So much favor? !


Making a test market report can be reviewed by the dean, and it can be said that Mr. Onishi is rigorous and kind, but if you ask the students from the Ministry of Education to correct it, it is just a friendship.

The middle-aged man thought about this and couldn't help admiring it.

Zhisen mentioned to himself that this person's family conditions are difficult, and he faces the exams and life alone.Under such circumstances, relying on hard work and talent, he can blossom in many ways. He can not only enter and exit big factories with a generous annual salary, but also focus on making voices behind the scenes, writing and drawing.The future looks bright.

Mr. Bank Card has to admit that he is stronger now.At the same age and conditions, I am not his opponent.

What's even more commendable is that, for a promise, he went back to his studies, boldly jumped out of the comfort zone and challenged, and conquered high school mathematics with great perseverance.

Confront the shortcomings and conquer the weak.It seems ordinary, but it is a problem that many people avoid.

Has he nothing to fear?


I lost.

There are good and bad elites too.

Usually he is the winner, but today he changed positions.

It is useless to say more, today the Mercedes-Benz S-Class did not lose to the AE86, but lost to the Yamahe R6.

Complete defeat.

"Oh." Eiji Sakura lamented, he really felt that he was getting old.At the same time, he drank on his own.

"Why are you still drinking?" Yin Ze was puzzled.Could it be that my drinking buddy is not qualified enough?Let the boss not feel a little bit of pressure?

Uncle really massive!

"Sooner or later, I'm going to get drunk, so what's the difference between early and late?" Eishi Sakura said loudly, "It's full, I'm going to get drunk today!"

"Okay!" Master Yin is also an open-minded person, filling up directly without twitching.

Since I drank everything, I don't have to act like a Xiaojiazi, and it's a rare wine, so I drink Fukuzawa Yukichi.

After a long battle, the state is in full swing. Tonight, I will have a hearty game with Sakura's father, and forget about all the bad things in the world and get drunk!

"Open two more boxes? Open two more boxes!" Yin Ze was eager to try, and finally began to eat peanuts at the same time.

Sakura Eiji was terrified, and forgot his previous chicness.

Chapter No.70 Fatal Triple Strike

In the port area, a detached villa, the atmosphere is hot.

"Hahaha, big brother, you can't do it. You're drunk after only a few boxes. It's really shameful."

"Huh, nonsense! I just want to eat something, I haven't drunk enough, just now I was rinsing my mouth, hiccup~"

"Then how much do you see?"


"This is the second, the eldest brother really can't do it."

"Oh, so this is the second, I thought it was scissors. Haha, I, I remember, this reminds me of a branded warrior who can only produce scissors, hey, who is that? Playing with the palm of your hand? Do you have any idea?"

"...As expected, it's not in place, it's all my brother's fault, I didn't have fun with you, come on, touch another one!!"

At the table, two men are still fighting.They each rely on their own strengths, the tutor relies on hard power to cover the bottom, and the pillar relies on willpower and mouth.

The middle-aged man also has his pride. In a home game, at least he must last until the opponent eats up the plate of peanuts. That is his last dignity and bottom line.

The battle is fierce, but the two sides maintain a rapid development of personal relationship. At this time, it can be said that they are like glue, not to mention shoulder to shoulder.From time to time, they stick together and whisper, and then utter hoo hoo at intervals, the majestic and heroic laughter unique to male compatriots, with deep affection, as beautiful as a pair of sworn brothers who have been friends for decades.


"We need to gain insight into the market, have a forward-looking understanding of the industry, apply big data, promote innovation leadership and technology drive, and complete the transition from pursuing 'hard scale' to enhancing 'soft power'!"

"Introduce an intelligent management system in management, put people first, pay attention to the cultivation of talents, so that people within the enterprise can develop harmoniously, achieve a harmonious state, and realize the efficiency of 1+1>2!"

"We must also actively explore and introduce the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain to break the phenomenon of isolated islands of information in the industrial chain and reduce the financing cost of the industrial chain!"

The middle-aged man vibrated.His eyes were slack, his speech was out of tune, and his meticulous hairstyle was messed up, but the gesture of berating Fang Qiu at this time, on the contrary, had the demeanor of a madman.

"It's so complicated. It's still simple in our business, just add more Mei Zhai Li Hui. Hello, hello, hello everyone."

Someone eats peanuts sharp comment.

Financial giants in the last second.

Relatives and friends in the dormitory in the next second.

"Brother has experienced ups and downs for a long time, and is many years older than me. Thinking about it, he must know the world's photo idols."

"Ha, I walk upright and sit upright. I have been overcoming obstacles in the workplace. I don't have time to pay attention to some summer photo albums. Even if I see it by chance, it's all in your Twitter account, just by accident."

"Even if you don't pay attention, you must have heard about it."

"Then tell me, talk about it. Uh, Harumi Morinari, she is charming, has charming eyes, and is known as a killer of mature men!"

"The style is single, and the work is too ingenious, so it cannot be said to be first-class."

"Then Saitama Nagase Arashi, young and attractive, with a hot body and extraordinary sales, can he be called first-class?"

"Height is a shortcoming, so I can only take the cute route. The results in the rising period will not last long, and it will not prove the future."

"Ohara Rino, the sword is slanted, Shibuya style, and the healthy skin tone of wheat is a highlight."

"It's still a single style."

"How about Asakawa? The racing girl has transformed, with exquisite appearance, enthusiastic and outgoing, with a distinctive image and an international style, which is unforgettable."

"The potential is indeed extraordinary, but it is a pity that the team's strength is a little weak, and they cannot exert their full strength, resulting in flaws in the photo."

"Other than that, I really don't know."

"Hey, photo idols seem to be brilliant, but their actual income is meager. Even in the heat of summer and winter, you must always remember to smile and never have negative expressions. Everyone brings their own stories. In the end, after many hardships, they can achieve How many dreams do you have? In my opinion, as long as you don’t change your original intention and keep yearning in your heart, you will be your own queen. The quality of commercial miscellaneous pictures is good or bad, but is there a good or bad dream?”

"It's me. Brother."

"Drink one!"

"Okay, drink one!"

The two clinked glasses, lowered their heads, wiped their mouths with the back of their hands tacitly, then slapped their thighs, and laughed heartily.

Just like the freehand brushwork of the ancient knight-errant wanderer.

"Over the years, I started from nothing, and I was also offered to go to nightclubs, but it was too noisy there, and I still prefer quiet places." The middle-aged man dangled with emotion.

"How about going to a maid cafe instead?" the tutor suggested.

"It's not good, it's boring. Either it's a part-time job for a high school student, or it's just pretending to be tender because of the brand culture. The former is too young, and the market user of the latter is not me."

The middle-aged man shook his head. With confused eyes, he subconsciously and instinctively added a sentence.

"Besides, besides, I'm a good man at home... These things have been insulated from me since I was a student! What about you, brother?"

"I like high school girls."

"You're a mild-mannered person, but I still despise your vulgarity!"

"Brother misunderstood me. I like it entirely because the culture of female high school students that is prevalent today is a very special thing. Even if it is placed on a global scale, it is a humanistic concept worth thinking about and exploring." Yin Ze shook his head, "I think JK is a A very special existence, this is not only a collective name, but also a phenomenon, a symbol.”

"What's the point of this?" Sakura Eishi asked.

"It is very troublesome to explain, and it has to be related to the background of the times. The easiest to understand is the movie called "Sailor Suit and Machine Gun" in the early years. I think we can get a glimpse of this special social symbol from this movie. .” Yin Ze said.

"Well, it makes sense. I know that this movie is something from my era. It had a lot of influence at that time. Extending it to tell the story, it is also an example of social history and social consciousness to this day. The end of the student youth movement, people The resentment and pain caused by being questioned by the media and the public finally created a fictional image of a healing teenage mother, which became a new object of emotional sustenance.” Although Eiji Sakura was a little bit tongue-tied, but basic knowledge and There are still insights.

"The decline of social psychology has chosen such an omnipotent, childish, spiritual safe haven that mixes the image of a mother and a girl."

"But now, this concept has gradually become a pure image of pleasure."

"Yeah, but when it comes to the beautiful image, the changes in school uniforms are also worth investigating. I have devoted myself to art, and I also know a little about fashion."

"Then ask my brother to teach me the historical changes of sailor uniforms."

At this time, finally, a slightly indifferent voice came.

"Have you finished talking? I'm going to clean up the dishes. If you haven't talked enough, let's go to the yard to continue talking."




Young and middle-aged men sat outside the yard, with only wine and peanuts on the small table in front of them.

It is a beautiful thing to have a rest, drink and chat in the small courtyard in summer.

But this is a winter night.

"Brother, let's go back and apologize, the night wind is blowing outside, it's a bit cold." Yin Ze persuaded.

"Why?! As elites, students of prestigious schools, and intellectuals, we just talked about serious matters in the humanistic society! What's wrong with us?" Eiji Sakura blushed, and his words were fluttering, "We just have to have a clear conscience. It's a woman's opinion, what do you want to do with her? Keep drinking! Warm up with strong wine! Don't be afraid!"


"Don't worry, she will come and carry me back later." The middle-aged man was full of confidence.

"Hold you?" The young man was skeptical.

"Of course, after all, she is also considered a general door tiger girl, and she still has the strength to hug me."

Sakura Eiji also tried grabbing a peanut and throwing it into Zuza, while putting his little brother's shoulders on his shoulders.

"Speaking of this matter... we two have had a heart-to-heart relationship today. In the future, if you have anything to ask me, please don't refuse."

"Brother, just open your mouth, and younger brother will help if he can, and if he can't, he will support you and cheer for you."

"You can do it, you have the strength!"

Sakura Eishi suddenly became serious, his drunken demeanor disappeared.The obsession in the eyes is like fire and thunder, reminding one of another obsessive person, Yusaburo Koizumi, who is also so paranoid that he can't get what he wants.

"One day I will take you back to Mioyin's grandpa's house, and then I will rely on you to help me regain my strength! Speaking of which, Zhisen's hometown is also considered beautiful, very suitable for living..."

"I know, I've been there once."

"It's good to have been there. If you have been there, you will be mentally prepared." The middle-aged man has been fascinated by the rare wine, and he doesn't even think about the deep meaning of this sentence.He raised his head, and raised his voice a little more, "Look at the starlight in the sky, I don't know if the stars that bloomed with these lights have been extinguished... Life is really short and sad, alas!"

"Yes, no matter how brilliant the soul is, it will walk alone after death." The young man whispered, "Whether you love it or not, in this life or the next life, we will never see each other again. Our ending is cold."

"Unexpectedly, at such a young age, I have this kind of insight. I have the same viewpoint as me. It's just that the hero sees the same thing." Sakura Eishi forgot his reserve, tightly grasped the palm of the person next to him, and said inarticulately , "I, I really like you more and more, drink more, drink more!"

"No, no, no, if you drink it, you won't be able to get up tomorrow. Let's forget it." Yin Ze said hastily.

"Okay, since my brother has said it all, then don't drink it if you don't drink it."

Sakura Eiji laughed out loud, and slapped his thigh at the same time.

"Oh, I can't even feel the pain anymore, maybe I've really reached the limit."

Because you took pictures of my legs.

Yin Ze realized that he had to put his arms around the other person at this time, because even with the help of a chair, the body of the pillar of the family was gradually sliding to the ground.

"I am the only son in the Sakura family, and I have only one daughter, Mio. I have worked hard all these years, and I have a little bit of family property. Speaking of it, I always have an outrageous idea, that is to pass on the surname. But It is disgraceful to speak out about marriage, and few people can accept it, and most of those who are willing to suffer this kind of grievance have ulterior motives. So it can only be out of traditional psychology, and occasionally think about it in private." Eishi Sakura He said in a daze, "I have a classmate, so I became a son-in-law and adopted son, for his political resources."

"He's actually a famous son-in-law?" Yin Ze was facing a formidable enemy. This was a Dragon King-level status, so he had a lot of ambitions.

"Originally, it's unavoidable, so why be greedy for a moment. Open-minded people like us don't think too much." Sakura Eishi said sleepily.

"It doesn't matter to me. The happiness of getting married is the first priority. Too many benefits will only make you tired. As for changing your surname, it's okay." Yin Ze shook his head.He was all alone, without any external objects, and he still walked around under the identity of someone else.It really doesn't matter to talk about these things.

The middle-aged man opened his eyes slightly, as if he didn't expect this person who was better than himself to be so calm and calm.

"I lost."

Compared with the failure of solving the problem before, this sentence is more relaxed.

Then, the middle-aged man's body immediately became heavy, and he had already fallen asleep.

Very peaceful.

No.70 A Precious Person

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