For this guy in front of him, someone actually doesn't have much to hate.

Although I said that I was calculated, but to be honest, I did not suffer any disadvantages. On the contrary, the coral students who were with me became more and more calm after this incident, and began to have some real mature beauties Of course, no matter whether you suffer or not, whether you gain or not, even if it is

I have already seen through the other party's mind from the very beginning, and it is an indisputable fact that Nagai Norihide plotted against him.Since the other party has made repeated calculations, then I must give some punishment on my side, let him know that some things cannot be done casually, so since there is still time to prepare for the funeral, invite a mage, etc. Because of this, he took it for granted that Norihide Nagai was idle, so it should be easy to figure out what happened in Genjo.So, he was given three days to either tell him where Yuancheng was and how to get there, or cut off his own head.

Of course, there is a third option, which is to kill him within these three days.Norihide Nagai was naturally sweating profusely, and he didn't even dare to say that after Toki Yorii's sudden and unexplained death, he declared to the outside world that he died of an illness, and he was buried soon.Because the main energy was forced to search the source city, the funeral of the former lord Toki Yorii became very simple, and even the mortuary was less than a day in order to please someone who could be easily taken away. The person who took his own life, Mrs. Shenyoshi, who was the concubine of Toki Yorii, was sent to the room of that stranger after wearing a filial dress.

inside.Then, ignoring Mrs. Shenfang's mocking eyes, Nagai Norishi devoted himself to the search of Yuancheng with a serious look, even if his father disappeared, he might not have such action power .

Ordinary people say that women should be pretty and filial.Perhaps it was because of the mournful lady in filial piety that indeed possessed a charm that no man could refuse. Until the given time limit expired, that stranger basically never took a step out of his small courtyard.Then in the early morning of the fourth day, when the given time limit was about to end, Norihide Nagai, with dark eyes and heavy bags under his eyes, finally knocked on the alien's courtyard with all the useful information he had found. The person who came out to open the door was Fukayoshino.The woman who was the wife of the former city lord did not look haggard after three days like the beauty who followed the stranger before. Instead, she was radiant and made him almost think that he had admitted the wrong person

"Master Nagai, please come with me." Mrs. Shenfang's voice is still so soft and pleasant, but the affection in it has completely disappeared, leaving only formulaic respect.Nagai Kihide naturally understood the reason, but after sighing, he didn't say much, and just followed behind quietly.Not long after, I saw the tall and handsome


"I thought I wouldn't see you until tomorrow." When we met, Yiren made such a joke.Maybe it was because the task was completed well, and Nagai Kihide seemed to be relaxed. At this moment, he was in the mood to respond: "Your Excellency, you are joking. There is no reason for me not to think hard about the things you ordered. Fortunately, I finally lived up to my trust." , I have brought all the information about Yuancheng.” He is not interested in reading the pile of scrolls and books brought by Norihide Nagai. Compared with reading it by himself, of course he came from what others said. It is more convenient. According to Norihide Nagai, these materials include information about the source city hundreds of years ago, and even include legends about its origin and so on.But the current certain person is not interested in all of these, and he only cares about two things.

Just tell me the current location of Yuancheng and the way to get in. "The location of the source city, I have not been able to find it." But unexpectedly, Nagai Kihide's first sentence came out like this.However, seeing that the other party dared to come over with a calm expression, he decided to listen to a few more sentences.

Yuancheng has been moving, since 50 years ago, there has been no

Some humans have seen Yuancheng again.However, although the subject could not find the location of Yuancheng, he found a way to find Yuancheng.Please look here, my lord. As he spoke, Norihide Nagai spread out a map of Yingzhou, "Please look, my lord, above Mino, in the land of Echizen and Kaga under Asakura's command, there is a legend that there is a group of bat demons.

"According to the information collected so far, Yuancheng originally belonged to Qinghe Genji. Since Lai Guanggong strengthened Qinghe Genji in Kyoto more than 500 years ago, Yuancheng fell into the control of the demon king Xuewan, and many years later , was gradually transformed into a city of monsters.

"The whereabouts of Yuancheng cannot be determined. There is a huge enchantment package around the periphery. Those who are not cultivators can't see it. Occasionally, those who enter by mistake rarely get out. They all think it is a dream, and there is no one who re-enters." Speaking of this At that time, Nagai Norihide paused for a moment, and then continued: "From the collected information, even if the subject is willing to mobilize all of Mino's manpower to find it, ordinary people like the subject, even standing in the source city Even the gates of the city can't be self-aware. Even so, there is a non-solution method. That is to use the enchantment ability of the Hundred Ghost Bat Clan

"It is said to live in the mountains between Echizen and Kaga,

There is a group of monsters called the Hundred Ghosts and Bats.Most of the monsters of the Hundred Ghost Bat Clan have the ability to control barriers, and there is a secret treasure called Blood Jade Coral. It is said that as long as they have Blood Jade Coral, even ordinary people can easily open various powerful barriers.It is said that Yuancheng is shrouded in a powerful barrier. If you can get the help of the monsters of the Hundred Ghosts and Bats, it will be much easier to find Yuancheng.

"No, the barrier that can cover a city all year round, isolate it from the world, and turn it into a walking city has never been heard of since ancient times. Perhaps the barrier of the source city itself was created by the bat clan of hundreds of ghosts using blood jade coral It may come out. Apart from treasures like blood jade coral, I can’t imagine what else can create such an enchantment.” Comrades, it’s okay, there are already a thousand blades so far.Although it is not ranked on the blade list, but to be honest, I am very moved, so I will try my best to write 18 words this month

034 Women's University Eighteen Changes, of course, does not just refer to the appearance of Norihide Nagai's swearing, and the words sound reasonable, but if you think about it carefully, most of them are based on some things that are not too hard. intelligence guesses.There are too many flaws and loopholes in it, and it can be seen very easily without using your brain.

For example

"Then, according to what you said, why do the hundred ghost bat clan that built the Great Barrier of Yuancheng still live in the mountains between Echizen and Kaga?" 5 This... subject..." When he asked this question, Nagai Norihide immediately lowered his head, and praised, "Master, you have learned!The subject is just making wild guesses, which is not enough to be judged as factual evidence.But the Hundred Ghosts and Bats are indeed good at enchantment... For more accurate information, I hope that the adults can come back again.

"No need." After he said these words in a light tone, Nagai Kihide's heart jumped immediately, and he was about to jump up and turn around to run away.However, soon, he suppressed such thoughts, and instead lowered his body even more.

If you run, you will definitely die, but if you don't run, there may be a chance of survival.Many people understand the truth, but there are only a very small number of people who can really make the right choice under the threat of death. Therefore, Nagai Kihide showed such a complete abandonment of everything. gesture of resistance.The obedience shown by the current affairs makes people feel a little at a loss as to what to say. Well, Mrs. Shenfang did not stand up to speak for him as Nagai Kihide imagined, and the relationship between the two His love seemed to disappear at this moment.However, the lord who held the power of his life and death was not angry because he only brought such a result in three days.

"That being the case, I'll just pretend that what you said is true." The ten-second silence felt like half a century to Nagai Kishu, someone with extraordinary power Finally said something like this, "I will go there to try the Hundred Ghost Bat Clan you mentioned, and during this time, I personally advise you to continue to collect some more reliable information. Because if it doesn't work over there, I will I think you should understand that I will come back." Yes, the subject understood. "

Noriki Hideki Nagai doesn't quite know how he got out of there.All I know is that after the nerves that had been tense for three days and four nights relaxed, the whole person immediately fell into a state of confusion.When I opened my eyes again, I asked the people around me and found out that a day and a night had passed, and the man and woman in the courtyard had disappeared. If it wasn't for the fact that Toki Yorii had been buried and he became the new city lord, Maybe he still thinks that this is just a dream. Even after accepting the greetings of many retainers, at this moment, Norihide Nagai's heart is still full of unreality.

When the new city lord of Inabayama Castle lamented the impermanence of the world and the ups and downs of life, which seemed like a dream, Coral, who followed someone on the journey northward, also completed the first change of mood.

The bullying from the monsters in her eyes for more than half a month only shattered her self-confidence as a demon exorcist, but the killing of Toki Yorii in Inabayama Castle completely subverted her principle of being a human being .

That is the ruler of a country, not a bandit doing evil everywhere. What's more, even if it is a bandit, she has never really killed it with her own hands.

The fact that she killed a living being with her own hands, not with any weapon, a high-ranking nobleman, her own kind, and a person who was not infected with any evil spirit, made Coral's belief suffer extremely. The earth shook.

And when the man used the most primitive method, using physical shocks to make her accept that she was a murderer taught by monsters*, her whole person became a little different, whether she grew up or regressed.People always change.After recuperating from her injuries in Inabayama Castle, Coral was finally allowed to wear casual clothes again.Feilaigu was carried on her back by her, but he didn't find it difficult at all to walk the mountain road.After silently following the man for a while, Yu kept pressing the thin blade at his waist, but never made any reckless attacks.And in those eyes that were originally full of hatred, at this moment, there was no anger in the past, just as calm as ice.

After coming out of Inabayama Castle for a day, between the two people who had never exchanged a single word, finally, Coral said the first sentence on his own initiative: "I am like this, even if I am old and dead, I will not die." Could kill you, wouldn't it?" Usually, if nothing else unexpected

In other words, relying on you alone, there is only one situation that can make you kill me. "Using a bamboo stick to push away the head of the triangle snake that was spitting out the letter, he looked back at the woman behind him and said with a smile, "That's what I want. "5

"But you said that you will give me hope." Not caring about the other party's ridicule, Coral looked at him seriously and said,'"

Do you think this state is hopeful for me?

"Yes." Blinking his eyes, he said shamelessly, "Isn't there still a glimmer of hope, for example, that day when I suddenly got tired of work, I took the initiative to stick my head over and ask you to cut it off. If this is your attitude words." She pulled out her thin blade expressionlessly.It’s just that it’s not a useless attack on him, but it’s on my own neck: Since I can’t take revenge anyway, then I don’t need to continue to provide you with a body and soul that can make you have fun. So, I frowned slightly wrinkled.

It can be clearly seen that Coral said this very seriously.

No strong words, no heroic tone

Just narrating the same tone as if it was everyday

.However, as long as you look into those eyes, you can know that if you don't give a suitable statement, I'm afraid this woman will really wipe her neck in front of her.

I've been thinking about it for a long time these days. With a calm expression, the woman continued, "Even if I'm not smart, even if I don't want to admit it, I've figured it out after so long.Your strength is not something that I can deal with. You who can easily destroy the main force of the entire village, but I want to challenge you on my own.If my father was still alive, he would definitely make fun of my overreaching. "He listened, and he was about to walk over to take the knife off Coral's neck, but she took a step back: "I know you are very fast, and there are ways to control my body's movements, but even if you It prevented me this time, and it was impossible for Shui to stay by my side.What's more, I also know what you want. A woman who has completely lost the will to resist will not be your favorite toy. "Using a quite determined tone, Coral said: "You will not like a vase that is useless except for being beautiful

He admitted that what the other party said was not wrong, so he sighed, and then said: "Then what do you think? I was really ridiculous in the past, and now I feel ashamed just thinking about it." Then he continued, "If this goes on, maybe I will really be as you said, and my body and mind will eventually be overwhelmed by your strength, and I will become a sad woman who is willing to bear children for you, right? Although it is difficult to have a result, there are half-demons in the world, and I know this for now

"I didn't understand it before, but now that I understand it, there is no need to continue such stupid things." So? He asked, "The reason why you didn't kill yourself after telling me so much must be because you have some other thoughts." "I want hope." Coral tightly clenched her fingers on the handle of the knife and said seriously, "A real hope that can give me a chance to kill you." 5

"For example?

"Teach me to be strong, teach me martial arts, or your sorcery, or anything that can kill you."

He then laughed: "Teach you witchcraft, aren't you afraid that you will become a monster like me?"

"It doesn't matter, after I kill you, I will commit suicide." Coral said, eyes half lowered, a complicated smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Like me, an incurable woman who fell in love with her enemy, When I have completed all my revenge, it will also be the time when my life will come to an end." When 5 Shan Shan said these words, there was no contradiction on her face, and no hesitation in her words.As if she was saying that I must kill you because you killed my whole family, she said that she had fallen in love with him.

Even though he had considerable confidence in his five senses, he couldn't help wondering if his ears had heard something wrong at this moment.

you mean

"I'm in love with you. Looking straight into his eyes, without any shyness or concealment, the woman who has completed the second transformation of her life said this statement again indifferently: "I, Coral, the daughter of the exorcist , in love with love with you this kills all my mates

and family monsters.

Physically yes, mentally too. "

"Ah...uh..." Blinking his eyes, a rather weird emotion suddenly appeared in his heart.Seeing the development of this miraculous plot of love born of hatred, he couldn't help but feel a little speechless for a while.Then, I saw the other party showing a soft smile: "Don't you believe it?" No, so, it is impossible for normal people to believe such things.

"That's right, this kind of thing, let alone you, even I who have confirmed this is a bit unbelievable." Talking to himself, Shan Shan put down the thin blade across his neck , walked to his side, and then reached out to touch his face.

After standing on tiptoe, looking directly at the coldness in each other's eyes, almost in an instant, it completed the transformation into soft love, and then shortened the distance between the two, as if once by him He took the initiative to do that for countless times, two thin cherry lips pressed together and then kissed.

Even if there is nothing in my heart that can respond to this look

Emotions appeared, but when he saw the other party's eyes without any escape, he confirmed such emotions.

After the soft lips were printed and the touch was transmitted to the brain, the whole person felt absurd for the first time.Then for the first time, it wasn't Coral, but his side grabbed the other's shoulder, and then separated the two of them. I think, I may need a little time to sort out and nodded, Coral didn't Urge.Instead, he put away his weapons very cooperatively, found a clean stone, cleaned it a little, and sat there, watching the scenery while eating dry food.It turned out to be a bit of a romantic look, allowing the man over there to pack up his thoughts.

From a certain point of view, this may be the battle between the two people from the beginning of their encounter to the present. Coral has gained the upper hand for the first time. Love is also the legendary Stockholm Syndrome, but this is the first time I have heard of it in my life.

It's hard to explain what kind of brain circuit makes this woman fall in love with him after being treated like this, but what can be confirmed is that when Coral said these words, there was no adulteration in the slightest.

Shi Shi suddenly felt a little funny, it seemed that he could always find many funny things in the coral.Then I feel that fate is really miraculous, human beings are really miraculous, and all kinds of fate are really miraculous, so miraculous that I can't understand it based on basic logical thinking.

Since it was something incomprehensible, he should give up, so he shook his head, and after throwing all these messy thoughts aside, he quickly made a decision. "Since you have already said so yourself, it is not impossible to train you to become stronger. However, what I teach you can only be the method of becoming stronger, but it cannot guarantee that you will have the ability to become stronger enough. Can you accept the potential to kill me?" Coral, who was looking at other places eating dry food, looked towards this side when she heard the words, and smiled cleanly and brightly: "That is Naturally. However, I suddenly thought of another question just now." He asked, "What is it?"

"Although the probability is very small, if I am really lucky to have given birth to a son, and I can't do this, can I ask him to inherit my mother's behest?

035 Some people are born to be able to adjust to any situation. Coral asked a question that is basically impossible for humans to answer, and even he was a little dumbfounded.There was a feeling of speechlessness in my heart, much stronger than when I heard this woman say that she fell in love with him before.So much so that even he himself couldn't help but have a feeling that he played a little too much, which made this woman not just broken.

In fact, he is not the only one who thinks so, even Coral thinks that he should be broken. As a broken person, it is a subtle feeling that he clearly realizes that his spirit and thoughts are not right, but Coral really does. What I think is that the strength of the man first made her body surrender, and then under the pull of the honest body, the spirit that had been hit repeatedly was finally unable to persevere.The subtle influence like a frog boiled in warm water is always the most terrifying. When I realize it, I seem to have fallen in love with this kind of man who seems to be omnipotent.

Or it is not appropriate to describe it as human love,

She thinks this is more like a kind of attachment and obedience to the strong has always been the instinct of life. Because human beings have wisdom, they can largely rely on their own desires to counteract this instinct.But when there is a person who is much stronger than you in every aspect, it is difficult for people to show disobedience.

When the strength reaches a certain level, it is not impossible to overwhelm reason.And Shan Shan felt that what she was facing was such a person. The two contradictory emotions of hatred and admiration had clashed in her spiritual world for a long time, and even almost tore her into a schizophrenic patient.But her strong will made her not go crazy in the end, but integrated these two emotions into a contradictory body.Ever since, there is the current coral, a situation that normal people cannot understand.

At night, there is obviously no assassination, but it will be interesting to force it when the opponent resists, but at the same time

· After a long period of personal time, there will always be times when you get tired.On the contrary, when it comes together, it feels completely different.

The saying of soul and flesh blending sounds ridiculous, but the reason for doing *

It's called *love, obviously there is a reason for him.

Love... ah naked coral has fallen asleep on his chest

.The gentle breath was exhaled on the chest through the nasal cavity, and the girl's head was pressed there with its own weight, mixed with the cool night wind, it was a rather wonderful touch, but it was surprisingly good.I stretched out my hand to grab the starlight that came through the gaps in the canopy, but I couldn't hold anything, just like I couldn't find it anyway, but I couldn't find my emotional heart.

What would it be like to be a complete person?

Ever since I knew I was disabled, I would occasionally think about these issues unconsciously.

People cannot make judgments completely with logic. It seems that so far, I have made wrong judgments countless times.The original Aoyama Academy, and later Seireitei, Reimu also ran away inexplicably here, and Coral also said that she fell in love with herself, which is really incomprehensible.

In addition to these incomprehensible things, there are other things that I don’t have a clue about, such as why I became like this, who made me become like this, and became like this.

What will be the final outcome of the person I look like, and a series of questions like that.

Of course, these can't think of a result.

And then there's that mother.

The Miko-sama picked up by the pool, who claimed to be just a remnant left by someone from the past, has a body made of clay and the same disabled soul as herself, but she has a feeling that is obviously different from her own.Compared with myself, that one obviously has a clearer goal, but he doesn't know what kind of path he will take.

And in the end, the reason why I want to find Lingmeng, after all, is it for what?

Even though the Jade of the Four Souls endowed him with a body that can move freely, endowed him with some human desires, and endowed him with some powers that he can use without authorization, whether for good or evil, the idea of ​​looking for Reimu never came. Unchanged or, this is... love? "I asked myself this sentence, and then I laughed, "How is it possible..." The martial arts that Shanhu learned are completely different from the ones he knows. But it's not like those martial arts novels

As the saying goes, you must abolish the previous skills to learn new ones, but because you have to let her get rid of some previous habits, it is a little troublesome to teach her. Practice is always the best way to learn. Listen. A whole day's worth of books doesn't necessarily give you the impression that you've done it yourself, and it's the same for practicing martial arts.Some people say that the breakthrough of the realm is often completed between life and death. This statement sounds a bit mysterious but it is not completely unreasonable.

Coral's aptitude is actually good, and there is a highly skilled master as a training partner, stop and go along the way, I just feel that what I have learned in the past few years may not be as effective as what I have learned these days.On the one hand, of course, it is because the things he taught surpassed the realm of martial arts of ordinary human beings too much. On the other hand, the change of Coral's own mentality also played a large role. The upper realm is equally important.Leaving aside the development of physical abilities, Coral is no longer the same as her past self just because of her emotional maturity.

However, the stronger you become, the more you can feel the gap between yourself and the opponent.I have come to such a point, even if I fight against my father again, I have no chance of losing.

Grasp it, but feel that revenge is becoming an impossible goal.

Perhaps it is really the best choice to give birth to a son who will inherit his power.

Of course, no matter how the complicated coral thinks about this matter, someone did successfully find the vicinity of the Hundred Ghost Bat Clan with the induction of the Four Soul Jade.

A certain small village in the mountains seems to be the people of a certain clan, with thousands of people gathered, and it is not completely under the management of the daimyo.Although the power is not great, but in the Warring States Period, they barely have some right to speak.

It is not a country but a clan living in this place, and the people of the country have quite xenophobic habits.In the Warring States Period, if you want to survive, you can only hug a group to keep warm. There is a fierceness to bite off a piece of your flesh even if your own teeth are broken. Naturally, most people are unwilling to provoke their poor mountain. Even if the people are defeated, it will not do any good. Naturally, no one is willing to do the thing of not eating pork but causing a commotion.

Compared with most travelers, he and Coral are obviously in good spirits.Under normal circumstances in the mountains, this

A young man and a woman who were obviously dressed in unusual clothes were met by the mountain people. Most of the poor families don't mind being a guest bandit.The so-called troublesome people come out of poor mountains and rivers, is talking about such a truth.It's just that when they met, they happened to be hunted down by monsters and their own lives were at stake, so of course they didn't have time to be bandits. After seeing two strange young men, the hunting team of five or six Very happy, the men did not wear armor, and the women even wore casual clothes.This kind of high-quality fabric looks like an aristocratic family, presumably some young lady from somewhere went out for an outing but lost her guard.The leader of the hunting team who lived in the mountains since he was a child naturally didn't think that those people would run fast by himself, so with a greeting, a group of people ran towards the two of them. It must run faster than the bear, as long as it can run faster than other prey.When encountering monsters in the mountains, this principle also worked for the most part. At the beginning, I didn’t quite understand why this group of people were so enthusiastic, but after feeling the fluttering sound of wings in the distance and the evil spirit coming over, I naturally I understand the reason coral, and it's time to test your learning results. "5

Being used as bait by a few mountain people was just a trivial matter, he naturally didn't care about it, he took off the flying bone carried by the coral, and signaled to the woman who was his half-apprentice to use his fine body Blade to deal with the enemy

"Yes!" Coral immediately lifted her spirits.In the usual confrontation with him, Coral never sees any hope of winning.Although I have recognized my progress from some aspects, there is no good measure of how far I have progressed.At this time, such an enemy appeared and got the chance to fight, and the whole person became excited from the inside out.

After Yu Liang ran past the two of them, she didn't know what kind of mentality it was. Knowing that it was a big taboo to look back when running away, she still couldn't help but glanced at the back—maybe, He thought this way, because that woman was too good-looking, right? He was already deeply attracted by just a glimpse when passing by.If it wasn't important to escape, he would definitely snatch this woman back to be his wife and let her give birth to ten or eight sons for him.

Then, looking back, he saw a scene that shocked him

Seeing the bat demon who was nearly two meters tall, the man didn't sit down on the ground in fright, and the woman didn't hold her head in her arms and cried. Instead, she drew out a long and thin blade, ran to meet it, and then got a short body, no For some reason, there was a flash of cold light, and the arm that the bat demon swung over broke off on the ground, and a large handful of purple blood was sprayed from the smooth incision.

Before the severed hand fell to the ground, a man and a monster had already passed by, and the hideous bat head that wanted to devour people suddenly rolled down for no reason.

There were three popping sounds, the sound of the right arm, the head, and the huge body lying on the ground.Coral put the knife back into its sheath, and didn't look indifferently towards that side, but it was stimulated by Yura's sudden rigidity, and stopped in her tracks.Under the impact of this powerful picture, the admiration for the girl's beauty in his heart suddenly evolved into a rather primitive admiration emotion, which made him blurt out that the leader of the Goddess Hunting Team has always been at the forefront. Every action is a guide|guidance for the people behind.After Yu Liang turned his head, he stopped suddenly, and naturally some other mountain people also stopped.Some of them saw chasing themselves etc.

The human bat demon was cut into three parts, and others heard the leader muttering to himself.

Coral naturally doesn't pay attention to the thoughts of ordinary people—maybe a month ago she would save these innocent people who were hunted down by monsters out of her own righteous heart, but now it is different.Knowing her own weakness, she can't even handle her own affairs well, so she doesn't go back and mention her qualifications to save others.

As for this moment, she was completely immersed in her understanding of the battle just now.

Master Youkai taught her most, in fact, the most about the use of "potential".

How to integrate one's own power to the greatest extent is to accumulate momentum; how to crush the enemy's power in the best way is to break things; how to bear the enemy's power with the least damage is to dispel momentum; Using the power of others for your own use is to take advantage of the situation.

Gathering momentum is the easiest, but taking advantage of momentum is the hardest.Of these four, any one of them has been practiced to the extreme, which is a remarkable achievement.And just now, through the control of her own strength and insight into the enemy's movements, she succeeded in beheading the bat demon in just a split second.

The knife that chopped off the arm was swung by himself, but the knife that cut off the head was hit by the monster itself.

This is... This is the skill mastered by Mr. Yokai?

After regaining his senses from the short enlightenment, Shan Shan was just about to go to his enemy, lover and master to ask about the battle just now, when he saw the mountain people running over and kneeling on the ground, and with a little daze, But it is still the other mountain people who knelt down with the mountain people who took the lead, "The monster has been killed, you are safe." Shan Shan still doesn't understand what happened, and can roughly grasp the psychology of these people A certain person came over. Compared with women, it is obvious that a man's mind is better and more expressive and kind, but a sense of distance can be heard in his tone, and he said: "You don't need to be so respectful, Mr. Coral So this is not for you. It's just a coincidence." Yeh—(face expressionless)

I have written 200 million words—(with a dead face)

It’s great, it’s great——(Standard reading)

036 Adding newcomers to the family is the basic quality of a good woman. Hearing the name "Master Coral" from his mouth made the exorcist girl feel a very strange feeling. She knew it was just a joke, but she still had a kind of The feeling that one's own strength has been recognized also aroused uncontrollable excitement in his heart, and even wanted to take the initiative to use the riding position at night.

The sudden thought made her feel a little hot in her body. A mature body that has been developed by men for a long time is so sensitive. Sometimes it doesn't even need physical touch. As long as some words or even a slight association, it will Can produce a series of chain reactions.

Of course, the benefits are not without. For example, during this period of time, even the perception has become sharper.Being able to take advantage of the momentum of the bat monster to hit its neck against the blade just now is the best proof that Coral has lost some of its own thoughts, which is considered by the mountain people to be the dignity that the celestial girl should have.Most of the gods are aloof, and it is common for them not to want to communicate with mortals like themselves.As for the man next to him, he naturally

Of course, they thought they were the guards of the Heavenly Maiden, and the tone of the guards was a bit condescending, but they didn't feel that they were being treated powerlessly. In fact, these people really did like this.

The short exchange was completed when Coral was in a daze. I don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup the Lord Monster has poured into these people. It was as if he was receiving some great personage.

The master monster's control over people's hearts is indeed terrifying.I didn't realize that the respect of the mountain people was entirely due to the sassy and agile way she had just killed the bat demon, and Shan Shan's thoughts drifted to some strange places—the Lord Monster is so powerful, even if she really gave birth to an heir with him If his son has lost his strength, will that child really fight him with swords under his own education?

She kept thinking about this question on the way, and the answer she got made her feel a little frustrated.She felt that in terms of grasping people's hearts and guiding people's hearts, she might be far from being an opponent of Lord Youkai.Whether my biggest hole card is useful or not, looking at it now, it is really hard to say that the identity of a mother may not be better than that of a father

Where to use it.

She thought about it, and then felt that there was another way to use it. Judging from the performance of Mr. Youkai, it is obvious that the desire for women is very strong.So if this is the case, you might as well find more women for him.If Master Youkai can have many children, then maybe she won’t pay so much attention to the children she gave birth to. In this way, the possibility of her own success will be much higher. My lord is not bad, but the monster with strong desires and functions has a heartless heart, like a passer-by, when he left, he had no intention of bringing Mrs. Shenfang who had served him wholeheartedly for three days. .

I'm afraid I also like to see her suffering and conflicted with me. I know that the monster is not bringing me because of some normal love, but when I think of this, there is still a wonderful sense of happiness overflowing in my heart, and I can't shake it off no matter what. So he could only be a little discouraged, and followed behind without saying a word.Little did she know that such a gesture of "no entry to strangers" made the mountain people more and more recognize her as a goddess

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