka. Then please show your singing voice."

The younger senior also made such an expression of unexpected joy.

"Hehe, are you kidding me? The opposite sex farthest from me is obviously the little girl sitting in the 12th row and the 5th seat." Yin Ze smiled lightly.

If you look carefully, the one sitting next to the little girl is the bicycle boy who competes with the four-cylinder engine with human power?It seems that picking up a girlfriend was successful.

And the young man with the schoolbag on his back was staring at the familiar attire and figure of the person on the stage, remembering something, his brows gradually wrinkled into an obvious Sichuan character.

"Then let me show my shame. This classic love song handed down from generation to generation is for you. In the early years, the elders in my hometown used this song to express their love. I also hope that your lover can get a new mount as soon as possible and be admitted to a prestigious university—— —”

Sure enough, it was him!

The boy slapped his thigh hard, with a bitter expression on his face.In the ear, Yamaha's ostentatious and disgusting engine sound echoed in sync with the classic cool mantra chanting voice of the leading male voice actor, and there was a love-hate relationship in my heart.

A certain person was tall and straight, with an outstanding temperament. Standing on the stage, he was not stage-frightened, and his demeanor was calm.At this moment, he clenched the microphone tightly, turned his head and cleared his throat tactically, as if he was about to perform a good show.

The audience is ready to call.

I used to experience it on radio and live broadcasts, and it was rare to be able to listen to it live.

Since it has been explained that it is an old song, is it the golden song of the era?Or foreign language jazz?

Xiong Xian, who has become a fan, is waiting.

Master Yin searched for a tune in his heart, and turned his mood back to the golden age when per capita bell-bottom trousers danced disco and labor was the most glorious. Singing across valleys and rivers.

The venue was covered by men's voices.

"Sister, why don't you sit on the bow of the boat~? Brother is walking on the shore~ Enenaiaiai~ Swinging on the rope!"

"Little sister, I'll ride on the bow~ Brother, you walk on the shore~ Our love, our love?~ Swinging on the rope~ Oh swinging—~"

The audience was caught off guard, and the audience was stunned.

"Such a heroic love song?" Tsuchiya Hongliang, who had little knowledge, could only be stunned, not knowing how to follow the rhythm and shake the light stick for a while.

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