Before Ku Wurong launched an attack from eight directions, Danzo also launched the same attack method.

Until the sixteen handfuls of kunai knocked out brilliant sparks in the air, and finally fell to the ground at the same time.

Uchiha's fiery face finally turned into horror.

"Now... believe it."

Danzo smiled softly, looking at Uchiha's changed face with great pleasure.

The wind blows.

Danzo took a step forward and slowly walked towards Uchiha Huoshao.

"You, don't come here~~~!!"

Uchiha Hiroshi began to retreat, he was scared, really scared.

This Shimura Danzo, can he really copy his ninjutsu?

"I'm coming over!"

What responded to him was Danzo's roar, as well as the gradually enlarged face with a slanted forehead and fists in front of him.


Danzo's fist hit Uchiha's burning cheek, turning him into a meme.

In the next second, Uchiha Hiko flew into the ground.

Danzo bent slightly, clenched his fists, and looked down at Uchiha Huo with a miserable face.

The fist was dripping blood, and it landed on Uchiha's burning face.

The blood is of course not from Danzo, but from Uchiha.

The corners of the mouth are curled up, and the words of the second class are brewing. Danzo once thought of such a pose scene, and now, it has been realized: "The weak... only deserve to be the rust on my iron fist!!"

Chapter 88. Danzo's plan, the fate of the villain

"Do you think... this will solve the problem?"

Uchiha Huoshao was naturally beaten away by Danzo.

Of course, he didn't forget to say harsh words while running.

Uchiha Quanna's figure reappeared in the courtyard, but her calm expression was questioning.

"Of course." Danzo nodded and put away his iron fist. "Actually, I've been struggling with one thing wrong..."


"The matter of the Uchiha clan has to be solved with the thinking of the Uchiha clan..."

Just like the matter in Yunyin Village, it can be solved with the thinking of Yunyin Village.

Ai believes in the principle that the fist is the biggest, so Danzo used his fist to fight back.

So Danzo got the practice method of the first stage of the Thunder Chakra mode, and won Ikumi.

If the matter of the Uchiha clan is to be resolved, it is natural to use the thinking of the Uchiha clan.

In the original book, the reason why the Uchiha group headed by Uchiha Fugaku thinks that rebellion is feasible is that they feel that they have a great chance of winning.

They don't know at all that Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi have hearts for Konoha Red Sun.

This illusion may have been shaken after Uchiha Shisui's death.

But later, he was immediately swallowed up by the inflated self-confidence.

A great illusion in life: I have a great chance of winning, and I can fight back.

Nowadays, opposition parties such as Uchiha Setsuna undoubtedly have similar ideas.

Of course, Uchiha Setsuna would definitely not consider himself an opponent of Senjujuma.

Although Senju Bashima has retreated behind the scenes and completely turned into a "mascot" enshrined, he is still in Konoha.

It is estimated that Uchiha Setsuna and others cannot think of such a stupid operation as kidnapping or assassinating high-level officials.

Then...their only advantage is to unite the other clansmen of the clan.

Overwhelm the moderates and form a group of words, and then continue to plan.

"So... as long as I can destroy their plan before they form a one-word hall."

Danzo smiled.

Keep defeating the opposition of the Uchiha clan, and at the same time, support the moderates.

During the period, the opposition was drawn in and divided, causing chaos within it.

As long as Uchiha Setsuna and others realize that their opposition is hopeless, the action will naturally stop.

"It makes sense."

Uchiha Izumi nodded.

"But that doesn't solve the fundamental problem."

At root, Senshou Tomona is still persecuting Uchiha, and in a few years, the moderates will be slowly turned back.

For example, throwing the Uchiha clan into the corner of the village, 1 hours a day and 24 hours of dark surveillance, etc...

According to Uchiha Quanna's guess, Uchiha Mirror is also part of the plan.

Although Qianshou Feijian has no bottom line, he has to consider the bottom line of others, that is, the bottom line of Konoha's other families.

Senshou Tomona would never do such a thing as personally taking action to destroy Uchiha.

Because this will inevitably cause unrest among other ethnic groups in the village.

Senshou Fujian, who is unwilling to dirty his hands, will choose to win over some people like Uchiha mirror and brainwash them.

"The Uchiha clan, naturally has the usefulness of the Uchiha clan. If I were Senjubanma... I would definitely find a way to let Uchiha Mirror eliminate all the remaining Uchiha..."


After Uchiha Quanna finished speaking, he saw Shimura Danzo looking at him with surprised eyes.

"What's wrong? Is my guess wrong?"

Uchiha Izuna frowned.

No, there is more than a mistake, it is a complete GET! !

The method of winning Uchiha mirror in Senshoubeijian is exactly the same as that of Konoha's high-level wooing Uchiha Itachi in the original book.

Showing favor to Uchiha Itachi, boasting that "you can think with Hokage's thinking at the age of 7", does not mean that you are really optimistic about him.

The reason is that Uchiha Itachi's knife can eliminate Uchiha without dirtying his hands.

In this way, I have gained a good reputation, and all dirty water can still be poured on Uchiha Itachi.

Isn't it beautiful? ?

These days, Senshou Feijian is already boasting that Yu Zhibo has "beyond the narrow family".

Listen, does it have the same meaning as Konoha's high-ranking Kuayu Zhibo Itachi in the original book?

Danzo's eyes changed, and he looked at Uchiha Izumi with admiration.

"As expected of the old enemy of the teacher... can figure out each other's thoughts... amazing..."

However, Qianshou Feijian's plan fell through before it could be realized.

Because Qianshou Feijian died at the end of World War I, and Konoha Yunyin was in the back palace of the peace talks.

Although Senju Tomona hates Uchiha extremely, but at the same time, he is also a Hokage.

In the end, it fulfilled the duty of Hokage-to protect the next generation.

"The root problem..."

Danzo fanned his feather fan, thinking.

To completely solve the root problem, I'm afraid, I have to wait until more than 10 years later, when I become a high-level Konoha...

"It seems that you seem to be very confident..."

Uchiha Izumi shook her head.

"Although I don't know where your confidence comes from...But, I will continue to pay attention to you..."

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Quanna left again.

Most of the time, he can only be a bystander.

Because the reincarnation of the dirty soil has the power of restraint, when necessary, Qianshoubanjian can completely restrain him.

Uchiha Quannai even wondered if Senju Tokaima's intention was to let him see the end of the Uchiha clan "with his own eyes"?

Uchiha Izumi has always been unafraid to speculate on Senshou Feijian with the worst malice.

In his opinion, Qianshou Feijian is such a man with no lower limit.

Perhaps, if the Uchiha clan wants to seek the future and the possibility of a ray of life, they have to rely on the young man named "Shimura Danzo"...

This is the only thing Uchiha Izuna can do, and it is also the only possibility he has found under unavoidable circumstances.

Danzo didn't know Uchiha Izuna's helplessness and sadness, nor did he know his hopes and entrustment to him.

What Danzo is thinking about now is the next plan.

"Knock off the Uchiha fire, and then have Uchiha ramen, and then Uchiha dumplings?"

Shaking his head, obviously, that's not the case.

"If they don't come, do I have to wait at home? It's like 3 years ago when Uchiha provoked me twice and never provoked me again. What a joke!"

"Instead of waiting for others to come and smash the scene, it is better to take the initiative!"

Danzo looked up at the sky and sighed.

"It seems... I have to go back to being that villain after all..."

Danzo decided to cut through the mess quickly and solve this mess directly.

Since he took the initiative to attack, it is natural to cause trouble.

To cause trouble is to be a villain.

Just as General Li received 100% empty-handed swords, it seems that he Shimura Danzo still failed to escape the fate of the villain.

"This is life..."

Tears flowed across the corners of Danzo's eyes.

Chapter 8 Ten 9. The Playboy, Danzo Shimura

"Xiongshou, Maimai, Wangjing." Danzang summoned three bear children.

"Ikumi." Ikumi also arrived.

"Sister Fly." Mayfly also arrived.

"Nara Binbin." That's the very mean one.

"Hyuga Chinatsu." The latter: "Huh?"

"Goozi Kotaro." Kotaro: "Wow, woof, woof!??"

"These days, I need some of you to help me hold the scene."

Danzo said something lightly.In front of them, there are seven people and one dog lined up.

Since he is a villain, he must have a bunch of thugs.

Walking on the street, thugs and dogs swagger through the streets, and this has the taste of villains and villains.

"Are you going to demonstrate?" Ikumi smiled heartily.

Looking at her bright eyes, white teeth, and shining eyes, life in Konoha is really good these days.

"No, no, no... I want to do something, of course, you just need to watch from the side, or just talk about it, I will do it."

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