Danzo thought, there is a problem with this official manual!

What is Nine Tails Chakra?

Obviously Nine Tails dragged down Prince Naruto!Prince Ming did it on his own, and I, Prince Ming, did not cheat!



Tailed Beast Chakra + Self Chakra = Great Jade Spiral Pill.

This setting is fine.

Of course, Jiraiya, who is 10 fine, can use "Dayama Spiral Pill" without Tailed Beast Chakra.


Now that the power of guarding the crane and the wilderness in one's body already clearly exists, then, let's mix it into one's own chakra and release a big jade spiral pill to try it out.

of course.

If it really succeeds, if others ask who did it, I have no choice but to admit it.

In fact, Naruto Uzumaki did it.

Well, it's arranged.

Danzo thought so, and jumped into the air suddenly.

On the way of jumping, start rubbing balls.

"Pants escape~! Spicy fairy root~!"

The blue chakra swirled, twisted, and finally formed a circle like a small typhoon.

With the introduction of a large amount of chakra, the density of the spiral pill is getting higher and higher, and the volume is increasing.

In the blink of an eye, it changed from the size of the extra version of Sixi Meatballs to the size of a ramen bowl.

That is to say, it is the same volume as Prince Ming's Dayu Helix Pill shortly after the beginning of Galewind.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at Danzo in the sky.

A stunned dog.

One of them didn't know what to do, glanced at his companions, and wondered what happened to them.

So, he picked up Kunai and aimed at Danzo and was about to throw it out.

As a result, Charly, whose complexion changed drastically, slapped him directly from behind.

"Back the fuck!!"

Charly let out a loud shout, obviously very discerning.

Yunyin Village often conducts experiments on Renzhuli.

Therefore, facing the two-tailed and eight-tailed beast jade many times.

And... the Golden Horn and Silver Horn brothers who may spray tail beast jade.

Seeing that dick that was infused with chakra densely and constantly inflated, Charly immediately pissed.

Although the color of the Tailed Beast Jade looks different, it is obvious that it is something similar in principle.

That is the spiral pill.

In fact, Heliwan Wan is Namikaze Minato's modification based on the Tailed Beast Jade Demon.

"Damn it~~~!"

Chaly let out a groan, not knowing how things turned out like this.


Just by looking at it with the naked eye, it is extremely dangerous.

"Run for your life~~~~!"

Charly shouted, and the bewildered rebels froze for a moment before beginning to move in doubt.

Apparently, they didn't have Charly's eyesight.

This is also the reason why they are not the boss, but Charly is the boss.

At this moment.

Guanyue, Hyuga Iori, and Hyuga Yuki who were the first to run away had already hid at least 100 meters away.

"What is he going to...?"

Hinata Yuuki opened her eyes again.

Soon, the line of sight was locked on Danzo...and the huge amount of chakra...balls in his hand.

Those white eyes stared at Danzo in mid-air, his tone full of curiosity.

"I don't know, but it's very dangerous." Guan Yue had some apprehension in his eyes.


Hyuga Iori didn't say a word, she just bit her lips tightly and stared at Danzo.

Danzo ignored these rebels who didn't have enough vision.

Because his meatballs have condensed successfully.

In almost two seconds, [-]% of the chakra in his body was evacuated.

This feeling made Danzo feel a little weak.

Because this is the first time that so much chakra has been withdrawn at once.

It seems that it makes sense for Dayu Heliwan to be listed as an A-level ninjutsu.

If you are not careful, you may drain your chakra and die.

Fortunately, a large number of Shuzuru Chakras acted as vanguards, forming the core part of this technique for Danzo.

So, here comes the question, what to do next?

Of course it's... making waves.







Danzo pushed the palm suddenly, and the chakra suddenly swelled and then exploded.

A beam of light flew towards the ground like a laser cannon.

According to Danzo's logic, he will win.

Because when the wave was made, he was standing on the right side of Charly.

The blue meteoroid was flying, and the distance of more than 10 meters flew by almost in the blink of an eye.

Chary and his little friends, who were about to run away, turned their heads and looked at the huge Kameha Qigong behind them. For a moment, everyone showed horrified expressions on their faces.

Charly shouted with grief and indignation with his entire voice: "Damn you...!"

"Get down!"

Guanyue yelled loudly, and suddenly pushed down the bodies of Hinata Yuuki and Hinata Iori who were standing stupidly.

The three of them immediately fell to the ground.


One Tail Crane Chakra Card~Power-enhanced version Kamehae Qigong hit the ground.

— nothing seemed to happen.

But in the next second, a circle of energy fluctuations appeared at the hit place, like ripples on the surface of a lake, spreading outward in a circular shape.



Everyone is exclaiming.

However, everyone's voices were covered by the huge roar of the Shukaku Chakra explosion.

The whole world was dyed white by the explosion.

In an instant... the world was white...

All the voices converge, become one, and disappear abruptly.

In my ears... only the roaring sound kept ringing.

In front of my eyes... everything lost its shape, was dyed the color of the extreme day, and was like dust with the light.

Chapter 557. That's right, I did it all, I'm showing off!

a long time......

Guanyue stood up first, looking at the opposite direction where the light had dissipated.

The solemn brows stretched, and there was an expression of surprise on his face.

"This ninjutsu... this power..."

Guanyue stared at Danzo who fell on the ground with a very strange expression.

From Hinata Iori's point of view, her expression is not so much fear, but... an unknown frenzy.

"Kage-level...it must be a kage-level ninja who can show it..."


Hinata Iori frowned.

From the moment this woman started talking to the little animals, Hyuga Iori felt that she was a bit abnormal.

Therefore, Hyuga Iori didn't say anything.

Her eyes were also looking at the field, and the explosion swept in the entire area with a radius of nearly [-] meters.

The blow was indeed powerful.

It even made Hinata Iori feel a little panicked.

Even Huitian of the Hyuga Clan couldn't possibly have such a large range of damage.

demon!This guy is definitely a demon that should be eliminated!

far away.


Danzo stood on the spot.

The smell of blood filled the nostrils.

The surface is covered with a huge indentation like a crater.

Visually... the diameter is about 80 meters.

so so.

Danzo began to recall the information about another big killer in the original manga, Tailed Beast Jade.

Tailed Beast Jade, S-rank ninjutsu.

When Prince Naruto burst out with four tails, it was the first time Tailed Beast Jade appeared.

At that time, the Tailed Beast Jade was a mouthful, spreading AOE damage outwards.

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