Of course, Matsuda sincerely would not refuse, and generously gave up his position.

Naturally, everyone also saw the scene of changing players on the spot, and the unexplained cheers became even hotter.

The third round.

3, 2, 1, fight!

The sound of Big Ben striking resounded.Immediately afterwards, almost seamlessly, the interpreter's sword sound was firmly stuck after the system prompt.

The swordsman in black used the sonic impact almost without any warning, and a cold light crossed half the screen.Elredo stood up his sword to withstand the zero forward surprise attack, and at the same time began to calculate how to counterattack, but to the astonishment of the black-haired JK, after returning to the defense this time, there was no gap to make a move.

The sticky light of one black and one white sword is like a violent storm. The magic sword-level weapons finally showed their divine power. They cooperated seamlessly with each other and began to bite and fight. If you dare to cancel the defense, your body will be torn apart by the blade net immediately.

The rocker keyboard was pressed with a crackling sound.

His struggle, his struggle, all through these instructions, turned into endless power on the body of the black-clothed swordsman.

The path of the sword is like the rush of wild beasts, the interpretation of extreme speed, the fiery air flow and the flying debris sweeping past, the cold sigh in Yeluan Sword King's hand, which has never been unfavorable before, can only cry out in the mad attack, the ice crystals can't fly anymore, all Melted into nothing.

At this moment, the black-clothed swordsman is completely different from the docile turtle spreader just now, he is as strong as a ghost, and all his movements reveal a strong aggressive will and a wildness of biting and chewing.

On the other end of the network, the black-haired JK who huddled under the blanket and played games in the cold winter is trying to regain the scene.Due to her arrogance at the beginning, she didn't pay attention to the enemy when she started the attack, and now she got an almost abusive blast kill.

And almost at the moment when the energy gauge lit up, the man pressed the keyboard heavily.

A crisp sound.

The black-clothed swordsman seemed to be wrapped in a coat of red lotus, and his eyes turned into a compelling golden color.At this moment, the already terrifying double swordsmanship was pushed to an unprecedented peak.

Enhanced Starburst Airflow Slash...!

The swordsman roared vigorously, cutting horizontally, stabbing and then horizontally cutting, roundabout cutting, spinning and then cutting with two swords, crossing downward cutting, crossing upward cutting, stabbing downward cutting, sword grid, backhand, joint carrying, thrusting thrust.The [-] consecutive strikes took place in an instant, and the sword net weaved was as far apart as heaven and earth, without any weaknesses.With this trick, he finally penetrated Yeluan Sword King's defensive posture, and the high damage was pleasing to the eye but also shocking.

Already in desperation, Elredo took advantage of the unavoidable back-swing of the super kill to pull back in time, and kept sweeping out the long-distance flying snow to contain him.

But the black-clothed swordsman has no intention of stopping at all. In this round, he has never stopped, let alone retreated.The murderous intent was overwhelming, and he vowed to kill the royal knights on the spot.

The raging anger is like substance!

The black-haired JK, who was wearing bedding, looked at the game screen and finally became serious.

The opponent has changed.

Still a real master.

She thinks she is not his opponent, and if she confronts her head-on, she has no chance of winning.

Then there is only one last option.

'--All right.Please feel the extinction and hear my prayers. '

The familiar voice sounded again.The silver cross star lights up.It's just that compared to the previous whole work, this time it is completely unavoidable, and I really want to die together.

The venue heated up again, and there were endless whimpers.

Yin Ze felt as if he had been in another world when he heard the familiar spells that he had assigned.Although it was his own voice, he could hear a strange sense of sadness.

Staring at the screen, the brother knight who is not under his own will.

Yeah, sure, you don't want to have the same ending forever, do you?Being put on the shackles of loyalty, what you get in return is the banter of the world, and the dedication again and again, just because you are treated as a puppet to be manipulated.

Across the dimension, Elredo and the man looked at each other.

We share honor and disgrace. In the past, we had no chance to fight, and maybe there will be no change in the future, but now, I assure you, this time, the stars will never fall!

Falling Stars is certainly an incomparably powerful skill, and it can be forcibly exchanged for one in this entertainment-oriented game.But it can only be activated after singing.Matsuda Makoto is a novice, so he can't interrupt.

However, the current operator is Public Enemy Number One in Guild Wars Night video game city, a master who is so cruel that he turns on the overclocking mode.All changes in the battle situation are so slow.

Only then did Yin Ze glance at the move table, and at the bottom, the ultimate ultimate kill that represented the end of the two-sword style, was also completely known to him.


The bright and bright sword light erupted around the black swordsman, and the mottled and dull air was covered with crack-like cut marks.What was blown up by the sword was the undoubted gust of wind, the swordsman cut off the sun wheel of the sword that swallowed everything in front of him, and the scorching sun formed by the sword would swallow everything.

Two-sword finishing move, 27 hits, Eclipse!

An indiscriminate range massacre, the range of the two-sword gale is the range of its killing, under the brilliant sword light of 27 shocking gaps, everything will be wiped out like being burned by the sun!

The sharp blade shadow is overwhelming, and you can feel the stinging pain on the body surface just by looking at it. The eclipse wheel that cuts out is the eclipse wheel that can strangle everything. The interpreter and the dark chaser are the sun core and the eye of the storm. !

In pious singing.

The black-clothed swordsman rushed forward, and the sound of the shattering wind became more mournful and harsh. He perfectly controlled the eclipse of the sun at a high speed, and he cut out the unstoppable momentum of burning ashes with his sword!

The sword dance like a prairie fire finally engulfed the silver knight.

The wind was silent, and the blood volume was cleared to zero.

'...Your Highness, I'm sorry. Unwilling, Elredo said as if relieved, then closed his eyes and fell down heavily.

After completing a soul baptism, Yin Ze left the keyboard with both hands, lowered his head slightly, and said good night to the knight.

The cheers and applause from all directions are just noisy, and the YouWin and the reminder that the opponent has left the game in the interface are just meaningless.

The curtain of the accident in nine chapters

"Suqing らしい! It's so exciting!" Yoshino Shoki couldn't stop applauding.

The cheers at the venue were even more unstoppable. People had the most original pure and beautiful smiles on their faces. Even if there were strangers around them, they would give each other high-fives to celebrate. The knight's armor is white, looking like twinkling stars from a distance.It seems to have come to a grand festival somewhere, the night sky is covered with brilliant fireworks, and the temple fair is brightly lit.

On that day, the great little surfer Bailong arrived at his loyal arena. In order to prevent the tragedy from happening, he did not hesitate to kill his other self.Cold, decisive, ruthless, and likes to touch other people's feelings, there is nothing like this.

Matsuda sincerely still felt honored, after all, he also had a share in this battle, but looking at his sad-faced friend, he still silently hid the joy of victory in his heart.

"It's an eye-opener. I didn't expect to be able to bring such a visual feast to everyone for the first time." Shoki Yoshino began to promote, "So after the game, can you give the audience a review?"

"The character is restored, the special effects are gorgeous, and the difficulty of the sequence is low. Other than that, it's nothing special." Yin Ze thought about it for a few seconds, then shook his head and said, "Recovery is fast and refreshing, but the system's judgment is not rigorous. There is an imbalance of supermodels. Even considering that it is a product that focuses on linkage feelings, the price is still a bit inflated. It is recommended that die-hard fans start with it, and passers-by..."

"Ah, compared to this old gourmet, Matsuda-san is a pure novice, and the reference is more valuable, so let's talk about it!" Yoshino directly transferred the core.

"The threshold is very low. Even beginners can experience the fun of fighting. Dozens of super popular characters are available for you to freely choose to experience the battle across dimensions. There is also a story mode to experience the possibility of IF that exists beyond the original. I play I’m very happy after I bought it, and I’m going to buy it when I go home. It’s said that the gold version will come with an out-of-print skin, which is very exciting.” Matsuda said sincerely.

It's not that I have memorized the lines in advance and have a prompt board.The good man in Hokkaido really thinks so... He fought twice, although both were regarded as defeats, but to be honest, he still has something to say!

"That's exactly the case. The original intention of the production of the fantasy war that connects dozens of stories is to convey and continue the touch of those completed or unfinished stories!" Yoshino Shoki took advantage of the situation and said loudly Said, "And there will be more characters joining this performance in the future, buy early and enjoy early. Remind again, the SAO series officially landed in Smash Bros. at 10 o'clock today, and the power of the latest character Kirito has just been demonstrated , please support me a lot!"

Unfortunately, the Nexus no longer has a bright future.

Master Yin shook his head and sighed softly.

"Then what follows is the second episode of information that the audience has been thinking about."

The host is skilled in business.

"In the second animation, Kirito will go to the FPS VR game GGO to investigate the mysterious 'death gun incident'. From sword skills to gunfire, what will happen? What will happen to the beautiful girl? What about it? I am also looking forward to it. The production team is still the same as the first episode, and at 8:[-] tonight, the official website of the animation will also update the webpage of the ghost bullet chapter. Now, please enjoy the special PV that will be broadcast for the first time!"

The big screen worked very diligently.

A golden stream of data floats in the dark and deep space.The plain white palm caressed the contrasting cold gun body, the blue hair bundle was hanging down next to the scope, the ice blue pupils were facing the camera, and the cold texture of the gun barrel was below.There was a heavy low cry, and gunpowder smoke slowly rose from the muzzle of the gun.Covering the petite face of the sniper.

A thin voice whispered.

'Sword Art Online II, Activated.'

The picture changes from static to montage.The huge steel city that exists under the black fog stands silently, the streets and alleys with high-saturation light cards flashing, the mercenary men wearing goggles, the skeleton warriors wearing dark raincoats...

The climax of the second phase of the OP's climax song was played straight away, and the smooth animation that had been completed was put together in a fast pace. The beautiful long black hair up to the waist was flying around, and the black female swordsman with a clean and pleasant face was waving a burning sword. The lightsaber slashes the oncoming bullet rain gracefully.The Iron Floating City flashed past, and the reincarnated goblin companions of various races fluttered their wings.The soldier wrapped in bandages raised a simple black star pistol, his eyes were scarlet.

"Suqing らしい!" Yoshino Shoki praised again, "It's a completely different style from the first issue! And it seems that the degree of completion is already very high?"

"Yes, the staff worked very hard." Matsuda said sincerely.

"A new character has also been added this time, and it's played by Miyuki-san Sawajo. This is a senior. How does it feel to play Matsuda-san opposite her?"

"Uh, in terms of acting skills, it's naturally..."

"Of course the acting is impeccable. Do you have any other thoughts?" Yoshino Shoki used God's Proclamation to forcefully enter the next chain.

"The sound development has reached a perfect level. It is very pleasant and beautiful. I am also quite dedicated and set an example to show us juniors what a voice actor should be." Matsuda said sincerely.

"Have you discussed the script?" Yoshino asked.

"Well, because of the current plot, the relationship between Kirito and her is not very good, so I can't talk too much, and the aura of the senior is too strong, I dare not step into that field easily..." Matsuda scratched his head sincerely.

"Isn't this completely meaningless." Yoshino Shoki had a black line, "What do you think of Takizawa-san? It seems that you haven't fully decided to join the second phase, right?"

"Doing animation is sometimes the same as filming. The production process cannot follow the timeline of the plot, so I still have a chance." Someone said bravely, "And after watching the PV just now, I feel deeply that the second issue The camera language is so cool and the characters are excellent, I want to compete for the role of Shinkawa Kyouji more and more, I will go all out to join the SAO family again with a new identity!"

"It's very imposing! Then you have to work harder! Let the supervisors feel your determination!" Yoshino Shouji encouraged.

Matsuda sincerely looked at his friend with complicated eyes.

"In addition, although it is only a short clip, we seem to have seen a beautiful swordsman with long hair. What's going on?" There are quite similarities, could it be Kirito's other younger sister?"

"That's me..." Matsuda said sincerely and vaguely.

"What? Did you use an account of the opposite sex? What's the meaning behind this?" Yoshino Shoki pretended to be shocked.

"Isn't it normal to use an account of the opposite sex in an online game? There is no need for any special reason." Matsuda was sincerely silent for a while.

"Indeed, but this is an animation after all. What kind of voice should the female account use to express it? Do you change the voice actor or do you still perform in person?"

"No, I haven't changed the voice actor, it's still me."

There was a burst of booing from the auditorium, accompanied by the slogans of "come one", "come one".

Master Yin showed a gratified expression, which was rarely touched.Finally, finally, it was the turn of others to enjoy such ostentation.Driven by his distorted psychology, he also joined the fun camp, shouting for one, and finally led the guests on the stage to join the lust camp.

Matsuda sincerely seemed to be an eggplant roasted on the fire, his expression wrinkled into a pile.Then abandoning the fantasy, approaching the microphone with trembling lips.

"I am Tongzi sauce, take a look~"

If you don't look at the face wrinkled into a plum, just by the voice, it will definitely remind people of the silver-haired and cool young lady in the rich family that appears in GalGame or special radio dramas.There were good-natured smiles one after another, and the venue was full of joy.

Matsuda sincerely slumped on the chair and lost his vitality.

Master Yin put on a comfortable posture, and Longyan was very happy.

"This is an unimaginable path, what does Asuna think?" Shoki Yoshino asked cheerfully.

"Isn't it a good thing to have a boyfriend and have a good sister?" Maeda Haruka covered her mouth and smiled.

"What do you think of Nobuyuki Nasugo?"

"If I knew this earlier, with my strategy and ambition, I wouldn't just catch Asuna."


"Well, all the procedures for today have been completed, and more than an hour has passed. The happy time is always short. Finally, please thank the voice actors again. Let's start with Nobuyuki Sugo, who I met so late." Yoshino Shoki bowed slightly and said.

"Hi everyone, thank you very much for buying tickets to participate in the event today. Sword Sanctuary is indeed a good work, and the production is also very hard. I am not surprised that there will be a second issue. Thanks to everyone's support, this series must be able to continue. Going further, I will work hard, I hope I can follow this team and appear in front of you in the future, even if it is a villain or buffoon, it doesn’t matter, I hope we will meet again.” Yin Ze stood up, faced the audience, and revealed his heartfelt words .

Everyone wants to be the protagonist with bright light, but he is willing to be the green leaf and the foil, just to push the work to a better level, which is moving.Tsuchiya Hongliang and a group of friends expressed emotion.

"Yes, as the younger generation said, we will definitely repay this expectation and encouragement, and lead this bond further and further." According to the order, Hidaka Mana followed closely, inheriting the above.

"This is the first time I have interacted with the audience offline, and I feel the enthusiasm of everyone. I can only say thank you, and I will go on with Asuna--although Kirito-kun is very lucky. , but I firmly believe that he would not dare to elope, right, Matsuda-san?" Maeda Haruka turned his head and asked.

"The author...the author probably wouldn't write like that." Matsuda said sincerely, looking at the ceiling.

"Today is very pleasant. After all, I fought against the Elf King with my parents. But in the end, my father and the Elf King actually had a mysterious relationship that is not humane. But if you jump out of the animation, Matsuda-san is a very interesting person , and worked very hard, I really care about how to play Kirito. I will work hard with these outstanding colleagues in the future!" Megumi Ito Kase clenched her small fists.

"Hello everyone, that, that, before this, I haven't participated in many activities, so I have been a little nervous, but at least it's the end. The second phase of the animation is well prepared, and the team also went abroad to collect music for this, which is very hard Yes, please look forward to the final results. In addition, I would also like to thank the companions around me, without their help, I would not be able to get to where I am today."

Matsuda was sincere and thoughtful.

"Thank you so much everyone, and finally—"

The male lead summoned up his courage and was full of momentum.

"I wish you all success in your work and good health. I will do my best, and I am Matsuda Makoto!"

However, because I was too excited, I accidentally pressed the microphone to turn it off.

The audience can only hear the first half of the sentence and see his passionate and determined eyes, but they can't hear the second half of the sentence at all.They all showed a look of bewilderment.

"Turn it on, turn it on." The host reminded.

As a result, after hastily turning it on, I just wanted to repeat the blood, but the positive feedback of the internal loop of the microphone circuit produced a self-excited scream, but I couldn't hear anything.

The male protagonist was in a hurry.

The event slowly came to an end in this interesting accident.

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