Love... What kind of disease is this? My mood and state are no longer under my control.

The two maintained this quiet gaze.

"Did you see the strength and ambition in my eyes?" Yin Ze said in a deep voice, "You have to show your momentum."

Saw and saw.

The girl whispered in her heart.

Being close at hand, of course everything can be seen clearly.

This person's excellence, this person's handsome and touching side, of course, he has known for a long time.

"I also auditioned for "Hyogo" before, but it failed." Sakura Mio finally couldn't help turning her face to the side, and softly talked about another topic.

"Is there such a thing?" Yin Ze was stunned for a moment, and then comforted, "... Looking for a job, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, so don't worry too much about it."

"It's okay, I understand, I just mentioned it. After all, I want to..." The girl's voice was lower, "I want you to know that I am still working hard. Although I didn't succeed, it's not a big deal None."

"That's right." The boy nodded.

After hearing the news that day, after watching the last episode, Sakura Mio felt a huge sense of loss in her heart.

Nothing else.

But as a person who has a rough understanding of painting, and because of the lack of talent, she finally fears and gives up this road, she knows what kind of state and strength it is.Even if he knew that his skills were extraordinary before, he was still far from being mentally prepared to face this fact.

How far ahead of himself is this person?

The girl hugged her legs and rested her chin on her lap, thinking silently.

Where he is, how far is the distance from his own world.Compared with his own life, it is really too slender and dull.

Like the fireworks and stars that night.Gorgeous and brilliant, but you can't touch it at all. You can see the stars because the stars themselves are dazzling.And maybe one day, when the stars get tired, they will disappear behind the night.And the self who still stays on the earth can no longer see that piece of starlight.

The person I like is too powerful, it is really, really a sad thing.

The more dazzling it is, the longer its own shadow will be.

You will always make many achievements that exceed many people's expectations, and do not give others a chance to catch up.



I will rush to your side.

The words that were under the fireworks display by the river were definitely not blurted out willfully.

"Hurry up and get to work, tutor."

With a blushing face, Sakura Mio grabbed the boy and sat on the table, spreading out various exercise books and materials.

Sakura Edmori watched the two of them next to each other and began to discuss.She smiled inevitably, and then planned to prepare some snacks and drinks.

No.60 Chapter [-] The Wind of Fighting is Noisy

Eiji Sakura turned the key and opened the door of his house.

The heat in the house is blowing in your face, and it is also mixed with the aroma of delicious sweets.If you guessed right, it is the Nagasaki honey cake from Fukushaya, a century-old shop.Wives and daughters often eat it, and they also use it to entertain guests.

With a falcon-like gaze, he scanned the entrance sharply, and found a pair of brand-name shoes that he didn't recognize and were worn out in battle. The laces were neatly stuffed inside and placed in a corner.From the details, you can roughly see what kind of person this is.

Sure enough, a cautious young man who made a plan and then acted rashly entered my territory.

The middle-aged man tidied up his suit, walked into the house, and wanted to find his slippers, but found that they were missing.Presumably it was usurped by others, he had a lot of plans in his mind, took out a pair of brand new slippers, and walked like a lion returning.

The sound of the door has already caught the attention of the family.

"Why are you back? Aren't you going to work?" Sakura Edemori, who was cutting apples in the kitchen, came out and asked curiously.

"Take a day off and come back to deal with matters." Eiji Sakura said seriously.

"I've only heard that you have to go to the company to do errands. What can you do only when you go home?" Sakura Edomori was puzzled.


The middle-aged man's gaze spanned the space, and he locked on the handsome little boy sitting at the table in the distance for an instant.

Spot the target.

"Is this the tutor we hired with a high salary?" Sakura Eishi stood with his hands behind his back, showing a sense of mastery, and said flatly, "Hehe, can voice actors do their homework? You are so confused, Pai A person with goods will come to guide you."

"Who is old?" Sakura Zhimori approached with a smile, stretched out his hand and squeezed the soft flesh around her husband's waist, as expected of a descendant of the dragon and tiger martial arts master, the strength of the fingers of picking pork belly, referred to as the finger of picking flowers, is just right.

Eishi Sakura uttered misfortune from his mouth, covered his waist to prevent his arrogance from leaking out, and forced himself to be the backbone of the family. Under the weird eyes of his beloved wife, he walked towards the harmonious pair of teachers and students who were immersed in the test papers and supervision.

"Father, are you back so soon?" Sakura Mio, who was lowering her head to write the formula, raised her head in doubt.

"Hello, Uncle." Yin Ze got up and greeted very politely, making it impossible for anyone to find any flaws.

"Uncle?" Sakura Eishi frowned slightly, and was about to invade brutally, so he went down to the city first, and said, "You are now a tutor..."

"Yes, boss." Yin Ze was like a riddle-guessing emperor, after listening to the first half of the sentence, he automatically knew the second half, and instantly changed his words to give the answer.

The predicted middle-aged man was silent for a few seconds.

"... Forget it, what were you doing just now?" Sakura Eishi's chain was interrupted and he had to enter the next stage and asked.

"Although I knew a little about Sakura's grades before, I still don't know enough, so I plan to ask her to take a few national exams first, so as to get a more detailed grasp of her current scores, so as to facilitate adjustment of the exam plan." Yin Yin Ze explained.

"That's right. If that's the case, let's go to the side and talk while Mioyin is concentrating on the questions. Although we are so familiar, we still have to go through the interview cutscenes. It's a sense of ritual." Sakura Eishi pointed On the sofa, with a warm smile, he motioned to follow.

The two alumni slowly sat down on the sofa near the yard.

The invisible momentum began to rise.

Mr. Bank Card could no longer hold back his fighting spirit, as if a wind appeared behind him from the phantom of a dragon.

"Little brother has been in the limelight a lot recently, and there are your hot search trends on Twitter." Eishi Sakura said kindly, with a very kind tone, as if the spoiled one would take out the New Year's money in the next second.

"I just made some small achievements, thanks to everyone's love." Yin Ze said very modestly.

The middle-aged man examined silently.

Don't be arrogant in victory, not impetuous in defeat, behave calmly, and have all the etiquette.It's just... so cautious.If I hadn't seen this person use her beauty as a sword, turn on the role-playing mode, harvest users' money, and bring coffee, I would have believed it.

"The two of us can be regarded as seniors and juniors. Let's say we are both liberal arts students, and we are both under the care of Onishi-sensei. You and Mioyin are friends and colleagues. No matter what, you should walk around more and get closer. Today you I am really happy to be able to come, Uncle." Eiji Sakura's voice was mellow.

"Then I will visit you often in the future." Yin Ze nodded.

"Of course. By the way, you came to work on the first day today, didn't you come empty-handed?" Sakura Eishi asked suddenly.

"No, I brought a gift, and I specially picked a Nishijinori tie for the boss, hoping it will suit me." Yin Ze said.

That's right, such a small mistake, of course, will not be made.

"Successful in career and studies, and also won the crown of the most beautiful face, you are really handsome, a dragon and a phoenix among people, but then again, the education industry has high standards. I have not left my status as a student, but I am a little worried about whether I can become a good teacher to others."

In just a few words, Sakura Eishi smoothly changed from a benevolent elder to a stressful president, and said with a slight frown.He questioned deftly.

"From your resume, apart from tutoring the female neighbor upstairs, you don't have any relevant formal work experience, and your internship is limited to volunteering to tell the story of Momotaro to kindergarten children. Previously, you were engaged in art and cultural creation. Industry. On weekdays, you interact with water friends on Twitter, and the ratio of discussing photos and discussing topics is 7:3. So I doubt whether you have the ability and mentality to become a tutor."

"How do you know that [-]% of my replies to netizens' comments are about photos?" Yin Ze wondered.

"There's no need to delve into this, anyway, the data is here." Sakura Eishi waved his hand.

"As you said, I really lack experience in this area, but if I don't participate in it all the time, then I will definitely not gain work experience..." Yin Ze said.

"There's no need to say this kind of thing anymore, I often hear it." Sakura Eishi changed his tone and said, "In fact, generally speaking, I would agree to such a talented student. But the matter is important, It's better to be cautious, don't you think?"

"That's good, that's right. I only dared to come in after I was fully prepared." Yin Ze showed a reassuring smile.

"Oh? What preparations are there?" Eiji Sakura raised his voice, "Let me tell you first, I am very demanding. If the content is very superficial, I will send you back severely."

"It's not superficial, boss, please take a look."

I saw the young man turned around and took a large stack of typed documents and handed them to the boss. The middle-aged man's hands were inevitably pressed down due to the weight.

"What is this?" Eiji Sakura was confused.

"This is my humble report."

Yin Ze snapped his fingers crisply, and Eishi Sakura felt dazed for a while, as if he saw a large piece of PPT appearing behind the person in front of him.The other party did speak eloquently like a financing veteran.

"Japan currently has about 780 universities, with more than 80 national and public universities each, and the private ones are the most. According to the deviation value of last year, I made two 100-ranking lists from the two parts of arts and sciences. As for individual strong majors The list is on page 7."

"Slow, there is a ready-made network. The deviation value is only the quality of students and the difficulty of admission, and the ranking is only the strength of some parameters, which cannot directly determine the quality of employment and education." Eishi Sakura immediately reacted.

"Of course. Higher education is also high consumption. It needs to pursue its own value and return. Coupled with the impact of cost performance and geographical factors, state and public schools in remote places should also be carefully considered." Yin Ze took advantage of the burden and introduced clearly, " Regarding these things, you can turn to page 24 for a detailed discussion."

"These are clichés." Eiji Sakura said with a chuckle.

"I also referred to the Times' rankings in Japan in the past two years, aiming at the comprehensive university's teaching level, facilities and equipment, faculty, geographical location, social reputation, and entry into large companies, and listed another list that is very suitable for the current environment. If you are interested, you can read it from page 35." Yin Ze added.

"...Such a big result, just a reference, the purity of the content needs to be verified." The smile on Sakura Eishi's face gradually disappeared, and he still pointed out the weak point.

"As expected of the boss, he is very careful. In fact, due to the small number of national schools, low tuition fees, many applicants, and high difficulty, every big city has a strong private school as a guarantee. The three major metropolitan areas of Tokyo, Keihanshin, and Nagoya The basic advantages of foreign national public universities are still in the departments of medicine, education, fisheries or agriculture, which are mainly oriented towards the development of the local economy and provide training for local civil servants, teachers, doctors and other talents. In the industrial and commercial circles, such as enterprise technology and related management talents, It still depends on the prestigious schools in the metropolitan area." Yin Ze didn't stop at all, "This can be analyzed from the statistical data of the graduate schools of the presidents in Japan over the years. This is on page 56. By the way, you are also among them. "

"..." Eiji Sakura tried hard to quickly flip through, trying to find the loopholes.

"Then, before Sakura's test results come out, I'm inclined to choose her among private schools. For example, Aoyama College, Chuo University, etc., which are top-notch private schools. Of course, it's better to go further. It's the familiar Qingying. , Waseda, Shangzhi, etc., about this private customization 1.0, you can find it on page 67..."

"Okay, okay, I see, you can stop explaining."

Sakura Eishi was forced to interrupt the other party's eloquent explanation. He felt that if this continued, the initiative would be taken away.

Holding the thick report, the middle-aged man scratched his head and felt a little overwhelmed. After reading it for a few minutes, he knew that there was something in this document.

Subjective and objective, international and domestic, regional influence and employment, social situation, everything has been discussed, even a first-class private school can only be organized like this at most.

However, precisely because it is so advanced, there are problems.

"But." The middle-aged man knew that he was picking bones in the egg, coughed dryly, and said very reluctantly, "This is too comprehensive. Although you are powerful, you are young after all. Many of the key points may be biased. , this is determined by age and experience..."

"Of course this is not the result of me alone." Yin Ze nodded and said proudly, "It is the crystallization of my strength from many parties, it is the strength of unity!"

"Oh? Who are there? Is there an authoritative certification in the humanities?" Eishi Sakura's eyes lit up. "They can't all be ordinary students from the University of Tokyo, right?"

"Naturally, I have the help of my classmates, but most of the materials are provided by the principal and dean of the Metropolitan No. [-] Middle School, and I collect overseas materials." Yin Ze said gratefully, "After the compilation is completed, it will be reviewed by Dean Da Nishi Chuansuke. And it was revised and revised many times by my senior Kenzo-kun, a student of his in the Ministry of Education."

"Ahem——!" Sakura Eishi almost choked on his breath, and the dragon shadow behind him was crumbling.

"Is the boss okay? Would you like some water?" Yin Ze was taken aback, and quickly patted the middle-aged man on the back.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Eiji Sakura shook his head.

"Does the boss have any questions about the information?" Yin Ze asked respectfully.

The Ministry of Education has changed the confirmed things, and I still have a fart question?

Sakura Eishi was expressionless and sighed inwardly.


Unexpectedly, he has worked so hard for Mio...

The middle-aged man fell into deep thought. Since the class reunion, after listening to his old classmate's analysis, he actually had a different feeling.

However, just as the boss's psychological defenses were slowly collapsing, the face and image of this person on the radio and live broadcasts appeared before his eyes, which made him immediately startled again.

"I already fully understand your preparations for this job. The next step is the actual teaching ability." The middle-aged man felt that he underestimated the enemy, so he decided to take out the kill, "I don't know how the junior is going to implement these teaching plans and What about the plan?"

"Naturally, we teach students in accordance with their aptitude and make them private." Yin Ze said with certainty.

"Of course it's excellent." Sakura Eishi smiled again, "Jiuwen's junior passed the red gate with the impressive achievement of being ranked seventh in Wensan. He is especially good at history and geography. He is Dean Onishi. The literati who are all favored. It's just..."

"Just what?" Yin Ze asked.

"It's just that no one is perfect. I'm afraid my junior is quite hard at mathematics, right?" Sakura Eishi kept smiling.

"It's not hard work, it just needs more brainpower." Yin Ze showed a lack of confidence for the first time.

"Haha, really? I heard on the radio that you didn't even give an answer by factoring it out." Sakura Eishi showed his background.It is a good interpretation of knowing yourself and knowing the enemy, and winning every battle.

"The boss has a lot of things to do every day, and he still listens to my radio?" Yin Ze cast a strange look.

"It's not important. What's important is that as a tutor, it's better to have all-round abilities. After all, a student is still a master who specializes in one skill..." Eishi Sakura said.

"Boss, don't worry, I've grown up, this is not a problem." Yin Ze puffed out his chest, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Even if you say so..."

"I will be able to prove it when I correct Sakura-san's test paper."

"Since I've said that, I'll just wait and see." Sakura Eishi frowned, doubtful.

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