"Look, the fact that your geography is not good has been exposed." Yin Ze said responsibly, "Okinawa has a subtropical climate and is located in the Western Pacific Ocean. Affected by the oceanic climate, the temperature is hot and stable in all seasons, and it will not be cold in winter." feel cold."


"So the production capacity of miscellaneous bacteria is very strong, and the general distiller's koji is not useful, so black koji is used for fermentation. When black koji is fermented, a large amount of citric acid will be produced..."

"Okay, okay, I know that my junior is excellent in world history and geography, and he is well-informed. You can learn popular science everywhere."

Although Eiji Sakura felt something was wrong in his heart, he still said with a smile.

"Awamori's traditional brewing method is to add wine of different years to earlier years in sequence. Not only the aroma of the old wine is preserved, but also the taste will be more mellow. Long-term circulation, even rare wines that are more than [-] years old can be obtained."

"Then your..." Yin Ze asked tentatively.

"Before it was released from the lotus, it had been matured for eight years." Sakura Eishi said.


Master Yin was deeply moved when he heard the words, he never thought that the boss was so generous, such a good thing, he didn't hide his secrets at all, it's not bad to be able to work under his hands.

"It seems that the younger brother can't wait to exchange cups with me, haha, good, good. Although we have known each other so early, we haven't really confided in each other yet. Come on, I'll fill it up for you." Eishi Sakura took out Cup, "Zhisen, quickly take out the ice cubes from the refrigerator..."

"I don't need onetherock." Yin Ze declined.

"What?" Eiji Sakura didn't hear clearly for a moment.

"Oh, I don't use ice." Yin Ze said again.

"But, this degree is quite..."

"Understood, the maximum is more than 50, it doesn't matter."


Master Yin held the cup with both hands modestly, took a full cup, lowered his head and sniffed lightly.Can't help quoting the classics, and sighed professionally, "Shochu. The ancients said that it is the world that uses water and fire to refine wine to extract dew. It is strong and clear."

So skillful?

His knowledge is so broad?

Eiji Sakura was lost in thought.

Yin Ze lowered his head and drank slowly.

For a moment, Sakura Eishi was in a daze, he always felt that the smile on this young boy's face had a strange connection with his father-in-law many years ago.




I am a man who has seen hell.

Overcoming trials, after many years, so much training and experience, must be used this time.

"Good wine. It has a strong aroma, no sharp edges, dry mouth, round and mellow, with a taste of time." Yin Ze appreciated it.

"Alright." Sakura Eishi was eager to try.

"—By the way, do you have any peanuts?" The tutor suddenly said surprisingly, "Stir-fry until crispy, and sprinkle some salt."

The sky is thunderbolt.

Break the clear sky.

The middle-aged man's pouring hand trembled violently.

He raised his head in an instant and looked at the handsome young man's modest and gentle face.

I just feel that something is wrong in my heart is getting deeper and deeper.

Being a son-in-law for 20 years is like a dream and an illusion.If there is a marriage, there is a marriage, and the elites have no regrets.

No.60 Chapter Nine Swung the Whip Named Complete Defeat

Is the golden scale a thing in the pool?

Once you meet your husband, you will turn into a worm.

Jiuxiao Longyin changed dramatically.

A green lotus camel and big cat.

Father-in-law, you have wronged me for 20 years!

The time is 7:21:32 in the evening. Eiji Sakura will always remember this moment and this black swan event.

The sound of cups colliding is endless, talking and laughing smells like alcohol, and there is no coward in the communication.

The two elites fought until the first box of rare wine was drained, and the second box was opened, and the throat was hot.

The whole world is the talk of the two sides.

"There was a kissing contest in Pattaya, Thailand. The person who kissed the longest could get a diamond ring worth 6500 US dollars and five-star hotel gift certificates. There were many people participating in the competition. The total kissing time of the final champion was 50 hours and 5 minutes. The power is still great."

"Why do moral kidnappers kidnap morality? Don't they have it themselves?"

"Looking at old British novels, many orphans in the Victorian era inherited huge inheritances due to the death of distant relatives who were not masked. One billion. But in the Internet age, receiving such news can only prove that the other party is a liar."

Yin Ze chatted with emotion while pouring wine for his uncle.

"Hey, enough is enough." Sakura Eishi hurriedly tried to protect the mouth of the cup.I saw that his face was flushed, his breathing was heavy, his eyes were no longer sharp and energetic as before, and he could tell that he was a little bit hot.

"Look at this, it's all down." Yin Ze said casually, showing the true qualities of a veteran, "Uncle, let's go for another half, the junior will drink first, you can do whatever you want!"

After speaking, the man held his head up and poured half a glass, and the precious stuff of many years was poured into his throat, he let out a long breath, and then began to actively talk about what was there, no matter whether it was street literature or wonderful history, he just opened his mouth, the food on the dinner table The air is full and happy.

With Eiji Sakura's self-esteem, he was unwilling to accept pity from the juniors, so it was also half a glass.Wiping his mouth, while seizing the time to adjust his breath, he made delicate calculations.

Sure enough, it still works.

The governesses were so polite before, but now they gradually let go, and they all began to put their shoulders on the shoulders of the pillars of the family, drinking each other's sworn wine, and shouting uncle and big brother more and more proficiently.

I have to say that this person really has a bit of charisma, and they got along so quickly.

Sure enough, at this moment, he is also an elite, although he seems to have no abnormalities, but like me, he is also being infected by alcohol, which makes the defense line begin to relax.

You can try to start guerrilla warfare!

"My younger brother is famous, and my uncle has heard about it. I've wanted to know more about you for a long time!" Sakura Eishi said in an extremely enthusiastic tone, approaching him kindly, and at the same time raised his glass.

"Uncle, do you have any questions? Just ask." Yin Ze was in a hot state, took the hand wearing the Rolex, and opened his mouth to drink half a glass. This mouth drank at least tens of thousands of yen.

"Which book did you like the most when you were a kid?" Eishi Sakura saw this, secretly gritted his teeth and followed up with half a cup, so that he was delayed for several seconds before he asked the question.

"How the Steel Was Tempered." Yin Ze said.

"What was the name of your first pet?"


"What's your favorite car?"


"What's the name of the elementary school you went to?"

"...Uncle is trying to reset the password of my Twitter account?" Yin Ze became vigilant.

"Haha, the thinking is too divergent, where to go, this is the style of quick question and quick answer."

Sakura Eiji smiled innocently and kindly.But in my heart I felt very regretful that he had actually noticed it.

"The student is so dangerous, and he can speak well, so he should be very attractive, right? Not to mention, he can be photographed even after eating, and he stands out from the most beautiful face audition. Working as a voice actor, he is considered a member of the entertainment industry. I have participated in singing game projects before, do you still want to be an idol on stage in the future, be a beautiful star, and harvest the wallets and hearts of a lot of ignorant girls?"

Eiji Sakura said slowly.

"Will the junior become such a person?"

The artist's feelings are limited.Due to the needs of work, it must be suppressed, but in an environment full of handsome men and beautiful women.Back and forth, it is very easy to cause problems.

"I lack dreams, so how can I be a person who sells my dreams? There are no celebrity idols in this world, or everyone is an idol for themselves and their relatives." Yin Ze just smiled slightly, "We sail against the current until the years pass. , not to change the world, but not to be changed by the world."

Tsk, let him pretend again.

Sakura Eishi followed closely the attack.

"Then I don't know what the younger brother's plans are for the future? How do you want to develop? The voice actor industry is highly competitive. If you don't have a long-term meal ticket, you have to find a studio no matter how senior you are. Newcomers even have problems with food and clothing. Alas, alone It's okay, but if you start a family and add a baby, the financial burden will increase dramatically, what should you do?"

"This is indeed the truth." Yin Ze nodded in agreement, and then said happily, "Haha, luckily I'm single, so I don't need to think about these things."

"Didn't my junior fall in love?" Sakura Eishi asked intriguingly, "This shouldn't be."

"I am single and aboveboard." Yin Ze said proudly.

"As the saying goes, if you don't fall in love in loneliness, you will be perverted in loneliness. The junior is so good, of course he won't be... probably not a pervert." Sakura Eishi said, "And from the many photos on Twitter It seems that you like girls. Then there is only one real situation. That is, your vision is too high, so you have never found the girl you are attracted to."

"This..." Yin Ze hesitated to speak.

"After all, love is an indispensable thing in life, and first love is unforgettable. A kiss as sweet as roses and a warm hug can make the monochrome world colorful in an instant." Eiji Sakura is persuasive and seductive.

"Human saliva contains proteins, organic acids, biological enzymes and bacteria in varying amounts. It is impossible for any substance to taste like a flower." Yin Ze pointed out.

"This is rhetoric, do you understand rhetoric?" Eiji Sakura became impatient.

"Haha, just kidding, come, uncle, let's have a drink together, as you like." Yin Ze said enthusiastically.

The two ate and drank again.

"I know my junior is not the kind of guy who is playful, careless, and shirks responsibility. Now tell me, how will it develop after starting a family in the future?" Eiji Sakura asked heavily, "Facing the rise in oil prices, the fierce Horrible housing prices, the loan will return to zero after the salary is paid, the children are waiting to be fed, raising, going to school, working and getting married, and the elders are old and need to be taken care of, what should I do?"

"Then just fall in love and have fun, but never get married!" The man said surprisingly.

"Scumbag?!" The middle-aged man said firmly, "No, we must get married!"

"Ah, this..." Master Yin was also a little distressed when faced with the version problem of starting the mid-life crisis preseason game, "Then the only way is to make more money to subsidize the family."

"Since my juniors don't want to appear too much on the stage and in front of the camera, as a pure traditional seiyuu, when his career reaches a bottleneck period, he just wants to take on more work, but he has no time to spare." Eiji Sakura shook his head.

"Is this social investigation based on my case?" Yin Ze wondered.


"If it's just for me personally, I'm afraid I have to commit myself to others when I encounter this situation."

"Ah? Commitment? Is the younger brother going to do something to sell his lust?" Sakura Eishi frowned.

"No, I'm going to AQUAREENIX to be the art team leader. I will become a hard-working, uncomplaining, restless, undisputed bull under the producer's command. Or discuss with the former team leader and try to invest in technology." Master Yin looked sad, "Even, across the sea, to build 'Where is the world with you', and to make online games that pay for game items and charge, no matter what, I will enter the tornado of East Asia and be swept together."

"?" Eiji Sakura was silent for a few seconds, "Aren't you from the literature department? Why do you keep crossing the line? Why don't you do something that should be done?"

"Isn't uncle also from the Faculty of Law, now he's running a design company?" Yin Ze asked back.

"I, this is a special situation for me. Besides, the old friendship is still there. Those prosecutors and lawyer friends and I often help each other." Sakura Eishi waved his hand.

"Then I'm pretty much the same. I often drink tea with the teacher with my brothers and sisters, and eat the limited roast chicken in the cafeteria." Yin Ze nodded.

"Your teacher? Who is it?"

"Onishi Kawasuke."

"Isn't he your dean? How did he become a teacher? You take his class?" Eishi Sakura was taken aback.

"Basically. Sigh, he has obeyed his lust and has taken charge of my campus life. It doesn't matter if he becomes the C position on the admissions wall, or he is in charge of being the tutor for master and Ph.D. I think normal graduation is simply a fantasy." Yin Zechang long sigh.

"...What are the names of your senior brothers and sisters?" Eishi Sakura asked.

"The most common ones are Miya Fujino, Ayako Katsutaka, and Kenzo Natsume." Yin Ze thought for a while and said.

Oh, they are Akutagawa Award, Ranpo Award, and Naoki Award.Eiji Sakura thought about it.

"The dean also said that I plan to resign after taking care of me. I will stop teaching and study knowledge with peace of mind." Yin Ze said.

"Such a big change, did he tell you personally?" Sakura Eishi was curious.

"That's not true. One time I went to a club meeting and insisted on dragging me there, calling it an internship. As a result, all the elderly people with generation gaps were there. They chatted for a long time, and I ate the roast for a long time. Suckling pigeons, German pork knuckles. The teacher only eats when he is dissatisfied with me, and dragged me to meet those old men, during which he mentioned the matter of resigning."

Eiji Sakura subconsciously took a sip of wine.

Unexpectedly, Yin Ze is a kind person, and he didn't agree after seeing him, but insisted on clinking glasses and drinking together.

Where is this what students practice assignments.

When the wine enters the throat, the worry is even more worrying.

This is clearly to take the closed disciples out for a walk and meet people.

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