Previously, following the faint feeling of the Jade of the Four Souls, he walked in this direction, but now that he entered the village under the leadership of the hunting team, his sense of the Jade Fragments of the Four Souls became more and more clear.

The direction is the sea.

After confirming the location of the pieces of the jade of the four souls, he was not in a hurry.Due to the respect for Miss Coral, the Chinese people who have always been xenophobic can be said to be quite enthusiastic about the two of them.And after the leader of the team named Yuliang told the heroic deeds of how Master Coral showed his majestic power, the eyes of the mountain people who were quite simple from a certain point of view revealed what can be called fanatical reverence.

Then, just when he felt this kind of reverence, and was about to use this opportunity to inquire about some things about the Hundred Ghost Bats, Coral, who had been meditating by his side, suddenly asked a question that he had never thought of. In a word, do you have any cute girls here? "It's not only his big move to find an opportunity to open up the topic about the ghost bat. When he heard this question, even many mountain people around him were stunned. An old man who looked a little old came out. ,

He asked with some hesitation: "What you just said was... a lovely girl

"Well, a cute girl." Recalling his own sexual fetishes and preferences that Lord Youkai occasionally revealed, he also got in touch with Mrs. Shenfang.Combined with not disturbing the lives of normal people, she asked, "Is there any mature widowed wife?" 5 Not only did the mountain people look at each other in blank dismay, they even thought about the problem quickly, and subconsciously Some people who despise these foolish people of the Warring States Period in terms of IQ also don't quite understand the meaning of coral.As a result, after a few people who seemed to be of relatively high status got together and chatted for a while, the old man came out again and said respectfully:

"In the village... there is indeed such a person. I don't know why you... asked her?" If it was Coral from the past, she definitely wouldn't tell such a lie.But today I saw Lord Youkai's ability to confuse people's hearts, and during this period of time, I have a deeper understanding of his strength. The only hope for conscious revenge is to cultivate a strong offspring, so I bred Lord Youkai to weaken its power against myself. The idea of ​​son's influence, the more she thinks about it, the more reliable she feels.

Of course, at this time, he would never have guessed that Coral would have such a strange brain circuit, so he was driven by curiosity, so he didn't interrupt her, but was interested to see what she wanted. do what.

Could it be that he was stimulated by something and developed new hobbies, for example, in order to curb his love for himself, and knowing that he would definitely not let her be with other men, so he planned to find a woman to like?

After the man fell into another wonderful thinking circuit, Shan Shan began to talk nonsense: "Actually, from the very beginning, I have vaguely felt that there is an ominous atmosphere lingering in this village." The first nonsense The coral is a little flustered, but the improvement in mood these days has made it quite calm on the surface, it is better to say that the expression is still serious.What was mentioned was this kind of serious matter, and the group of mountain people who had already preconceived her as the goddess immediately became cautious.In the eyes of everyone, Master Huan's identity as a heavenly daughter has become a little more solid.

If it weren't for the goddess on Gaotianyuan, how could she have the ability to easily kill all ghost bats, and also be able to see the ominous atmosphere lingering in this village?

In fact, recently, there have indeed been dead people in the village.

"When I was outside, I felt it. When I entered here, I became more sure of my feeling." Seeing the reactions of the people below, Shan Shan also gained confidence, and her words became more fluent .When I followed my father and the others to eliminate demons, I also cooperated with mages and monks several times. Although this is the first time I use these expressions, I am not unfamiliar with them: "This ominous smell carries The strong yin energy is probably related to women. There is also blood in the yin energy. I am afraid that her husband died because of her, so I asked this question. If this woman continues to stay in the village, I am afraid that Shan Shan stopped talking here, but the tone and expression had already expressed the meaning very well, the rest was left to the villagers to imagine, and the effect would be better than what she said in person. So, after a short silence, the noisy Chaos and panic began to gradually spread among the villagers.

"I've said it before! That woman can only bring disaster

"I shouldn't have trusted her before! Isn't it still true in the village?"

Are people dying all the time? "

"My Jiro... woo woo woo..." After a little confusion, someone immediately rolled up their sleeves and wanted to lead the team to kill the troublemaker: "After I went to beat her to death and roared, I got something like a tide." There was a burst of response. Everyone's emotions seemed to be aroused in an instant. All the depression during this period seemed to have found an outlet at this time, and a large group of teams assembled immediately.

A wave of public opinion was stirred up in a few words, and even the instigator, Shan Shan, felt a little startled and subconsciously looked towards the smiling lord monster, thinking in his heart that that lord usually Is it such a terrible power that I have been in control all the time?

The power mobilized when deceiving people is certainly terrifying, but if the deception is exposed, the backlash will probably be inadvertently awe at the things that manipulate people's hearts, and the purpose is not to create a tragedy. Coral certainly does not It will just let this group of people who have been agitated by themselves find trouble for others.At this time, he immediately said loudly: "Don't act recklessly!

Naturally, a woman's voice can't immediately stop the agitated crowd. Fortunately, several leaders are still relatively calm, and they are standing next to Shan Shan at the moment. After hearing her words, they immediately helped stop her. That group of people:

"Stop! Lady Tiannv still has something to say!"

"Sit down and listen!"

"Come back and stand up for me!" After another period of time, with the efforts of several leaders, the crowd slowly restored order and calmed down.The simple villagers believed that since the Tiannv had brought up this matter, there would inevitably be resentment for it to be resolved.Sure enough, Master Coral immediately said: "If you do this, it won't solve the problem, it will only make the disaster worse.

Coral, who knew exactly what the group of people were going to do just now, felt that it was necessary for her to be vaccinated, so she said: "If that ominous person is killed by you just like this, the accumulation of resentment before death, I'm afraid it will be killed after death." In seven days, it will turn into a bloody evil spirit, and then there will be no grass for a hundred miles. Even if you flee to the ends of the earth, you will surely be killed by her. These few words are so decisive that the mountain people instinctively raised their hearts A chill. Coral didn’t speak in a hurry, just waiting for them to digest this feeling by themselves. Until some

The man who finally couldn't bear it was the first to kneel down, and said loudly: "Please be merciful, my lord! Help me!" In an instant, thousands of people turned into repeaters, all knelt down on the ground and said loudly Said: "Please Goddess, please show mercy and save us!" The voices of thousands of people at a very close distance will also feel like an overwhelming wave.Some people will have an addictive sense of accomplishment under this kind of impact, but some people will feel fear because they feel that they may not be able to control this power.

Coral belonged to the latter, so she subconsciously glanced at her master monster, and what she saw was a smile that was not a smile.And there seemed to be a bit of admiration and admiration in that gaze.

In fact, he was indeed a little surprised that a young girl who had surpassed ordinary people in addition to her personal force a while ago had grown to her current level in such a short period of time.Even if the current coral is released alone, no matter where it goes, it will be able to get along well.

There are many ways to use power. Some people can kill a monster with ten percent of strength, but some people can use one point of strength to summon a hundred percent or even a thousand percent of strength to kill a demon.

Kill countless monsters.The previous corals were the former, but the current corals seem to be developing towards the latter.He felt that the girl who was born as an exorcist he had picked up might be really unusual.

But here, Coral felt a little annoyed because of the happy expression of the person she asked for help.However, since it was really caused by me, there was no reason to force others to take over and help her calm down the situation, so I forced myself to stand where I was, and after gathering myself, I said, "If you believe me, you might as well take that The girl brought me, I will find a way to get rid of the curse on her body." This is a way out for me.

If Lord Youkai becomes interested in this type of woman as he thinks, he will definitely take her away.And if it doesn't work, at least the above words can be used to "get rid of the curse" to improve her living environment and soon, the woman named Axue was brought.

037 All wishes come true Sometimes it's really that easy. The woman named Axue looks about seventeen or eighteen years old.In modern society, she should still be a girl who is about to change her job from a high school student to a college student, but in this Warring States era, she is a real widow with mature charm.

The woman with a haggard face doesn't look very good, but she still has the amorous feelings that can make any man fall in love. I really have to let him judge, that Mrs. Shenfang who fascinated countless people in Inaba Mountain Castle is probably For a woman like this Axue, if her husband was just an ordinary person, it would not be surprising that she would die early

- Judging from the fact that she lives alone on the edge of the village, her family background should not be very good.But what is a little strange is that after her husband died, she still remained a widow and did not marry another person.

It is really unreasonable for a beautiful woman to remain celibate in such an era.

Then, after Coral obtained some information from Ashe, and he obtained some information from the mountain people, after the two sides were spliced ​​together, the whole story was completed.

Miss Axue, who has acquired Echizen's number one beauty in this land since she was a child, if there were no such accidents, she should have become the wife of a certain castle lord of the Asakura family at the age of 12.

The city lord gets a beautiful wife, Ashe lives a life of wealth and splendor, and the mountain folk get the kindness of the Asakura family. No matter which side it is, it is a pretty good ending.However, on the way to see off relatives, there was an accident by coincidence.

The young master of the Hundred Ghost Bat Clan, a powerful monster who controls the power of enchantment, Tsukiyomaru, fell in love with this girl, and found an opportunity one night, and intercepted her on the way to see her off.

At that time, we all thought that Ashe would die after falling into the hands of monsters, but two years later, 14-year-old Ashe came back. "Speaking of these past events, the old people in the village sighed endlessly. They didn't know whether it was because of the beauty's fate, or because of the failure of the marriage with the Asakura family. "Axue came back with a girl , we later learned that it was her child with the monster Tsukiyamaru.Ashe is worthy of being our number one beauty in Echizen, even monsters can't resist her charm.Tsukiyomaru kidnapped her for two years, but finally sent her back, because Tsukiyomaru was afraid that other monsters in the clan would hurt her.

Harm Ashe. 9" When he said this, the old man seemed to be a little proud of having such a beauty in his village: "Maybe you don't know, my lord, that this monster of the Hundred Ghosts and Bats lives by sucking blood.Animal blood is fine, but human blood is more attractive to them. None of the surrounding villages, including the main city, can escape the attack of the Hundred Ghost Bats.

"At first we were still wondering why in the two years after Axue was taken away, there were occasional rumors of villagers being attacked by hundred ghost bats in other places, but nothing happened in our village until Axue brought back Yue Yewan's daughter, We finally understood that it was her beauty that completely fascinated the young master of the Hundred Ghost Bat Clan. That's why there was peace in the village. Ashe came back with her child and became even more beautiful. But Because of the existence of Tsukiyomaru, no one dared to do anything to her. It’s just that in the past six months, it’s been strange. Since Ashue was kidnapped six years ago, we, who have never been attacked by the Hundred Ghost Bats, suddenly began to suffer casualties. At first everyone thought it was a beast, but later they found out that Jingran was really those monsters. Until three months ago, a monster suddenly came

When he arrived near the village, he claimed to be the patriarch of the Hundred Ghost Bat Clan, and his name was Daguwan.

Daigumaru told us that if we want to return to our previous life, we must give Tsukiyomaru's child, Axue's daughter Zizhi, to him.

Since Ah Xue came back with the monster's child four years ago, there have always been a lot of gossip in the village.However, the existence of Ashe at that time ensured that the villagers would not be infested by the ghost bats, and these words were usually just said in secret.But since the attack of the Hundred Ghost Bats started again half a year ago, things have slowly changed.After Daguwan came, there were more and more claims that the disaster was caused by her, and Ashe's life became more and more difficult. When the old man said this, he let out a long sigh , obviously disagreed in his heart, but there was nothing he could do about what happened to Ashe.This kind of mood, someone who is an audience can understand it very well.

Once the accumulation of emotions brought about by panic is found, under the public anger, whoever stands in the way will die.When the majority of people hold the same opinion, it doesn't matter whether the thing itself is true or not

Although the old man knew that Axue was just a simple victim in this matter, he would be distressed and pitiful, but it was absolutely impossible for him to stand up and say a fair word at this time.

Suddenly, he thought of the expression of the beautiful widowed widow when he was brought in. It was the fearlessness that a woman with children and concerns should not show, so she asked, "Later, did you hand over Zizhi to Daguiwan?" Is it?," That's something that can't be helped..." Another old man said helplessly, "Actually, the matter of handing Zizhi over to Daigomaru was also proposed by Ashue himself.After all, Jing is the child of a monster, and Zizhi's life in the village is not happy. "The old man said it euphemistically, but he could understand that, as the daughter of a monster who devoured the villagers, Zizhi's life here is definitely not a simple "unhappy" that can be summed up. After thinking about it, he said: " However, the monster attacks did not stop. "Obviously, what they encountered when they came here happened to be when the hundred ghost bats attacked the villagers. So another old man said bitterly: "The words of monsters!How can it be light

Easy to believe! "It seems that this is a person who opposed the handing over of Ashe's daughter to Dagimaru.

But at this time, on the other side, Coral also heard similar content from the mouth of a beautiful young woman named Axue.The only difference is that what Axue said was more about His Royal Highness Tsukiyomaru.In the other party's mouth, that Tsukiyomaru-sama thinks that he is young and handsome, handsome, suave, and heroic, in short, he is the Prince Charming figure in the hearts of all women.It can be clearly heard that in this situation, she misses her deceased husband Tsukiyomaru very much. Although he is a monster, he is the only man in the world who can be her reliance.Maybe I didn't feel it when I lived with monsters before, but now it is inevitable to lose the miss.Therefore, from the innermost part of this woman named Axue, the most common words Shan Shan heard were, "If His Royal Highness Tsukiyomaru is still there, as far as I am concerned, Shan Shan actually doesn't like this kind of self-pitying woman. Troubled times Among them, there is no one who can be relied on, and in fact, His Royal Highness Tsukiyomaru is indeed

Unreliable.Although he has never met himself, judging from the fact that he had to send his beloved wife from the monster's lair back to the human village, he couldn't protect his woman. Now it seems that His Royal Highness Tsukiyomaru died inexplicably half a year ago. Death, I'm afraid it has something to do with this matter.

However, although she doesn't like this kind of woman who can't be independent and self-improving, Shan Shan also knows that in this world, most women are like this.Most people, even if they want to have this kind of independent mind, they don't have such power, or the opportunity to gain it.Moreover, after hearing that Ashue gave birth to a daughter L for His Royal Highness Tsukiyomaru, Coral's eyes lit up. Obviously, at the age of 13, she can safely leave a daughter for the monster. The woman in front of her must be Is a good birth.Since you can give birth to one, you will definitely be able to give birth to a second one. In this way, the success rate of your plan will increase again. There is no concern, no assertiveness, and it is easier to control and reproduce. The corals at this time are a little unbelievable. I just came up with this idea, and God actually sent me such a person. The only problem now is that a woman who relies too much on others

People probably won't be liked by him, and Axue always keeps talking to Yue Yewan, which is even worse.

She believes that there is no man in this world who is not possessive.Any male creature, even a monster, would not like his woman to mention other males in front of him.Ever since, with such a calculation in mind, Coral asked: So what are your plans now?

"I want to see my daughter." It's always easier for a woman to open up in front of another woman. When talking about those sad past events, Ah Xue couldn't help but choked up, but said Speaking of her daughter, as a mother, she still showed some strength, "Since Dagiwan didn't abide by the agreement between us, I knew that I would not be able to live in this village for a long time. Until now , my only concern is Zizhi... If she can live a good life, no matter what I hear here, Coral is sure in her heart. Of course the living is more important than the dead, and I care about my daughter A young mother is obviously more suitable to marry than a widow who misses her husband. So she was about to say something to guide Axue to her daughter, when suddenly she heard a familiar voice.

"If that's the case, at least for the time being, you won't have a reason to die." When the young mother who sent her child away was crying to the goddess, the impolite guards opened the straw curtain and walked in.Seeing the tall man, Axue, who was a helpless and weak woman, subconsciously leaned towards Shan Shan, leaving more space for him.

In normal times, she might still show some strength, but at this moment, with Lady Tiannv by her side, the weakness of women is revealed.

Then, the impolite guard said: "Think about it, you stupid woman, a half-demon that even humans won't accept, that group of human nature is even more indifferent, and the monsters will treat her well? I'm afraid the big prison pill It must be because of some special reason that Zizhi is needed." After hearing these words, Axue was stunned for a moment, and then the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it made sense. She didn't dare to cry, so she could only cover her mouth with her hands, and the tears fell straight down like pearls with a broken string.

Okay, don't cry anymore, it's rare to have a good-looking face, but it's a waste if your eyes are swollen from crying. "The curved index finger dragged the woman's chin, and the benefits of slender fingers were immediately reflected

It came out—with such a movement, with a light swipe of the thumb, it wiped away the tear stains on his face like a wiper, restoring that beautiful face.It's just something unexpected by Coral, but there is no further action. Originally, I came here to find the Hundred Ghost Bats, so there is nothing wrong with helping them. "Then under Shan Shan's terrified eyes, the monster-sama, who should be doing all kinds of evil, just let go of the beauty that even she would be a little bit excited about, and the price turned out to be just a trivial thing, "But I just asked Suddenly, none of the villagers here knew where the lair of the Hundred Ghost Bats was.How about a deal where you take us to the lair of the bats and we help you meet your daughter? "Not only Shanhu, but even Ashue, who is the person involved, couldn't believe that such a good thing could happen in the world. He glanced at the Tiannv around him, and found that Tiannv was also looking at the tall guard. , Axue put her hands on the ground and knelt down, only raised her head, and asked: "Is... is it true?

"Of course," he said with a smile, "it's just a meeting, it's easy." 9 is... easy?

Thinking about it carefully, it's just a one-time meeting. Although it seems really simple, for most people, seeing a hundred ghost bats is tantamount to death.

However, in this man's mouth, it is not the case.

So soon, the woman calmed down. People always have a characteristic, that is, their greedy desires are endless.Just now, Ashe's wish was just to see if her daughter was doing well, but after the man easily made a promise to let her see, the originally hopeless life was suddenly torn apart. A hole full of hope.Ever since, this simple wish was involuntarily upgraded.

If possible, she actually hopes to live with her daughter.

In this world, if one can live well, who would want to seek death for no reason?

To be honest, when I was reading the history of the Warring States Period in Japan, I was shocked to see Maeda Toshiie's wife, Asong, one of the three wives of the Warring States Period, marrying him at the age of 11. It's nothing.

The point is that in the second year, when she was 12 years old, she

And a daughter was born.


038 It is very difficult to judge whether the enemy is strong or weak at the first time. Ashe has new hope for the future.

It never occurred to me that in my opinion, it was a completely unsolvable deadlock, no matter where it was, it was already an unbearable situation, but the guardian just broke it with a simple sentence.

That kind of indifferent tone, as if getting rid of such a predicament can only be done by waving your hands casually.In the past, I only thought that His Royal Highness Tsukiyomaru, who had the courage to protect the village from the entire Hundred Ghost Bats for herself and Zizhi, was very remarkable, but at this moment, compared with the guard, she seemed to be the man she once admired. It's not that tall and mighty anymore.

Even Tsukiyomaru-sama has to risk his life to fight against the extremely powerful Hyakki bat clan, it seems that they can't cause any obstacles in the eyes of this man.And strangely, with some kind of inexplicable female intuition, she suddenly felt that this man was not joking, but really had such abilities and faintly, the lord Tiannv seemed to be headed by him

On this day, the first time she talked with an unknown guard, the woman named Axue suddenly realized her narrow vision and ignorance in the past.In my heart, a bit of admiration for the strong was born

.In fact, since the Heavenly Maiden appointed her, the villagers no longer intend to regard her as one of their own.So until the next morning, no one proposed to let her go back to her own residence, but just like this, let this unchaste and ominous woman who would bring disasters to the village, and the celestial lady and The guards live together. Of course, the house enshrined to the Heavenly Lady cannot have only one room.At first, everyone thought that Ashe who was sent there would definitely become the maid of Lady Tiannv, but what was a little surprising was that, that night, Lady Tiannv lived with Lord Guard, while Ashe lived in the room next door.

Ashe, who has ushered in the second turning point in her life, has not seen the bravery of the guard to kill monsters on the battlefield, but she first saw the vigor of the guard in the boudoir, which can be heard. Last night, my lord Tiannv

In fact, he tried his best to suppress his own voice.However, the brave Lord Guardian used his body to play a very rhythmic impact, and from time to time, he was able to bring some voices that were accidentally exposed by the Lady Goddess, passing through the walls whose sound insulation effect was not very good, and passing through the walls. Ashe, who had given birth to a daughter in her ear, naturally did not know what the voice that lasted most of the night last night represented.Some are amazed at the strength of the other party, but on the other hand, some spring tides are surging.The emotions that I hadn't felt for a long time seemed to revive many functions in my body because my heart came alive.The result is sleepless nights of tossing and turning.

When we met the next morning, the young woman, who was haggard and mournful yesterday, untied her heart knot and listened to the erotic palace all night, and her whole body burst into a shy and astringent radiance of spring tide, making her Yesterday someone who celebrated the growth of Miss Coral for most of the night, couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he saw her, and then suddenly realized that Miss Axue, who was called the number one beauty in Echizen, really lived up to her reputation.It's no wonder that a certain monster named Tsukiyomaru wanted to get married, and later even forcibly violated the general trend of the clan for her.

Trying to make the monsters whose ancestors have been cannibals stop eating people, it is difficult for Tsukiyomaru not to die.And if he was able to make him do such a stupid thing, if this Axue hadn't been snatched away by Yue Yewan back then, she might have become a woman of the level of disastrous to the country and the people.

Coral, who came out from behind, found that the monster was indeed as he had expected, and after being shocked by the brilliant light emitted by Ashe, what was born in his heart was not what it should be, and everything went according to plan. sense of joy.Unexpectedly, there was some unpleasant feeling in my heart.

The feeling that was not the same as imagined made Coral, who had firmly believed that the ugly emotion of jealousy should have nothing to do with her, feel a little embarrassed in her heart.Fortunately, she quickly adjusted her emotions.

Because she found that Lord Youkai was just stunned for a moment, then quickly returned to normal, and then behaved the same as usual.Neither did she show courtesy to Axue like ordinary humans, nor did she treat him differently.

There was a silent feeling of relief in my heart, and then a different kind of awkwardness emerged again.This is different from my original plan, and then with this kind of contradictory psychology, I witnessed other people in the village.

His people, the changes when they met the current Ashe, who rekindled the hope of life, and when the beautiful, terrifying and radiant young woman came out, even he who had gone through the world couldn't help it. I was stunned for a moment, the other life can only be described as simple and simple, let alone the villagers who have not seen too much of the world, and do not have much resistance to beautiful women.

It's hard to imagine if you haven't seen it with your own eyes. Just a change in temperament can give people such a big difference in feelings.Yesterday's Axue is still the same person as today's Axue, with the same attire, the same body shape and appearance, but it seems to be enchanted by someone, and they become completely different.

After she came out, the villagers met along the way spread like a wave of commotion.

The young people were overwhelmed by this brilliance, and agreed that it was undoubtedly a huge mistake to drive such a beautiful girl out of the village.At this moment, they collectively forgot that Ashe was a person who gave birth to a daughter for a monster, thinking that such a person should become their wife.

method.Ashe wanted to leave here and look for her daughter. This was something she decided on her own, and no one forced her to do so. So, after the lady said that she would fight the Hundred Ghost Bats for them, the young and passionate youths After the beautiful Mrs. Ashe was the one who led the way, many people willing to be the pioneers emerged on their own initiative.

Then the guard of the goddess told them with his fist why he could be the guard of the goddess, and they could only be ordinary human beings who were regarded as prey by the ghost bats in the mountain. can't do it.

A random punch that can knock a person into a five-meter-high tree without hurting the root is not a fight on the same level at all.No matter how unrestrained a young man is, at this time, he can only convincingly admit that his skills are inferior to others, and the gap is too great.

The young people who felt absolute crushing in the hands of the guards of the Tennyo could only watch the Tennv leave with the most beautiful girl in Echizen after only staying here for a day.Both eyes are full of nostalgia and regret, while sighing why Mrs. Ashe was not found to be so beautiful before, but at the same time feeling a little bit worried

Such a person feels fortunate that he and others have eradicated the scourge of the Hundred Ghost Bats.In the conflict, the two outsiders took Mrs. Ashe and disappeared from sight, and set off towards the lair of the Hundred Ghost Bats.

The location of the lair of the Hundred Ghost Bats is actually not as hidden as imagined.Of course, the location is not hidden, but it does not mean that this place is not well set up.In fact, if there is no one to lead the way, this lair is really not very easy to find. If you insist on asking him to talk about his feelings, then he can only say that it is too ordinary and completely different from the evil monster he imagined. Different, it looks like a very ordinary dark bat cave.

If you just look at it from the outside with the naked eye, you can't find anything special at all.If it wasn't for the beautiful young woman named A Xue who told him with certainty that this was the right place, even after passing by, he probably wouldn't have explored here. First of all, he released his own induction.

There is obviously something wrong with the monster's lair, but there is no ghost air coming out.Reminiscent of the reason why I came here to look for the Hundred Ghost Bats, after testing it out,

Sure enough, I found a large enchantment. The effect of the enchantment is quite magical, and it seems to have some kind of screening effect.As an outsider, he was blocked after touching it, but some ordinary small things, such as bugs, could pass through smoothly.Soon, there was movement inside.

The enchantment with the filtering function probably also has the ability to alarm. After he touched it, a figure appeared in the dark bat cave soon.It was somewhat similar to the one that was killed by Coral before, but a bat monster that was smaller in size flew out. After seeing the humans, it gritted its teeth and smiled strangely, trying to kill Coral from the man's face. Seeing that the opponent didn't intend to make a move, he decisively pulled out his thin blade and went forward.The bat monster is probably very young, and it was the first time in history that he encountered a human being who dared to draw a sword against him in his short life as a monster, so he looked at the human face without any fear, and for a short while, had a The momentary loss of consciousness originally had such a gap in strength, and such an obvious flaw was exposed. Coral's action of killing the bat monster became more clean and neat than the previous one.

Purple demon blood sprayed out from the neck of the bat demon, and soon the smell filled the air.Monsters are often more sensitive to this kind of smell, so soon, he felt the restlessness of monster power faintly coming from the barrier.Then, a huge figure appeared at the entrance of the bat cave.

By visual inspection, this bat monster, which seems to be several times the size of an ordinary bat monster, is probably four meters tall when standing upright. Afterwards, this bat monster, which is many times larger than the other hundred ghost bats, was led away. The Axue who came called out her real name, Da Ji Wan! "Mrs. Ashe, who had been quite quiet before, finally couldn't help making a sound after the monster appeared. Gritting her teeth and walking forward, the beautiful young woman who was usually soft and weak was not there at this moment. The horrifying monster showed a slight cowardice in front of him, but asked, "Why... why did you attack the village when you already gave Zizhi to you?Everything you said before, that you want everyone to live a better life, is all a lie, right?

"Assault on the village? Better life?" As if hearing some stupid question, Daigumaru revealed why

You will ask the look of this question, "My people need to eat. Is there any problem in attacking the village so that my people can live a better life?" You have to eat when you are hungry. something wrong.On this point, even the man who brought his wife to find his daughter didn't think there was any problem.

You broke the agreement between us! "Whether the village has been attacked is naturally impossible to be the most concerned thing for her. Anyway, the ghost bats cannibalize people many years ago. After accusing the monsters of breaking their promises, she consciously has some The confident woman immediately said: "In that case, I will take Zi Zhi back! "Suddenly changed the conditions agreed before, causing him to glance at the young mother. Feeling the guard's gaze, Ashe's heartbeat suddenly accelerated—the help of the guard, this is the only thing she has so far. Of course it was her fault that she changed the conditions without authorization, but the young woman swore silently in her heart that as long as the guard was willing to help her rescue her daughter, she would do whatever she wanted.

Immediately afterwards, suddenly the huge bat demon in the cave laughed hahaha, and the sound wave with the increased demon power formed a substantial wave of air

, pushed out from the hole.If he hadn't decisively used the enchantment technique adapted from Binding Dao to protect him, Ah Xue, who was the first to bear the brunt, would have been shaken to death by the sound waves.And even with his auxiliary defense, the woman whose body was just an ordinary human still felt sick, her complexion was pale and she was a little out of strength, and she managed to stand firm with the support of the man.

At this time, Coral, who had already put on her battle attire, came forward with Feilaigu on her back, and she really didn't have the slightest fear of the huge bat monster.She didn't like this kind of man-eating monster, so Coral opened her mouth and asked, "Is it funny?"

θ39 My Hundred Ghost Bat Clan's guarding barrier is invincible in the world. Mrs. Ashe mustered up her courage to justly accuse the perfidious monster Dagimaru. It caused bursts of laughter.Even though Coral stepped forward, it still couldn't make the leader of the bat monster stop his roaring laughter.

Isn't it funny? "After finally laughing enough, the sharp teeth stretched out a palm that was half the size of Ashe's, as if he was about to catch her, and asked in a natural tone , "When is food also eligible to ask hunters? , " Shan Shan's eyes turned cold, and the thin blade came out of his hand, and a cold light flashed immediately.

The purple monster blood splashed out, and half of his fingers flew out. Under Shan Shan's knife, the injured Daguwan pill withdrew his hand like lightning, and squinted his eyes, as if he wanted to see clearly This human being who hurt himself.Under the agitation of the evil spirit, the severed limbs grew back quickly.Then, as if nothing happened

Like this, the bat monster asked: "Who are you?" Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the man over there, and found that the other party seemed to be indulging in the beautiful touch of Mrs. Ashe's body in his embrace.Immediately, a nameless anger rose from the bottom of my heart, and I didn't bother to talk nonsense with the monster, so I raised my hand and took off the flying bone on my back.

Just like the movement of a flying cake athlete when throwing, after turning around, the flying bones that have not yet made a shot have accumulated the momentum that coral can currently control to the extreme.In the next moment, the flying bone with a sonic boom shot out a wave-like white * air wave, and flew out with a terrifying momentum. Perhaps it was because the sound effect of the attack seemed so terrifying that Dagumaru subconsciously He took a defensive posture and then, as if an electric arc flickered, the originally invisible enchantment appeared on the track of the flying bones, and there was a crackling sound under the impact, and there were faintly unstable ripples from the impact. A little rippling.However, without any other external interference, after a few seconds, the large barrier covering the entire lair was finally stabilized, and the flying bone was also bounced back by the barrier.

The force when attacking is very strong, and the force is also not small when it bounces back.Although Feilaigu has some spirituality, it is also

It is not always possible to fly back by itself.So in order not to lose her main weapon, Coral jumped up, reaching out to catch the flying bone in the air. At this moment, Dagumaru, who saw the opportunity, immediately released a sonic attack.

The purplish-red ring of demon power spat out from the ferocious mouth full of chaotic teeth, and swept towards the coral with compressed sound waves more than ten times that of the natural state.However, the development of things was not as smooth as Dagumaru imagined. The stupid, fragile, and flightless human beings were not crushed by their own sound waves. A body that is as soft as plasticine is bent into an exaggerated arc.The body didn't know how to twist and release, without any reduction in the force of the flying bone when it was ejected, the huge weapon made more than half a circle in midair.After perfectly turning the direction of the original strength, the complete body suddenly stretched like a spring, and completed the second acceleration within an extreme time, with a destructive force that was not smaller than before. , Facing the attack of Daigokumaru, it flew out and spun like a large cutting machine.

Bone, with unstoppable force, smashed the demon power ring of Daigokumaru, and then hit the barrier of the guardian's lair unabated.It's just that the attack that was full of momentum before failed to break through, and it was at the end of its strength at this time, so it was naturally blocked by the barrier again.Then the coral that fell to the ground failed to catch two consecutive attacks again, and the coral's complexion looked a little bad.In contrast, the expression of Daguwan, who was standing inside the barrier, was only worse.

As the patriarch of the Hundred Ghost Bat Clan, he was so proud of his sonic attack and his signature skills, which were actually cracked by such a young girl who looked less than 20 years old.This is very bad news for the old monster who is the team leader of the monster family who advocates power. Before that, he had already faintly felt that he had entered old age due to age, and his strength had begun to improve. degraded condition.Therefore, in order to maintain his prestige, he even did not hesitate to kill his son, Tsukiyomaru, who would defy him to protect human beings for the sake of a human woman.But he didn't expect that in only half a year after that, he would weaken so quickly, and now even a human woman could be evenly matched with him.

If this matter is known by other hundred ghost bats in the clan

In other words, it is foreseeable that there will inevitably be endless challengers trying to compete for the position of the patriarch. This is absolutely intolerable to Daigokumaru.

"Give up." The attack didn't work, and when he sensed the restless demonic aura emanating from the cave, Dagumaru stopped moving.One attack failure can be said to be underestimating the enemy, but two consecutive attacks will inevitably let the people of the Hundred Ghost Bats see the truth that they are already weakened.Ever since, he once again chose the way of using mouth cannon - the monster Dagiwan, who has deceived humans countless times, is still very confident about his IQ, so he said: "This is my hundred ghosts. The enchantment that the bat clan has blessed for hundreds of years, relying on you, it is absolutely impossible to destroy it."

"Oh? Absolutely? Impossible?" Then, someone who finally had enough hugs stood up, with a smile that was not a smile, and put his right hand on Shiina's handle, as if he really wanted to try what he could do. The appearance of not being able to cut through the barrier and the self-confidence shown by it made Daguwan start to be a little uncertain.

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