A grunt sounded.

The two cheeks are agitated, and toad oil is practiced in the mouth.

Then, the mouth suddenly opened.

Flames are lit ahead.

The scorching and violent flames exploded, devouring that soul with a fierce power completely different from other fire escapes.

There was a shrill scream from the flames.

Apparently, the ninjutsu attack worked.

But the next moment, the burning soul rushed out of the flames and flew towards Danzo.

"Fighting Skill God Sand Lan!"


Danzo stretched out his arms, rotating the storm clockwise and counterclockwise left and right, bringing a vacuum cavity.

Huge torque and sharp wind cut everything, blocking the soul out.

A loud roar.

The fighting skill Shensha Lan was declared shattered.

Danzo flew upside down.

The blue soul also felt uncomfortable, and also bounced back.

In the next second, Danzo, holding a double axe, crawled out of the weed pit, with a grin on his face, which was extremely ferocious.

"Oni-chan, stay dead ki~!"

Danzo, who was swinging a double axe, was like a black whirlwind iron bull, directly running over the opponent who rushed again.

On the twin axes, there was a buzzing sound.

Even the air was distorted by the wind chakra lingering on the twin axes, Danzo opened and closed, and slashed at the ghost with his head covered his face.

"Clang clang!"

Two crisp sounds like smashing iron resounded through the ruins.

The ghost is far more rigid than imagined.

Suddenly, the cold spread.

Along the claws, a large amount of cold air was released from them, almost freezing Danzo.

In the blink of an eye, a frosty glow spread over his body.


Danzo shivered, it was indeed cold.

The next moment, flames were released from Danzo's body, forming a spreading ring.

There is no lethality, but the instant baking relieves Danzo's coldness.

This superb fire escape ninjutsu shocked the scene.

a long distance away.

The body practiced Thunder Escape.

No. 1 clone practiced wind escape.

No. 2 clone practiced fire escape.

No. 3 clone practiced water escape.

The No. 4 clone practiced Tudun.

And the current demon male clone... can enjoy 5 kinds of practice experience at the same time.

This kind of clone plug-in is similar to the shadow clone.

The proficiency of Danzo's various skills is almost continuously increased.

Chapter 596. The new Pava, stepping into the kage class, Shimura... Goku!

Others watched the battle, unable to intervene at all, and did not know how to intervene.

So, they all turned their heads to look at the village chief, Kirisame.

"It's strange... Why didn't the seal type activate?"

Kirisame's sight did not stay on Danzo, but moved back and forth between the seals.

Er Lei also frowned.

Although he participated in that battle 20 years ago, he is not very clear about the launch of the seal.

Because before that, he was fighting against the enemy on the periphery to protect the previous village chief from breaking the seal.

But to know the specific situation in front of him, in the end, he still has to rely on Wuyu...that is, the current head of Shiyin Village.


The seal suddenly lit up.

It was like releasing thousands of suns.

Everyone was so dazzled that they couldn't open their eyes.

What happened with it was a deathly silence.

When everyone opened their eyes, Danzo and the soul were gone.

Also disappearing are 4 living sacrifices from Kongyin Village.

In terms of being present, the person with the strongest perception ability.

Naturally, she was Bing Yu's mother.

She stared fixedly at the central altar.

Suddenly, those beautiful eyes widened suddenly: "Not good! Everyone back off!"

The power of the altar soared into the sky.

A black beam of light pierced through the night sky and rushed straight to the sky.


No, "well" is more appropriate now.

Something other than black chakra was sprayed out of it.

It's like a volcanic eruption.

It is turbidity.

A black turbidity stream overflowed from it, flowing along the edge of the altar to the ground like magma.

And from that "well", something suddenly protruded.

It is a materialized black hand.

The black tentacles stretched out, and struck at everyone with a swipe.


Erlei also grabbed Hinata Iori and backed away abruptly!

The same goes for Amazon and Fog and Rain.

But others haven't been so lucky.

Those Anbu ninjas waved their weapons to resist.

But nothing works.

Black tentacles grabbed them all at once.

A howl erupted from the crowd.

The Anbu ninja pulled by the tentacles was instantly dragged into the "well".

It's as if some bloodthirsty monster is hiding inside.

In this way, more than 20 Anbu were grabbed by the tentacles almost at the same time.

Anbu was gripping the ground tightly.

But in the end, even the arm was pulled off abruptly!

When the teeth-stinging sound of broken flesh and bones sounded...

In the blink of an eye, only the bloody severed arm was left on the ground, and the whole person was directly submerged into the "well".

Er Lei and the others couldn't help being moved.

"Miss Guanyue!"

Hinata Iori let out a shrill scream.

Of course she's fine.

But Guan Yue, who was called by name, was extremely troubled.

She was also grabbed by the black tentacles.

Even if Guanyue enters the "state [-]" of immortality, he still cannot resist this huge force.

The fluttering wings are like a crashed plane, and they are finally dragged into the well...


Eerie silence.

Wu Yu's eyes widened, and he looked like he couldn't believe it.

This is completely different from what happened last time.

Over the years, she has devoted herself to planning.

Even at the expense of becoming a follower of Indra.

Because, the sealed place here contains part of Indra's power.

If this power can be obtained, just like what the previous village chief did, then...it will be no problem to fight against Kongyin Village.

According to the plan.

The four prisoners of Kongyin Village and the bounty hunter were sacrificed.

The power will be channeled to oneself.

The reason why the previous village chief failed was because he hadn't become a vessel for Indra's power beforehand.

For so many years, Wu Yu has been able to use the power of Indra proficiently, and even relied on the power bestowed by Indra to create magic tools such as "Xieju".

Kiritame is confident in controlling this power for her own use.

However, at this moment, the development of the matter was completely beyond her expectation.

"What's going on? What's going on?!"

Amazon ran over and grabbed Kirisame by the collar.

At this moment, Wu Yu didn't have the heart to refute such a rebellious behavior.

Where did the sealed operation go wrong?

Of course it was on Danzo.

This is the consequence of shaming.


one hand.

strong hands.

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