As a father, Father Lin was very hurt...

"Really... don't you need it?" Father Lin asked tentatively, actually wanting to go.

Lin Nianwei's eyes drifted away a few times, and she said expressionlessly, "Whatever."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Nianwei turned her head and left without looking back.

Father Lin frowned, and muttered in a low voice, "Isn't this girl a little too cold?"

He thought of the children of his colleague's family, all of them were very lively.

My daughter doesn't seem to have much interest in anything.

It is completely different from young people of the same age.

Lin's father hopes that his daughter can be like children of the same age.

Be lively and cheerful.

It's okay to go out and hang out with friends.

Don't keep holding the book, gnawing and gnawing.

At a young age, he looks like an old pedant.

Continue like this--

Lin's father worried that his daughter would not be able to marry soon.

What's the use of having a good face because you don't have social skills?

The window slowly closed.

Father Lin drove away with deep sorrow.

Seeing her father's car leaving, Lin Nianwei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't want her father to come to school.

If you can't come, you won't come.

If you can come, try not to come.

In short, come less.

Because from the beginning of high school, Lin's father began to worry about Lin Nianwei's social problems for no reason.

I don't know why?

Lin's father always felt that Lin Nianwei didn't have any good friends, and always stayed at home reading books by himself.

I was alone during the holidays, and I never saw Lin Nianwei going out with friends.

The anxious Lin's father thought that Lin Nianwei was suffering from depression, social phobia, autism and other mental illnesses.

At first, she took Lin Nianwei to see a psychiatrist.

The diagnostic results seem to be normal.

Father Lin was very puzzled...

My daughter is not bad anywhere, why don't she gather with young people.

So Father Lin doubted his daughter's character.

She is cold, never smiles, and looks paralyzed, no one really likes her.

So I began to think of ways to make my daughter with facial paralysis smile.

Father Lin bought a lot of comedy movies, and whenever he had the opportunity, he asked Lin Nianwei to watch them together.

But when he laughed, Lin Nianwei kept a straight face, showing his paralyzed personality to the extreme, but there was no reaction.

Father Lin even felt a trace of mockery in his daughter's eyes, as if saying, "Fool."

Of course, it's not to mock Father Lin, but to mock comedies.

After this battle, Lin's father felt a little resigned, and he was completely convinced.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with my daughter at all, it was just like that.

But one time, a person foolishly stepped on a banana peel and fell on his back.

Lin Nianwei smiled unexpectedly.

Although it was an understatement, it was enough to scare Father Lin.

In fact, Lin Nianwei just looked at the man who fell down in a daze, which reminded her of Zhou Han.

Lin Nianwei subconsciously imagined that stupid person as Zhou Han, but the picture in her mind was unexpectedly interesting.

So she couldn't help but smile lightly and express her emotions.

She is not an overly cold girl.

It's just boring.

The surface is so arrogant that it is difficult to approach.

But the mental activities are much richer than ordinary people.

But in Father Lin's eyes, this smile is completely different.

He felt that his daughter was very dark, not referring to her skin, but her dark personality.

It's too abnormal to laugh when you see other people being unlucky.

So Father Lin hopes to change his daughter's personality.

And he feels that getting to know more friends with sunny personalities can reverse his daughter's three views through friendship.

She started to do some things that gave Lin Nianwei a headache.

Lin Nianwei felt that her father was very troublesome, and she had nothing wrong with her, so why would she want to interfere with her.

That's why Lin Nianwei felt very against the superfluous things her father did.

The most unacceptable thing for her happened at the parent meeting in the first year of high school.

In order to find friends for his daughter, Lin's father actually brought his daughter's photo to the parent meeting.

When I meet people, I post, saying that my daughter is so good, but I have few friends. I hope that the children of the other party's family will interact with my daughter more.

The group of parents happily accepted it.

Especially the parents of the boys, seeing that little girl Lin Nianwei looks so juicy and beautiful, her eyes turned green.

They all felt that the daughter-in-law should be like this in the future.

The parents of the boys wondered if Father Lin had something to say?A blind date in a different way.

People in the city really know how to play in this era, with a variety of tricks.

Although it is a high school, the parents of the boys think that it is good for the children to get together more, and it is even more beautiful to order an old-fashioned baby kiss.

The parents of these boys almost fought at the parents' meeting because of their "daughter-in-law".

Lin Nianwei's class teacher at the time was very angry. Seeing Father Lin's expression, his nose was not his nose, and his eyes were not his eyes.

A good parent meeting, being disturbed by Father Lin in such a way, looks like a blind date meeting.

But Lin's father was very happy. He felt that his daughter was very popular and had a bright future. He was worried that his daughter would not socialize.


After Lin Nianwei found out about this.

Although her face was still paralyzed on the surface, she didn't react too much.

But in fact, his lungs were going to be blown up by his father.

He went on a hunger strike all night and asked his father to take the photos back, otherwise he would bear the consequences.

Lin Nianwei felt that father Lin found friends for her at the parent meeting, this behavior was too unbelievable.

She never thought this would happen.

What Father Lin did made Lin Nianwei feel ashamed and miserable.

Could it be that his own character was really worried by his father to such an extent?

Lin Nianwei felt a little guilty.

But she would rather be like this than take the initiative to speak.

Because Lin Nianwei felt that there was nothing wrong with her personality, and she was indeed clumsy in social aspects.

Although she is smart, she can't hide her weakness in other aspects.

Fortunately, Lin's father couldn't stand his daughter's sarcastic remarks. He was afraid that she would go to extremes in adolescence, so he quickly took back the photos.

There was no joke.

Things didn't matter much.

Otherwise, it will become a black history that Lin Nianwei can't erase in his life.

And if Zhou Han knew about it.

I'm afraid Lin Nianwei didn't dare to talk to him for three years in high school.

Can't bring up the slightest courage.

So Lin Nianwei was very resistant to her father coming to school.

Revealed disgust from the bone.

I was afraid that my father would say something inexplicable to other people.

It made Lin Nianwei feel very embarrassed.

The pattering autumn rain is still falling.

Lin Nianwei had already walked to the school gate.

She was still thinking about her father's remarks that she didn't want to come.

But there were two people in front of Lin Nianwei's eyes.

Zhou Han and Su Xiaowei were close together, holding an umbrella.

Su Xiaowei was still holding Zhou Han's arm, talking and laughing.

The picture is ambiguous like a flash bomb released by a couple.

Lin Nianwei's calm face was filled with waves of shock.

As for why Zhou Han and Su Xiaomai suddenly got together——

Then we have to start from a few minutes ago...

Chapter 310 Eight Sisters Are Alluring

Zhou Han lowered his umbrella, lowered his head and walked in a "cowardly" way.

Looking from a distance, it has a somewhat sneaky taste.

The autumn rain was desolate, pattering on Zhou Han's black umbrella.

Zhou Han's trouser legs were wet from the rain, clinging to his ankles, making people feel very uncomfortable.

There was a layer of wet mud on the red and black sports brand sneakers.

Zhou Han looked at the toe of his shoe, feeling bored for a while.

He hates wet weather.

The moist air, inhaling it, made him feel stuffy in his lungs.

This dreary weather made him instinctively feel a lot of pressure.

It's like carrying an old and heavy backpack on your back.

It's cumbersome and can't take it off.

Zhou Han's umbrella is pressed very low, this angle should cover most of his face.

No one should recognize him.

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