Males are stronger than males, which is applicable to most creatures.A previous attack by a woman had already

The barrier has fluctuated, and now if this man and woman launch an attack together, what will happen, Dagumaru feels that it is really hard to say.

Especially the expression on the other party's face, that kind of attitude that doesn't put his own barrier in his eyes at all, is so inexplicable that people care about it, and Dagumaru feels a little flustered.

But soon, he asked again: "You didn't come here to fight against our Hundred Ghost Bat Clan, did you? This time, you were just talking to the man with his right hand on the handle of the knife Although it was the exorcist's girl who made the attack, with Daigimaru's eyesight, she keenly discovered that this man was the real center.

Although it doesn't matter if you kill them all, strictly speaking, I really didn't come here to make enemies with you. "Smilingly, he said the words of extermination that were completely arrogant and conceited in Dagumaru's view, and he didn't worry at all that he would anger the other party. It seemed that he didn't see the darkened face of the bat monster, and his expression remained unchanged. Yes, he continued to ask: "Then, answer me, do you know where Yuancheng is? "After hearing this question, Dagumaru said hehehe

He laughed: "The castle of the demon king Xuewan? Of course I know that I joined the army of adults 50 years ago." Then his ugly nose twitched twice, and the ugly smile on his face widened even more : "So, you are not a human being, do you want to go to Yuancheng? It is a pity that since the first battle in Kyoto 50 years ago, the demon king Xuewan has no life and death, and Yuancheng has disappeared without a trace. Now even if you can find , Yuan City is probably already in decline."

"Then you don't need to worry about it." He smiled, "It's just that someone told me that the Hundred Ghost Bat Clan is good at using enchantments and can help me find the location of Yuancheng...Is that why you need Zizhi ?," I didn't understand before, why Daguwan, who is a monster, specifically asked the village to hand over his half-demon granddaughter, until now I saw the previous battle between Coral and Dagumaru, and the current knot After seeing the situation in the world, I suddenly understood a little bit.

The reason why you value a half-demon child so much is because you can no longer use the enchantment freely, right?

Therefore, even though there is an enchantment that cannot be broken by flying bones, the coral cut off his fingers so easily

"Ah—so that's how it was—I understand, I understand thoroughly." Seeing the change in Daigimaru's face, some things that I hadn't figured out before were completely understood.

This so-called Hundred Ghost Bats family is good at using enchantment, I am afraid it is not all monsters of the Hundred Ghost Bat, but there will be an existence in each generation who is good at using enchantment.You, your son Tsukiyomaru, and Shiori who inherited Tsukiyomaru's bloodline, so what if you know about it?The enchantment of my hundred ghost bat clan..."

"If that's the case, then it's enough to get Zizhi." When the anxious Dagimaru was about to say something harsh and ordered all the clansmen to rush forward, he saw the man opposite him pull out his sword and said The last words he heard in this world came out, "Isn't this conflicting with the previous plan at all? The world is spinning.

I don't understand, just now there was still a little cold light showing the scabbard, why suddenly the other party has already swung the knife and waited until the world has completely turned around before seeing it

Has a somewhat familiar body.The consciousness that became a little dull didn't finally remember until the body turned out of sight, it seemed to be me.

Just... where's the head?

After the bat's head fell to the ground with a bang, the huge four-meter-high body also lost its support, fell to its knees, and finally made a muffled sound.The enchantment that was cut with a gap in an instant was about to heal gradually under the power of the guardian, but at this time, the flying bones of the coral had already accumulated enough strength, and moved towards the flaw cut by him. , After the third attack array sounded like glass shattering, the enchantment suddenly shattered.Afterwards, a strong evil spirit filled the lair of the Hundred Ghost Bats, in which about three to four hundred Hundred Ghost Bats lived.Most of the monsters with this kind of group living attribute, which are rare for owners, are in human form, and their height is generally about two meters, while women are slightly shorter. Perhaps it is because the patriarch was beheaded by someone who came, and he was saved from the cave. Most of the ghost bats do not have the will to fight.Of course, there were also two ambitious young monsters who tried to attack.However, in a series of three

As far as humans are concerned, the tall and mighty Hyakki bats were smashed into patties by the coral using the flying bones as a mallet, and most of the Hyakki bats simply evacuated from the nest. Zizhi is a A girl who looks four or five years old, whose appearance is indistinguishable from that of a human.The gray-purple color of the glasses and hair may be the reason why Ashue gave her this name.After the volley knife killed a bat that held her in its arms in the chaos, probably trying to find a new place to build a lair, the young girl with dull eyes and a blood-red crystal in her arms Together with the ball, he took it in his arms and weighed it subconsciously, and then felt that the weight should be less than one-third of the coral

"Zi Zhi!" After the little girl was picked up in his arms, Shan Shan was on guard against the chaotic bats flying around, and Ah Xue ran over at this moment.Perhaps because of hearing the call from the mother, the young girl's dull eyes seemed to have a gleam of brilliance.After seeing the mother's face clearly, the nose twitched, and the eye sockets turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. The scene of mother and daughter embracing and crying is generally touching. Generally speaking, it should be so, but if the daughter is raped You are in your arms, and the mother threw herself into your arms and hugged her daughter and cried

If so, it will be a little difficult to move.Especially for someone who has a serious lack of emotion, the only thing left at this time is the embarrassment of not knowing where to put your hands.

Then, the hundred ghost bats who found that Zizhi had lost swarmed down, trying to take back the only person in the clan who could maintain the enchantment, and then the first thing they met was with a devilish smile, throwing a sonic boom , carrying the flying bones whirled by white air waves.

It's just that although the coral is brave, the attack frequency of the flying bones is always limited.After killing more than a dozen of them with one throw, he drew out the thin blade at his waist and charged forward.From the corner of his eyes, he looked towards that side, thinking whether he needed to protect Axue's mother and daughter, but suddenly found that worrying seemed to be superfluous, and the half-demon young girl was much more powerful than he had imagined.

040 In fact, Ms. Coral is much smarter than you imagined. From Zi Zhi's slender hands, the demon power was input into the blood-colored jade in her arms.The azure blue barrier was released amidst a wave of demon power.Zizhi, who was not yet able to control the size of the barrier, made the protection area very large. Many of the hundred ghost bats who jumped down were not blocked by the coral, but bumped into the solid barrier.

However, the Hundred Ghost Bats, who are able to dominate this area only by relying on special enchantments and collective actions, actually do not have strong individual combat capabilities.Although for ordinary humans, they are undoubtedly the most ferocious predators in the world, but from the point of view that being killed by coral is like cutting vegetables and melons, among monsters, I am afraid that they are not very useful The scope of the number's existence defense is much smaller than that of the entire lair, and the strength of the enchantment naturally rises.The hundred ghost bats, whose attack power is far worse than that of coral, are unable to break through Zizhi's enchantment. This thing that is harvesting their lives at a faster rate,

But it has to attract the attention of the ghost bats. At this time, the only thing that can be thankful is that humans can't fly because they don't have wings, so they can still have a way to escape.

The efforts of the Hundred Ghost Bats to retake the guardian of the barrier lasted for about an hour.After Shan Shan single-handedly eliminated nearly one-third of the group, the Hundred Ghost Bats, who found that nothing could be done, couldn't hold on anymore, and fled in all directions.At this time, Axue's mother and daughter were probably tired from crying, both of them stopped crying, but they were hugging each other, unwilling to separate no matter what.Ever since, a certain man who couldn't say anything at such a time simply sent the young girl in her arms to her. Coral, who had killed nearly a hundred monsters in a row, was inevitably covered in purple blood. Drenched in the body, at this moment, it looks quite terrifying.More than an hour of high-intensity fighting has never been experienced so far.Even under his training, his strength has improved a lot. After the last shot was thrown out, he saw the backs of the ghost bats scattered away, and he was relieved in one breath. I lost all the strength to catch it with my favorite weapon.After seeing him approaching, a smile was forced on his face.

Under the overdraft, if one cannot stand firmly, he will fall down.

Then naturally it was supported.

With three or two strokes, she was stripped clean, and with one stroke of his hand, a stream of clear spring came out.The spring water washes the body of the coral under his operation.After washing off the monster blood stained on her body, he pointed bluntly at the clothes on the ground, and then pointed at A Xue who was holding the child over there.It means that these things will be handled by you. Mrs. Ashe was stunned for a moment, and then nodded happily.Useless people cannot survive in this era, and myself with a child is even more of a burden among the burdens.She didn't realize what kind of commotion would be caused if her beauty was placed in those cities where daimyo lived. She only felt that exchanging her own labor for the protection of the strong was undoubtedly the best result for herself. .

After washing his body, Coral, who was so exhausted that he had difficulty standing up, was held in his arms, and he used the half-baked adapted version of the Dao to heal the injuries on his body.Feeling a warm breath flowing in the body, in the exhaustion of exhaustion, after all, I still fell asleep when I woke up again, it was already very late at night, still in the mountains and forests, but it felt like a different place

square.After chatting with A Xue, I realized that I had been in a coma for more than a day.

The battle with the Hundred Ghost Bat Clan has vented most of the anger that had been suppressed in my heart for more than a month, so for the first time since the incident in Ren Jiancheng, I didn't feel any pain in my heart. It seemed that all the hatred was temporarily gone. The ones are far away from themselves, the windy and calm ones can spread their thoughts to the horizon.And under this kind of calm state of mind that is almost rare for her now, such thoughts began to appear in her mind unconsciously.

Which monster in Renjian City—the monster who killed his father and uncles, and then controlled his younger brother Amber to commit the crime of treason—is really the one who has been by my side for more than a month man?

In all fairness, apart from occupying her body forcibly, and always using all kinds of cruel words to stimulate himself, he really took good care of her.

Cracks suddenly appeared in the things that had been confirmed in her heart, and Coral couldn't help but began to have some doubts about all her actions so far. Fortunately, after more than a month of mental experience, her thinking has matured a lot. Soon calmed down again,

Even if such doubts were born, there was no major difference.I just thought about it silently, and when someone came back from nowhere, I said to him: "I want to go to a place.

"Okay." Anyway, there is no good direction for the time being, so he agreed without thinking about it.With that indifferent appearance, it was obvious that the man with high self-esteem was not at all worried that the girl who hated him would lead him into some trap.

After the request was agreed, Coral had a good understanding of the current situation. As a half-demon, Zizhi was too young to control her abilities well.Now if she wants to use her own power, she must rely on the blood jade coral, which is the red orb in her arms.

Zi Zhi, who inherited the blood of the Hundred Ghost Bat Clan, does have the ability to sense barriers, which he has already tested.However, it is a pity that the distance it can sense is still very limited.Basically, at present, two to 300 meters is almost the limit, but this distance is a test conducted by himself, and the enchantment used is also a half-made enchantment created by himself, which does not represent all situations.If it is the kind from the source city, it can include

If it is surrounded by a super huge barrier that wraps the entire city, perhaps the sensing range will be even wider.

Now that Shan Shan said that he still has places he wants to go, he didn't rush back to Inabayama Castle to find Norihide Nagai who didn't know if he changed his name.Although she misses Mrs. Shenfang there a little bit, Mrs. Ashe here is no worse than her at all.It's just a pity that the young girl who was imprisoned by monsters for half a year is very clingy to her mother.And it has the same special function, even in a deep sleep state, as long as you leave it for more than 5 minutes, you will automatically wake up and cry. Originally, a certain man would definitely not care about such things.But as a soft donkey who eats soft but not hard, after Axue softly begged with a completely obedient attitude, he didn't try to push his nose when he touched his nose.In any case, robbing a mother with a four-year-old girl is really a bit of a bargain, so Coral, who fell asleep for more than a day and woke up at night and was completely sleepless, just spent a day with him. In the evening, Mrs. Ashe, who had regained her daughter, came back to life completely.He was originally at a good age, but after listening to the movement all night, the eyes that looked at him the next day were full of

Moist and moist charm.It's just that the daughter in her arms tugged at her sleeves, and after she said in a thin voice that she was hungry, her moist eyes turned into helplessness and resentment.

In the eyes of a mother, a little desire is of course incomparable to that of a daughter.

It has never been a problem for him to find food that can satisfy his hunger in the mountains, and it is completely nonsense for him that a gentleman stays away from the kitchen and a man does not cook.Although Axue was quite apprehensive about the matter of adults cooking for herself, but after he said "I like it" as a matter of course, the smart woman stopped expressing any opinions on this matter, and He just kept praising the master for his excellent barbecue skills. Of course, this kind of praise is not against his will. In fact, his cooking skills are indeed very good.Any person with not too bad talent will naturally have considerable proficiency in doing one thing for dozens or hundreds of years, and this is especially true for him who is above the average level in all aspects. After using her terrifying allure to roast the fattest part of the wild boar, Ah Xue ate more than two catties of meat.long-term shrinking in his mother

Under the temptation of the meat skewers in his arms, Zizhi in his arms came out voluntarily, and for the first time after tasting this taste, he showed a happy smile.

After going out for a trip, he brought back two animals.After the ferocious wild boar is eaten, the excess part is made into jerky.The other docile doe has become the means of transportation for Axue's mother and daughter.After about four days of travelling, the four of them arrived at a ruined village.

When I first saw the ruins, I thought it was a coral that had evolved to the point where it would not be alarmed, but the whole person behaved as if it had been petrified, with an unbelievable look on its face.

Knowing that it came from nowhere, the sound like a tiny cat woke up the sluggish coral, and after screaming "mica", immediately jumped out of the grass on the right. A yellow hairball not much bigger than a palm.

Because he didn't carry any murderous aura and felt that it was something Coral was familiar with, he didn't make a move to stop it.Sure enough, after discovering this little thing, the coral opened its arms towards it, and after hugging it, it was discovered that it turned out to be a little thing with two

A Q-version cat with a fluffy tail.

It was supposed to be an ordinary domestic cat when it was born, but later it acquired demonic power due to various reasons and thus became a monster. Therefore, it has some congenital defects in intelligence.Although it doesn't feel weak, it hasn't turned into a human form either.

Mica..." Holding a cat that was slightly bigger than a man's palm, and looking at the exorcist's village that had been completely ruined, Coral's eyes were full of sadness. Especially after discovering that Mica didn't recognize herself After the enemy showed the slightest hostility, this kind of sadness became more intense. The extremely strong emotions once again shook Coral's heart, and once again felt a kind of heart-piercing pain. The girl walked over and hugged her. She hugged him, and then buried her head in the man's arms without saying a word.

At the beginning, it was just a vague feeling. When the little Q-version cat popped out again, combined with the performance of the coral before, how can we not understand that this is the hometown of coral.The whole village died so that she was the only one left, so it's no wonder that there was such a deep hatred as if the whole family had been killed.So it was rare that Jingran didn't say any sarcasm, and felt the woman's tears soaking the front of his chest

Afterwards, he just silently hugged her tighter and patted her on the back lightly.By doing this, Coral obviously solved the misunderstanding with him, so he didn't care about giving the other party a little comfort.

After hugging for a while, I felt the slight trembling of the person in my arms stopped, and asked aloud: "Is this the reason why you hate me?",

"Yeah..." As long as you can still cry, the problem will not be too big.Coral, who had calmed down quite a bit, raised her head from his arms, with a sad smile on her face: "It doesn't count if the whole family was killed, and you have been cheated for so long, isn't it stupid? 9" Who Haven't been stupid yet?There are too many stupid people in the world. He reached out his hand to wipe the tears on her face, and after a word of relief, he asked, "So now you know who your enemy is?" "

"People see Yin Dao..." The tenderness and weakness only lasted for a moment, and Shan Shan's eyes became fierce again.It was obviously not aimed at him, but somehow it made him feel a little weak in his heart. This means that Coral has grown up again. In other words, it can be regarded as the growth of a woman taught by himself.

It's so fast, I always feel that my mood is inexplicably complicated! Coral, who has figured out a lot of things, has a clear idea, so all the viciousness and lifelessness in the past have been swept away.After paying homage to his dead companion at the main entrance of the village, he greeted him and Axue's mother and daughter into the village.

"I can't bring them back to life, so I will definitely live a good life together with them." At the same time, he showed a sense of perseverance that made him feel a little admiration.

041 When one or two of the people around her are quite smart, Coral's sadness only lasted for a short time, and the whole person entered the working state.However, he thinks there is nothing wrong with this. Not showing sadness does not necessarily mean cold-blooded, and sometimes it is true that the deceased is remembered in his heart. As she said, living a good life by oneself is better than doing anything. Be worthy of those old friends.

Of course, he believes that corals will not be purely or simply.At least that person who doesn't know who sees Yindao, Coral will definitely look for it sooner or later.

The exorcist's village has been destroyed to a disastrous state, but Coral still sorted out two less damaged houses in such ruins.After the two of them cleaned up together with Ashe, the place became habitable. It took Zizhi, who had gotten to know the two people other than her mother for a long time, gradually restored the vivacity that a little girl of this age should have.The two women were cleaning inside, and the man played games with the little girl outside.

I often hear people say that smart dogs have the intelligence of a three- or four-year-old child.If you think about it from the opposite direction, there should be nothing wrong with thinking that a three- or four-year-old child has the same intelligence as a smart dog.So in order to verify whether this statement is true, he played a fairly simple game with Zizhi outside.

When Shan Shan came out of the house, he saw him throwing the blood jade coral aside, letting Zi Zhi run over to pick it up for him, and then he threw it out again.The two of them kept repeating this simple game, but Zizhi didn't feel unhappy at all. Instead, she ran back and forth exhilaratingly. As a mother, Axue watched from the side, and she didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with this, just A happy and satisfied smile appeared on his face.On the contrary, Coral walked over angrily and snatched the treasure of the Hundred Ghost Bat Clan that he was about to throw out again, and then slapped him on the back of the head.The staring eyes clearly said: Are you so attractive to children?

When men introduce children, they often think that it is good to be happy, but women always like to give them up as their ancestors.So, amidst the staring eyes between him and Zi Zhi, Shan Shan led the ignorant young girl to the side


Feeling confused, he rubbed the back of his head.It's hard to understand why a girl who was respectful to herself a while ago, has undergone such a big change in such a short period of time.It's just that when he threw him into his arms and cried, he didn't utter a word of ridicule. If he was treated with a little gentleness, he would be on the edge of Jiewa?

However, he just stood up and was about to ask for an explanation, but he didn't expect that Coral, who was talking and laughing with Zizhi not long ago, looked over here as if he felt his gaze at this moment.Without saying a word, as soon as he opened his eyes, a fierce look was thrown over him.What's even more amazing is that, for no reason, he felt a little guilty, as if he really did something wrong, and he really stopped in the corner of his eyes under Shan Shan's stare. Suddenly, from the corner of her eye, she glanced at Axue who was covering her mouth and smiling, and suddenly she became a little angry from embarrassment.So he walked over quickly, slapped her on the buttocks in the surprised eyes of the young woman, then picked her up in the middle of her moist and sad eyes, and walked away Go into the room you just tidied up.

Not long after, there was the soft cry of a young woman, and quickly

It quickly transformed into a gasp she was familiar with.It made Coral spat lightly outside, and then dragged Zi Zhi, who didn't understand anything, a little farther away.

In terms of physical fitness, Shan Shan felt that Axue must be inferior to herself.But there are some things that are so strange, she is obviously a weak woman with no strength to restrain her chicken, but she is different from herself, after being tossed by someone for most of the afternoon, she can still come out with a radiant face and do this with full of energy do that.Instead, someone was yawning, with a listless and lazy look, as if all the energy had been sucked away by A Xue.

Of course, everyone in this world has different talents. For example, Coral’s bravery can never be learned by Ashue, but when it comes to how to use the softness of women to deal with the conquest of men


In fact, Mrs. Ashe is taller than Coral, not only because the so-called ruler is longer, but the inch is shorter.Such a discovery suddenly made Coral, who was playing with Zizhi, think whether she should also learn from Mrs. Ashe. Zizhi, who was still young, fell asleep after playing tired. The man was experimenting on the side. with their new stew, two women

Whispering and whispering next to the sleeping young girl.

Shy corals are very rare.At least in the more than a month since we met, I have seen various states of corals, but I have never seen them shyly.The topic of really wanting to know what to do can make her show such an expression, so it is only natural that she is curious and wants to go over and discuss together. Maybe she can catch some of Coral's weaknesses during this conversation.As a result, before he walked over, he was rejected with disgusting eyes.

Under his thick skin, he ignored the slight damage of sight.Pretending not to see them, she walked between the two of them. The coral was as motionless as a mountain, but Ah Xue voluntarily stepped aside.He sat down unceremoniously, but before he could say anything else, Coral was about to pull Axue away, a man who would show his dominance sometimes, and of course he would not let the exorcism girl challenge herself casually The authority is just as the saying goes, one can be two and no three times. Seeing Coral leaving with Axue, he immediately stretched out his left hand to wrap around Axue's waist, and then guided the docile young lady to sit on the left thigh. Then, the right hand Pulling the coral fills the gap on the other side.The coral immediately twisted twice angrily, of course it didn't

If you move too hard, you will definitely not be able to break free from the man's embrace.

Maybe it was some noises from here that woke up the sleeping Zizhi Rourou. After rubbing his eyes, he saw the man who was enjoying the blessings of everyone hugging him left and right.

The innocent young girl doesn't think there is anything wrong with this. In the child's mind, it is a matter of course for close people to hug each other.It's just that he was dissatisfied that the three of them hugged each other but left her alone, so he ran to his side with his mouth pouting.After crawling into his arms with both hands and feet, he found a more comfortable position and shrunk his body, then with a satisfied smile on his face, he continued to wake up from the tiredness that he hadn't slept enough. Helpless.With two mature women, both physically and psychologically, no matter how crazy he is, he won't have any psychological burden. But with a little girl who is more than four years old and less than five years old, things will be complicated again. It's different.

After Ah Xue saw the helpless expression, a faint smile was bred on her face.Then the smile quickly spread to the face of Coral on the other side, and without much effort, Coral stood up from his arms and threw down a provocative look, the twist became more and more serious

With a mature and charming waist, it feels like running to scout today's dinner... It's like a dream. With the time left for the two of us, the teenage young woman gently stroked her daughter's soft hair.The red flames were imprinted on her face, and the beautiful expression was a little ecstatic, which made people daydream: "It would be great if I could dream longer." A soft smile, beautiful enough to make any man make a promise for her. all promises.

However, just as I opened my mouth, I was stopped by a gentle shaking of the side face against my chest.

"Actually, I know that we are not people from the same world, right?" The status we are in, the things we do, the problems we think about, and the problems we encounter are all different things.She didn't have much knowledge, nor did she have much knowledge, but the woman noticed the difference between the two sides with her innate intuition. She clearly knew what A Xue said, but he still said: "It can't be said completely... …at least now in the same place.”9

"Well, but I know you can't be with me all the time

around. Just as he said it, he smiled and shook his head again, "I'm wrong, it's impossible for me to be by your side all the time.Even if you are willing to take in Ashe


"So, let Axue lean in now," she said, "until you find a place to settle Axue.


It's understandable why many men don't like smart women.Because in front of them, most men with good face can hardly guarantee that they can maintain a sense of superiority.

Coral, who had seen through some things, lost her absolute attachment to him, and Axue, who had also seen through some things, no longer maintained that attachment to him.When I changed from a very important person to a status that doesn't matter even if I don't have it, it is inevitable that I will have such a faint feeling of injury, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable. When a woman shows that she does not match her ability After the magnanimity and relief, the only thing left to the man is why he can't even do the simple thing of "keep her by my side" and has doubts about his ability. human woman wants to find

It is not an easy task to find a place where you can spend the rest of your life smoothly.It might be okay if she looks uglier, but with Ah Xue's appearance, in a human city, the biggest possibility is that she will be married by a famous name and become a concubine.As for Zizhi, it is basically impossible for her to survive. Coral stayed in her village for two days. Other than that, after sorting out some luggage, mainly including some weapons and clothing, and starting the journey again, I walked from Echizen to Echihou without any clue. After wandering around like headless flies for more than half a month, I couldn't find where the source city was. , and did not find a place that could truly accept Axue's mother and daughter.It's just that neither Axue nor Zizhi seem to have any aversion to this feeling of wandering, and instead regard it as a rare trip in life.

The rest of the team didn't think about the future, and all the problems were naturally for him to think about. The original purpose was actually to find Reimu, and he certainly didn't forget that.Now it seems that all the available methods have been used, and there is still no clue.I was wondering if it was bad

It's time again soon, I should go back to see Brother Nagai, and ask him if there is any new progress there, and it is very unfortunate that I just felt the breath of the fragments of the jade of the four souls, and then came on a mountain.

When I met a beautiful woman in black casual clothes, I immediately felt that the other party was not simple.Carrying an exquisite bamboo basket, as if he came here to collect wild vegetables, but whether it is the dress or the book-like temperament, it means that the other party should definitely not be doing this kind of thing. After hearing the noise here , the other party looked over here.

At first glance, she didn't seem to be a peerless beauty, but when she came to her senses, she found that she seemed to have been unconsciously attracted to her for a long time.However, it's not a trick.

As if he was very surprised by the encounter with himself and the others, what the other party showed at the beginning was also surprised.The faint expression change on that face seemed to be a wave of ripples stirred up by stones, and soon disappeared.Not long after, on both sides, the other party took the initiative to strike up a conversation: "It's been a long time since I saw a stranger, I don't know how many times?"

Where did the bits come from?Where do you want to go? Waking up from the other party's voice, he was surprised that he would be so Ruiyi lost his mind, while quickly checking his physical condition, he asked one by one: "But I don't know, where is this place?" "If the route in my impression is correct, then the location where I and others are now should be the Echigo area. When it comes to Echigo, the most famous one is naturally known as the dragon of Echigo, the military god Uesugi Kenshin The Kasuga mountain city in Kasuga. Kenshin Uesugi’s true gender aside, there is a history that can be tested, but there is a sister who is said to be a rare beauty in the world. Later, her son inherited the position of Kenshin Uesugi. But I don’t know if it’s this place in front of me?” It seems that such a question is rarely asked, the woman on the opposite side showed a slightly thoughtful look, then tilted her head and said, “If I remember seems to be It's called... Boli Mountain

042 The so-called Monster City didn't feel different when I first saw it. It was clearly thinking with a serious face, but it looked a little uncertain, but I don't know why, but it made people feel a little cute.Such a woman appeared alone in the deep mountains. She should have immediately thought of all kinds of illusioned monsters, but miraculously, she didn't think about it at all.

Women are beautiful, especially with that temperament.However, no idea came up.This kind of feeling is somewhat similar to when I saw Lingmeng at the beginning. Human beings are a kind of magical creatures that can behave in many ways.For example, when facing the same kind, there is often a big difference in what they show.Not only does it depend on a person's own mind, but a large part also depends on what kind of person he is facing.

It is precisely because of this that when he meets Coral, he becomes a bit evil and vicious; when facing Axue, he shows a bit of warmth and gentleness.Until now, it may be because the person on the other side is so pure that when he faced her, he didn't have any other feelings.

Thinking and faintly, there seems to be a feeling of talking to the elders.

It is obvious that the other party is only 24 or 25 years old. "Really, when I get older, I don't remember some things very well." When a woman who looks like she is no more than [-] years old says such words, no matter who listens I'm afraid there will be a sense of disobedience, but he thinks it's very suitable, but the other party didn't wait for the few people here to comment on her words, and soon came over as if they had discovered something strange .Then, looking at Zizhi who was held in Ah Xue's arms, a look of nostalgia appeared in the dark eyes: This blood jade... really, it's a memory that has been quite a long time ago... I didn't expect it to be so many years However, there are still reservations outside. She stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to touch it. Seeing the stranger, Zizhi shrank back into her mother's arms. The woman in black clothes immediately noticed the light gray hair A young girl with black eyes. She was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "This a half-demon? "Oh, yes."

"I thought..." the woman in black said so, then glanced at the man next to her.After Ah Xue noticed this, her expression darkened slightly.Before she could say "Axue doesn't have this blessing", the woman in black immediately took back the sentence "It's his child" and said instead: "In this way, the master of my family also has children. It's a half-demon. Don't look at me like this, I can be regarded as a mother who has raised several children. It will be very difficult if I take care of the children alone." Feeling the kindness of the other party, Ah Xue said with a smile

"It was before, but it's much better now." He smiled at him while speaking, the meaning of which was self-evident.Instead, he touched his nose, feeling a little embarrassed.

To be honest, from the initial plan to the subsequent actions, he actually didn't do much for this woman.At most, they brought her out of that village, and in order to find Yuancheng, they snatched Zizhi, who happened to be her daughter's half-demon, from the hands of Hundred Ghost Bats, and then gave them nothing. It's just a promise that you know can't be fulfilled.

Perhaps for Ashe, this is considered a kind of salvation, but for him, it is not worthy of such gratitude

"Since it's rare to come here, why don't you come and sit at my house." After a brief chat with Axue, the unknown woman invited, "Although I am a ignorant person, the owner is quite knowledgeable. Don't dare to exaggerate, but there is no place on Yingzhou Island that he hasn't been to. I don't think these people seem to be ordinary people. If you come here for a purpose, chatting with him must be rewarding So Shan Shan and A Xue turned their eyes to him, waiting for the man to make a final decision, after a little thought, he smiled and said, "That's it, I'm sorry to bother you." The woman, whose name is Hei Ji.Since age is one of the biggest secrets for women, I didn't introduce that she was married and had a son, but the tone seemed to have passed away.

In this day and age, the death of a young child is actually a very common thing.

Mrs. Heiji's husband's family should be in very good conditions. Just by looking at her demeanor, you can tell that she cannot be cultivated by ordinary people.And in this age of being extremely well-matched, a man who can be worthy of her must also have all the status, status and ability.Such a person, naturally not in history

will be nameless.

While recalling the history of the Warring States Period in his memory, and guessing which famous and wise general from Echigo during the Warring States Period, he asked tactfully about the identity of the host.Hei Ji then told that due to some accidents in the family some time ago, a younger sister who was loved by the master had a very stiff fight with him because of her position. Later, some things happened, and there were many things that went wrong in the war. , In the end, the host family has no mind to take care of things now, and just messes around for a few days every day.These days happened to be with her, so I thought about going out to pick some wild vegetables and cook some delicious things, but unexpectedly I met them.

Generally speaking, the vast majority of women in this era follow the moral behavior standard of marrying a chicken and following the chicken, marrying a dog and following the dog.It is rare, but it is not completely impossible for the original family and the married family to fall out.It's just that in this way, it is even more impossible to guess the identity of the other party.

Because of conflicts with his wife, he ignored political affairs. If he had read such an interesting story, he should not forget it.

While thinking, he followed Mrs. Heiji down the narrow mountain path, and soon saw a not-so-small

Surrounded by mountains, it should be regarded as the terrain of the basin.And there, there is a villa-like place surrounded by a wooden fence, and several small buildings are built inside, which should be the place where Mrs. Heiji lives. After walking in, I saw a few pieces of reclamation It's not a big field, and some common crops are planted.There were some chickens and ducks in the fence, but no pigs or dogs were seen.Going deeper, you can see a man and a woman playing Go around a stone table.Mrs. Heiji said that a guest was coming, and both of them raised their heads and looked towards this side. This is the host's house. "The lady with a bamboo basket stood next to the man and introduced, and said that they were travelers who strayed into this place, and they seemed to be looking for something, so she said that she was going to prepare dinner and felt confused. The 30-year-old man looked at himself a few more times, and when Mrs. Hei Ji disappeared, he said to the woman sitting opposite him, "You did it, right? ,"

"Look at what you said." The gorgeous woman with brilliant blond hair opened the folding fan in her hand to cover half of her cheeks, but a smile could be heard in her words, "Why should you blame someone who is destined to come in? Concubine?,"

He listened to such a few conversations, and suddenly seemed to understand something.No wonder I couldn't think of such an existence in the history of the Warring States Period. The annals of the Warring States Period that only recorded human history would naturally not include everything that happened in this era.After realizing that he couldn't see through the reality of the man opposite him at all, he became more certain in his heart.So, with some guesswork, I asked:

"Dare to ask, is this the source city?" The blond and beautiful woman just glanced at this side, and then continued to focus on the chess game, apparently not intending to answer his question.Correspondingly, the middle-aged man looked a little absent-minded, and said, "So what, so what? point.

Mrs. Heiji said that the owner of her house is the lord of the land, so if this is the source city, then the identity of the man is ready to be revealed.However, judging from this tone, it seems that the other party's initial affection for him is not very good

"Don't dare to lie to the elder." As a result, he immediately showed a wry smile.Of course, this is not pretending, but from the heart: "I came here to find someone

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