It seems that this incident hit him too hard.

He needs silence.

And Danzang, with his hands behind his back, looked at Qianshou Angxing's running back, and said, "Stinky boy, you really have a personality."

Then, Danzo tilted his head, still looking at the back of Qianshou Aung Xing.

"But the way you're trying your best to compete..."

Raising his left fist, he waved it at Qianshou Ang Xing's back.

"It's really exciting! Mmm ha ha ha ha..."

After imitating Director Jin's Danzang, he whistled and walked to the center of the venue.

The No.1 this my Shimura Danzo! !

"Who else? Who else wants to fight me?"

Danzo said, I can hit 1 with one!

The whole place was silent.

No one spoke.

Senju Aung Xing easily defeated the young No.1 Sarutobi Hiruzen.

And Danzo abused Senshou Yasushi who could defeat Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But what happened in less than half an hour subverted everyone's imagination!

Whether it was Sarutobi Rizai who was full of tendons and in the chakra mode of thunder escape from Yunyin Village, or the thousand-handed Aung Xing who was unparalleled in strange power and walked in the air, they were deeply shocked.


Such two people are completely inferior to Shimura Danzo!

Is this still Chunin?

Do not......

Even if it is a special Jnin, it will not have such an exaggerated strength!

Yoko Uchiha is even the boss with an open mouth.

She almost thought she knew enough about Danzo, and then she found out.

Danzo still has so many hole cards! !


Danzo was also helpless.

These moves to blow up Qianshou Angxing were not premeditated.

In fact... Qianshou Angxing's performance made Danzo's heart boil for a moment.

It was during this time that he mixed and created a few tricks on the spot.

He has a big brain and knows a lot of ninjutsu, so he can do whatever he wants.


you do not believe?

Have you watched the drama "Game of Thrones"?

On-site card printing is a must-have skill for the protagonist!

What if I, Shimura Danzo, rubbed a few skills on the spot?How can it~~what~~~~?

And the whole scene...

Those with the darkest faces are those who are waiting for Danzo to be deflated.

Ninjas of the Shimura Clan...

These are outlawed surnames, remnants of the past.

Also in this venue, waiting for Danzo to be blown up.

However, in fact...

Chapter 249. Good Man Danzo, Sprinkle Flowers

The real patriarch, patriarch, and leader of the Shimura clan not only blew everything up, but also became a blockbuster in the eyes of all high-level officials today!

Even, he has completely secured his identity as the number one disciple of Qianshou Feijian!

Just imagine, with such amazing talent.

In the future...wouldn't it be...

Everyone thought of the location of "The Third Hokage".

If nothing else, Shimura Danzo will be a strong candidate for the third Hokage!

Kazuki Shimura and the others thought of this, their bodies softened, and they lay down on the seats.


If they hadn't kicked Shimura Danzo out of the Shimura clan...

Then, the Shimura clan is likely to give birth to a Hokage.


Even if this kind of thing really happens in the future, it has nothing to do with them...

The ninjas of the Shimura clan in the past are all regretful.

And Danzo himself felt so cool!

Seeing the reactions of these wise people, all the aggrievedness in the past was swept away!

"La la la? ~, la la la? ~, I am a little expert in selling newspapers? ~..."

"Humph! Congratulations! You must be No.1! Danzo Shimura!"

The examiner, Leopard, gave Danzang the middle finger, and then left the scene directly, chasing after his young master.

Although he doesn't know what Danzo said to his young master just now...

Oh, must be some very ugly sarcasm!

Just like he did to all his opponents before! !

The figure of the leopard disappeared in a flash.

At this time, the whole audience is also thundering!

"Shimura Danzo!"

"Shimura Danzo!"

Those audience who originally threw rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes at Danzo all stood up and applauded!

Frontal tough Qianshou Aung Xing!The Son of the First Hokage!

Everyone is convinced!

And Danzo himself waved towards the scene.

But soon, the voices of the audience did not sound right to Danzo.

"Ninja Darkness!"

"Ninja Darkness!"

"I'm dnm!" Danzo began to throw things.

At the end of the relationship, I'm still the villain!


"Okay, okay..."

A small smile slowly appeared on Senshou Zhujian's face.

I remembered what I entrusted to Danzo in the past: to correct Qianshou Angxing's secondary disease.

"It's easy to break through, that kid Aung Xing... It's a good thing to suffer some setbacks."


A cold snort was heard from Qianshoubei.

"Brother! You just saw my eldest nephew being trained by Danzang, and you feel very happy!"

Foreword review:

Senshou Zhujian... is a person who will squat in the corner and draw circles when someone reprimands him, and mushrooms will grow on his head by the way.

Being reprimanded a lot, I always want to find a fellow sufferer.

Seeing his son being trained by Danzo today, Senshou Zhuma felt very refreshed. At this moment, it was more enjoyable than gambling!Hey big, the feeling of flying!

Before Senshou Zhujian went to the corner to draw circles again, Senshou Feijian stood up and announced the result of the assessment.

After soliciting the opinions of all the candidates, all the answers they got were abstentions...

Danzo became the well-deserved No.1 selection!

The rewards for the Chakra Armor Core will also be distributed to Danzo together with the "Special Jōnin Qualification Certificate" a week later.


Soon, the villagers and Konoha ninjas all left the field.

Today was an eye-opener.

For the next few weeks... NO!For at least a month, there is talk to brag about.

This special Jonin assessment will be deeply engraved in their minds.

And as the incident fermented, it quickly spread throughout the entire Konoha.


After Danzo returned home, he fell asleep!

On the one hand, he is tired.

When I got home, my legs were numb.

The battle with Qianshou Angxing was far from easy as it appeared on the surface.

Chakra is almost exhausted.

Even if the on-site breakthrough is particularly ninja, the amount of chakra is still limited.

If it is converted into the official formula book value.

Genin and Elite Genin have a strength below 33.

Chunin and Elite Chunin are in the 34-44 range.

Especially Jonin's strength is 45~57.

Jonin's strength is above 58.

Danzo can only say that the total value has just reached 45.

What is the concept of 45?

Teacher Iruka is 44, Moonlight Hayate is 45.

In terms of basic values ​​alone, the current Danzo is the product that was instantly killed by the elite Jonin Maki of Sand Hidden Village.

The road to practice is long and one cannot be complacent.

Although his cheating is much more powerful than Moonlight Gale.

But the problem is...

Moonlight Hayate has at least mastered an A-level ninjutsu.

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