Ishihara Rito also cast admiring gazes at Takemoto Yasuhiro. He was able to assist and supplement the writing skills of these two while performing his supervisory duties. His powerful and comprehensive abilities have been fully demonstrated. He really deserves to be himself. Destined rival and friend!

Yasuhiro Takemoto accepted all the admiring and affirming gazes, sipped his tea lightly, and acted like a master without saying a word. He already had the aura of a gold medal director, fact, during this period, he couldn't bear it and fell asleep.


It was a bitter morning, and now the sun is warm and pleasant. The wind in April is still very cold, but this kind of coldness is not uncomfortable, at least it is just right for the boy's hot cheeks.

Cross the Yuanlu bridge.The queue turned and headed upstream.

Pink quietly mixed into the vision, and I couldn't help but raise my head.

The girl at the core of the line walked under the age-old crouching dragon cherry tree.Only [-]% of the flowers on the tree are blooming, but every petal is blooming wantonly, and the vitality is outrageous.Under the blooming cherry tree, the elegant girl in twelve singles walked forward slowly.The warm and soft sunshine, the old tile houses that happened to be built here, the residual snow in the fields, the clear river after the ice and snow melted, the melodious sound of water, the flock of birds flying across the sky...

All the ugliness seems to have disappeared here.

However, Chitanda, who has long hair like a waterfall, has never been seen before.

From here, you can only see the too beautiful back.

'I don't have her exuberant curiosity. '

'However, I understand that feeling now. '

'I really want to see her now, to see the sun shining on her cheeks. '

The young man's face was dazed, his heart was whispering, every syllable was full of trance and unconscious shame, his voice was warmer than Dongyang, and more slender and beautiful than Luoying.

Gengtian Lisha subconsciously covered her mouth and let out a low laugh in the silent living room.She didn't know why she was happy.


"Because of land improvement, it may not be visible now, but a long time ago, this area was divided into two parts by a wetland. It is said that there was a swamp on the side of Changjiu Bridge at that time, and our village was to the north. South is another village. Now the two villages have been merged, which is the Zhenchu ​​area of ​​Shenshan City."

“Our village has a Mizuna Shrine, and the villages in the south also have a Shuoshi Shrine. Although there are no land or water disputes, the shrines are still separated from the north to the south. Therefore, crossing the line without authorization during the ritual ceremony is like stepping into someone’s house. The same, both sides will feel very awkward.

"Because of the helplessness of this incident, the devotees of Shushi Shrine will also forgive. Mr. Hanai and other men who help him understand this. However, crossing the border without permission will become the fuse of conflicts, so The other party should have been notified in advance. However, not many people have this kind of communication channel.

Bicycles, teenagers, and girls in the back seat of the car.

Pastoral fields, small wells, bamboo fences outside the walls, clear grass and green water, and streams in the forest.

"I said 'it's not a big deal', right? That's because, as long as I say I'll contact the Shuoshi Shrine, everyone can feel at ease and go south across the long bridge." The girl put her hands behind her back, and she put on Changing from the familiar plain school uniform, it seemed that the gorgeousness just now was just a dream.

"So that's how it is." The young man was convinced, but for some reason, he couldn't look directly at the other party, so he just lowered his eyes and said, "The demeanor of a famous family."

"Is that so?" The girl raised her voice slightly and asked back.

The boy stopped in his tracks, remained silent for a short while, and finally looked back.

"It's just a small world, isn't it? In the northern part of Kamiyama City, the name of the administrative district is Jinide. I just coordinated the North Jinide and South Jinide here. Oreki-san, I don't think this is unimportant , but it’s not a big deal.”

The sun had already set on the hills.The surroundings were shrouded in fiery red, and night gradually fell.The girl's shadow was as slender as herself.It's so close, but it seems difficult to hold on to it.

"Mr. Xiaocheng's son seems to dream of becoming a photographer. For this dream, he is studying at a vocational school in Osaka. Oreki-san said that he wants to see rare scenery, and I agree. In this way, while watching, he I should have taken a photo. On the other hand, I will definitely enter university after graduating from high school... But unlike Mr. Xiaocheng's son, I will definitely return here. No matter what the road is, my destination will definitely be here— —Shenshan City is out."

The girl showed a beautiful smile.

"Oreki-san. How did you choose the liberal arts department?"

"Ah, I chose liberal arts." The boy said.

"Why?" the girl asked.

"Because I like chemistry the most for the four subjects of science, and I like Japanese history the most for the four subjects of liberal arts. And compared to chemistry, I like Japanese history more." The boy shook his head.

"It's quite reasonable, it's your style... I chose science." The girl smiled again.

"Why? Your grades should be in the top five of the grade, right? There are many directions to choose from." The teenager glanced at the plain white school uniform, Jingmei's friend, and avoided it the moment his eyes touched it.

"I don't think it's disgusting or sad to be back here. The Chitanda family has a certain leadership position in Hokujin, and as a daughter of the family, I want to do my best. For this reason, I thought about what I should do at school. How to do it. One way is to take the lead in cultivating crops with high commodity value to make everyone rich. The other way is to increase production efficiency from a strategic perspective at the business level and let everyone get rid of poverty.”

The toe of the girl's shoe gently kicked the pebbles on the side of the road.

"In the end I chose the former, and therefore chose science. Do you know what is the most important reason for me to make up my mind?"

"I don't know... I just think that the latter method is not suitable for you." The young man shook his head slowly.

"The direct cause was the commotion surrounding the anthology during the cultural festival. After causing you a lot of trouble, Oreki-san, I realized that I'm probably not suitable for running a company." The girl said with a wry smile.


Chitanda stopped talking, and she circled the open road, spreading her arms into the air.

The sky has basically sunk into night, and a few stars have also emerged.But why, why the color of the cherry blossoms is still so strong, covering the eyes.

"Look, Oreki-san. This is where I belong. There is only water and land, and the villagers are getting old. Even if trees are neatly planted on the hillside, what about the commodity value? I don't think this is the most beautiful place. place, and don’t think it’s full of opportunity. But…”

The girl lowered her hands, lowered her head, and whispered.

"I want to introduce this place to Oreki-san."

The young man nodded subconsciously.

'why. '

'Why, the heart beats so fast. '

'—ahhh. '

'A long-buried question in my heart has finally been answered at this moment. '

Almost blurted out, not in line with the usual style of acting, just obeying the impulse and emotion in his chest.

"How about I take charge of the 'strategic vision at the management level' that you gave up?"

The sound of the wind stopped for a moment, and then began to shake again.The historic Wolong cherry tree makes a rustling sound, a petal leaves from the branch, and the fish swims through the air.Those days with plenty of sunshine and too much time are almost gone.Time is too fierce, if you want to turn back a few years, how many years will be enough?

"...What did you say?" The girl waited for a few seconds and asked curiously.


'But what happened.I obviously wanted to say that, but I couldn't say it at all. '

In the hometown of the twilight girl, the boy failed to speak the truth.

"No, it's nothing. It's getting cooler."

The girl's eyes widened in surprise, then slowly, slowly smiled gently and shook her head.

"No, it's already spring."

At that moment, the sun was just right, the wind was blowing, and the temperature was just enough to melt the distance between two hearts.

The boy turned his face away pretending to be brave, but there was an unspeakable smile on his face.

His heartfelt words came out again, and this is also the last sentence.

"Youfeng knows it, Bai Xue knows it, Sakura knows it, Qingshui knows it, I know it, you know it too..."


The wall clock on the wall turned at an angle.

"Hello?" The man held up the phone.

"Is that last sentence not in the original work?" A soft voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I suggested Brother Takemoto add it." The man smiled.


"Everyone is not sure whether there will be a second issue, so I don't want to leave regrets. Although it is still an ambiguous language that has not been said, the intensity is just right. How is it? In your opinion?"

"Hmph, it's okay." Zhong Tian Lisha leaned against the window, looking at the night scene in the distance, noncommittal.

"Then I'm relieved." Yin Ze took a sip of his wine.


A sense of emptiness.

The familiar ED sounded.

It is Kyoto Animation's consistently creative ending, but the biggest surprise of the finale is just a few seconds later.

The first is the list of credits for the single episode.

After the familiar lineup of voice actors, page after page of repeated fields began to emerge.

Supervision: Yasuhiro Takemoto

Performer: Takemoto Yasuhiro Kigami Masaharu

Drawing Supervisor: Satoru Takizawa

Original painting: Satoru Takizawa, Masaharu Kikami, Yasuhiro Takemoto

Animation Check: Masaharu Kigami, Satoru Takizawa

Animation: Satoru Takizawa, Masaharu Kigami, Yasuhiro Takemoto

Background: Takizawa Satoru Kikami Masaharu

Background Animation: Masaharu Kigami Satoru Takizawa

After watching, Tsuchiya Hongliang sat on the sofa without daring to make a sound. It took him a long time to recover from the extremely high-quality finale. He ignored the scattered biscuits and looked down at his phone.The chat group is refreshing almost like crazy.

In a house in Tokyo.

A young man's face poked out from behind the instant noodle lid.

He pushed the frame of glasses that had slipped and moved closer to the TV.

It is inevitable to remember the name that has been repeated many times.

Such a powerful person, I have never heard of it...

I really hope that one day in the future, I can cooperate with such a guy.

But before that, I still have a lot to do.

The young man picked up the instant noodles, drank the soup in one gulp, turned around and rushed back to the computer on the working interface.

No.60 Thank you

Bojing Yiping woke up from the bed, yawned and went out to wash his face and brush his teeth, yawned and threw his clothes and pants into the laundry bucket, yawned and disposed of the leftovers from the takeaway, yawned and collapsed on the sofa and rubbed Young people have a small beer belly and use their mobile phones, and the hostess of the morning news is very beautiful, which makes people feel happy.

Being a good broker means waking up every day to read and respond to many messages and emails.

Last night, he went in and out three times at a high-end izakaya in Shinjuku, fighting eight big bottles at night, he was like a beggar's version of Zhao Zilong, and he went to a Shibuya massage parlor in the middle of the night, he could be called a beggar's version of crossing the river in white clothes.After returning, I hugged the toilet affectionately and slept for half the night, until I woke up from the cold before crawling back to the single bed.

Let me see what dinners I have to go to today, what heroes I will fight, and also see if there are any new idol projects that I can use.An excellent director can fully tap the potential of actors, and an excellent agent can also fully utilize the potential of its talents.

There are a bunch of messages on the phone, more than twice as many as in the past.

"Wow! Tomari-san! You're out of luck!"


"Single draw of the God's card! I must be smiling all over my face now, even Malik can't match it. When are you going to treat the brothers to drink champagne?"

"Even a gentleman is on guard? Treat colleagues as outsiders? Keep it hidden?"

"Didn't you complain last time, the hearts of the people were scattered, and the team was not easy to lead? Brother, I am willing to take over the offer. If you want, we can meet in private and discuss it in detail."

"Hello, considering the three-year itch, do you have any plans to change jobs in the near future?"

Bojing Yiping was full of doubts.

What is this mess?Why all of a sudden a bunch of unexplained congratulations?Could it be that the lottery ticket bought at the convenience store won the lottery?Impossible, I have such a life, and I won't be able to get another bottle even if I buy a drink.

One day, you woke up with a hangover, and suddenly found that everyone in your circle of friends was smiling at you, applauding and saying congratulations.It's bewildering and chilling.

Could it be that brother was selected by the United Nations as the executor of the human completion plan?The moment of judgment has arrived, and the third impact is coming?

Kashiwa Ippei frowned, then yawned and clicked on the various web links attached to the message without warnings of danger.I saw that the mobile phone automatically jumped to the web page.

It was a list of Staff personnel.

Ordinary, nothing out of the ordinary.

It's just that someone is also among them, but he is a voice actor, so it's not surprising that he is on the staff table.

But why is the repetition rate so high? ? ?


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