"Once the recognition of mutants is not in line with the mainstream and not in their interests, they will not hesitate to change their minds."

Su Yi said with a smile, "So, it's not just them, you can do the same."

"Not using the method of telepathy, but using other normal methods to guide these blind and ignorant people."

Ruiwen's eyes widened, can she still play like this?

Manipulate the discussion, and then influence the thoughts of ordinary people.

It seems that it is not impossible.

Others can black mutants, so mutants can also find ways to spread some news that is beneficial to mutants.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi's thick eyebrows and big eyes' methods are really disgusting.

Riven's purpose was just to test Su Yi's purpose.

After testing, Ruiwen could feel that Su Yi didn't want to harm the mutants.

Su Yi's views on mutants are also very common, and he doesn't treat them specially.

The solution to the mutant problem is not something that can be proposed casually.

These all show one thing, Su Yi has really thought about it.

If you don't really care, you won't spend so much thought at all.

In fact, Su Yi really didn't think about it that much, but suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

It's just some simple buff stacking methods, plus the fan circle method.

"Your approach is too idealistic."

"However, I can basically confirm that your idea is not to hurt mutants, and that is enough."

"I have to go."

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, the conversation had just started for a while, why did he leave?

It didn't look like Ruiwen was very angry.

"Is this about to leave?"

"I don't know your purpose yet."

Ruiwen leaned over in front of Su Yi, and the two were very close.

At this moment, Su Yi could clearly feel Ruiwen's breath.

Most importantly, Gwen was on the sidelines.

"My purpose, I hope you can help mutants."

Su Yi did not hesitate and agreed.

Both Qin and Anna are mutants, and an accident with a mutant will definitely affect them, and Su Yi will never sit idly by.

"I'll do my best to help."

Immediately afterwards, Ruiwen's face began to change.

The skin turned purple and the eyes changed color.

This face is extremely natural and beautiful, with a different kind of charm.

Su Yi looked at this face, and it seemed that it was better looking than his eldest cousin.

Just when Su Yi was slightly dazed, Ruiwen kissed her lightly.

"This is your reward."

"I wonder if you are satisfied?"

Su Yi was speechless, he was teased, and it was still in front of Gwen.

Su Yi glanced at Gwen out of the corner of his eye, and Gwen must have noticed it.

Raven left immediately, "I hope you don't mind, Miss Stacy."

Gwen turned a deaf ear and seemed very generous, "I won't mind."

Ruiwen was about to leave, Su Yi stopped Ruiwen, "Where are you going?"

"The most likely place for something to happen."

Ruiwen turned around and left gracefully, with her long legs, she disappeared.

Chapter 181 Lorna Gets Out of Prison

Mutant Prison in the North.

Mutants are all wearing collars developed to suppress their abilities.

At this moment, the mutants are letting loose.

And there are extremely strict walls all around, and there are a large number of jailers.

These jailers are all heavily armed and may open fire at any time.

For mutants, even if their abilities are suppressed, they dare not underestimate them.


In the warden's office, an assistant asked, "Warden, the reporters have already surrounded us, are we going to release him?"

The trial is over, and mutant prisons are in the spotlight.

In a short time, it will be time to agree to release the mutants.

Warden Reed Strucker stood in front of the window, looking into the distance, "Is the release list ready?"

"Ready, here is the list."

Strack turned around and took the list, and after a brief glance, he didn't take it seriously.

"Warden, there is one more person, this is the person Colonel Stryker wants."

Strack remembered that there was such a person.

This person's ability seems to be to control objects.

Struker didn't know why Stryker named such a mutant.

"Shall we keep her with Colonel Stryker?"

Strucker was lost in thought.

Handing over this person to Stryker, Stryker doesn't seem to be doing him any good.

If you don't hand over this person to Stryker, Stryker can't help himself.

"Let it go, if Stryker wants it, let him catch it himself."

Struker did not give people to Stryker, because what Stryker did was even more cruel.

Once the transaction between the two is discovered, his situation will be even more dangerous.

And let people out, if Stryker wants to, he can only catch them himself.

"Let go?"

Strack confirmed again, "Release, everyone on the list is released!"

Strack also has plans of his own.

Once the mutants make trouble again, it will definitely attract the attention of many people.

At that time, there will definitely be many people calling for restrictions on mutants.

In this way, he can imprison mutants openly and aboveboard.


In the prison, the mutants are letting loose and moving freely on the playground.

Lorna, with green hair, was locked in not long ago.

But because of his outstanding looks, he quickly gained fame among the mutants and jailers.

Of course, appearance did not stop the jailer from torturing Lorna.

There are even jailers who want to take advantage of the opportunity to do something wrong.

In the end, he was discovered by the warden and stopped this behavior.

Lorna is here and doesn't have any friends yet.

I can only walk alone alone, and I overheard a few people chatting by chance.

"I heard a few jailers chatting yesterday. They said that some mutants might be released."

"Really? It's completely impossible. How could these people let us go easily?"

"Jerry, your jokes are not funny at all."

The man named Jerry said, "I swear, it's true. I haven't heard any specific reasons, but it seems to be due to external pressure."

"So, Jerry, is that why they beat you up yesterday? Because you overheard the news?"

Everyone laughed and didn't believe Jerry's words at all.

This will let them out unless God shows up.

After entering, these people all realized one thing.

Up to the warden and down to the jailers, everyone likes to torture them.

How could these people let them go?

Just as they dispersed, the warden's assistant appeared with a group of jailers.

A whistle sounded, attracting the attention of all mutants.

"Assemble! Assembly!"

The jailer appeared, which was not a good thing for the mutants.

All the mutants looked at these people with resentful eyes, cursing softly.

Although very dissatisfied, they could only obey orders and gather in front of these jailers.

The assistant took out a list, "Those whose names I can read, stand over here."

The mutants looked at each other, wondering what the assistant had planned.

At this moment, they have no strength to resist at all, and can only be slaughtered.

A person is named, and Lorna is among them.

Lorna didn't know what plans these people had, and silently observed all this.

As for the mutants who were named, there were a lot of them, about [-]% to [-]% of them.

These mutants didn't know the specific situation, and felt uneasy.

Finally, a more courageous one popped up and asked questions directly.

"What are you going to do to us?"

The assistant said impatiently, "Come with us, you will know later."

Although some people were very dissatisfied, they could only be forced to return to the cell under the pressure of the jailer.

"Go get your own things back, and then, you are free!"

Everyone found it unbelievable that they were really released.

Lorna heard what Jerry said before, and thought it was fake.

Unexpectedly, he actually regained his freedom.

Although the time here was short, she suffered a lot of torture. Lorna didn't want to stay any longer.

Originally, Lorna pinned her hopes on her own inexperienced abilities.

Hoping to break out one day and allow myself to escape from here.

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