Although the two countries are not allies on the surface, they are almost the same in private.

Longyin Village will not pretend that this favor does not exist.

The road under my feet gradually turned uphill.

Kakuto and Danzo walked up the uneven road.

The sound of a waterfall came to my ears.

By the time they reached the finish line, the sound of the water had turned into a roar like thunder.


Danzo standing in front straightened up and cheered.

It's a waterfall.

And it is a huge waterfall that has never been seen before, even more exaggerated than the waterfall that ends the valley.

The turbulent water rushes down from the tall cliff in front of you, forming a huge pool below.

"In the first part, the scene where the prince and Fat Zhu rubbed each other was almost like this."

Danzo said words that Kaku couldn't understand.

Suddenly, two children sprang out from the woods beside the waterfall.

"Master Kakuzu!"

"It's Kakuzu-sama!"

Two children cheered, a boy and a girl.

Looks less than 10 years old.

Facing the ferocious and murderous Jiaodu, the two children were not afraid at all, but circled around the corner.

This, what's going on? !

Danzo was stunned.

Isn't Jiaoren rebellious?

These two children should be villagers of Longyin Village.

"Master Kakuzu, who is he?"

Two children, standing next to Kakuto, pointed to Danzo and asked.

"This is my subordinate, hired from another place."

Jiaodu's tone unexpectedly softened.

"Hello! I'm Xiaojing!"

"Hello! I'm Droplet!"

"Uh... hello, you guys."

Danzo mechanically waved at the two children, completely unaware of what was going on.

"What are you two doing here today?" Jiaodu asked calmly.

"Pick up trash."

Xiaojing and Feimo pointed to the huge pool.

"Master Feiquan arranged for the two of us to clean up today."

Danzo noticed that when the two children said the name "Feiquan", Kakuzu's pupils shrank uncontrollably.

That is......

When Xiaojing and Feimo ran to the pool to pick up trash, Danzo and Kobe stood aside.

"What's going on here? Who is that Feiquan?"

Danzo was very puzzled by the situation in front of him.


Kakuto took a deep breath, turned his head sideways, and looked at Danzo.

"Before I killed the senior officials of Longyin Village, after defecting from the village...the village didn't send ninjas to chase me down."

"That's for sure."

Danzo blinked.

"Because you are very powerful, Master Jiaodu, otherwise why did the senior officials of Longyin Village send you to assassinate the God of Ninjas?"

Because the horns are too powerful, they killed all the high-level people.

Does Longyin Village still dare to send people to chase and kill Jiaodu?

Are they crazy?


Jiaodu snorted coldly, obviously satisfied with the compliment.

However, this is not what he wanted to say.

Chapter 340. The Butterfly Effect, Longyin Village with a Crooked Painting Style

"In Longyin Village, strength does not determine everything, at least in the past..."

Jiaodu began to tell about the past of Longyin Village.

Danzo nodded.

It's a lot like Uchiha.

In the future, Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi are the two top thugs of the Uchiha clan, but their political status is pitifully low.

Such is the situation in Jiaodu.

There used to be a shadow ninja in Longyin Village.

In the Warring States Period, relying on land grievances and fears was rampant.

Then he disappeared.

Some said he was killed, others said he lived in seclusion.

In short, he kept the S-level secret technique Earth Resentment Yu as the treasure of the village.

"At the beginning, there were several elite Jonin like me."

In a village, it is not surprising that there are several elite jnin.

"That is to say, those Junin are all senior thugs of Longyin Village just like you."

Danzo realized the point.

"That Feiquan was one of the thugs back then... that is, the elite Jōnin of Longyin Village."


All corners looked over.

Talking to smart people is easy.

"Feiquan later became the village head of Longyin Village."

It turned out to be the case.

Danzang understood.

When Jiaodu rebelled, all the senior officials of the village were wiped out, leaving a leaderless stall.

Then, at this time, someone will definitely come forward to unify this village and re-operate Longyin Village.

"That person is Feiquan."

Danzo nodded.

As Jiaodu's former comrade-in-arms and partner, Feiquan reorganized the village.

"Feiquan...or Nanao Shigeaki's Jinchuriki."

After Jiaodu said such a sentence meaningfully, he took another step forward and walked forward.

Nanao... Is it Jinchuriki?

Danzo thought for a while and followed.

The Five Shadows Conference that year.

The tailed beasts are distributed among the thousand-hand pillars.

Because of the assassination of Jiaodu, all the senior officials of Longyin Village were killed in battle and a series of incidents.

Especially what Kakuzu said to Senshou Bashima touched the latter deeply.

Senjujuma made the final decision.

Give Nanao to Long Yin.

This is the truth.

And after Longyin Village got Nanao Shigeaki, it was obviously impossible to lock Nanao up.

What's more, they don't have that ability.

According to Danzo's speculation, it should be Senshou Zhujian who taught Longyin Village the sealing technique, allowing Longyin Village to create Renzhuli.


5 years of time.

It has been five years since the Five Kages Conference.

Research on human pillar strength in various countries should also produce more or less results.

On the other hand, the current village head of Longyin Village has been Renzhuli for such a long time.

Five years ago, he was already an elite Jnin just like Kakuzu.

Well now...

Proper film class.

Jiaodu came to a rock next to a waterfall and began to climb.

Danzo stared at Kakuto.

Found a small hole in the top.

No wonder... Longyin Village is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

This entrance can only accommodate one person through.

After Koto climbed up, Danzo also climbed up.

After walking along the entrance of the cave for a while, the inside suddenly opened up.

It turned into a rather spacious cave.

In the cave, there are many ponds of different sizes.

"Let's go into one of the ponds next."


Kakuzu was amazed by Danzo's keen insight.

In fact, Danzo only vaguely remembered some memories of his previous life.

In Longyin Village, except for Jiaodu, most of the NPCs and plots belong to TV originals.

In particular, the theatrical version of Longyin Village can be counted as black history?

Full name: "Naruto: Battle at the Hidden Falls, I Am a Hero"

This animation belongs to the early OVA, revealing some basic conditions of Longyin Village.

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