Su Yi briefly talked about Walter and Scott's information, a thief and a thief.

Yelena didn't know what to say.

However, being a security company does require some professional advice from thieves.

"I think it's okay, let's wait until we meet them."

"Okay then, I'll arrange it."


After breakfast, I went to my own business.

Su Yi went to school as usual, and took the time to contact Walter and talk about it.

Walter was taken advantage of by Su Yi, so he could only agree.

Speaking of which, this job is actually quite suitable for Walter.

As for Scott, Su Yi used the artificial intelligence sent by Tony to investigate, but the result is that he is still in jail, and he won't be able to get out for a while.

Su Yi was a little speechless, and could only see if he could find a lawyer to fish Scott out.

If it doesn't work, then he can only stay in it.

Unable to find Scott, Su Yi decided to bring in some of Scott's friends first.

Su Yi sent the materials and information to Yelena, and Yelena took care of the rest.

Su Yi has been wandering outside for several days, so it's time to take care of the family.

Su Yi and Gwen strolled through the campus together and were about to go home together.

Walking towards her was a tall blonde beauty who looked very hot.

Almost in front of Su Yi, suddenly there was a fall on the ground.

The whole person fell towards Su Yi.

Both Su Yi and Gwen were quick-responsive, but Gwen didn't make a move, but let Su Yi follow the beauty.

The beauty seemed to be in shock, and lay in Su Yi's arms.

It wasn't until Su Yi helped him up that the other party reacted.

"I'm really sorry, there seems to be something wrong with my high heels just now."

"It's ok."

Su Yi looked at this beauty with a strange look in his eyes.

During the brief contact, Su Yi had a strange feeling.

To be precise, it is intuition.

The identity of this beautiful woman does not seem to be simple.

But the strange thing is that Su Yi didn't feel any strange energy from the other party.

Su Yi suddenly had a guess that the beauty in front of him might be a mutant.

"Thank you so much, I still have something to do now, otherwise, I will buy you a cup of coffee."

"you are welcome."

The beauty was very persistent, "My name is Lucy, can I leave a contact information? I'll treat you to coffee another day."

Su Yi didn't know the other party's purpose, so he decided to agree.

"Of course, my name is Su Yi, and this is my girlfriend Gwen Stacy."


"Your girlfriend is so beautiful."

After Lucy and Su Yi exchanged contact information, they left directly.

Su Yi was still guessing the identity of this beautiful woman, Gwen said, "I feel that this woman is a bit strange."

"I think so too, but I didn't detect energy fluctuations from her. It might be a mutant, a non-energy mutant."

"Mutant? What is her purpose in contacting you?"

"I don't know for now."

If the other party is a mutant, if you contact yourself in this way, there are nine out of ten people who are not on Professor X's side.

Su Yi thought for a while, and thought of a person, Mystique Ruiwen.

Mystique Riven can transform into other people, and can even pass iris authentication, so it is difficult to detect the abnormality.

Unfortunately, she was facing Su Yi and Gwen.

"I probably guessed who it was."

"who is it?"

"Mystique Raven,."

Gwen had never heard of the name at all, and had no other information.

"Then what is her purpose?"

Su Yi couldn't figure it out either, so he just gave up.

"Now that you know her identity, let's show the cards directly, contact her, and ask her directly."

Su Yi called directly, and the call was connected quickly.

"Hello, handsome guy. We just separated, do you miss me?"

"Is your girlfriend still around?"

Su Yi didn't hide anymore, "Mystique Ruiwen, I think we should have a cup of coffee and talk about your purpose."

When Ruiwen heard that Su Yi had exposed her true identity, she also chose to have a showdown.

"Mysterious Spider-Man, Su Yi, I also know your identity."

"I think we can indeed talk about your purpose!"

Ruiwen deliberately revealed Su Yi's identity and showed her hole cards.

"Okay, we'll wait for you at the coffee shop."

Mystique hung up the phone, turned her head and walked towards the school gate.

Chapter 180

In the coffee shop, Su Yi and Gwen quietly waited for the figure of Mystique Ruiwen.

Speaking of which, the last time I met Loki was here.

Unexpectedly, now, I saw Mystique Ruiwen again.

Su Yi was still looking forward to the original appearance of Mystique Ruiwen, and even thought about adding Mystique Ruiwen to the confidant group.

After all, Mystique's transformation ability can change into various appearances.

Owning a Mystique is equivalent to having countless beauties.

It's exciting to think about being able to change your appearance every day.

Although Su Yi doesn't have any special hobbies, if Mystique's original purple appearance is also very beautiful, it seems quite charming.

Su Yi was imagining that Mystique Ruiwen walked into the coffee shop as before.

Although the mutants have gained the support of some people, Mystique still doesn't dare to blatantly show her original shape and act like this in broad daylight.

Not only because of his appearance, it is easy to be recognized.

It is because Mystique Ruiwen has been active all these years, wandering in the gray area, and even has a lot of behaviors that are not crossed.

If these things are exposed, then Mystique Raven will definitely be arrested.

Ruiwen entered the coffee shop, glanced around, and immediately found Su Yi's figure.

He went straight to Su Yi and sat down.

Ruiwen crossed her long legs and went straight to the topic, "I don't think we need to introduce ourselves anymore?"

"Need not."

"I heard from Charles that you came up with these ideas. I want to know, what is your purpose?"

Riven, like Professor X and Magneto, are all fighting for mutants.

It's just that the three of them have different ideas and experiences, and a lot of grievances and entanglements have arisen.

"I have no purpose, I just want to help mutants. Let them have fair treatment and live a normal life."

Raven didn't believe it, but she didn't completely deny it either.

"Are you a mutant too?"

Su Yi shook his head, "No, I'm not. However, I have friends who are mutants."

When Professor X directly pointed out Magneto's plan, it aroused Ruiwen's suspicion.

Later, after failing to catch the little rascal, Professor X revealed his new plan.

Ruiwen felt that the person behind all this was very important.

After collecting information and following up for so many days, Ruiwen finally confirmed the existence and identity of Su Yi.

According to the investigation, Ruiwen also knew that Su Yi and Qin Grei had a very close relationship.

At the same time, Su Yi was still with the little naughty, and there was an ulterior secret behind it.

A friend, maybe a girlfriend?

In this way, it seems that Su Yi has no reason to harm mutants.

However, Raven is not sure yet.

The only thing she can be sure of is that Su Yi's methods will make the situation of mutants more difficult.

"Do you really think that these methods of yours can make the situation of mutants better?"

Su Yi could only confess, "To be honest, I'm not sure either."

"The contradiction between mutants and ordinary people is not a simple math problem, and there is a definite answer."

"This complex issue will take time and be troublesome to deal with."

"Other accidents in the middle may lead to different results."

Ruiwen absolutely agrees with this.

The difference is that Su Yi remains optimistic about the future results.

As for Ruiwen, she didn't think there would be any good results if she did so.

"You haven't experienced it, and you don't know what these people will do."

Raven's original mutant partners, except for Professor X, Magneto, and Beast, all others seem to be dead.

The deaths of these people must be related to those ambitious officials.

"I really haven't experienced it, but I can guess some."

"So, I don't think Professor X or Magneto's method will work."

"Blindly retreating and forbearance like Professor X will only make an ambitious man like Stryker act recklessly."

"It is even more unrealistic to be determined to fight against the entire world like Magneto, which will bring incalculable consequences."

"Ordinary people and mutants are not eternal enemies."

Of course Ruiwen knew that Su Yi's words were correct.

Ruiwen knew better that this was just a theory.

"In reality, there are too many blind and ignorant people."

"Now, they recognize mutants."

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