Danzo said, looking at the sky outside the door.

"In the future, I will set up an organization called "Gen" to deal with the enemies for the village. At that time, Secretary, you will be my second in command. "

Although it has not yet been established, Danzo already has a basic prototype.

Mishima, Ms. Beard.

These two guys are the first members of Root.

In a village, it is inevitable to have some dirty work to do.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen is the leaf bathed in the sun, and I am the root in the darkness..."

Danzo said the reason why it was named "root".

"Erhuo Danzang, I think you just want to find a reason to persecute others in a fair manner."

Yoko Uchiha made the point in one word.

"Oh, as expected of a secretary."

Danzo smiled.

"Having your own subordinates, it's so convenient to trick people, you can fight wherever you point, you can persecute whoever you want...it's so cool..."


It must be established.

Because Danzo realizes that the world is too chaotic.

There are many villains.

But... many things cannot be done clearly.

Lurking in the shadows, intervening in various things in the ninja world.

This is the main purpose of Danzo.

To put it simply: I persecuted you, but you can't find evidence that I did it.

Danzo likes this kind of obscene stream the most.

"That maid of yours...Richard, I think he's weird..."

Uchiha Yoko said suddenly.

Obviously, she thinks that Danzo is not talking about playing, but intends to really establish roots.

Richard, Mishima, the appearance of these two people made Uchiha Yoko aware of something.

If you look at it with Sharingan, you will find it.

Richard's heart chakra is particularly strong.

Just like a torch.

This is not seen in other people who are evenly distributed.

The vision of Sharingan cannot see the meridian clearly.

To a Sharingan owner, a ninja is a silhouette with little blobs of chakra flowing like clouds inside.

For most people, this chakra is balanced.

At most, there is a difference in the size of the clouds.

But Richard was weirdly over the top.

"That's because he has a big heart."

Danzang began to compile.

In fact, it's because Di Yuanyu's body is a heart mask monster.

All chakras are provided with the heart as the core.

That's why the heart appears to be like a torch.

"Mr. Richard, he was originally a ninja from Hidden Cloud Village."

"Oh?" Uchiha Yoko was a little surprised.


That disgustingly dressed guy is actually a ninja from Yunyin Village.

However, being able to possess such strong muscles is generally no problem for the Land of Thunder.

"Later, because of certain things, he was persecuted by Yunyin Village and fled to our country of fire... There are a lot of adults in our Muyeyin Village, so we took him in... It's a pity that ..."

Danzo sobbed hypocritically twice.

"Mr. Richard's injury was too serious. After healed, his brain was left with permanent damage, and he became stupid... For example: he likes women's clothing and thinks he is a beautiful little angel. "

Danzo arranged a past for Ms. Beard.

"Then he is more pitiful than Ikumi..."

Uchiha Yoko lowered his gaze.

It is not a secret that Ikumi used to be a ninja of Yunyin Village.

In Konoha, a small group of people know about Ikumi's past.

Uchiha Yoko is one of them.

"Then, what happened to Mishima? I saw him as a dog. When I first saw him, I thought he was a thief."


As expected of a secretary, the ability to see the essence is amazing.

The ninjas in Caoyin Village are a group of thieves.

No problem.

"And... I don't think he's a nice guy."

With the work experience of the police department in arresting criminals, Yoko Uchiha easily recognized "this is a bad guy".

"Yes, Mishima is a bad boy."

Danzo nodded and sighed.

"He is indeed very bad, killing people without blinking an eye. However, one day, he was inspired by our Konoha's great will of fire, realized his mistakes, and decided to change his past..."

Danzo began to swear again.

"However, his past life experience made it impossible for him to get rid of his evil habits in a short time. To put it simply, he is a poor man who is troubled by his own evil..."

"Oh." Uchiha Yoko blinked, temporarily accepting this statement.

"Mr. Richard, and the bad boy Mishima are currently my two employees and subordinates."

Danzo said seriously.


"Well, they are all employees of my Shimura Danzo."

Danzo emphasized it again.

"In the future, I will further expand the number of employees."

"According to the different abilities of subordinates, regular assessments are conducted to determine positions and rankings."

"Just use the ten heavenly stems and the twelve earthly branches."

Ten heavenly stems: A, B, C, D, E, He, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Gui.

Twelve Earthly Branches: Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai.

"Ten Heavenly Ganhui is the strongest thug under my command, followed by the Twelve Earthly Branches. Just like the special Jōnin, they are specialized."

"Then, there are other members code-named animals, cows, horses, etc. They are in charge of other things. Logistics and the like..."

Danzo and Uchiha Yoko talked about their ideas.

This is not aimless and made up.

The code name "A".

It is an original TV animation crew.

Including the following B, C...

The first "A" who showed up, the TV crew originally created for Yamato.

That's right, it's Mutun Tianzang, the experimental product of Orochimaru.

In TV animation, Yamato's code name is Jia.

Later, Kishimoto thought this setting was very interesting, so he added one of Yamato's settings to the official formula book "Book of Formation".

That is, "Shimura Danzo's former subordinate".

As for the animal code name of bull head and horse face, it comes from the official novel "The True Story of Itachi".

Two of Shimura Danzo's men killed one of Uchiha's ninjas, assumed his identity, and monitored Uchiha from the inside.

Chapter 303 Danzo: The police department is in trouble, let's take the blame together

"Then... what about your clansman?"

Uchiha Yoko's eyes wandered a little.


finally come.

Danzo also pretended that he had forgotten about it.

He didn't mention it in particular, just to prevent the secretary from asking questions.

Uchiha Yoko is referring to... Shimura Yui.

A loyal and loyal samurai girl.

"She's too straightforward to be suitable for..."

Danzo shook his head.

Just like in the TV animation, Akai wanted to join the roots, but was told "you are not dark enough".

Shimura Yui seems to be able to make up his mind to do bad things.

But whether it can actually be done is another matter.

"I think she is quite suitable for the work of the police department."

Upright, not afraid of offending others, anxious for justice.

Shimura Yui is a good fit for the police department.

Yoko Uchiha seemed unimpressed.

Because the police department is a noble job that only the Uchiha clan can take on.

I have to say, even Uchiha Yoko...even Uchiha Mirror.

The attributes in "Politics" are extremely low.

This is the case with the Uchiha clan, who are played by the sophisticated Konoha politicians.

Conflicts between the Uchiha Police Department and other people in the village will break out sooner or later.

For the ninjas of those big families, the work of the Uchiha clan is too in the way.

For civilians, the rights of the Uchiha clan make them feel intimidated.

The Uchiha clan, faithfully fulfill their duties.

If things go on like this, they will offend those big dogs, and they will be more and more rejected by other families.

Think about it.

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