But the weather forecast deceived An Lan.

Destroy her achievements once.

If she knew it was going to rain, she would definitely protect it with a rain cloth.

But An Lan was careless when the final victory was in his hands.

The city is like a Songkran festival today.

Many, many people went out without umbrellas and became drowned.

The rain came so suddenly that people were caught off guard.

An Lan was not alone in looking at the weather forecast with suspicion.

Many people think so, and the bad-tempered ones directly yell at the weather forecast for rubbish, and they can't even predict the weather accurately! ?

As the instigator of this incident, Zhou Han.

Walking on the road this morning, I didn't dare to breathe out.

He walked cowardly on the side of the road with an umbrella in his hand, sighing secretly that he had played too much this time.

Many people covered their heads with things indiscriminately because of the rain, and ran in a panic.

Facing the envious eyes of many people, Zhou Han was very embarrassed.

After all, if he didn't change the weather forecast, this group of people wouldn't have to run around in a panic and get soaked.

Zhou Hanan swallowed his saliva.

Holding an umbrella, leaning against the wall, bowed his head and walked fiercely.

Zhou Han didn't want others to look at him.


I'm sorry.

Chapter 310 The Result of the Sixth Victory

Zhou Han walked on the streets of the campus like a thief.

From time to time, someone would cast envious glances at him.

Because on the long street, only Zhou Han was holding an umbrella, looking very comfortable.

A normal person should have a sense of superiority at a time like this.

But Zhou Han was very embarrassed and embarrassed.

Because of this sudden incident, he was the instigator.

The poor weather station took the blame for Zhou Han this time, and suffered countless scoldings.

The staff at the weather station were also confused.

Obviously, the final weather result was obtained after careful calculation based on the meteorological cloud map transmitted by the satellite.

Why is it wrong?

The weather station has had no false alarms for many years.

But this time the boat capsized in the gutter.

Zhou Han looked at the very down-and-out crowd in front of him, and felt embarrassed in his heart.

In order to avoid the rain, many students raised their schoolbags to cover their heads, and trotted, feeling flustered.

Most of the people didn't care about their image, they took a spacewalk and went straight to the teaching building, the ties around their necks fluttering like flags.

Girls can still be a little more reserved, and they don't waste their skirts when running, and they are naked.

But they had weeping expressions on their faces, obviously upset by the sudden autumn rain.

Zhou Han silently lowered his umbrella, not to look at them.

Because the more he saw how defeated this group of people was, the more he felt a little guilty.

Fortunately, Miyazaki Airi left very early because of class affairs.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it's hard to escape the embarrassment.

Zhou Han looked down at the rain-soaked ground and fell silent for a moment.

Because he recalled that he was like this group of embarrassed people a few times.

Put the schoolbag on the top of the head, run like a fool in the pouring rain, don't look back, don't look at others.

Perhaps at that time, other people's gazes were exactly the same as my own at this time.

Very dazzling, very scorching.

Like contempt, laughing at himself.

Make yourself feel...disgusted.

No one is willing to be the laughing stock of others.

Even if there is, it is inevitable that there will be deep helplessness in my heart.

"Evil master, you raised your head?!"

Elizabeth's voice rang in her mind.

"Why do I have to look up?" Zhou Han was speechless.

"Now is your chance to show your sense of superiority and ridicule these little bitches." Elizabeth said confidently.

"What's your state of mind?" Zhou Han asked with his face turning dark.

"Hmm...you look at these little bastards who have become soaked chickens, don't you...are you happy?" Elizabeth asked tentatively, and made a serious nonsense.

"Why should my happiness be built on the pain of others?" Zhou Han was very helpless, unable to understand what Elizabeth was thinking.

"Isn't that what normal people should think?" Elizabeth asked back.

"Please, can you stop thinking so badly of me? Instead of feeling happy, I feel a little embarrassed instead." Zhou Han couldn't help but ask back.

"Hmm... You're really boring~, so many people were rained, isn't it thanks to you? Now your heart has become kinder, is it fake?"

"It's killing you..."

Elizabeth chuckled lightly and stopped talking.

Zhou Han sighed silently, feeling helpless in his heart.

Actually he wasn't telling the truth.

Seeing others so devastated, Zhou Han felt an imperceptible joy in his heart.

I'm afraid this is the dark side that everyone has, gloating about other people's misfortune, and it generally exists deep in the hearts of many people.

A black Audi private car slowly parked at the gate of Jinteng Academy.

A beautiful leg wrapped in black silk on the middle tube touched the ground first, and the absolute whiteness evokes one's imagination.

Lin Nianwei got out of the car under her umbrella.

She looked up at the drowsy, slightly oppressed sky.

Lin Nianwei frowned her elegant eyebrows, wondering why it was raining today, even though the weather forecast did not say that there would be rain.

She is in a bad mood because she doesn't like the rainy weather.

The damp air always makes her very uncomfortable.

In addition, Lin Nianwei's health is not very good, and the bad weather often makes her catch a cold.

The rain indicates many things, the most obvious result is that An Lan's plan has failed.

Although the "open-air stage" was originally a good suggestion, it can heat up the atmosphere of the scene.

But in rainy weather, this suggestion becomes the biggest loophole and is irreversible.

No one will go to an open-air stage performance on a rainy day unless they have a problem with their brains.

An Lan's fiasco was already absolute.

Lin Nianwei knew about these things when she saw the rain outside.

She couldn't help but wonder what would happen in today's emergency meeting of the student union?

Su Xiaowei has already prepared everything, and the power of the student union will be re-centralized in her hands.

Lin Nianwei felt that Su Xiaomai's luck was very good, as if the gods were helping her on purpose.

She has some knowledge of the student union's financial situation because she needs to help plan the relationship to close the financial loophole.

According to Lin Nianwei's speculation, Su Xiaomai's drastic action was not absolute, and there was still a little room for a comeback.

As long as the existing funds are used reasonably, An Lan can complete the stage.

Facts have proved that it is true.

But the rain completely crushed An Lan, leaving no chance of a comeback.

After spending the past few days with Su Xiaowei, Lin Nianwei felt that she, who was as cunning as a fox, would not make such a low-level mistake.

No matter how you think about it, it doesn't make sense to leave An Lan with a chance to make a comeback.

Lin Nianwei had no choice but to make a bold guess in her heart——

Su Xiaomai deliberately gave An Lan a chance.

From the very beginning, she planned two outcomes: An Lan's success, or An Lan's failure.

Everything Lin Nianwei and Zhou Han did was based on the premise of An Lan's failure, and they made a series of compensation plans.

And An Lan's successful plan...Su Xiaomai had already completed it.

Because when An Lan chose to cut expenses in a large area and became a public enemy, she had already fallen into Su Xiaowei's trap.

Su Xiaomai's goal was to get An Lan out of school.

Facing the situation of being hated by so many people, An Lan had no choice but to transfer to another school.

So in this turbulent student union battle, Su Xiaomai had already won, smiling and looking at An Lan who had become a defeated dog with a victor's attitude.

An Lan's success or failure is not important to Su Xiaomai.

It's just that if An Lan fails, it will be icing on the cake and more perfect.

As for why Su Xiaomai wanted to leave an escape route for An Lan?

Lin Nianwei herself couldn't figure it out.

There must be something hidden.

Maybe Su Xiaomai planned to let An Lan win her in a real sense before leaving school.

In this way, neither of them will have any regrets.


God was not on An Lan's side.

Lin Nianwei sighed, propped up the transparent umbrella, and prepared to leave.

But Father Lin's voice sounded from behind.

"Girl, I heard that your school has a Mid-Autumn Festival party in the afternoon, do you need me to come?"

Chapter 310 Seventh Lin Nianwei's Black History

Facing his father's question, Lin Nianwei hesitated for a moment.


"Uh!" The smile on Father Lin's face froze, feeling a little bitter in his heart.

After all, Lin Nianwei is the only daughter in the family, so she doesn't dare to go against her in many things. At this age, she is really afraid that she will have a rebellious mentality.

But the children of my colleagues are very happy to let their parents participate in school activities together.

My daughter is good, not only is she unhappy, but she also refuses with a serious face.

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