I saw that Danzo's right fist on his waist was slowly raised.

Four fingers straight, thumb bent.

Made a palm gesture.


A palm was slapped towards Qianshou Ang Xing.


With this palm strike, there seemed to be no movement at all, just a simple push forward.

But in the next moment!

Qianshou Ang Xing screamed, and his whole body was attacked by a sudden gust of wind.

I saw that his whole body was shaken violently, and the strong wind that passed through struck behind him who was already at the end of his strength.


Part of the wall of the duel field crumbled.

On it, there is a handprint of a person's height.

Qianshou Angxing swayed and fell down.

This time, I didn't get up again.

"Bagua empty palm!!"

Some Konoha ninjas jumped up suddenly, as if they saw a ghost.

Only the ninjas of the Hyuga clan who opened their eyes and frowned could understand.

That's not the gossip empty palm of the Hyuga clan.

Instead, he combined "Feng Dun" into Taijutsu, Arhat Fist, and Bengzhang, forming Danzo's own unique "Ninjutsu"! !

——Wind escape·Crash palm!

From Danzo's point of view.

Since the Hyuga clan, the strange power of Senshou Aungsei, the Raikage family's Thunder Escape Chakra mode, the eight-tailed Jinzhu Riki Rabbi, the half-tailed beast, and the Thunder Plow Hot Knife... are all enchanted attacks.

Then, he can also combine wind escape into physical skills.

Become a ninjutsu that is also an enchanted attack!

This move is still in its infancy.

The power is completely inferior to Qianshou Angxing's strange power.


As a finishing move, it is still possible to knock down Qianshou Angxing, who is already at the end of his strength.

Danzo, who was maintaining the palm-stretching posture, slowly retracted his moves, exhaled deeply, and pretended to be B to the extreme.


The place was dead silent.

Qian Shou Ang Xing fell to the ground, raising his head with difficulty.

Danzo also walked over slowly and came to him.

Qianshou Angxing didn't ask Danzo what kind of move it was like a certain villain did.

He just... stared at Danzo, as if there were flowers growing on Danzo's face.

"Shimura...Danzo...you are really strong..."

"Of course." Danzo nodded, not polite at all.

Looking down at Qianshou Angxing, Danzo said softly: "I don't know what your purpose is, and I don't know what you want to do... But today, I opened up and said..."

After a pause, Danzo signaled Leopard to get out.

Next, there were only whispers between him and Qianshou Angxing.

The corner of Leopard's mouth twitched, and finally left here with a blink.

Then, Danzo lowered his voice: "The dirt is reincarnated."


When Qianshou Angxing heard this word, a trace of doubt flickered in his eyes.

"Hehe, so you don't know... Then I can cut off a few possibilities about your speculation..."

I don't know the reincarnation of the dirty soil, at least it means that Qianshou Angxing is not a Naruto fan.

It might not even be the same person as him.

"Reincarnation from dirty soil... S-level forbidden technique, the function is to pull the soul of the dead from the underworld to the present world, and attach it to the sacrifice."

Danzo looked at Qianshou Aung Xing with great interest, showing a shocked expression.

"Don't rush to shock...then, you should be worried!"

"We used your previous body medium to release the reincarnation of the dirty soil. Guess what we found?"


Qianshou Angxing opened his eyes wide in an instant.

If you do it like that...

Chapter 248. Zhuang Zhou dreams of a butterfly, or a butterfly dreams of Zhuang Zhou?

"If you do that, the real Qianshou Aung Xing will be brought back to the present world...that's what you're thinking in your head right now...right."

Danzo looked down at Qianshou Angxing.

The next moment, he snorted and laughed.

"No problem in theory...but the question is...when did you have the illusion that you are not Qianshou Angxing?"


Qianshou Angxing's eyes widened.


Danzo flicked his fingers and threw out a small object.

In the air, there was a flash of light, drawing an arc, and finally landed beside Qianshou Angxing.

"Jingle Bell......"

The little object turned half a circle, made a crisp sound, and finally... stopped.

It's an unassuming ring.

The dark color, even a child would not wear it on their hands.


In online novels, such humble rings are usually artifacts.

And it so happened that before Qianshou Angxing's temperament changed...

That is, when he was seriously injured, this was added to his body.

After being treated, her temperament changed drastically.

"There is an old grandfather hidden in the ring, teaching you the heaven-defying skills?"

"Oh, definitely not, because it has nothing to do with your temperament change."

"That's Duoshe? An outsider took Qianshou Angxing's body?"

Having said that, Danzo paused.

He was very satisfied to see the change in Qianshou Angxing's expression.

"Unfortunately...you think too much."

Danzo shook his head.

"The technique of reincarnation...did not pull out the soul of Qianshou Angxing."

Danzo sighed and looked up at the sky.

"That is to say, you are the real Qianshou Angxing... It's just that you have an extra memory from someone else."


Before he could refute, Danzo stretched out his hand and stopped Qianshou Angxing.

"Are you trying to say that you are a soul that has passed through?"

"Don't be stupid, if you are...why can't the reincarnation of the dirty soil bring back the real Qianshou Angxing?"

"Oh, or are you going to use the phrase "I devoured the soul of Qianshou Angxing"? "

The corners of Danzo's mouth curled up, and his smile was very warm.


From Qianshou Angxing's point of view, it was very cold.

"If you use this statement, I can also say it in reverse, "Thousand-handed Angxing swallowed someone's soul", so..."

Danzo squatted down and approached Qianshou Angxing.

"Now you... are you Qianshou Angxing? Or some soul? You... who the hell are you? Can you tell the difference?"


Eerie silence.

Soon, Qianshou Angxing's eyes wavered.

Apparently, there was a breakdown in his previous belief that he was "someone else."

"Qian Shou Aung Xing... In this world, there are many people who like to lie to themselves... They hate that weak self, so they pull all kinds of reasons... There are conditions , Regardless of the outside world or the inside, go to decorate yourself and pretend to be a strong person."

"And you...are you one of them?"

"With a piece of memory, do you feel like someone else? Can you let go of the weak self you used to be?"

Danzang is questioning Qianshou Angxing.

It was as if he was questioning himself.

Is Shimura Danzo really Shimura Danzo, or is it not?

If you use Soil Reincarnation on Shimura Danzo, will another supposed Shimura Danzo be pulled out?

If it can be pulled out, it means that he is from another world.

If you can't pull it out...these things.

Danzo also thought about it.

Perhaps the results are frustrating, even hopeless.

But one thing is certain.

Taking the age of 9 as the dividing line, all the things that I experienced afterwards are real and belong to the Shimura Danzo after the age of 9.

No matter who that Shimura Danzo is.

"Your Bingliang Wan is good. I ate it very well, and I gave it to the secretary. The secretary has become more beautiful."

Danzo smiled and talked about something irrelevant, as if it was some interesting memory.

The next moment, Danzo lowered his face.

"It just tastes too shitty. I suggest you add some sugar next time, so that it will be marketable."

"Keep [hateful]!!"

Qianshou Angxing got up from the ground and ran away without looking back.

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