Although there are hundreds of Jnin, the number of elite too rare.

"I object to Shimura Danzo's assessment results this time!"

Kenichi Shimura pointed at Danzo's nose and scolded.


The two Anbu who were in charge raised their eyebrows, and one of them stepped forward, walked to the side, and asked, "The reason for the objection?"


Kenichi Shimura snorted coldly, and spoke with a livid face.

"Danzo Shimura used all despicable methods during the second assessment to intentionally hurt the ninjas of the same village! This kind of person has bad intentions! So what if he is talented?!"

"Intentionally hurt? Is the mind wrong?"

Everyone present looked at each other.

Immediately, whispers sounded, and the news that Danzang exploded 30 people's flowers spread.

Explosive O flower, can indeed be called evil.


Facing Shimura Kenichi's accusation, Danzo smiled without fear.

"Intentionally hurt? Is your mind wrong? I just find any reason to deliberately manipulate me..."

"What do you mean?!" Kenichi Shimura scolded coldly.

"What do you mean? What do you mean you old fellows don't have a B number in your heart? Who...who was it that kicked me out of the Shimura clan?"

It's these 10 guys standing there.

"You... don't you just want to kill me in the second assessment, and get rid of me, the orthodox heir of the Shimura clan... But unfortunately, the next generation you cultivate... Just like a herd of pigs, vulnerable."

Danzo waved his fingers with a sneer on his face.

"Oh, sorry...I'm insulting pigs, they're worse than pigs."


Ken Shimura let out a shout, his face flushed red.

30 people dealt with one Danzang, and Danzang pressed the hammer in turn.

This incident... is really a shocking scandal.

This doesn't just refer to being defeated by Danzo alone, but more importantly... Normal people can know after a little thought that this is the Shimura clan who is clearly entrapping Danzo.

How can anyone put their own people in the assessment?

"Describe the ninjas in the same village, and insult them as inferior to pigs... You, when you grow up, must be a scourge!"

Kenichi Shimura pointed at Danzo and cursed.

Danzo rolled his eyes directly.

Even if it is not a scourge, you have forced it into a scourge.


People around you look at me, I look at you.

It just feels like the air is cold.

Those who are a little bit smarter, as long as they think about it, they will understand that Kenichi Shimura may be going to attack Danzo today.

Thinking of the tragic ending that Danzo will suffer in the end, they can't help but feel chills in their hearts.

The darkness of Konoha and the internal struggle of the family are revealed to them for the first time.

Could it be that this is the village they have always loved, that Konoha?

Chapter 228. My teacher is in the door of the thousand hands, turn the offensive!

"Shimura Kenichi! Be careful!"

That Anbu couldn't stand it now.

The existence of Anbu is to be able to bear the darkness of the village.

Shimura Kenichi showed the darkness of his family in public, which they could not tolerate.

"Shimura Danzo, you successfully passed the second round of exams...and so many village departments have invited practice hard, you will have a bright future in the future."

That Anbu came over, patted Danzo on the shoulder, and smoothed things over.

At the same time, persuade Danzang not to be impulsive.


Seems like a pretty good ending, doesn't it?

People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

social relationship.

interpersonal relationships.

Human essence.

smooth things over......

What happened in the previous life is still happening in this world.

Everyone is maintaining what is called "social rules".

"Ha ha......"

A smile appeared on Danzo's face.

However, he laughed at himself.

Even Danzo had to admit it.

To live in a society, people really need to follow the rules of this society.


He was expelled from the Shimura clan.

The other party deliberately persecuted him.

Just like this, it ended in a few words of smoothing the field and bowing to oneself?

At most, let me say it again: 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't you bully the young and poor?


"But I refuse."

Danzo patted away the big hand that Anbu put on his shoulder.

People who are not in the middle of nowhere are juveniles.

As a man, he should grow older and become a middle schooler, and live his life like a teenager!

What is a boy?

Juvenile, on behalf of youth.

Young people have young capital.

And arrogance and willfulness are the greatest capital of youth!


Danzo took a deep breath and raised his right fist at Kenichi Shimura and the Shimura clan behind him.

Then... extended a middle finger.

Danzo said:

"Shimura Kenichi! I love your mother~~!!"

After a second.

The place exploded.

"You little bastard! You insult the elders! You hate the people! Today... this old man represents the members of the Shimura clan, and I will kill you!"

After all, Ken Shimura's whole body chakra is condensed, and he is about to attack Danzo.

The atmosphere at the scene was suddenly tense.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uchiha Yoko, Ikumi, Mayfly... These little friends, tense up, are going to stand up for Danzo.

Then, the next moment, their figures froze for a moment.


It is no longer needed.

"Kenichi Shimura, you'd better... apologize to Danzo."

The corners of Uchiha Yoko's mouth were outlined, and she walked slowly, and her exquisite figure finally stood beside Danzo, forming a beautiful picture scroll.

Her words were unhurried, as if she had the confidence to win.

Kenichi Shimura narrowed his eyes.

What is a Chunin in your Uchiha Police Department?

Just as he was about to make trouble, he heard...a burst of hurried footsteps coming this way.

"Kenichi Shimura, who do you want to kill?"

The magnetic and cold voice cut through the air and reached everyone's ears.

Everyone present turned their heads in unison and looked at the person who came.

Surrounded by a team of Anbe, the Second Hokage... Senju Togama has arrived.

The pace seems to be slow, but it seems to be several meters in one step.

In the blink of an eye, it is in front of you.

"Master Hokage..." There was a soft murmur from the crowd.

Ignoring the crowd, Senshou Feijian went straight to Kenichi Shimura, staring at him with sword eyebrows and staring eyes.

"Shimura Kenichi, who did you say you were going to kill? The old man didn't hear clearly."

"Lord Hokage..."

Shimura Kenichi immediately put away the aggressive posture just now, bowed, and saluted honestly towards Senshoubeijian.

"Just now I saw that little bastard Shimura Danzo insulting his elders, intentionally hurting others, and having bad intentions... In order to correct his behavior, I had to—"

"Have no choice but to kill him?"

Qian Shou Fei's tone became colder and colder.

At this time, Danzo also turned around and saluted Qianshou: "Hello, teacher."

teacher? !

When everyone at the scene heard this title, their hearts suddenly jumped! ! !

As for the ninjas of the Shimura clan, even their hearts were frozen.

Shimura Danzo...just now...what is it called Hokage-sama? !

"My disciple, you can kill as soon as you say... Shimura Kenichi, you are so majestic."

Senshou Fujian stared at Kenichi Shimura coldly, narrowing his eyes.

A terrifying aura slowly emanated from Qianshou Feijian's body.

Although Qianshou Feijian stood still, but...everyone felt the terrifying demeanor of a strong man.

"Ho, Hokage-sama... this, this is..."

Ken Shimura stumbled and stumbled, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

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