Zhang Wei, who was sitting next to him, almost didn't spit out a sip of mineral water.

He has an illusion.

It seems that I am going to KTV to play with my cousin who has experienced the dust and dust of the world.

Chapter Seven

The end of the memory of an era.

The venue seemed to be disconnected and reconnected, and then bursts of applause and polite applause sounded.

"It's true that every action is beyond my expectation..." Yoshino Shojirao has rich experience in hosting, and he has never encountered such battles a few times, and he said in a stumbling manner.

Matsuda sincerely looked at him with admiration. This kind of social skills and contagious self-confidence are far beyond his reach.There is still a long way to go.

"Am I going to draw another round of cards?" the man asked.Anyway, guessing is a must lose, he really has no obligation to defeat an opponent who can't win at all.

"Are you so impatient?" Yoshino Shoki fell into deep thought. He was a little afraid to let this person output all his strength, worried that the situation would be completely crooked, so he softened his tone, "It's too rare to let others experience it. It's a pity, Matsuda-san will draw next."

"Ah? Isn't it based on real ability to decide who gets punished?" Matsuda sincerely still thinks about the happiness of winning friends by shameful out-of-the-market recruits.

"The rules are alive, so you can accept them with peace of mind." Yin Ze grabbed the box and walked up to him with a tough attitude.

Reluctantly, Matsuda stretched out his hand, touched it a few times, and took out a card.

Truth: what kind of women do you like.

"Well, well, as long as you are gentle and kind, and not overbearing, I think it's fine..." Matsuda sincerely tried to fool the past with panacea.

"That's another way of saying it." Master Yin chuckled, as persuasive as a psychiatrist, "Which one do you prefer?"

"Hard, if you have to say it, the older sister is better, she can take care of people." Matsuda said sincerely.

"What about the image? Charming wavy long hair or heroic and neat short hair, which one do you like?" Yin Ze continued to ask.

"It doesn't make any difference. You can change your hairstyle at will."

"Do you want both? Okay, so which one should you choose, the casual and relaxed home style or the capable OL style in the workplace?"

"In terms of clothing styles, I think OL outfits are very good, business formal and feminine."

"The case has been solved. What you like is a mature and sexy big sister in a gray dress with wrapping hips. It's really unexpected. There is a lustful soul longing to be dominated under the kind and honest body." Yin Ze asserted.

"Is tgtg actually a simple face control? I thought it would emphasize the tacit understanding of personality and hobbies." Maeda Haruka said disappointedly when she heard the words, and other female voice actors also sighed.

"It's clear that this person only gave the option of appearance!" Matsuda retorted sincerely, "It's him who is vulgar!"

"Fool, but you still gave the answer quickly, which shows that you have fantasies in your heart. It's a pity for Maeda-san today. It's just a bad move. If the skirt is changed to gray, the lore will be completed." Yin Zerui commented.

"So that's the case. No wonder tgtg looked straight at me today, but it disappeared after only a few glances." Haruka Maeda teased, "I'll pay attention next time."

"Father, don't you despise your mother, is she not as feminine as your ideal type?" Megumi Ito Kase also fired.

Matsuda sincerely seemed to be tied to the frame of the torture frame, he could only look at the ceiling with a slumped bitter face, and said to him, trying to use the skill of star shifting, trying to fight back even if he was brave, "Then do you like seniors or juniors, cute Route or mature demeanor?"

"Illusions are all illusions. As long as there is no spiritual barrier between each other, we can tolerate each other, encourage each other, and live out the rest of our lives in peace, it will be very good." The man said wisely like a Zen master.

"Oh, there are gaps in being a human being." Hidaka Mana interrupted at the right time.


Kirito-kun falls into the despicable trap of Nobuyuki Sugo.

Matsuda turned the card over sincerely, just wanting to finish the big adventure as soon as possible, so that he can have fun.

"Huh? It's actually a secret calling card?"

"Did you get a good card? Then please read it out loud." Shoji Yoshino encouraged.

"'In the beginning, Takizawa-kun once considered letting him be Klein's CV after he failed to run for the main role. The work of Abel and Nobuyuki Sugo has been handed over to the other party's office'." Matsuda sincerely read sonorously, for fear that others could not hear clearly, "the latter didn't care about the first audition, but faced the second I am very pleased with this audition.”


"This is an imperial appointment. Generally speaking, although there are cases in the industry that specify voice actors to act, it is still rare for two characters to be cast accurately in the same series." Haruka Maeda said with certainty.

"You really deserve to be the junior I brought up with my own hands." Hidaka Mana smiled with her eyes forming a pair of crescent moons.

There was laughter from the audience.

The spearhead of the persecution is always moving between the protagonist and the villain. It turns out that the members of the circus are just you and me from beginning to end.The two looked at each other, and suddenly they felt empathy. The man shook his head like a defeated army, returned the box, and returned to his seat.

"The next thing is grand news." Shoki Yoshino held the script and suddenly became excited, "At 10 o'clock this morning, the Sword Sanctuary series officially joined the Lightning Bunko Anime Character Smash Bros. game! The swordsman in black and the flash general Log in to the game. And, fans who participated in this event can use the ticket gift code to redeem it online, no need to complete tasks and recharge to unlock it!"

The promotional poster of the library game was displayed on the big screen, and the gold-edged font on the Erdaoliu Youth Participation was very eye-catching.

"This is a rare opportunity, please staff to debug the machine, let's show it on the spot." Yoshino Shoki said, "Then during the waiting period, I would like to ask, do the voice actors usually like to play games?"

"Bunko Brawl is a fighting game, right?" Maeda Haruka said, "I have the impression that the threshold for this genre is relatively high, and my brothers at home like it very much, but I haven't had much contact with it. What about tgtg?"

"...I think boys should know a little bit. Arcade culture was very popular in the past." Matsuda said sincerely, "But when it comes to masters, isn't there one here?"

Everyone followed his line of sight, and the world focused on someone on the far right.

"Indeed, Takizawa-kun is obviously the kind of person who can play video games all night, and I have been fortunate enough to see his powerful operation before." Yoshino Shoki said noncommittally, "That is a rare opportunity, so let's invite the protagonist and the villain who love and kill each other again. Fans, please introduce the performance of the characters in the Sword Sanctuary series in the chaos."

"I'm best at chess and cards, which I just dabble in occasionally." The man tried to distance himself from the relationship.

"Don't be shy, come on."

Under the enthusiastic call of the host and the audience, the only male guest stood at the side of the stage, where the staff had already finished debugging, plugged the joystick keyboard into the data cable, and placed it on the table.

The man stood beside him with his pockets in his pocket, and Matsuda Makoto, as the person in charge of the drama, began to operate tentatively.The large screen is also connected to the real machine screen.

"All characters and all skins, this is the GM account, right?"

"And the ID is actually called Akihiko Kayaba. Where is Kirito?"

"I've seen it all, the third row."

"Here, do you want to enter the exercise room first?"

"You set the energy bar and blood volume to unlimited, and set zero control on the opposite side. Also check the move table. Huh? The stake actually chooses Asuna, and you want to commit domestic violence in public?"

"My mine, I should choose the mirror image, uh, huh? There's Panissi?"


Master Yin leaned his elbow on Matsuda's sincere shoulder and pointed, like two high school classmates skipping class to go to the video game city together.

The big screen loaded into the battle screen. The 2P Kirito was the red and white color of the blood alliance. He was standing still and receiving another violent attack from himself. From normal attacks to sword skills to super kills, the dazzling sword light continued.Matsuda Makoto was trying out the move table one by one. Although he was not proficient, he grew up in the arcade environment. After a few minutes of getting used to it, he could roughly play it.

The venue was also booed by a cool Starburst Airflow Slash.To be honest, the special effects are still very good.The purpose of this kind of game is entertainment and feelings. If there is still a certain degree of competition, it will be the icing on the cake, and it can't be better.

Without further ado, let's directly start a man-machine battle.The random opponent is the famous Suzumiya Natsuri.

Due to the difficulty of AI, it still looks good in fights. Matsuda sincerely and smoothly jumps big and small, approaches and pulls dodges, explains with his right hand, chases dark with his left hand, and pulls out a lot of knives in a swish. With a super kill, Suzumiya Xiari called out Brother Axu at a critical moment, a human body collision and knee tuck control, and then was kicked to the edge of the board by the team leader.

John Smith ended up taking too much.

"——At two o'clock in the bottom set, there was a kill, and then there was an explosion in the air. Oh, it looks good." Yoshino Shoki tentatively played the role of commentator, "Matsuda-san is really talented, it seems that he has understood the game."

"It's okay, it's okay." Matsuda said sincerely and modestly.

"Now that you know all the skills, let's turn on the online battle function. After all, this is a real demonstration of the real machine."

"...I'm not very confident." Matsuda sincerely could only bite the bullet and click match.

The high-speed network wanders in the electronic world, quickly searching for opponents who are also eager to try their swords.You never know what friendly forces and enemies behind the network are doing.Maybe that person is lying on the bed, maybe that person is a handsome JK with excellent academic ability which is contrary to the general impression, in short, the two people who have never met before stand in the fighting arena through the introduction of the Internet.

A cold breath permeated the arena.

Standing in front of the Fraud Sealer wearing a midnight coat is a fully armed knight covered in frosty white.

The black-haired JK slightly adjusted his sitting posture, warming his hands.

The smile on Yin Ze's face gradually disappeared.

eight chapters good night

'Asuna, and everyone else, I will protect you. '

The black-clothed swordsman stood on the left side of the duel field, turning his body slowly, revealing a slightly immature but resolute face.He drew out his swords sassyly, with a firm tone.

'For the glory of Snow Country in the North, and even more for Your Highness, I will do my best to defeat you. '

The silent knight gently pulled out the long sword in front of him that seemed to be exuding the breath of winter. He gently stretched out his hand, grasped a piece of ice crystal snowflake, and let it melt in his palm.

Night and pure white confront each other.

The swordsman in black, and the sword king of Yeluan!

A little knowledge... "Dark Reincarnation Fantasy" is also from Lightning Library.

No one expected this dramatic scene in advance, and the audience applauded and booed one after another.

"This is really, it's a fateful meeting. I didn't expect the grievances between the two good brothers to continue in this way!" Yoshino Shoki also firmly caught up with this wave of momentum, "Let's look forward to the upcoming stage Let's have a wonderful duel!"

3, 2, 1, fight!

Big Ben was knocked away by the sound of ringing, opening the prelude to the death fight.

Matsuda sincerely manipulated Kirito step by step, intending to test it with ordinary tricks first, but Elredo caught the loophole.

Han'e, the famous sword handed down from generation to generation by the chief knight of the king's court, sighed, wrapped in biting cold air, broke through the enemy's double-sword defense with majesty.Using a set of gorgeous sword moves, the black-clothed swordsman was beaten back again and again.Its attack rhythm is smooth, not jerky, and it can be seen at a glance that the controller is a player who is proficient in this role.

The attack and kill of the famous sword comes with flying ice crystal special effects, combined with the magnetic ears of a popular voice actor, and the pleasant low voice, it can be used as an official clip to show the charm of this character.

Matsuda sincerely has good talent, and with the guidance of a peerless master, he can solve the middle-level man-machine at the beginning, but in actual combat, whether it is awareness or operation, it is a bit stretched.Several well-timed counterattacks were seen through by the sword king in seconds, and finally he was cornered and suppressed to death.

Driven by everyone's high emotions, the second game started soon.

Matsuda sincerely knew that he was not good at swordsmanship, so he decided to make use of his strengths and avoid his weaknesses. He was smart enough not to fight with Elredo for a bayonet, but to advance and retreat, constantly using moves with a wider range of attacks, waiting for the energy bar to fill up, and then looking for opportunities Unleash high-power big moves to show off.

Facing the black-clothed swordsman who completely adopted the "turtle's tactics", Sword King Yeluan seemed rather displeased, and arrogantly used the provocative moves that came with him.

'The strength is so weak, didn't you eat? 'Hummed in an extremely familiar, textured voice.

Yin Ze felt speechless with black lines all over his head.

The black-clothed swordsman finally undertook the pressure and successfully released his ultimate blow.The interpreter was so hot that it turned red, and his whole body turned into a blurred afterimage, tearing open the air, and rushing in front of Elredo.The blades intersected, bursting out dazzling sparks and thunder.

The mighty Yeluan Sword King was finally hurt, and was knocked back.Elredo landed on the ground, and got up with a skillful roll.

At the same time, complex instructions are accurately typed.A silver-white cross star lit up under Elredo's healthy green life bar.The energy that had been fully saved instantly returned to zero, which meant that the ultimate move had been activated.

Although the design of the silver cross star is holy and gorgeous, it always gives people an ominous premonition.

'--All right.Please feel the extinction and hear my prayers. 'The knight in frosty white armor said sadly.


Under the eyes of everyone, almost full of blood, the mighty Yeluan Sword King abandoned his usual aggressiveness, and began to retreat as if fleeing, while reciting taboo mantras in a deep and sad voice as pure as ice and snow.

"Interrupt him! Don't let him finish reading!" Yin Ze was the first to react. He anxiously patted his friend on the shoulder, urging him to prevent the tragedy from happening.

"I think so too, but he's running too fast." Matsuda sincerely knew that his opponent was planning a big move, but now his position suddenly changed, and his opponent became extremely obscene, crazily back jumping and dodging.With his novice-level skills, he couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

'Holy Lord in charge of the sun, please listen to my prayer and thank you for your bravery and wisdom. '

'O holy king revolving in the frosty sky, please strip me of all things, and free the world from the negligence and ignorance. '

The audience couldn't help but lean forward.

The beautiful voice finally said the last sentence.

'And thus I sleep in the mercy of the gods--the star sinks! ! '

When the farewell and solemn oath fell, it was like turning the key to the forbidden door, the flames overflowing the screen roared and boiled, and the screen was swept by thunder, lightning and storms.The sky was dark, as if tearing and falling, and the roar of falling into hell drowned everyone.And when the thick smoke dissipated.

The black-clothed swordsman had collapsed to the ground, and the knight was nowhere to be seen. Only a snow-colored long sword was broken in two and left on the spot.

The blood volume of the two was emptied at the same time, and this time it was a draw.

The long-suppressed, intense cheers erupted from the auditorium.It was like seeing the goalkeeper of the hip-stretched local football team run out of the penalty area and volley past more than a dozen people on the opposite side to win the World Cup.

Matsuda sincerely did not expect that he could still win a tie, so he grinned.Then he felt a chill down his spine, and felt a dark and deep breath around him burning like a raging fire.

"It's clear that it has gained the upper hand, and there are other overkills that can be used, but it's a big advantage to change home..."

Master Yin's face has completely darkened.

To kill is to punish the heart!It's really hateful!

"Let me do it next." The man said through gritted teeth.There is full of emotion in the whisper, and there is a beast roaring in my heart.

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