Isn't this the CV table? ?

Kashiwai Ippei's eyes became suspicious.

He watches a short clip of animation on the Internet, then moves around on Twitter.


"冲浦启之@HiroyukiOkiura: ... top-notch dynamic back, Masuji, forgive me, I can only sigh, the sword is not old."

"Yuasa Masaaki @MasaakiYuasa: Two weeks? Three people? This quality? True or false?! (ΩДΩ)"

"Toshio Suzuki @ToshioSuzuki: I showed it to the bad old men in my society this morning (*^▽^*), and they asked if this is to set a standard for TV animation. Please, please don't."

"Hosoda Mamoru @MamoruHosoda: I really want to come and experience this unbelievably efficient management and production method..."

"Ito Zhiyan@ItouTomohiko: There is a person with the same name and surname as Nobuyuki Sugo's CV...Huh?"

"Kemori Keihiro @Omori: What happened??"

"Nagasaki Xingnan @nan: Ah? No? What is this?!"


Kashiwa Ippei saw sweat on his forehead, and he stepped directly into the rightful lord's domain.

Check out the man's Twitter account directly.The latest news was released 18 hours ago, and the official news about the end of Bingguo was reposted. As a relevant person, it was purely reposted without typing a word.

But this extremely lazy forwarding comment area is already crowded with people.

"You play me??"

"There is a 'funny blogger' in the tweeter's self-introduction. I declare that this is the account's most successful joke."

"Smash it! Smash you all! I've been sneaking around! Now it's all trending, and we old fans can no longer have exclusive access to everything from the tweeter (sad)"

"The Peerless Master has disappeared since he fell to the Platinum rank. It is said that he is doing animation. Now it seems that the Peerless Master may have really disappeared."

"I was very moved watching it last night, but it suddenly occurred to me that Nobuyuki Sugo and Houtaro were dubbed by one person..."

"My brother is so handsome, can you take more selfies?"

"Attention vulgar fans, this is an academic discussion area."

There is a lot of information about hot reviews.

"Cute Dolphin Pioneer: After watching it last night, I was so excited that I couldn't fall asleep. I tossed and turned until it was dawn and fell asleep. When I got up and looked at it, it really aroused heated discussions. This should be the best and most beautiful TV painting in recent years. 20 minutes completely It is self-contained, it is like a short-lived youth film. What is even more unbelievable is that all the performances and original animations, such core things are all completed by only 3 people in more than 10 days... This is almost an impossible task. What's more, the middle sheet was damaged before. But I visited the studio site a month ago, and I can say with certainty that this is true, and it is indeed the voice actor himself. Click me to view the interview transcript and photos—”

"Austrian Boyfriend: Wow!"

"Dreams of middle-aged and elderly women in the Eastern Hemisphere: Hehe, simply put, I can't accept it."

"Brother Dang: It's you again, I can't just sit idly by. Come on! Fight me!"


Ah? ?

Kashiwai Ippei originally opened his mouth to yawn, but now he can't close it.

what is this?

Kashiwai Ippei stared at #冰果结果#, #作画supervisor系声优# among the hot topics...

What kind of monster is this? !Which world line is this?

The manager was silent and petrified on the sofa.

"旅をきらしchest をおさえて~?久しぶりねと君が笑う~?"

The phone rang, and the ringtone was a golden song with a strong sense of the times, it was "Jun は Rose より美しい", which was of course not his style, and was instigated by a certain evil dragon to change it.

"Hello...?" Ippei Kashiwa, still in a daze, answered.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Kashiwa Ippei from ImEnterprise?" The other party was quite polite.


"I didn't make an appointment, and the hasty call is really disturbing. That's it, we sincerely invite Mr. Takizawa Satoru from your company to join our female-to-idol project. We all agree that Mr. Takizawa has the potential to usher in a new era! Don't worry about the treatment at all. , The price, etc., is up to you! The style of the music, the stage design, all can be negotiated! Our sincerity is definitely the number one in Japan!"

Kashiwai Ippei accurately captured words such as "female direction", "idol project", "you raise the price".

Finally, the dream turnaround is in front of you, and you must consider whether this is the only opportunity in this life.

I want to agree happily, drive a Mercedes-Benz, take a BMW, and switch to a Prova.


The manager's lips trembled slightly.

He couldn't speak.

It's just an exchange that happened within a month, but it's as far away as a world away.It seems to appear in front of my eyes like a revolving lantern.

'Then from now on, I will never mention the word 'idol' in front of the Emperor of the Sea!I will never interfere with fishing!Career planning is all up to you!You can go to the audition if you want, cut first and play later, the manager gives permission! '

'good!Say it! '

'The third speed in the universe is hard to catch! '

'Big cause! '

'Big cause! '

'Ha ha ha ha--'

The collision of water glasses is the sound of withered and scattered dreams.

Bad, I've been usurped.

This is conspiracy.

An assassination king who has been dormant for a long time!

Regret, regret, agree to that despicable villain! !

Business cooperation is nothing, and even the good life disappears.

Entering the seiyuu group of the office again, I saw Brother Zhixin discussing this matter with someone.

Kashiwa Ippei lost his strength, and lay peacefully on the sofa, just wanting to take advantage of his free time to sleep well and forget all his troubles.Hope wakes up and the world jumps back to its original course.


On the official website of Kyoto Animation, in addition to normal matters, there will be staff posting some daily articles.

"Hi everyone, I'm Takemoto. I received a gift today. It's a doll accessory. This accessory is a music box with a clockwork. When it turns, it will emit a beautiful melody. There are several of them. ED singing. My daughter likes them very much. As long as the song plays, she will go around the coffee table with a grunt. When I am having fun, I always ask me to squat down and ride a horse. I was so busy a few days ago that I didn’t even go home. I heard from my wife that she is still sulking. Ah, "Bingguo" is finally over, we tried our best to make it, I hope you like it!"


"Maybe it's because I'm getting older. I'm particularly concerned about the little things in life, and people tend to sigh. Recently, I've been thinking a lot, and what I think about the most is the future. When I was young, I wasn't indecisive, but now when I think about it, I always subconsciously think about my age, and what are my friends doing at the same time? To be honest, I really want to see more works, and I really want to continue creating. By chance, an incompetent disciple took me and a young man The 14-day adventure started, although it was very hard, but very enjoyable. It seems to have returned to the period when the newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, full of ambition, 'let the world hear your voice' and so on. The sailing boat relying on the waves Ah, where will we go next? Well, there will be a day when I see it. I am a little uneasy, but I am still full of expectations. This era is also so exciting, and my old buddies should work hard, haha .——Mashiharu Kigami"


Another corner of the same morning sky.

Yin Ze also got out of the bedding sleepily, put away the alcoholic peanuts on the coffee table, and threw the clothes and pants into the washing bucket.Simply fry eggs and bacon in a pan for a cozy morning.

There are too many messages on social accounts, and I can't get back at all, so I simply pretend that I haven't woken up yet.

After breakfast, log in to the game.

As soon as it went online, someone sent a private chat message, inviting to form a team and do daily tasks.

Initiate voice application.

"So early?" Yin Ze asked.

"This is also part of the work." Yoshida Satomi said slowly, "I watched the last episode, and I didn't expect it to be like this..."

"Shocked by me?" Yin Ze smiled slightly.

"I didn't expect this to happen. The precious first time you went all out was not in my game project, but in animation." Yoshida Tomoki said sadly.


"But in this way, have you met some people?" Yoshida Satomi sighed, "The connection between people and the world is gradually established in this way."

"Stop gossip, click OK and enter the copy." Master Yin urged.

"Hey, you man, I care about you so much, and I don't even say thank you." Yoshida Tomoki murmured.

"Thank you."

"What? I didn't catch it? Please say it again."

"Thank you. Don't roll when the shirt comes out, I want to transform."

"Is this kind of thing called that? Oh yes, Tsundere?"

"Ha ha!"

No.60 Chapter [-] Lightning Return



It's so nasty!

Sakura Eiji's ten fingers flew into flowers on the screen of the mobile phone, and the vast sea of ​​knowledge was output into specific sentences and vocabulary, and turned into a giant sword icon on the Internet, fighting against the unmasked enemy .A flower grows from one finger, and a lotus blooms from ten fingers. There is nothing better than a pianist. Those who don't know it think he is playing whack-a-mole.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the number of fans on this Twitter account increased slightly again, and another group of kind and honest young people were bewitched and transformed by the evil, which made it more and more difficult for him to raise the bar. Situation under siege.

But I will not give in.

Eiji Sakura connects the power of heaven and earth with his fingers, and the fifty-sound chart is violently shaken. The pseudonym runes form a network of key arrays, supplemented by Western characters to stimulate the killing spirit, and the law is strict. The orthodox avenue of pearls, strictness and oppression, and quotations from classics made the undergraduates cry for a while, and the middle school environment disappeared into ashes.

But the enemy's aura is unabated. There is a master of nine-level swordsmanship called "Brother Understanding". The evil method of fighting and killing with rich experience at the same rank, the worst is one-for-one, very vicious, not a good person to compare with.What's more, there are strong support on the sidelines.

Eiji Sakura drank a cup of coffee, plugged in the charging cable, connected his wife, and released the secret method.With one enemy outnumbered, the fierce battle lasted for two hours. Both sides were battered, and the opposite side was running out of power before withdrawing troops.

Heh, what is the Osaka key saint, the one who inserts labels and sells heads, it's a pity that my famous brand and high-end machine want to kill such unknown rats.

The middle-aged man moved his sore fingers, pretending to be tough and snorting coldly.

"Washing your hands and eating, you two have been using your phone all morning, what are you doing?" Sakura Edmori came out of the kitchen with hot dishes, and said dissatisfiedly, "I'm too lazy, at least help to serve the meal?"

"I was just having a text-only meeting with my staff."

"Just checking the information."

The father and daughter put down their mobile phones together, one in front of the other, the one who cooks the rice, and the one who scoops the soup.

"Today's diet seems a bit simple and bland." Eiji Sakura said casually.

"The requirements are quite high. I like to eat or not." Sakura Zhisen showed a smirk, as if he was not very happy, "I have been doing general cleaning for the past few days, how can I have time to make complicated delicacies for you? I don't want to go out by myself Let's go to the restaurant."

"...Oh, that's not what I meant." Eishi Sakura was taken aback for a moment, and then he said flatteringly, "How about we go out to eat tonight, to refresh our mood? How about Mediterranean cuisine? Anatolian cuisine? Turkish cuisine ? After that, go to the clothing store, don’t worry, just swipe my card.”

"Oh, so it's because I'm tired of eating my food, so I have to eat other people's food to have a good mood? So it's because I dislike me."

"How could you have such an impossible idea?"

"Hehe, it's different if you come out and work alone, and the executives become the big boss. After so many years, the same family life is boring, right? Is it annoying me?" Sakura Zhimori said coldly, "Okay, pack your bags and go, and talk to your young secretary."

"What are you talking about? I always recruit male secretaries and male assistants. It's not like you don't know." Sakura Eishi defended.

"Then what are you doing to me with your face drooping these two days? You have been very abnormal since the day before yesterday, with a listless and absent-minded look. When you ask what's wrong with you, you just say 'it's okay'. When you ask if the company's business is not going well, you just say 'It has nothing to do with these, just leave it alone'."

Sakura Edamori frowned.

"You stay on your phone late at night, typing and chatting with people all the time, and you usually read books! When you get up to go to work during the day, you go out without hugging me. You are thinking about other people! You are clearly not at home anymore!"


Sakura Eishi opened his mouth, intending to explain, but he didn't know where to start.

Everything starts from the moment when the hand trembles and clicks into #paintingsupervisory department音优#.In the dozens of hours since then, he has been checking and fighting against fate, looking for the correct timeline.

"You must have changed your mind about making money, and you have other thoughts. This really hurts my heart. After eating this meal, I will call my father and ask him to clean up the room. I want to go back to my mother's house." Sakura Zhimori Said calmly.

Eiji Sakura shook his chopsticks in fright.First, he absolutely loves his wife deeply, and there is no falsehood.Second, he must not be able to withstand the punch of his father-in-law's 20 years of skill.

"It's all a misunderstanding. I'm just conceiving a new plan these days. I need to keep in touch with foreign partners. You know that there are time differences in various regions. In order to reconcile them, I must disrupt my rhythm. And as a self-disciplined person with two packs of abs, it would be very uncomfortable to disrupt the rhythm hastily. I didn't get enough sleep that day, so I thought I had already hugged him." Sakura Eiji said immediately.

"Do you think I will believe it? There must be something hidden in it!" Sakura Zhimori firmly believed.

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