Suppose a Sarutobi has committed a crime.

The Uchiha clan arrested him.

Even if he cannot be punished due to the identity of the other party, it will still fuel the hatred of the Sarutobi clan towards Uchiha.

If the Uchiha clan is stubborn, I don't care who you are, I will hate you.

If the Sarutobi clan did something wrong, I will fuck you too.

That contradiction is even more severe.

In fact...the root of the problem lies in the Konoha High Level.

Konoha's high-level officials successfully transferred the fundamental contradiction of "repelling Uchiha" to the quarrel between Uchiha and other ethnic groups.

Whether it is Uchiha or other ethnic groups, I will not think of it for the time being.

This is the means used by the high-level Konoha to persecute Uchiha.

For a long time.

The contradiction between Uchiha and other people in the village is getting deeper and deeper.

In the end, Konoha's high-level executives watched the fire from the other side and reaped the benefits of the fisherman.

However, with a little trickery, Uchiha was set on fire, and finally set himself on fire.

"At that time, Uchiha will be the only captain of Unit 2. After all, Konoha's scale is getting bigger and bigger, and the manpower of your police department is not enough..."

Danzo smiled.

The fundamental solution to the above contradiction is very simple.

That is..."It's not just the Uchiha clan who work in the police department".

The Uchiha clan, this family has long dominated the police department.

Will offend a lot of people.

The dissatisfaction that breeds will eventually turn into exclusion and isolate the Uchiha clan.


If we stuff the police department with people from other ethnic groups.

For example.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Inuzuka Clan, Shimura Clan, Ikacho...

The messy family is stuffed again.

At that time, everyone will find out.

Hey, it turns out that the world is as black as crows.

It's not just the Uchiha clan that is annoying.

People from other ethnic groups are no fun either.

That's right~~~~.

There is a scapegoat, and everyone will bear it together.

Hee hee hee~~~~.

At that time, no one will dislike Uchiha.

It all depends on the good set off by the peers.

Let's all compare badly together.

"Secretary, did you mention "The King's New Clothes"? "

Danzo began to tell Uchiha Yoko the famous fairy tale.

Although it has nothing to do with the king's new clothes...


When they join the police department and everyone dyes black together, they will close their eyes, or open their eyes, pretending not to see the Uchiha clan offending people.

After all, who isn't a ruthless Konoha, don't you?

Nagato said: People cannot understand each other.


The Uchiha clan worked hard to maintain the law and order of Konoha.

What I got was a bunch of cold eyes.

Who knows the pain in the hearts of the Uchiha clan?

Here comes another sentence from Nagato.

"Let the world feel the pain".

Although incomprehensible, it is not absolute.

Because Nagato gave another compromise plan: "Everyone feels the same pain and can understand each other."


Danzo very much agrees with Nagato's statement.

As long as everyone and the Uchiha clan serve as the police department together and take the blame together, you can understand the pain of the Uchiha clan.

Check it out.

Is this plan perfect and complete? ! !

Danzo clenched his fists and clenched his teeth: "As long as someone takes the blame with me, they can understand my pain..."

I, Shimura Danzo, don’t want to be the one who takes the blame alone~~~~~.

"Erhuo Danzang, you're smoking again."

Uchiha Yoko still dislikes Shimura Danzo today.

of course.

Danzo's idea has two obstacles.

1. It can only be implemented after receiving the bento from Qianshoubeijian.Otherwise it is absolutely impossible.As long as Senshou Tobeken is alive, the police department will only be scapegoated by the Uchiha clan.

2. Families unite with families and take the blame with Uchiha, which will be dissatisfied by Konoha civilians.

Let's not talk about the first one.

The 2nd is easy.

Wait until the public's dissatisfaction with the major families has reached the extreme.

The high-level Konoha can take the opportunity to weaken the influence of a wave of families.

Next, support civilians to power.

Put civilians in charge of the police department.

Who do you think Danzo learned this trick from?

cough cough.

Do you remember, who is the Fourth Hokage?

They are considered civilians... Namikaze Minato.

Wave Water Gate.

It is strong evidence that Konoha's high-level support the common people to come to power and weaken the family.

In fact.

If you think about it carefully, you will find out.

Namikaze Minato's stage appearance is full of weirdness.

such as.

The third ninja war.

The third generation of Raikage Ai, with the power of one person, 1vs10000 Iwanin.

After fighting for three days and three nights, he died of exhaustion.


Ai averaged 1 minute to kill 1 rock ninja.

One hour is 1 people, one day and one night is 60 people, three days and three nights is 1440 people, nothing less.

Namikaze Minato, the battle of Kanna Kunqiao.

Yanyin Village intends to invade Konoha with 1000 people.

Namikaze Minato rushed to the battlefield, encountered 50 pioneers, and killed them.

Then support Kakashi and kill a few miscellaneous fish.

Finally blow up the bridge.

Let’s not mention why the ninjas in Yanyin Village didn’t use Earth Dun to rebuild the bridge.

After being cut off from supplies, Yanyin Village made a decisive decision to stop the invasion.


Namikaze Minato, who killed more than 50 rock ninjas, was touted as "the key to ending the Third Ninja World War".

And Ai, who killed at least 4320 people, didn't get any bragging rights?

If you compare it with Namikaze Minato, no matter how you look at it, Ai should also be blown into Six Paths Ai Creation to end the cosmic dispute.

So here comes the conclusion.

Namikaze Minato's so-called "the key to ending the Third Ninja World War" is actually the "man-made god" of Konoha's senior management.

The purpose is to let Namikaze Minato take over.

Chapter 304. Not your sister, but our sister

At that time, just follow the gourd painting and learn how to promote Namikaze Minato to the top, and create a "god".

It is much easier to elect a civilian to an important position in the police department than Hokage.

In the future, there is a smooth road ahead of Danzo.



Uchiha Yoko took the shoulder armor, and with the infusion of Chakra, the shoulder armor was filled with radiance, which was more beautiful than all the gems Uchiha Yoko had ever seen.

"Meet your sister."

Gently stroking the core, Yoko Uchiha asked without raising his head.


Then smile.


Danzo nodded slightly.

Sure enough, the secretary saw it.

"She's fine." Danzo said.

It looks at least better than myself.

She's strong, she's a beautiful person, and she's still as high-IQ as ever, so I believe she won't be deceived.


Uchiha Yoko also smiled slightly.

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