Instead of spitting out a sphere.

According to the visual inspection of the comic scene, the power of the four tail-mouth cannons has a destruction diameter of more than 4 meters.

When the six tails hit Payne, the diameter of the damage was even more exaggerated, directly exceeding 500 meters with a single shot.

Where did I go.

It was released with the help of Chakra who guarded the crane with one tail.

Danzo estimated his own efforts and thought that he would cheat... Oh no, there is no limit to practice, and he must continue to work hard to reach new heights.

A gust of wind blew, making the smell of blood even stronger.

The ground was in a mess, and all the rebels were wrapped in the effect of Kamehae Qigong, and it seemed that no one was spared.

They have broken arms and broken arms, broken legs and broken legs.

Those who are close to the center of the explosion can't even see the original appearance of the body.

Having no time to pay attention to these miscellaneous fish, Danzo looked around, took a step, and finally walked in front of a broken figure.

"Good afternoon, Big Gay Charly."

Chaly, who was seriously injured, spat out blood, raised his head, and looked at Danzo with difficulty.

His left arm is gone.

Both legs are gone.

The only intact right arm is below the elbow.

Charyi, who was bombarded by Kamehae Qigong, was covered in scars and was covered in blood.

"You bastard! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"


Danzo was surprised that this guy was so tenacious and still had the strength to yell.

You know, the other people who were recruited all burped on the spot.

Sure enough, this big gay guy is different.


Danzo smiled and saw that Chaly was incompetent and furious.

Put your hands behind your back and just watch his performance like this.

It seems that you are not on the battlefield, but standing on the street watching someone's dog barking.

Very laid back.

"Charlie, I just like to see you angry but you can't do anything to me."

Danzo winked, shook his head, and looked as cheap as he wanted.

"Damn you...vomit~!"

Charly spit out a big mouthful of blood again, Danzo took a look, but found no broken pieces.

In other words, the injuries Charly suffered were only superficial injuries.

His internal organs were intact.

Of course, excessive blood loss is also a problem.

Don't you see, in the original book, in the final battle, Prince Naruto and Sasuke both broke their backs... Oh broken arms, both of them were lying on the ground and dared not move.

And with lines, too much bleeding will die.

Ninjas... are such powerful yet fragile creatures.

Even if an arm is broken, if it is not treated immediately, it will bleed out and die.

Danzo kept smiling, leaned over and said:

"If you want to pretend to be a killer, if you listen to us earlier, Leoy won't have to die... No, maybe it's okay to die, two big men... all day long Eye to eye, very disgusting!"

"!" Chaly's eyes widened suddenly, and his whole figure froze immediately.

"He was controlled by the secret technique of the mountain family?!"

"It may be a transformation technique! He is pretending to be a Konoha ninja!"

"He's attacking us?! It was Charly who turned the other way! It was Charly who killed Leoy and the others!!"

Danzo grinned and smiled silently.


Chaly was dazed at first, and then, tears of blood left in his eyes, and he stared at Danzo.

"It's you... It's really you, the bastard who made it bad...!!"

Eight years ago, Danzo used the E-level phantom sound technique to successfully sow dissension.

Chaly, who lost his best friend, accidentally killed his female ninja companion.

He can be reduced to where he is today, and naturally Danzo's assist calculation is indispensable.

At this moment, Danzo revealed his lines from 8 years ago, naturally to stimulate Charyi.

"Oh~~~, seeing you so angry, looking like you are about to die, I feel endless pleasure~."

Danzo's yin and yang are strange, and he is overjoyed.

Blood...wrapped with tears, flowed from Chaly's eye sockets.

He howled loudly with the last of his strength: "Kill me, kill me, you damn, despicable bastard!"


Danzo's face was buried in the shadows, only smiling.

In the next second, the smile disappeared, Danzo looked up, with a JOJO face.

"Taga, verbal wow!"


"My Shimura Danzo's favorite thing is to say NO to those self-righteous guys...!!"

After cosplaying, Kishibe Rohan's Danzo got up happily.

"You have a 50 percent chance of bleeding to death, and a 50 percent chance of surviving..."

"Think about it, if the ninjas from Hidden Sand Village come here and see their partners in such a miserable state, whether it's out of humanitarian support from the ninja world or from the pity of their partners... ...."

"They will all be transform your crippled parts into prosthetics, and from now on, you can be a RoboCop~!"

Danzo was very satisfied to see that Charly's face became extremely frightened.

I believe that the ninjas in Hidden Sand Village will be very happy to help Charyi and be kind to others.

After finishing speaking, Danzo stood up, waved his hands, bouncing around Charly, and left singing nursery rhymes.

"Where is spring~?, where is spring~?, spring is in the eyes of that little friend~?......"

Chapter 558. The upgrade speed is too fast, Danzo is afraid~~.

"Mr. Beorlandi, I don't understand why you want to prevent us from killing him?"

Hinata Yuuki was a little puzzled.

Why did Danzo prevent Hyuga Iori from going up to make up the knife and kill Charyi.

And the latter, just because of Danzo's obstruction, glared at him all the way.

After solving these rebellious ninja and wild ninja groups.

The four Danzang liberated the captives who had been captured.

The young men were clearly frightened.

Many people have experienced what Binbin experienced, and some people are in constant panic.

Ninety-nine percent of the murderers are dead, and there is only one Charleigh Dangjie left who can turn the offensive one day.

"Long hair but short knowledge..."

Danzo was walking on the road, and looked back at Hinata Iori.

Facing Danzo's gaze, Hyuga Iori naturally stared back viciously.

Guanyue remained silent.

And Danzo smiled.

"If I kill that big gay, after the ninjas from Hidden Sand Village come to investigate, they will directly infer that the murderer is a ninja from Hidden Stone Village, so what will happen next? "

Danzo stalls.

"What will happen?" Hinata Yuuki's pace slowed down a bit.

"Of course...the other party will use the ninja from "Hidden Stone Village" to steal the great puppet technology of Hidden Sand Village as an excuse to launch an open and honest invasion of the Bird Country. "


Hinata Yuuki was startled.

Everything seems to have surfaced.

"That is to say..."

Hinata Yuuki looked a little dull.

"Those homosexuals are actually pawns of Sand Hidden Village, not simply their new ninja testers. Encouraging these homosexuals to massacre border towns and ninjas in Shiyin Village is to set them up... order to find a suitable reason to invade the country of birds!"

Hinata Yuuki understood directly.

"And the reason why you left the life of that big gay guy is to divert hatred and take everything on yourself... Hiss..."

Hinata Yuuki gasped.

Looking at Danzo's eyes, he became admirable.

As long as Danzo can hold the hatred.

The ninjas in Hidden Sand Village have no reason to attack the Bird Country.

Yuuki Hyuga never imagined that among the bounty hunters, there are such righteous people.

Immediately, he admired Danzo very much.


Danzo gave a thumbs up without hesitation, and praised Hyuga Yuuki a lot.

Then, Danzo turned his head and looked behind him again.

"It's much more energetic than a young lady with small breasts and small butt!"


Hyuga Iori held fair and slender fingers.

But this time, he didn't directly reprimand him.

Obviously, the reality is quite different from what she thought.

She just wanted to kill Big Gay Charly.

However, he never expected that the direct elimination of Charyi would bring war to the Kingdom of Birds.

This made Hyuga Iori shaken in his heart.

She has always insisted on using violence to control violence... It seems that it is not completely correct?

Hyuga Iori has to admit that Danzo's approach is the best.

If you pull the hatred over in a big way, you can keep the country of birds worry-free.

At least temporarily worry-free.


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