
Danzo almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

This Nima is really a bad guy.

The production of Bingliang pills comes with luminous special effects!Are you fake?

Could it be, is this some kind of MasterChef cooking competition?

The exclamations of the crowd came and went.

If they thought that Qianshou Angxing was too arrogant before, then... at this moment, Qianshouangxing exists in their hearts like a god of medicine.


Qianshou Angxing snorted disdainfully, but he couldn't hide the pride in his eyes.

Even Senshou Zhujian exaggeratedly lay down in front of the tray, staring at the glowing Bingliang Wan with wide-eyed eyes, looking stunned.

Senshou Zhujian only wanted to say one thing to his son: "Son! You are such a fortress!"


The chisel in Sarutobiyuki's hand fell to the ground.

Obviously, he was also shocked by the luminous Bingliang pill.

She subconsciously looked at Danzo who used the ghost sound technique to transmit the sound to her, her big eyes were full of panic like a deer.

"Don't be discouraged...Sarutobiko, follow the method I said..."

There was no movement of Danzo's lips.

Then a voice rang directly in Sarutobi Xing's ears.

E-level ninjutsu and phantom sound.

Create one or more sound sources.

Now, this ninjutsu has come in handy again.

Under the appeasement of Danzo, Sarutobi picked up the fallen stone chisel and began to crush the medicinal materials and ingredients again.

Danzo smiled.

If it wasn't for his special method, the No.1 in this competition would definitely be Qianshou Angxing.

And Sarutobi Xing and others were reduced to the foil of Qianshou Angxing.

In the future, maybe it will become the commentator of Qianshou Angxing, plus the younger brother, and the NPC triggered by the side story.

While everyone was amazed at Qianshou Aung Xing... Danzo taught Sarutobi Yuki step by step.

The reason why Danzo has more confidence than Qianshou Angxing is naturally because he used to be familiar with Naruto manga, novels, and formula books.

In the official Naruto formula book, page 61 of "Book of Soldiers" records the method of making Bingliang Pills.

The professor...is Ebisu.

It was Bingliangwan, which even Ebisu, who had always been harsh and strict with others, praised.

Although Qianshou Angxing's Bingliangwan was shining, it was seriously missing one thing.

Chapter 136. You lack... the heart of a medical ninja

Of course, what Qianshou Angxing lacked was not the soul of a medical ninja.

On the contrary, in Danzo's view, the birth of Qianshou Angxing will inevitably set off a bloodbath in the medical ninjutsu world.

To some extent, this is good for Konoha, and even the entire ninja world.

On the other hand, if you don't extinguish his arrogance at this time, it will be difficult later.

"Let me take a look..."

Qianshou Zhujian picked up the Bingliang Pill and sniffed it.

"This this......"

As if special effects were added, all kinds of hallucinations, emotions, and noodle tears began to appear in front of Senju Zhuma's eyes.

He has never seen such a powerful Bingliang pill in his age.

"Compared to ordinary Bingliang pills, the effect is at least doubled!"

Senshou Zhujian stretched out his fingers and made a conclusion.

Everyone gasped suddenly, from whispering to applauding.

Then, Bingliang Wan was tested by other people.

Facts have proved that Qianshou Angxing's Bingliang Pill has at least double the efficacy of ordinary Bingliang Pill.

Eat one, top two!

In addition, Bingliang Wan can not only be used for combat, but also for other occasions.

For example, eating ordinary military food pills and lying still can maintain the nutritional supply for three days, which is very suitable for ninjas such as Anbu who perform latent tasks.

And Qianshou Angxing's Bingliang Pill can last for at least 6 days! !

Using half the material, it produces twice the efficacy!

After learning of this result, everyone directly thought that No. 1 should fall on Qianshou Angxing as a matter of course.No matter how good Sarutobi Xing performed, it was impossible for him to surpass the Eldest Young Master.

The target of the discussion was shifted from Qianshou Angxing to Danzo.

In the face of everyone's whispers, Danzo did not show any panic: "The Bingliang Pill made by Master Qianshou Angxing is indeed unprecedented... However, the formula of Bingliang Pill is not the only solution... "

Qianshou Angxing shook his head disdainfully: "I know any formula, but I choose...the best formula that can reflect the efficacy of Bingliang Pill."

Arrogant, arrogant.

It seems that in the medical field, he is the master.

Danzo smiled slightly and did not refute. He turned his head and continued to guide Sarutobiyuki with ghost sound.

Seeing Danzo's calm appearance, Qianshou Angxing just pretended that this guy didn't see the coffin and didn't shed tears.

"In this world, I have researched a lot of Bingliang Pills and other drug formulas."

"You will, I will all, you will not, I will too!"

Great confidence flashed in Qianshou Angxing's eyes, as if he was just a group of chickens and dogs in front of him.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Sarutobi worked slowly.

First there is the crushed biscuit flour.

Add cocoa powder and mix, add fruit and vegetable juice, and knead.

Add vegetable biscuits, mixed beans, sesame seeds, seven-flavored chili, and continue kneading.

Finally, the crushed raisins are added into it and kneaded into two centimeter balls!So far, the initial production of Bingliang Wan has been completed.

Finally, Bingliang pills are put into trays and ovens.

After 10 minutes, the oven was turned off and the tray was taken out.

Everyone watched the whole process, it can be said that it was extremely simple.

——Although the formula is slightly different from Konoha's existing formula.

"Master Hashirama, please."

Danzo signaled to let Senshou Zhujian watch first.

His formula is not only different, but half a century later, Konoha, Tsunade and other generations of medical ninjas, who have experienced three ninja wars, have optimized the optimal solution formula generation after generation.

The secret of the recipe lies in the proportion of each material, not the specific materials.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Qianshou Zhujian gently picked up a pill, put it under his nose and sniffed it.

Then, Senshou Zhujian's eyes lit up, and he did something completely different from Bingliangwan who faced Qianshou Angxing before.

Senshou Zhujian...stuffed Bingliang Wan into his mouth.



Everyone in the medical class stared at each other, then fell silent.

Obviously, the previous view has completely changed, and no longer pays attention to Qianshou Angxing.

After Senjujuma had finished eating, the head of the ninja in the medical class came over, picked up a pill, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Soon, there was a smile on his face that he didn't know whether it was happiness or hardship.

Then, one after another came over, tasting Sarutobiyuki's Bingliang Wan.

Sarutobiyuki blinked his eyes, feeling a little confused.


When there were only two ration pills left in the tray, Danzo extended his inviting hand to Anbu beside Qianshou Angxing.

That Anbu hesitated for a moment, then walked up, picked up the Bingliang Pill and stuffed it into his mouth under the mask.

After chewing for a while, the whole person froze at the scene in astonishment.

"So...what do you guys mean?"

Qianshou Feijian smiled at the corner of his mouth, his eyes looked around the crowd, and he was asking everyone for their opinions.

But in fact, I already have guesses in my heart.

"I choose Danzo!" Senju Hashima directly appointed Danzo as No.1.

"I'll also choose Shimura Danzō," said the Jonin leader of the medical class.

Others nodded and seconded.

Finally, it was Anbu who was next to Senju Aung Xing. He nodded solemnly and looked at Danzo thoughtfully: "Master Hokage, I also choose Shimura Danzo."

"Wait a moment!"

Qianshou Angxing's eyes flickered, obviously dissatisfied with this conclusion.

He stepped forward, picked up the last ration pill in the tray, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Frowning slightly, he swallowed.

"This Bingliang Pill is not even half as effective as my Bingliang Pill. Why did you choose her?"

Qianshou Aung Xing pointed at Sarutobiyuki, but his gaze was on Danzo.

Obviously, he saw through Danzo's tricks.

Because Sarutobi was lucky, he, a colleague who worked together in the medical class, knew better than anyone else.

Here, this kid must be playing tricks!

"Because the Bingliang Wan made by Sarutobiko tastes better."

Senshou Zhuma gave the answer straightforwardly.

The others nodded and seconded.

"good to eat?!"

Qianshou Angxing seemed to have heard something funny, with a sneer of disdain on his face.

Shouldn't the pursuit of this cheapest drug, Bingliang Pill, be to improve combat effectiveness and efficiency?

What is delicious? !

People don't speak.

Let Danzo answer this answer.

Being watched by everyone, Danzo shook his feather fan and said slowly: "The role of a medical ninja...has always been humanistic care, what you lack...is the heart of a medical ninja... ..."

Just open your mouth, make it up now, hide your mouth, flicker, reverse black and white...but I am the best...

A smile formed on the corner of Danzo's mouth.

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