No.60 Chapter [-] What Exam-Taking Technique Is This?

Time passed unconsciously.

Sakura Mio has finished the test paper and is anxiously waiting for the judgment to come.

Master Yin carefully took out a brand new red pen from his pocket, lowered his head to draw circles and crosses, and wrote down some corrections, with a rustling sound.

Eiji Sakura stood behind his hands like the boss of the marking team and observed, while the cockatiel with the name "Beethoven" rested on the old father's shoulder, also retracting its wings and tilting its head to observe.

Only Sakura Edmori went to watch TV idol dramas with a glass of water in his hands very easily.

It's in full swing here, and it's leisurely life there.

The speed of the man correcting the paper was very fast, and with a sweep of his eyes, he swore that the pen was marked red, and the speed of scanning the book made even the teacher next door sigh and feel ashamed after reading it.

"Historical knowledge reserves are not bad, but the examination questions are not proficient enough, geography is obviously not memorized properly enough, and foreign languages ​​​​are just enough. If you want to become Li Hua's gold medal ghostwriter, your vocabulary is still too small..." Teacher Yin was thinking Turning around quickly, while silently improving the private customization 1.0 plan, writing and talking.

Sakura Mioyin held the pen and pursed her lips, humbly accepting the opinion.She had never been so attentive in school.

Eiji Sakura and the cockatiel nodded simultaneously, but did not express their thoughts.

Soon, it will be the science volume.

At this time, the pillar of the family cheered up a little bit, and calmed down.

Sure enough, compared with the previous stepping on the snow without a trace and the red pen flying on the grass, the processing speed of the tutor now has dropped significantly by two levels, especially when it comes to the big questions, they will show a cautious and serious thinking.After thinking twice, I wrote.

"Some formulas are not used. This is not acceptable. You have to keep them in mind. In fact, the core of some question types is similar, but you are not experienced enough, and you are always just circling outside the door in vain..."

Yin Ze commented.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, foreign languages ​​and geography are your short boards, and the others are about the same, keeping at the level of normal deviation. Work hard, and you should get a good result in the unified examination. But considering your goal is To become the boss and my alumni... Rao is 750, which is only the basic standard for applying for the University of Tokyo, and it is best to reach 800 points."

"Isn't the perfect score 900?" Sakura Mio sounded stressed and annoyed.

That slightly distorted expression is so similar to someone who also learned the truth back then.

The girl looked at her father bitterly, "Dad, how old were you back then?"

"Unified Examination? I can't remember clearly, it seems to be 824, so I just do it casually." Sakura Eishi said with a calm smile.

"Then, what about you?" Sakura Mio quietly poked the tutor with the pen.

"It's no match for the boss. I didn't do it easily. Now that I think about it, I have a little bit of luck." Yin Ze sighed.

"Hey, don't say that, anyway, the result is good." Eiji Sakura comforted like an elder.

"I scored 825 in the unified examination." Yin Ze added.

"Wow, both of you are so powerful." Sakura Mio sound sincerely admired.The more you go to Red Gate, the more you can realize that people cannot be generalized.

"..." Sakura Eishi had black lines all over his face.

"There is no need to have the frustrating idea that there is nothing you can't do, and work hard to reach the top of the mountain. Even if you don't reach the top in the end, you will get a good result that exceeds expectations when you release it with all your strength."

Yin Ze consoled carefully.

"From now on, let's go back and strengthen the basic subjects, and choose your favorite private university as a guarantee besides the national and public universities. So, who do you prefer for arts and sciences?"

"Of course it's liberal arts." Sakura Mio sound without hesitation.Leaving aside the personal reasons that are inconvenient to discuss, she also prefers the humanities and often read her father's books when she was a child.

"Then let's focus on this direction, which happens to be my strong point." Yin Ze said happily, "Although I have some confidence in my cultivation results, my mathematics has never been officially used on the battlefield after all..."

"Oh? Wait a minute." Sakura Eishi struck out with precision, and said in a pinch, "Earlier, my junior said he wanted to clear his name, so you can't back down."

"Does the boss have any suggestions?" Yin Ze couldn't help asking.

"I observed that the speed of my student correcting papers just now is like an electromechanical optical flint for counting money, and I didn't even look at the reference answers. It is fast and good. It is really amazing and can be called a masterpiece. I am a little worried that I will miss something." Sakura Eiji said. .

It is very normal to have this kind of worry. After all, someone will make a circle after a few glances, saying that it is a revision.

"The main test papers are attached to the sea of ​​questions, and I keep the answers in mind. It's just that the boss is worried, so I can review them later." Yin Ze took out the thick reference answer book and handed it out.

Eiji Sakura followed the catalog and compared them one by one.After a while, I found that Leng was exactly the same.Forget about Wen Zong, even Li Zong answers are 90% consistent.

This is outrageous too!

I have heard of the memory method, but it is really a rare animal in the world when it is applied to this level.

The old father wondered if this guy had a new reference book for the emperor next to him, the one he could only see in his field of vision, and it was legal to open the book for the exam.

"I've heard for a long time that my junior has the ability to observe monuments on horseback. Seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation. Dongda University is not without masters in shorthand and rote memorization, but you are extremely talented, and you are definitely the top memory palace user today." Sakura. Yingshi nodded, "...However, rote memorization of science is not enough. You are a dead set practiced in the library, and it is not easy to use in actual combat."

"It can be used." Yin Ze explained.

"So confident? Why don't you solve the problem on the spot?"

"it is good."

"Okay! Happy!" Sakura Eishi cheered up, "Hurry up, take care of the pen, ink, and draft paper. Zhi Mori, bring coffee to refresh the tutor."

"Let's put down the coffee. It's not too late to drink after I solve the problem." Yin Ze let out a long breath and said, "Then where is the problem?"

"Teacher, wait a moment, I'll fetch it right away." Sakura Eishi smiled slightly.After speaking, he turned around and took out his mobile phone, and entered the company to send a group message.

"All the old emperors came out to make a fuss and handed out a math problem for the college entrance examination. It is urgent. This month, I will get an extra week's salary."

The supreme leader in the workplace, the middle-aged president, orders the pack of wolves, dare not refuse to obey, Party A does not come out, who will fight for the front.

In just seven or eight minutes, staff who graduated from many first-class universities sent in various test questions.

They are all freshly baked. They are extremely delicious. Let your tutor taste them while they are still hot.

Eiji Sakura read happily, and based on the remaining intuition of the exam, he chose one of the most powerful ones, and copied down the questions carefully.

"Student, what do you think of this question?" Eishi Sakura asked.

"Since it is a task assigned by the boss, I will try my best to complete it." Yin Ze nodded.

"Okay, just for your pride, I will personally brew hand-ground coffee for you!" Eiji Sakura gave a thumbs up.

"I'll take a look too." Sakura Mio moved closer to it with interest, but was immediately blasted out of the hall of cosmic truth by the profound and mysterious description and various hideous and angry unit symbols.

For a girl with medium academic ability, this kind of thing is still too scary and indescribable.

"This is a genuine college entrance examination-level problem. Now that my junior is a master of Dongdae, he must be able to easily pass the standard answer without any effort." Sakura Eishi smiled boldly and said affirmatively.

"...But I wonder if he is not from the Faculty of Arts?" Sensing the changes here, Sakura Edmori temporarily put aside the idol drama he was thinking about, and asked strangely.

"Hey, how can people as amazing and talented as him and me be separated?" Sakura Eishi praised generously.

Followed by.

"Dad, can you do it?" Sakura Mio sound raised her face.

"Huh?" The middle-aged man was taken aback.

"Since graduating from middle school, you haven't helped me with my homework. Today is a rare opportunity, let's give it a try." Sakura Mio sounded looking forward to it.That is the child's dependence on the parents.

"What? Do you want to have a competition to solve the problem?" Sakura Zhisen heard it, and suddenly became interested, "Okay, the seniors and juniors from the same school will compete with each other."

"I, the law I studied back then was not the right major." Sakura Eishi hesitated.

"How can you classify people as amazing and talented as you?" Sakura Edmori said quietly and elegantly.


"Well, I'm doing the written test as a tutor. The boss doesn't need to do it." Yin Ze appraised the situation and immediately spoke out to smooth things over for the leader.

"Okay, let's forget about Dad." Sakura Mio said a little disappointed.


"Old Father Won't"

"Why not? Who wouldn't?" The middle-aged man raised his face.

Feeling the clear, innocent and trusting eyes of the good daughter, the pillar of the family burst out with great energy.

Thinking of me, Sakura Eishi, although I was born in a poor family, I was a child of someone else's family since I was a child.Started from scratch, and made two cross-industry successes.Even resisting the palm of Yue Zhang Weilong without changing his expression, he didn't shed a single tear.

Even the mid-life crisis that the male compatriots talked about turned pale.

I won't?

I will be afraid?

Stop laughing!

"Student, be careful, I was a decisive existence back then. I went all out in every exam, and I beat the heartless and ruthless tyrant who was the second in the grade. If there is a real confrontation, I will not let it go."

After Sakura Eiji finished speaking, he slowly took out the Montblanc high-class fountain pen specially used by the president to sign the contract. The pen cap was lifted, the murderous aura appeared, the field expanded, the sound of reading was surrounded, and the lecture hall emerged. Backflow, back to that high-spirited top student, and behind him are all the withered corpses of repeat students, and there is only one who can stand at the top of the pyramid.

This is the test king with a 99% acceptance rate, the test king after test after test!

Master Yin was surprised.

Presumably, Yusaburo Koizumi, who is known as the king of examinations, is also an active-duty iron-blooded educator, and his aura is not as good as this one.

Beethoven was startled by this strong and compelling aura, flapped his wings and flew to the shoulder of the hostess, continuing to observe from the sidelines.

The two alumni who had never been in the same class sat side by side, bowing their heads to write and draw on the draft paper. The two looked serious and focused, and each had its own charm.

Eiji Sakura read the topic, closed his eyes and meditated, flipping through the dusty memory book in his mind.The sound of clattering, those golden years of studying for exams flashed before my eyes.The flames of war have been ignited, and the formulas and theorems covered with a thick layer of dust have all returned to their positions in response to the call of the former Xuewang. The army is huge and the battle array is overwhelming.

Back, all back.

Certificates of awards plastered all over the wall, the affirmation of the head teacher, the unwillingness of Wannian's second child in the next class, the praise of the whole school broadcast, and the admission notice of Dongda University standing at the gate of his alma mater.

are back.

Sakura Eishi opened his eyes, quickly reviewing and thinking about the questions, just like he did back then.

Under the muscle memory of the Montblanc fountain pen, it writes a string of "solution" in a fluttering manner.

And the tutor next to him was well-behaved, and wrote down a plain word "jie".


Let the horse come here.

The middle-aged man showed a youthful and defiant smile.

The battle begins at this moment.

The process can be described as twists and turns, quite dramatic.

First of all.

The boss looked disdainfully, and the tutor frowned.


The boss is in a bit of danger, and the tutor writes slowly.


The boss stood still, and the tutor repeatedly calculated.

At last.

The boss's smile disappeared, and the tutor became more courageous as he fought.

So that's the case... Yin Ze raised his eyebrows spiritually, and he became more confident in writing and no longer dull.

How could this be so... Sakura Eishi held his forehead deeply, his eyes widened, trying to see through the truth behind the fog.

"Dad, are you okay?" Sakura Mioyin looked at the two people in completely different states, one was writing hard, the other was empty, and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Can the old father do it?"

When the middle-aged man was questioned like this, he only felt a flame burning in his chest.His dignity, his pride, are trembling, wanting to turn into snow-white wings, carrying his shining soul back from the abyss.

Quickly recall.

The legend who climbed to the top step by step on the bones of thousands of candidates in the same class!


Mathematics will not.

Just not.

With one foot in the air, the legend is also deeply trapped in the purgatory filled with bones, unable to extricate himself.

Eiji Sakura froze in front of the draft paper.

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