Erlei also had bloodshot eyes at the corner of his mouth, which was from being beaten by Danzo before.

But he's still laughing.

"My friend, you are not you now...I'm so sorry, I have to deal with you."

"Huh, friend? Have you ever seen someone who would kill a friend? Are you sure that's not a plastic friend? And... what proof do you have that I'm not me? Just by your prejudice?"

Danzo shook his head, really unable to understand the thinking of these people.

This kind of one-sided tendon really has the characteristics of the Naruto protagonist group.

Forgive Danzo for speaking bluntly.

The protagonist group is a piece of shit.

That's why there are so many Naruto fanfic.

The reason for leaving the protagonist to continue.

You will find that the Naruto manga works the same way even if the main character is removed.

In the end, even facing Otsutsuki Kaguya.

Defeating her and sealing her did not rely on manpower or the power of practice.

It's the upper body of the Sage of the Six Paths!

As long as the Sage of the Six Paths is willing.

Even if you take Tsunade's pet, the porpoise, that pet pig, and instill it with the power of the Six Paths.

A pig can also split [-]/[-] with Kaguya.

Naruto's official formula book "Book of Formation", on page 310, clearly stated.

The upper body of the ghost of the Sage of the Six Paths, the power of the Six Paths, is called the "Sage of the Six Paths Mode".

It belongs to the category of "Senren Ninjutsu".

in other words.

It doesn't matter if it's a porpoise or Parker the Ninja Dog.

Or other animals.

As long as the Sages of the Six Paths pass on their skills, they can master the "Sages of the Six Paths Mode".

Because this does not belong to the practitioner's own power.

It has nothing to do with elements such as practice.

Instead, open it directly.

It is extremely ironic.

Maybe it's a little harder for a pig to save the world.

What about the two pigs?

What about the three pigs?

The Sage of the Six Paths gets a little more.

A bunch of pigs can handle Kaguya Otsutsuki.

"Your persistence is a joke."

Danzang also sneered at Erlei.

Maybe, the previous village head was also killed by these pig teammates.

How did Er Lei Ye, Sen Luo and the others know that the previous village chief wanted to eliminate the evil forces in the village?

"Your paranoia is also a joke. Self-righteous...defining others as evil and never listening to others' explanation."

"Anything that thinks like you is right. Anything that thinks differently from you is wrong."

"If others don't listen, you will rub them to death with a ball."

"It's really funny enough."

next second.

A figure rushed towards Danzo.

It's Hyuga Iori.

Perhaps it was Danzo's "outrageous words" that angered her, she let out an angry shout, and the chakra on her body suddenly bloomed.

Chapter 603. Asura flashes into the sky!Kill... Hao Shenglong!


All hacks without power are nothing but impotent rage.

Not everyone has a tailed beast inside, either.

Eighty thousand ninja coalition forces, only one Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

The remaining 79999 are spectators.



The high-speed counterattack hit Hinata Iori's arm.

Fist to palm, palm to fist.

How did you rush over, how did you fly back.

An unimaginably terrifying force crushed Hinata Iori's offensive.

No chakra, no enchantments.

With pure physical strength, Hinata Iori's soft fist technique was completely shattered.

Just one punch.

Danzo sent Hyuga Iori flying.

Hyuga Iori flew up into the sky, and fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment.

She was trembling, trembling, eyes slack.

Hyuga Iori had never been so scared.

That overwhelming power completely surpassed ordinary people.

From one extreme to the other.

A field called "Shadow".

Just like in the original book, Orochimaru scared Kakashi to see the terrifying illusion of his head flying with just one look.

not to mention......

Even though Hinata Iori's physical skills are excellent, her overall strength is not as good as Kakashi at that time.

The soft fist that he is most proud of is defeated by the "hard fist" that he despises.

This blow to confidence...

"Stupid girl."

Danzo was condescending, looking down at her with a smile on his lips.

"I'm not serious with you, just because it's fun to play with you, but if you really think I only have that little power, you're really a fool."

"Even if you are weak..."

Hinata Iori stood up unsteadily, her body trembling, her voice trembling.

But she still put on a soft fist posture.

"I want to carry out my will..."

"Well, that's how it looks."

Danzo nodded, affirming Hyuga Iori's statement.

There was even a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Because even if it is self-hypnosis, it is better than being told to die by someone else.

People should stick to their ideas.

Otherwise people will think you are a big fool.

"It's a pity that Big Ge Ge is very busy now, and I don't have time to play with you~."



Hyuga Iori saw that Danzo snapped his fingers.

Before she could react, the mutation happened.

A black shadow rose into the sky.

Fly out of the "well"...that is, the altar.

Hyuga Iori narrowed her eyes and slapped her palms out.

In the next instant, that black shadow came before her eyes.

The sound of the collision resounded, and Hyuga Iori stepped back several steps, barely blocking the blow.

Then, the black shadow passed by again, and the sharp wind swept across Hinata Iori's cheek.


Chakra is released, and the blue cyclone flashes.


The huge force tore apart the chakra released by Hyuga Iori from the acupuncture point on his cheek.

Hyuga Iori staggered to the side.

At this moment, she finally saw the black shadow clearly.

red light.

The same red light as the evil bounty hunter's eyes illuminated her body.

The moment the four eyes met, Hyuga Iori felt that he was being targeted by an indescribably evil existence.

"Okay, come back."


Danzo greeted, and the black shadow flickered, and he retreated behind Danzo, guarding Danzo's side like a loyal subordinate.

"Guanyue, you...!!"

Wuyu and Amazon were shocked.

That's right.

That dark shadow is Moon Watching.

She... looks completely different now than she did before.

Strange patterns spread all over the arms and legs... and the exposed skin, which looked like a layer of clothing.

But if you look carefully, you will find that it is a spell with some kind of power.


Amazon and Kiritame recognized those patterns in an instant.

Except...the colors are very different.

The original light-colored pattern after "Status [-]" remained constant has now been dyed a scarlet that tends to be black.

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