In the next step, we will summon... "Mt.


the other side.

Elder Sen Luo who appeared in Er Lei Ye's memories.

In reality, they are fighting the invaders.

Hidden village ninja attack has arrived.

The flames of war raged throughout this beautiful and ancient place.

Elder Sen Luo, who is physically weak, is not as stooped as he appears on the surface.

He seals and releases ninjutsu.

Water escape ninjutsu one after another.

To deal with enemies flying in the air, it is really more suitable to use the water escape that can control the angle and long distance at will.


The water dragon growled.

The B-level water escape and water dragon bomb rose from the lake water.

Fly to the sky.

The ninjas in Kongyin Village had no time to dodge, and were swallowed by the huge water dragon.

Then the second, third, fourth...

It wasn't until the eight flying enemies were devoured that the water dragon plunged headlong towards the ground, and finally exploded, knocking out a huge hole in the ground.

This time, all the ninjas inside were shocked to death.

However, this is only a drop in the bucket.

There are too many enemies, at least 300 or more.

"How is the evacuation and evacuation of the villagers going?"

Sen Luo asked a subordinate who rushed over beside him.

"90% of it has been completed, thanks to Elder Sen Luo for your usual precautions..."

After reporting the situation, the ninja from Shiyin Village looked very anxious.

"But there are too many enemies... Elder Sen Luo, what should we do?"

Although the villagers have been evacuated, they cannot let the enemy go.

Otherwise, Shiyin Village will still be destroyed in the end.


Sen Luo raised his head and glanced at the sky.

The sky-covering Kong Ren flew back and forth like a plague of locusts.

The enemy invested far more troops in this raid than ever before.

Although the weapons look the same as before,... the advantage brought by flying in the air is an existence that is close to dimensionality reduction strikes.

The only way the ninjas in Shiyin Village can use is to choose those long-range attack moves from the ninjutsu they are good at.

But it is also easy to cause the problem of single means.

After being adapted by the enemy, it will be cracked in a targeted manner.

Even with solid trees as cover, the subordinates had to go through the carpet bombing of the opponent throwing a large number of detonating spell bombs.

The sound of explosions was incessant.

Small black balls engraved with detonating charms, or simply attached to the detonating charms, fell from the sky.

This is a money war.

Of course, maybe the other party has a special "Detonating Talisman Factory".

Elder Sen Luo looked solemn, and looked into the distance in the next second.

That is where Danzo and others are located.

"Master Kirisame and the others are still alright..."

Chapter 602. Those pig-like protagonists

Elder Sen Luo absolutely didn't know that something had gone wrong on Wuyu's side.

Before he had time to think, a new round of carpet bombing had arrived...

In this cruel battlefield, defend your homeland.

Mori, the ninjas of Shiyin Village, psychic beasts, and even Hyuga Yuki of the Hyuga Clan...all were involved.


"Speed ​​up, speed up, hurry up!"

Peacock crossed his legs, urging his subordinates to quickly fly to the discovered base... which is where Danzo is.

Leather boots, white thighs, devilish curves...

The eyes of Yao's subordinates hurt.

"Where are you looking?"

Peacock turned his head away and gave the subordinate a hard look.

These icy words were like a basin of cold water poured on him.

He shuddered immediately, and looked away hastily.

"Why, I don't look good?"

Peacock asked again.

"Good, good-looking..." The subordinate had a trace of cold sweat on his forehead, and his legs were shaking non-stop.

Good-looking is good-looking, the key is...

"Since I'm pretty, why don't you look at me?!"


This kind of nervous character directly stunned the subordinate on the spot.

He is really going to break down.


The peacock snorted.

In my heart, I was thinking about how to kill this guy.

Let him be the first charge as cannon fodder?

No no no, this is too cheap for him.

Peacock thought of several ways to punish him, then smiled, and looked back at his other colleague, Chinatsu Hyuga.

"Are you ready? To fall in love with your spare tire?"


"What? Want to psychic "Miaomushan Toad Family Barrel"?Is the next step going to be a "fairy mode"? "

Seeing Erlei put his finger next to his mouth, Danzo immediately laughed.


Er Lei was also stunned.

He couldn't figure out how the other party knew that he was the contractor of Mount Miaomu.

Could it be that......

This bounty hunter actually knew his identity a long time ago?

Thinking of this young man's identity as a bounty hunter, Er Lei suddenly realized.

Bounty hunters live on intelligence.

He knew information about himself, which was reasonable.

"Since ancient times, the gunmen are lucky E."

Danzo said.

"Although you are not a spearman, you are a contractor of Mt. Miaomu, and no one who is a contractor of Mt. Miaomu can escape the fate of "death". "

Danzo's words were full of sarcasm.

Naruto, the original manga.

Just think about it and you'll understand.

None of the Miaomu Mountain psychic contracters had a good end.

It is simply a place that eats people without spitting out their bones.

in the original.

Jilai also died unexpectedly.

Namikaze Minato died unexpectedly.

Uzumaki Naruto also died unexpectedly - if it wasn't for the Sage of the Six Paths, the ghost of the underworld, who passed on his skills, Uzumaki Naruto would have died without a doubt.

In other words.

If you want to be a contractor of Mount Miaomu, you must be prepared to die early.

Without the Sage of the Six Paths as the backstage, you must never go to that unlucky place.

Danzo emerged from the ruins of Tudun Ninjutsu and stood in front of Erlei.

Viscous red waves of murderous intent, like blood, emerged from Danzo's body surface.

It was like a haori of flames, draped over his body.

Maybe it was because he felt that such a show off was too much for a nouveau riche.

So Danzo adjusted his body slightly.

With the sound of bones and muscles, the red wave of killing intent was withdrawn all of a sudden.

That's called...retaining power.

"Even if I don't care about you, you will die, ah, the established fate, how interesting."

Danzo opened his hands and spoke the speech of the villain BOSS.

Now he...

I have to say, very stylish.

The proper villain, the Great Demon King.

And there is a kind of villain who dies because of talking too much.

But Danzo is not afraid of this kind of Flag, because it's just a clone.

Since it is a clone, it can completely avoid the law of "the villain boss dies because of talking too much".

Danzo, who is familiar with "The Villain's Self-Cultivation", is complacent, and the grin on his face is very exaggerated.

"Everyone dies...even the gods..."

Er Lei also maintained that action.

At any time, he will bite his fingers and perform psychic communication.

"However, some people still carry out their own will when they die, while some... lose themselves and walk on the wrong path."

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