He tried to make a final struggle.

At least, the first layer must be dissected——! !

5 minutes passed.

The tutor has finished writing the answers.

On the boss' paper, there are still only shocking solutions with flying fonts.

"This question is too difficult, even for me, I can't read the essence. I don't like to write unsure answers. How is that different from ordinary middle school students who have multiple choice questions before handing in the paper?"

Feeling the eyes of his beloved wife and good girl, the middle-aged man coughed lightly and said dryly.

"It's better to look at the tutor's answer. If he is also wrong, then this is a tie."

At that time, Mingjin will withdraw his troops, and we will fight again in the future.

He can also use this time to find his lost past.

Sakura Eishi quickly picked up the phone and asked the staff who set the question to send the answer along with it.

The chat interface was immediately filled with dense answers.

"let's see……"

The family of three, including Beethoven, gathered around and began to compare and examine.

"Yes, the answer is correct!" Sakura Mio excitedly clapped her little hands and cheered, as if she was happy and moved by the solution, "It's amazing, and it seems that the process of tutoring is more streamlined!"

"Yeah, it needs to be clearer." Sakura Emori nodded in agreement.


This is impossible.


Eiji Sakura was dumbfounded.

This person didn't even understand factorization before, so why did he suddenly have the science level of an ordinary University of Tokyo student? !

Could it be that they were deliberately showing weakness to lure the enemy deeper?

... No, and it won't.I would never think so far.

There is no reason.

"Have you seen this question before?" Sakura Eishi asked.


Master Yin shook his head, calmly, without any arrogance.

"It's just that in addition to these more than a dozen heavy questions, I also spent several nights reading the previous exam papers. I basically summed up all the question types, and I was able to follow the vines. But even with such a reserve, it will still take time to encounter new questions. Respond, as expected, I am still not capable enough."

Sakura Eishi looked at it for a long while, but was speechless anyway. Looking left and right, he could only see the word "examination".

Looking deeper, there are clearly two dark phantoms behind Nai Nai Xiaosheng, with raging flames burning on their bodies.One of them is obsessed with iron blood and fangs, and the other is wide and fat, very kind, but has a striking Mediterranean hairstyle.

Sakura Eishi suddenly understood.

This is the ultimate of the Sea of ​​Questions tactics, the perfect environment for cramming.

Forcibly empowering, piled up until Ren Du's two veins penetrated, and finally pushed to the end of countless candidates' pursuit of returning to the sect——

"...How did you do it?" Sakura Eishi asked silently.This is not in the capacity of the boss, but in the capacity of a former examinee, speaking from the bottom of his heart.

"The boss also wants to learn? I can teach you." Yin Ze said without thinking.

The seniors still have some foundation, and if they recover a little bit, they will still be a master in the examination room.In the future, when he is not around, Sakura-san can also ask his father for help, so there will be less delay.

The middle-aged man shook his shoulders.

The hand holding the Montblanc fountain pen is trembling slightly

At this moment, an era is broken.

Legends, after all, are just legends, and no longer exist.

The child from another family disappeared in the wind after all.

"... Guwu, I, I lost."

Eiji Sakura closed the cap of his pen and lowered his head in frustration.

No.60 The final plan of Chapter [-]

Tianjiao fell, and the sun and the moon sighed.

At this moment, in front of his beloved wife and good daughter, he lost face.This is the cruelest punishment in the world.

Now sitting in the yard is no longer the dream of middle-aged and elderly women in the Eastern Hemisphere, no longer the elite president who scolded Fang Qiu, no longer a rebellious pioneer, but an ordinary person who has been frustrated by life , An ordinary middle-aged man with anxious hair loss and three highs.

Eiji Sakura smoked Marlboro silently and alone.

Take half of the cold air and half by yourself.

He didn't care about the wind that doesn't understand the warmth and coldness of the world, because maybe the wind also has its troubles.But after thinking about it, why does the wind smoke its own cigarettes.

So he planned to have a convulsion and take advantage of it.

"Hey, who is this student who failed the exam? He has a look of lovelessness. Could it be that the result of the eighth re-examination was cruel?" Sakura Zhimori came out from behind and took the animal. Tie warm pajamas and drape over her husband's shoulders.

"You don't need to comfort me, it's just that the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit... I am definitely not someone who can't afford to lose." Sakura Eishi disposed of the cigarette butt.She shook her head slightly and sighed, "Facts have proved that this person is indeed an excellent choice to be a tutor."

"Tch, are you ashamed, you are the eldest, and you care about children of the same age as your daughter." Sakura Zhimori couldn't help complaining.

"This person's words and deeds have won the essence of the art of war, and he must not be judged by his age." Eishi Sakura narrowed his eyes, "Not only has the handsome appearance of an idol drama hero, but also has the academic ability to beat me head-on. , it was very successful, the relationship between colleagues was good, and the audience was very popular. How can this be done by pure innocence and romance?"

"What frontal defeat? You obviously surrendered on your own initiative." Sakura Edmori hit the nail on the head.

"Even if it's a surrender, it's passive." Sakura Eiji said in a deep voice, "It's not a crime of war, I really tried my best."

"Yes, yes, then you have nothing to say now, right?" Sakura Edmori gently rubbed the head of her emaciated husband, "I see that you are clearly prejudiced, thinking that Mio is close to him and not you, jealous, Make excuses for yourself."

"Oh, a woman's opinion. I'm obviously thinking about it in many ways. If you listen to his broadcasts and watch the live broadcast, you will definitely understand my guesses and doubts." Sakura Eishi snorted softly.

"The skin is itchy again, isn't it?" Sakura Edmori's hand changed from stroking the dog's head to a nine-yin white bone claw, and began to absorb the soul.

The middle-aged man's scalp was numb, so he had to beg his own Juliet for mercy in order to preserve his three souls and seven souls.

"Actually, in the final analysis, I am very appreciative of his ability. He has made achievements. As for potential, although Dean Daxi has a gentle temperament, he is a proud person. Being valued and favored by the dean is enough to prove that he extraordinary."

Sakura Eiji sighed.It's too recognized, so recognized that I want to be hired as an employee, release indicators, and let it be driven.

"It's just about the long-term future. It's normal for me to be cautious. After all, you two are always happy, so shouldn't I worry about it?"

"What are you talking about?" Sakura Edmori blinked, as if he couldn't understand.

"Are you still pretending to be stupid? Do you really think I can't see through?" Sakura Eishi smacked his lips, very impatient, "Mione had no ambitions since she was a child, and suddenly she was going to be admitted to the University of Tokyo. I think it's fake to be an alumnus with my father. It's true to be his junior."

"Hey, it's rare, you just realized it." Sakura Zhimori covered his mouth with a smile.

"Thinking about it carefully, Mio seems to have also become a voice actress and has become more lively. Before, I thought it was due to going to the office and the film set to broaden my communication and horizons, but it turned out that I got to know this guy at all." Eiji Sakura's thoughts Immediately he became active, and he still remembered that he told his daughter to thank the colleague who accompanied her to the dental clinic.


"Sure enough, it is because of the old father's traditional psychology that he wears colored glasses." Sakura Edemori said, "But you have been intriguing for so long, should you admit to others?"

"Of course he is an outstanding young man, and he is also a good person. But..." Sakura Eiji said thoughtfully, "but he seems to be just as good to other people and other girls."

Since ancient times, there have been many romantic figures.

There are still a few lovers like myself who spend most of their time watching the weather forecast, the hostess, and the wonderful photos that are readily saved as new folders.

"You're thinking so complicated. You haven't reached the stage of love yet, and your thinking has diverged to the third year of marriage and the seventh year of itching." Sakura Zhimori was speechless, "Let the young people themselves It’s over if you experience it and experience it.”

"As a parent, it's a detour that you let yourself go, and don't let the younger generation go again." Eiji Sakura said deeply.

"What detour? How many roads have you traveled? Are you emotionally hurt?" Sakura Zhimori's eyes became dangerous.

"...not referring to this aspect, anyone who understands understands."

Sakura Eiji subconsciously protected his waist, and continued talking as if nothing had happened.

"Hey, that's it. After these several discussions, I also admit it. In this way, there is only one last thing left..."

As the middle-aged man spoke, he regained his composure.


"I shouldn't have answered the question correctly, it would damage the dignity of the boss at home." Yin Ze sighed softly, "At that time, I was so engrossed that I forgot the situation of the boss. I should have handed in a blank paper just like him."

In this cold weather, I went to the yard to watch the night, but I was still staying outside, and I was still having mysterious discussions with Aunt Sakura.

"Oh, it's okay, his heart is open, how can he be so narrow-minded." Sakura Mioyin said.

"hope so."

Yin Ze returned to the topic.

"Then let me tell you about the future policy. Although you have planned to specialize in liberal arts, my experience is special and cannot be applied to most people. Therefore, the task entrusted to you is very common, that is, a large number of endorsements. I Each unit and knowledge point has been marked out for you. Let’s remember from the beginning. In the future, we will take one test every three days and one test every seven days. Training. Although the schedule is very full, I personally recommend that you also read a lot of ancient and modern classics in private to increase your knowledge. The score is just a one-page evaluation. Even if you are as strong as the boss, you will return the test paper to the teacher after many years. Learning The essence is to understand, understand, and think about the world... The days of sprinting are very hard, and you have to endure the suffering."

The girl nodded while feeling the temperature and breath close at hand.

Such a sense of distance.

I had it before when I was playing, but there was no discomfort at all.

Since the boy entered the door, the number of times Sakura Mioone looked directly at the other party can be counted on one's fingers.

Get along so quietly.

The feeling of being encouraged and helped by him, walking side by side.

Once tasted, it is hard to let go.

Perhaps the so-called "want to get into your school" is a kind of bravado now.

Maybe the last effort didn't work out.

Maybe his own clumsiness will make him shake his head and sigh.

But there is no way.

Because I was caught in the vortex called liking, I became so involuntary.

You are busy proving yourself, busy in front of him with energy, chasing shadows, just for him to cast one more look at you, even if this is mostly self-defeating.

"It's almost time, I'll leave the notes for you, call or line if you need anything." Yin Ze found that it was already four or five in the afternoon, and it was time for lunch, and it was time to ride back to the nest.

Today I agreed to do daily routine with Yoshida-san.

"Leave now?" Sakura Mio opened her mouth and asked eagerly.

"Why, are you still reluctant?" Yin Ze asked back.

"No!... Uh, well, at most there is a little bit."

Feeling the straight gaze, Sakura Mio's cheeks warmed up, and the content of her words was reversed several times.

"I, I mean, I said I wanted you to help me with my school homework!"

"Hmph, I knew it. It really is such a utilitarian desire."

Master Yin sternly refused.

"This can't be done. I'm strictly a tutor for exam teachers, not a ghostwriter tutor. It just happened that today I showed up and corrected various questions for you. Follow it, try to absorb it for your own use, draw inferences from one instance, and go to complete the homework. "

The girl turned her face away as if she was lazy and her plot hadn't succeeded, and said in a low voice, "Then... when will you come next time?"

"It's a big test in seven days, of course it will be in seven days." Yin Ze said.

"That's good. This time... I'll trouble you." Sakura Mio said seriously.

"Do you have anything else you want to ask me?" Yin Ze asked suddenly.

"Ah? Why do you ask that?"

"When have you ever been so polite to me?" Master Yin said suspiciously, "And from the very beginning, your face has been faintly red, and your breath is lacking in speaking. Do you have a low-grade fever? Come here, I will Take the temperature."

The palm stretched out without any explanation, and pressed the girl's forehead, and the latter froze.

"...Well, it's a little hot, wait a minute, it seems to be warming up." Yin Ze frowned, "Sure enough, I have a low-grade fever, remember to tell Aunt Zhisen later to see if you take medicine, or something. Drink more hot water .”

After everything was explained clearly, the tutor began to pack things.

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