For example, the treasure of Longyin Village, "Water of Heroes".

It is said that drinking it will give you great power.

"It's here, let's go."

Jiaodu urged.

Then calmly walked into the pool first.


Danzo was a little surprised to see Kakuto's figure disappear into the small pond.

But in his previous life, he had seen this kind of drama too much.

Under what deep pool, there is a hole in the sky... blah blah blah blah blah blah...

After entering, Tuanzang saw a faint light in the water.

This pool is actually very deep.

Danzo followed Kakuto and swam forward.


The light gets bigger and bigger, and finally... both Danzo and Kaku are on the surface of the water.

"This... is Longyin Village?"

Danzo couldn't help admiring because of the scenery in front of him.

Their current location is in a spacious lake on a cliff, and in the middle of the lake, there is a small island.

There is a huge tree on the island.

The branches and leaves of the big trees cover most of the sky, which is Longyin Village.

There are many small buildings around the big tree, which look like ant nests.

From here, we can know how big the big tree is.

It is bigger than all the trees Danzo has ever seen, almost like the sacred tree of the Fourth Ninja World War.

Of course, it is not as tall as the sacred tree.

But the height should also exceed 170 meters.


Danzo suddenly stretched out his hand, pointing to the pool of water that sneaked in behind him.

"Uncle Jiaodu, don't you think it would be disgusting if someone peed in it? Over the years, every time you urinate for hundreds of years, I said why the water in the pool is a little yellow..."


Kakuto suddenly turned his head and stared at Danzo: "There will be no such thing."


Danzo widened his eyes, nodded vigorously, and his tone was very serious.

"In this world, there are only two kinds of people. One is the one who urinates when passing by the pool, and the other is the one who refuses to admit that he"

His voice gradually decreased.

Facing the murderous gaze, Danzo shrank his head resentfully.

When Danzo looked around, he sniffed the pool water on his body without a trace, as if he was really worried about how much urine was in the pool water...

Here is the lake, here is the water, here is the paradise of Longyin Village.

The reason why others were unable to attack was because of the secrecy of Longyin Village and the complexity of the terrain.

Jiaodu did not go directly to the big tree in the middle of the lake.

Instead, walk along the edge of the island.

When coming from this direction, the 6 o'clock position.

After walking 45 degrees.

They came to the direction of 9 o'clock.

Here, the terrifying scene suddenly becomes clear.

Shimura Danzo widened his eyes, staring blankly at something that hadn't appeared before.

The huge island is not the complete body of Longyin Village.

In this huge mountain basin that encloses Longyin Village, there is also a huge man-made landscape.

Simple to describe.

The small lake island in Longyin Village is a bird's nest cast on a cliff.

Next to the bird's nest, there are a large number of laborers digging down.

Forcibly opened up new canyons and abysses.

The bridges made of rocks are scattered all over the place, making this place a city in the sky.

The rumbling waterfall gushed down and flowed to the bottom of the artificially excavated abyss lake, forming a large waterfall.

Water mist filled the space below, looking like some kind of illusion.

"This, this is..."

Danzo felt as if he was standing on the top of the valley of the end, looking down.

It also seems to be standing on top of Hokage Rock, overlooking the surface.

Chapter 341. Jiaodu's benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom kick

"It's Feiquan."

Jiao said.

When he came to the edge of the cliff, he would fall into the abyss if he was not careful, but Jiaodu did not have the slightest fear.

"Feiquan directs labor and develops artificial buildings."

There was admiration in Jiaodu's tone.

He had to be surprised by Feiquan's imagination and execution ability.

Longyin Village is like a bird's nest standing on the top of a cliff.

What should I do if I want to develop?

External expansion?

That would lose the concealment of Longyin Village and bring about a devastating blow.

However, Feiquan chose to dig down in situ.

Yes, since we are standing on the summit like a crater, why not continue to dig down, make the hole bigger, and dig out a real crater?

Feiquan's crazy idea is to dig all the way from the clouds to the ground.

In this way, our Longyin Village has enough space to develop.


Danzo was stunned.

Feiquan's whimsy is one thing, but more importantly...

"This bastard copied me! This is Chi Guoguo's copy!"

The wheels of history are always strikingly similar.

Danzo didn't expect that he copied others all day long, this time...he was finally copied by others...

cough cough.

Of course, Feiquan definitely doesn't know the Dagen Pagoda under Danzo Dabieye.

The only explanation was a crash.

Feiquan's idea coincides with Danzo's.


Occasionally, the sound of clanging and clanging can be heard from below. It is the sound of workers and craftsmen working.

Not even the roaring waterfall can completely cover it.

Under the supervision of the ninjas of Longyin Village, Yunyun was excavated.

Dig out a basin abruptly, and continue to dig down.

The corridor used to walk people, the stairs around the edge of the mountain.

There are also bridges solidified with earth escape ninjutsu, forming a spiral downward metropolis.

In this way, Longyin Village is like an island in the sky.

"This is not Hokage..."

Danzo murmured.

Does Longyin Village have such a setting?

He took out a small telescope and looked at it.

Danzo found.

Those lunatics from Longyin Village dug up a little magma pool somewhere below.

A group of blacksmiths were crackling iron to make ninja tools.

And the pipes in the building drain cold water from the waterfall pool to cool it down.

Self-sufficiency, this is really a genius.

"Feiquan is a very ambitious leader."

Kodo commented.

"Under his leadership, Longyin Village is full of vitality, and various undertakings are flourishing. However, he is very enthusiastic about most of these things. After making arrangements, he will immerse himself in cultivation or study of spells... "


Danzo wanted to say hello.

The 3-minute heat has changed the world of Longyin Village. If he devotes all his attention to it, won't Longyin Village go against the sky?

"Indisputable! Indisputable!"

At this moment, a laborer who belonged to a craftsman happened to pass by Jiaodu and Danzo.

His eye sockets are wide open.

It can be seen that he admires Feiquan.

Even in the face of Jiaodu, he complained angrily for the great Master Feiquan.

Even if you are Jiaodu, you can't speak ill of Mr. Feiquan.

"Long live Master Feiquan!"

The worker raised his hands nervously.

He is a member of a certain ethnic group that was subdued by Feiquan.

Kakuto suddenly used phantom sound to send a message to Danzo.

This is a technique that only Kakuzu and Danzo know.

Danzo affectionately called it "telephone burner".

It's similar to your oil girl clan and Inuzuka clan.

Danzo nodded.

That is, these ethnic groups were added later.

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