
When everyone heard this, they nodded their heads inexplicably.

"What about Yoko and the others?"

Ikumi asked.

Of course, there are also Uchiha Mirror, Uchiha Black Fire, and Uchiha Quenching.

"What I'm going to do next is not for them to show up..."

Danzo invites everyone to sit down.

The Dabie Field built by Qianshou Zhujian finally came in handy at this moment.

Randomly find a large room for discussion, that is quite grand.

"Isn't it appropriate for them to show up?"

"Well, yesterday there was a kid who came to trouble me..."

Danzo stretched out his hand and pointed to the charred tree outside.

"Set fire to all the trees in my house with fireballs."

Danzang opened his mouth and came, and everyone suddenly realized.

The only one who can spray fireballs and burn other people's trees is the playboy Uchiha.

Although not...

But things are more or less the same.

"So, little red man, you need to find your way back."

"call back."

Ikumi and Mayfly understood instantly.

One is Yun Yin who used to live in wrestling all day long and her hormones were off the charts.

One is a Street Fighter punk.

So understand faster than anyone else.

"Not bad." Danzo smiled slightly, "I will pay you money according to the rewards of C-level tasks."

Everyone was taken aback, it wasn't a matter of money or not.

"Boss, where did you get the money?"

Kumashou blinked, Danzo hadn't performed a mission for a long time.

"Oh oh oh~~."

The next moment, Xiong Shou automatically understood.

"What do you know?" Hinata Chinatsu asked.

"Of course the boss will choose to grab some from that Uchiha boy as our reward."

Bear Hand smiled hehehe.

As expected of my number one dog leg, Danzo cast his eyes and expressed his appreciation, "However, can that be called robbery? How can the ninja thing be called robbery? That is called borrowing!"

Danzo slammed loudly, and everyone was speechless.


After discussing, everyone set off.

In front of Danzo is Gouzi Tiger Taro opening the way.

On the left is the beautiful girl Ikumi.

Ikumi held a feather fan in her hand and fanned Danzo.

Danzo himself is holding a birdcage in his hand, but there are no birds in the birdcage.

Don't ask why there is no bird in the cage.

Danzo doesn't know either.

In the last life, those crazy old men in the Danzang community would go out with a birdless cage all day long.

As for why... Anyway, we dare not say, and we dare not go up and ask.

On the other side of the body, there is a dog-legged look, a bear hand with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes at first glance.

The little fat man's eyes were rolling, and he looked vicious, ready to plot people at any time.

Looking behind Danzo, there is Hinata Chinatsu holding a flower basket in her hand and occasionally throwing two leaves.

As for why they don't spread flowers, one reason is that it is troublesome to collect wild flowers, and the flowers are too expensive.

Another reason... Naturally, there are leaves everywhere, no money, no flowers, let's just scatter the leaves.

In this way, the vicious dog, the maid, and the number one dog legs are all there, and the rest are naturally the evil young servant thugs.

I saw Mai Mai, Wang Jing, and Nara Binbin, led by Mayfly, with their chests upright and fists clenched, following Danzo on both sides, looking like they were about to hit someone at any time.

This group of people swaggered through the market with such a posture, which was naturally quite conspicuous.

Passers-by cast their gazes one after another, feeling confused.

Without saying a word, Danzo walked towards the gathering place of the Uchiha clan.

Before arriving at the gathering place of the Uchiha clan, I met a ninja of the Uchiha clan on the street.

We don't dare to mess with the upper ninja, nor the police department, so let's bully the lower ninja and ordinary zhongnin.

Huh?Maybe bullying schoolchildren, even kids who aren't even schoolchildren?

"That person is Uchiha Hiyaki's younger sister...remember she just entered school last month...6 years old?"

Danzo took a look, and recognized this cute little girl based on the Uchiha population statistics picked up from Senshou Feima.

Black hair and black eyes, jumping and jumping, alas~, the little girl is so cute.

At first glance, it is the kind that can make countless lolicons scream and go crazy.

At this time, Uchiha Fire's younger sister was holding a lollipop bought from a store in her hand.

The newly purchased lollipop hadn't been opened yet, and he was about to eat it when he was suddenly snatched away by someone else.


The little girl stopped, raised her head weakly, and looked wordlessly at the big brother who had snatched her lollipop.

Holding a colorful lollipop in his hand, Danzo smiled very "mildly": "Little friend~, is this the lollipop you dropped~?"

"I... I didn't drop it."

Little Lori blinked, maybe seeing the cross scar on Danzo's chin and feeling that he was very vicious.

Or maybe with the unique sensitivity of a child, she sensed that huge... named "Darkness of Shinobi" malice, so little Lolita was a little scared.

"Yes... you took it..."

Little Lolita said weakly.

"Ouch~, so smart~, the answer is correct!" Danzang smiled like a flower, "In order to repay your intelligence, big brother has decided! Give you a reward!"

Danzo touched his body, then took out a scroll and handed it to her.

"Come on, this is a comprehensive collection of homework exercises that just came out this year. It is enough to ensure that you study from the first grade until you graduate from the ninja school, and even become an elite ninja!! Don't thank me!! Thank you for the questions!!"

With a wave of his hand, Danzo couldn't help but stuff the complete set of exercises into the hands of little Lolita.

"Let's go~."

With a lollipop in his mouth, Danzo left very arrogantly.

In the wind, Little Lolita's figure froze. She lowered her head slowly, held the scroll, blinked her eyes, and looked at the test questions on it.

In the next second, the little Lolita screamed on the spot, and her whole body was not well.

routine, ten more

1:30~2:00 in the morning, the tenth update

1:30~2:00 in the morning, the tenth update

1:30~2:00 in the morning, the tenth update

1:30~2:00 in the morning, the tenth update

1:30~2:00 in the morning, the tenth update

1:30~2:00 in the morning, the tenth update

1:30~2:00 in the morning, the tenth update


Chapter push.

"This captain is a little busy"

When the captain came to the Honkai world and messed up the familiar plot, he found that there was a big problem in this world.

Jiuxiao: "Yu, where is there a little boss, before it wakes up, why don't we..."

Kiana: "Captain! Give me the money! Otherwise I'll tell Mei that you insulted me!"

Mei: "Captain... Are you..."

Bai Chen: "Wait! Listen to my explanation! Sakura Rin! Don't draw your knife with a smile!"

Bronya: "Stare~"

Suddenly one day, the elves came in a group...

Bai Chen shivered: "Can you rest assured about the weapon, everyone has something to say..."

Initial Sky City, Battle, Yae Village Sakura Rin Arc (End), Sky City (Mainly Written by the Four Households, End), Saint Freya (in progress)

Chapter 90, The Struggle We All Hate

"You were so cruel just now."

Hinata Chinatsu, who was spreading flowers behind, withdrew her smile, and looked at Danzo with a little worry.

"Children who are so young are bullied."

"I think it's okay."

Ikumi blinked her eyes, not understanding why Hinata Chinatsu said Danzo was bullying children.

"Danzo gave her the test booklet, let her study hard, and her ninja career will be better than others in the future... What's more, I saw that test booklet when I passed by the bookstore. It was very expensive. You can buy hundreds of lollipops, no matter how you look at it, that little girl earned it."


Hinata Chinatsu looked at Ikumi with a serious face, and suddenly found... this girl was a bit dumbfounded.

But in fact, this is not the case.

Ikumi's tragic experience in the past distorted part of her cognition.

For example: Yunyin Village believes that fists are everything, weakness is original sin, and plunder is truth.

Not so with Konoha.

Therefore, it cannot be said that Ikumi is naturally dumb.

"Good [] girl." Danzo patted Ikumi on the shoulder and gave her a thumbs up.

Hinata Chinatsu rolled her eyes and stopped talking immediately.

The next moment, someone rushed over with a whoosh, bumping into Hyuga Chinatsu who was not looking ahead.


Hinata Chinatsu leaned back and was about to fall.

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