Suddenly appeared from the edge of the well.

With a snap, he grabbed the edge of the "well" and pulled his body.

A touch of scarlet.

Show in front of everyone.

It was hair, straight and scarlet like blood.


The brain presents.

With ferocious facial features, even the whites of the eyes were dyed scarlet.

It took Hyuga Iori and the others a while to recognize that this was the bounty hunter, namely Danzo.


Hold the edge of the well with both hands.

The arms and body, which were at least twice as wide as before, were easily pulled out of the well by tremendous force.

When Danzo fully climbed out of the well and fell to the ground, everyone looked at him nervously.

It was an indescribable sense of oppression.

If it is said that Danzo was only at the level of an elite Jonin before., it's likely to have crossed that realm and come to the Kage class!

The muscular body has expanded at least twice, revealing a sense of explosion.

The scarlet eyes swept across the scene, like a real killing intent, and instantly spread in all directions.

Hyuga Iori took a few steps back irresistibly.

Until it bumped into Er Leiye's body.

The latter supported her with a broad palm, but Erlei himself also had a rather bad expression.


Wu Yu did not speak, and his face returned to calm.

But judging from her occasional flashes of eyes, her heart is not as stable as it appears on the surface.

She seemed... having a hard time accepting this outcome.

Carefully prepared for 20 years...

As a result, he once made a wedding dress for someone else.

This feeling of falling short of success must be uncomfortable for anyone.

However, due to good self-cultivation and strong will, Wuyu chose to be dignified and calm.

Er Lei also frowned.

Although the process was somewhat tortuous, it looks no different from the experience of the previous head of Shiyin Village 20 years ago.

"Demon Boy Beorlandi, don't let the evil power in your body control you!"

Er Lei also shouted loudly.

His tone was resolute, like a spokesperson for justice.

"Are you calling me?"

Danzo looked at Er Leiye.

Then, grinning.

Killing intent shot out from those scarlet eyes without reservation.

Red killing intent rose.

Centered on the body of Danzo's new version of the ship, it bursts outward.

It looked like a viscous flame of blood.

Danzo clenched his fists, feeling the new Pava.

Its name is... The Wave of Killing Intent!

"Now, please call me "Great Ghost"! "

Chapter 597. Kaleidoscope Sharingan and Fusion


What a wicked name!

Could it be that this is his real name?

Think of words such as "fallen angel" and "demon boy".

Hyuga Iori seemed to understand something for a moment.


Danzo doesn't care what she understands.

Clenching his fists, feeling the explosive power in his body.

Obviously, after being dragged into the altar, the body did not burp.

Instead, after absorbing the dark Pava inside, it became stronger!

of course.

Danzang knew that this was not his own credit at all.

He also doesn't have the quality to absorb the dark power in the "well".

But he can't...

The one in the left eye can only write sharingan!

Danzo raised his hand and touched his left eye.

Gone are the blindfolds, even the Sharingan.

In order to confirm this, Danzo glanced at the black water pool under his feet.

The dirty but smooth water surface, with the help of the moonlight, easily reflected his appearance.

Two scarlet eyes, even the whites of the eyes were stained.

This is why power has not yet been mastered.

Danzo tried to mobilize the chakra in his body.

Red converged in an instant.

Most of the scarlet in the eyes receded, revealing two round pupils shining with red light, and then spread to the eyeballs, leaving only the whites of the eyes.

Sharingan has indeed disappeared.

"That's how it is..."

Danzo recalled what happened in the "well" before.

It's as if you are playing a MOBA game and suddenly you get disconnected.

What the hell!No matter how you manipulate it, it won't work, because the master is stuck!

It's a pity that the manic Danzo has no keyboard to drop.

We can only let the situation develop.

A huge amount of dark Pava poured into the body.

The Sangouyu in Sharingan shrank and swelled crazily.

In the end, under the stimulation of Dark Pava, they connected into a strange shape.

Exactly... Kaleidoscope Sharingan!

Tuanzang Small Lecture Time is up:

Why Kakashi, Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Sasuke, no one told them, but they all know what their Kaleidoscope Sharingan skill is called?

The answer is: Sharingan is a self-contained plug-in, a miniature system stream, and the situation of the protagonist of those system streams is similar.

The moment when Danzo's left eye opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan feeds back information to the brain.

Just like the protagonist of the system flow, the system feeds back information to the protagonist.

Let Danzo instantly know the name of his "pupil technique" from Uchiha Setsuna's clone, Sharingan, and Kaleidoscope.

It's called...

"The wave of killing intent"!

Okay, this is Uchiha Setsuna.

Danzang No. [-] Small Lecture Time is up:

Why Kakashi, Uchiha Obito, and Uchiha Shin cannot open Susano.

But Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Shisui can?

Uchiha Madara can use Susano even without eyes?

Answer: The condition for opening Susanoo is to gather a pair of kaleidoscopes, as long as this condition is met.Even if you lose one eye or two eyes in the future...according to the quality of the user, it is possible to open Susano with one eye and continue with no eye.

"That is to say, in the future, I can only use pupil skills like Kakashi, Uchiha Kenji, and Uchiha Shin..."

That's right.

Danzo can't open Susano.

Because when he opened his eyes, he only had one kaleidoscope, and he didn't have the prerequisite of "left eye, right eye, and a pair of Sharingan".

It has to be said that it is a pity.

In addition, the disappearance of Sharingan is also very strange.

Danzo didn't even have time to appreciate his own colored contact lenses.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan disappeared...

"Incorporated into the body of this body... turned into a wave of killing intent combined with flesh and blood!"


Danzo's kaleidoscope has become one with the flesh.

The pupil power is completely integrated into the inside of the body.

This is... something that never happened.

Based on Danzo's guess.

This may be caused by the fact that this clone can absorb the characteristics of the tailed beast chakra.

Huge dark pavas are quickly absorbed by the body.

It's like the Shuhe Chakra contained in the weapon absorbed by the big gay Chaly that day.

The result is that it has been sucked...the writing sharing eyes are all sucked up...

But anyway.

This confirms at least one thing.

Inside the altar...

The dark Pava that Kirisame vainly tried to the power of Indra!

The huge amount of Indra's power leads to eye opening, which is reasonable.


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