DDF Armor Thunder Stalking Chakra Mode.

This is just the first step.

In the future, one day, if Danzo's Leitun attainments reach the level of Rabbi Riki the Eight-tailed Jinzhu.

In this way, more possibilities can be added to the changes in the nature of Thunder Tunnel.

When Kirabi was fighting Kisame, Kirabi integrated Thunder Dunk into the pencil, and on the basis of Thunder Dunk, incorporated super-vibrating changes.

Super vibration kunai?

Hmm, that's a pretty good idea.


Danzo moved again.

"Be careful~~!!"

"Run away~!!!"

Seeing this scene, the 26 Shimura Clan Chunin who reacted fell into extreme panic.


Tower of the Dead Forest.

The examiners are monitoring the scene.

"Hmph! How arrogant, this kid is actually facing 30 people by himself!"

Just arrived... an elder from the Shimura clan stood in front of the surveillance screen and looked at Danzo with disdain.

He ran here specifically to see what would happen if Tuan Zang died in hiding.

But I'm afraid he will be disappointed.

Because the moment he figured out the monitoring scene on the screen, his expression changed from surprise to dullness, and finally to hysteria.

On the screen, Danzo moves, disappears, flashes behind a clansman, straightens up, and explodes.

Repeat this process.

The faces of the two Anbu were masked, and their expressions could not be seen clearly.

But it must have been very shocking.

"This kid is really arrogant... Does he want to blow up everyone?"

That's right.

There is no suspense.

Both men and women were killed by Danzang with one blow.

Danzo's speed is so fast that the other party has no qualifications to escape.

The fear of being bombed occupied their minds, making them lose their correct judgment on the situation.

That's the downside of peacetime.

A ninja who has not participated in the war cannot be honed into a real strong man.

The fifth person, the sixth person, the seventh person...

As Danzo exploded the members of the clan one by one, the faces of the monitors on the tower of death became more and more astonished.


They stopped talking.

When the number of people killed by Danzo reached double digits, even Anbu, who was talking and laughing with arms folded, had surprise in their eyes.

Because, 99% of ninjas can't be as exaggerated as Danzo.

Scrolls or anything doesn't matter at all.

Danzo is preparing to kill everyone in this assessment.

As long as I am alone, it will be me who will be promoted to the next round.

As time went by, more and more people fell.

Danzo body training ninja's chakra and physical strength amazed everyone.

Tactics of attrition simply don't work.

Danzo didn't even crack the Bingliang Pill.

As soon as you straighten your back, there must be someone who is completely silent.

With the last person being blasted, only Danzo was left standing there.

This is the end result.

"Ridiculous! Ridiculous~!! How decent!"

The elder of the Shimura clan finally couldn't bear it anymore, and his emotions fluctuated greatly.

There are chrysanthemums all over the ground.

It couldn't be more appropriate to describe the scene on the monitor.

Chapter 227. Suppression first and then promotion, the attack of the Shimura clan

"Crap, rub!"

DDF Armor Kunai Protruding, Shrinking, Protruding, Shrinking...

Danzo walked forward slowly with his hands behind his back.

Behind him was a human body lying on the ground still twitching unconsciously.

The murmured voice flew towards the sky along the wind.

"Ten steps to kill one person, no chrysanthemums will be left behind for a thousand miles...Fash the clothes and hide the merits and fame..."

At the last moment, Danzo's whispering figure disappeared from the monitor screen...

"0 deaths, 0 serious injuries, 30 minor injuries."

The two Anbu looked at each other and recorded the results of the assessment.


In the afternoon of the same day, in the second assessment, the results of each examination room were all counted.

Promoter Quota...

A total of 40 people.

These 40 people stood in front of a building next to the mission announcement office and received instructions.

"Shimura Danzo, our intelligence department welcomes you to join."

The ninja of the mountain clan invited Danzo.

In just a few hours, rumors that Danzo defeated 30 Chunin by himself flew all over Konoha, causing a stormy sea.


This is a situation that has never happened in history since the establishment of Konoha Village.

There are many ninjas with strong personal strength.

However, under the same level, with more than one enemy, there is no one who can hold the opponent's hammer... I am afraid that none of them.

Many ninjas are good in one-on-one combat, but they are just crap on the battlefield.

Countless so-called genius boys and girls, facing the besieged and beaten by multiple enemies, all turned to dust on the spot and turned into dust in history.

Danzo is different.

His rise made the upper-level people of Konoha discover that this is a rare talent that cannot be seen in a hundred years.

In fact, their guess was not wrong.

30 years later, Namikaze Minato was born, leading an era.

And Danzo has done what Namikaze Minato can do 30 years in advance.

One person can form an army.

Wind, thunder, earth... three attributes.

Also proficient in illusion.

Although it is not as good as those seven-attribute gods, but... this is quite excellent.

Of course, what the intelligence chiefs value more is Danzo's mind.

This is also the reason why the Yamanaka Clan initiated an invitation to Danzo.

In their view, Shimura Danzo is a true genius.

The intelligence department, as long as he is willing, welcomes him to join at any time.

"My logistics department also welcomes you." The big brother of the Qiudao clan also began to pull people.

Although the Qiudao family is in charge of logistics.

But in fact, they were the first to charge forward on the battlefield.

"And my interrogation department..."

A big man with a cold face appeared in front of Danzo.

The interrogation department and the dark department usually have a PY communication relationship.

Chasing prisoners, assassinating, extorting confessions, dissecting... The Interrogation Department also does the same dirty work as the Anbu.

Each department invited Danzo.

This abnormal performance made the 40 Chunin who passed the second round of assessment look sideways.

All eyes were on Danzo.

The third round has not started yet, and the result has not been decided, so Danzo was recommended? ? ?


It's like a classmate of yours who is in junior high school. One day, all the bigwigs from famous universities all over the country came over and personally extended invitations to him.

The expressions of everyone present were wonderful.

"and many more!"

Just at this moment, a cold voice joined in untimely.

It was the elder of the Shimura clan who spoke.

Kenichi Shimura.

He is the grandfather of Shimura Kazusei and Shimura Kenji, and the father of Shimura Kazuki.

When Princess Winter Snow of the Snow Country came to visit, he was also there that day.

At this moment, he was followed by Shimura Kazuki and other elite Jonin of the Shimura clan.

Obviously, the comers are not good.

Danzo glanced around and found...

The elite Jonin and Jonin of the Shimura clan are all here.

Add up a total of 10 people.

"There are only so few people..."

Of course not only so little people.

In fact, it is quite good for a family to produce several elite Jnin.

You know, half a century later.

In Konoha's ninja class, the elite ninja can count on several hands.

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