Shimura Kazuki has a small shop under him, which brings him considerable income every year. Danzo wants that shop.

After listening to Danzo's words, everyone was shocked again.

Thinking about doing business at such a young age?

of course not......

Danzang is to make up for the resentment of having no money to buy a house in a previous life.

I want to buy a house!I want to buy a house!I want to buy a house!

Such a simple desire, without any traits, understands everything.

Konoha In the next half century, the real estate industry will inevitably develop rapidly.

If you can't get on the big ship of the times early, you will be left behind soon.

At that time, I can only beat my chest and stamp my feet, filled with regret.

"How is it? Kazuki Shimura... Jonin?"


The opponent's cheeks began to twitch.

Obviously, this is a difficult decision.

After thinking for a long time, Kazuki Shimura nodded solemnly.

Sometimes, opportunities coexist with risks.

The confrontation between the two was watched by others, including Qianshou Ang Xing naturally.


Faced with the two treating themselves as a gamble, Qianshou Ang Xing naturally shook his head in disdain.

Of course, no matter whether there is a gamble or not, his medical technology is the strongest!

After that, the second round begins.


Danzo put his hands on his back and began to make mudras.

"Phantom sound!"


The medical ninjas were in action, facing a large pile of medicinal materials and food, as if they were eating a buffet, they started to get busy with tongs and small pots.

Seeing Qianshou Angxing swinging his arms, his hands turned into phantoms, and soon, he picked out what he needed from a lot of medicinal materials and food.

Seeing this wonderful and colorful action, everyone couldn't help applauding.

Danzo also laughed.

"Good 2B... You can choose any material and you can choose flowers, it's really hard work for you..."

"But... I like this kind of 2B boy..."

If you want to say why, because Danzo is also a sand sculpture boy.

After getting the materials in his hands, Qianshou Angxing did not use various weighing tools to confirm the weight like others did.


Just close your eyes and gently shake your hands up and down to estimate the amount of material.

The skill of this humanoid weighing machine shocked everyone.

Even the person in charge of the medical class... Jonin couldn't help gasping.

"It seems that Young Master Qianshou Angxing was hiding his clumsiness before..."

Under his nose, Qianshou Ang Xing was actually hiding an ability that he didn't know about.

After that, Qianshou Angxing began to grind the ingredients and medicinal materials.

He did not use traditional grinding tools, but directly with his hands.

I saw that there was a faint green glow on his hands, which was a chakra scalpel.

Under Qianshou Angxing's terrifying chakra control skills, the chakra scalpel abruptly turned into a surgical file, grinding raw materials into fine powder.

This time, everyone really admired him.

With such powerful chakra control skills, it will be a matter of time before he becomes a top medical ninja.

Watching this scene, Danzo also had some doubts in his heart.

At first, he thought this guy was a time traveler.

But looking at this appearance, it doesn't feel like...

When making Bingliang Wan, this guy's serious appearance was not faked.

Among them, there is a strong self-confidence.

Danzo often experiences and sees this kind of expression.

Probably...just the same as before, relying on the ninjutsu invention system to pretend to be the same as myself.

But... for medical treatment, this guy is too skilled.

Danzo has never heard of a traveler who is good at making Bingliang pills.

Chapter 135. Send!Light!Bing Liang Wan

Actually think about it.

Although there are straight people with previous convictions.

However, a straight person is not a time traveler.

A few years ago, Danzo used many methods to test Naoto, but the kid didn't show any characteristics of a human from Earth.

That is, straight people are indigenous.

Because he neither knows himself nor the plot.

Of course, Danzo has since reflected on it, just in case.

He began to keep a low profile, hiding the ninjutsu invention system and using the indigenous techniques of this world instead.

This is why Danzo will honestly learn D-level and C-level ninjutsu, physical skills, and illusion from Senju Tobema.

Try to disguise yourself as a native.

Because there is no telling when, you will meet other traversers.

According to the previous experience, if we analyze Qianshou Angxing again, we will find... this Qianshouangxing should not be a time traveler.

Because he is too arrogant, he actually dared to go mad under Hokage's first black-bellied person, Senshouban, and the second-bellied black person, under his own nose, isn't it a bit too jumpy?

Unless... this Qianshou Angxing is from a certain Lu.

Well, the problem is coming.

If the straight person is Long Ao Tianliu, then this Qianshou a waste woodliu?

Long Aotian is similar to Waste Chai Liu.

The common point is that both are hanging B.

The difference is that Long Aotian is a phony on the bright side, but the waste wood is fake.

In fact, the protagonist of the waste wood stream looks like a waste, but in fact, it is still true.

Just like Uzumaki Naruto.

Said it was the tail of the crane, waste, but... ahem...

After that, Danzo glanced at Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito.

No matter how nervous this pair of cheap parents is, they must know that something is wrong with their son.

It's a pity that not only was there no abnormality in Senshou Feijian's perception ability, but even the subtle mystic skills of the ninjas in the mountains were not found.

Therefore, they could only regard Qianshou Angxing's change as a major change in temperament after experiencing setbacks.

But the useless son suddenly counterattacked and turned into a thigh. Parents naturally hope that their children will become dragons and are happy to see their success.

It's just... Poor parents all over the world.

Based on Danzo's intuition and the experience of reading so many novels before, he tends to believe that something is really wrong with Qianshou Aung Xing.

"Of course, you can do whatever you want...just give birth to Tsunade honestly..."

As far as Danzang is concerned, he doesn't care if Qianshou Angxing wants to go to heaven.

"But as Tsunade's father, I have to get Tsunade out for me, because I'm still waiting to bully her."


"Since you like to pretend to be B in front of me, then I will let you know who is the real king of bullying."

After mixing the ingredients together, Qianshou Aung Xing went to the final step.

Turn on the oven and put the Bingliang pills in.

Speaking of the oven, this is an appliance that has been popularized in Yunyin Village in the past two years.

Not only can it be used to bake food, but it can also quickly process Bingliang pills.

From ninjas to civilians, they are welcomed by all walks of life.

Just like that, Qianshou Angxing stared at the oven, as if staring at something special.

Danzo could clearly observe that when Qianshou Aung Xing stared at the oven, there was a slight change in his eyes.

It's like... lamenting something.

Look at Sarutobiyuki, and there are others.

They are all choosing materials with carelessness.

As for Qianshou Angxing, all that was left was to wait for the result.

This is the gap, completely crushing level.

Shimura Kazuki smiled slightly, as if he had decided that he would win this bet.

But Danzo was not in a hurry.

This's not about who will finish the Bingliang Pill first.It's about whose Bingliang Pill is the most practical.

10 minutes later...Sarutobi Yuki was processing the same ingredients.

On Qianshou Angxing's side, Bingliang Wan has been made.


Turn off the oven and remove the tray.

Qianshou Angxing made a gesture of invitation.

Of course, there was still disdain in his eyes.

It seems to be saying, I'm afraid that you happy people don't know what to do.

In this gamble, Danzo is optimistic about Sarutobiyuki.Perhaps because of this incident, Qianshou Angxing glanced over for a moment, and his disdainful eyes spread unscrupulously, and his contempt for Danzo became more and more.


The moment when the tin foil is lifted.

The head of the Jonin in the medical class exclaimed, his eyes suddenly enlarged, and he had an incredible expression on his face.

Even the other people present also exclaimed.


Even Danzo praised him.

In fact, there is nothing surprising, just that the Bingliang Pill made by Qianshou Angxing will only glow.

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