"Hey hey!"

The van swayed suddenly, dodging a couple of Dongfeng Xiaokang oncoming, which caused Zhou Han to cry out in shock.

"Do you have a driver's license?"

"No." Xie Peng honestly shook his head.

A black line slid down Zhou Han's forehead, and his mood was very complicated. He knew that he had taken a taxi.

After arriving at the hospital.

A group of people who were slightly injured went to check and treat separately.

Sun Qi was pushed into the emergency room, and the doctor came out after a while, saying that there was nothing serious, but a temporary coma, and he would wake up soon.

It seemed that there was basically nothing wrong, Zhou Han felt that he should go home.

But Xie Peng came over with a look of embarrassment on his face, and asked tentatively, "Brother Han, can I borrow some money? The medical expenses of the brothers add up to be a bit high."

"How much?" Zhou Han asked patiently.

"It's more than 5000 yuan for filming, examination, and medicine." Xie Peng scratched his head and said, although he didn't want to bother Zhou Han, but there was nothing wrong with it, and the money was urgent.

"Let me put it on for you." Zhou Han sighed.

"Thank you Brother Han, I'll go, thank you so much!" Xie Peng was extremely grateful, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Han shook his head, didn't say anything, but went straight to the registration place in the lobby on the second floor.

He thought he didn't have that much money on him, and the only thing he could use was the black gold card.

Tsk!Is it the first time you use it in the hospital?

Zhou Han pursed his lips, knocked on the window with his hand, and said to the nurse inside——

"Miss Nurse, can the hospital accept cards?"

( 'oωo)

Chapter 960 Boss

The nurse lady looked up at Zhou Han, silently took out the POS machine, and replied, "Yes, bring the credit card."

Zhou Han passed the black gold card from below without saying anything.

At first, the nurse thought the credit card was dark, but when she saw it in her hand, the little head of the centurion looked particularly eye-catching. Her eyes immediately hooked up, and she forgot to swipe the card. Her slender fingers trembled slightly. , It is probably the first time I have seen the real thing.

"Black... black gold card..."


Zhou Han called out, as if hurrying to pay the medical bills and go home.

"Oh! Sorry..." The nurse started to work, and after paying the payment, she called someone, and finally returned the black gold card to Zhou Han with a blushing face.

In the nurse's eyes, although Zhou Han looked very young, he was extremely mysterious. Where did he get the black gold card, and the payment was smooth, so it was genuine at first glance.

"How old are you? Going to college?" the nurse asked while working.

"Ah... I'm a high school student." Zhou Han replied casually, wondering if it's okay to gossip like this when working in the hospital?

"A high school student, it's a little small..." The nurse muttered regretfully.

Zhou Han frowned, his mind was full of question marks, he was a little confused, he didn't know what this nurse lady meant?

"Yes...do you have a partner?" The nurse suddenly turned her head and smiled sweetly.

"Ah?! This..." Zhou Han's expression became weird, and he seemed to have finally realized what was going on. After a long time, the little nurse took a fancy to him.

Also, it's not surprising, young, rich, and good-looking, isn't this a typical tall, rich and handsome man! ?

"Do you mind developing a sister-brother relationship or something?" The little nurse asked, this age is officially urged by parents to marry, and I can't find a suitable one on a blind date every day. Zhou Han is quite pleasing to the eye, mainly because of his wealth. It's guaranteed.

"No, I'm here to see a doctor." Zhou Han's forehead was full of black lines, thinking what the hell is going on?Why did he get into trouble with a peach blossom inexplicably.

"Pfft ha ha ha, people have taken a fancy to you, but you still don't accept it obediently."

Elizabeth didn't know if she was not busy anymore, but she still had the time to complain about Zhou Han.

"Go away, shut up, this is inexplicable, okay?"

Zhou Han was really drunk, he felt that this kind of girl definitely couldn't get involved, and he couldn't understand the three of them.

The little nurse waited for an answer, but saw the director of the hospital coming over. She was an aunt in her 40s.

The hospital still has strict regulations, no casual chatting at work is allowed, so the little nurse is like a mouse seeing a cat, working hard and not harassing Zhou Han.

"Mr. Zhou?" The director of the hospital came over and asked.

"Eh? It's me..." Zhou Han was really not used to being called "Mr." He always felt that he was a high school student, and suddenly he was ten years older.

"Do you need any help now?" the hospital director asked.

"No, my friend suffered some minor injuries, come here for treatment." Zhou Han said lightly.

"Do you need a professional escort, or transfer to a VIP ward?" the hospital director asked again.

Zhou Han thought of Sun Qi, and felt that if the medical condition is good, the recovery will be faster, "I have a friend who needs to go to the VIP ward, and his name is Sun Qi."

"Okay, I'll help you now." The director of the hospital chatted with the little nurse.

Zhou Han frowned, wondering when did the hospital become so enthusiastic?Could it be because of the black gold card?As long as you consume, you can enjoy tiered services at all times.

He thought about it for a while, and felt that it should be this privilege.

It seems that such a thing as a black gold card, as Elizabeth said, is a status symbol, and it is very convenient to use.

It's just that it seems too ostentatious, it's better to use it sparingly...

Afterwards, Sun Qi, who was admitted to the VIP ward, woke up quickly, and the wounds on his body had been bandaged.

Zhou Han happened to have not left yet, so he chatted with Sun Qi and asked what was going on?

"woke up?"

"Yeah." Sun Qi nodded, feeling uneasy that he was humiliated by Zuo Dazhu, which was very embarrassing.

"Is there anything serious about your body?" Zhou Han asked, feeling that apart from a few traumas, Sun Qi should be fine.

"It's nothing, isn't it just a few punches?! Why come out if you can't stand it?" Sun Qi moved his shoulders and asked in surprise, "Why are you here? It's so late..."

"Xie Peng called me and said that you were beaten up, and I can't do it if I don't come." Zhou Han spread his hands, saying that he didn't care.

"Yeah, thanks to brother Han's coming this time, Zuo Dazhu and the others were beaten to death, otherwise things would be troublesome." Xie Peng said suddenly from the side.

"Really?" Sun Qi nodded, understood what was going on, felt uncomfortable, and owed Zhou Han favor, "Thank you."

"It's nothing, but you really shouldn't have said you were covering me yesterday, otherwise this kind of thing wouldn't have happened." Zhou Han shook his head and replied helplessly.

"Would I be afraid of Zuo Dazhu and the others? Isn't it because the backstage is tougher? What are you afraid of?" Sun Qi pouted, looking not convinced yet.

Zhou Han twisted his mouth, thinking that Sun Qi still has this kind of virtue, and he can't do nothing about it, who made him stand out for himself and make it like this?

"It's Brother Qi, what are you afraid of them doing? If we weren't prepared enough and were attacked by them today, we wouldn't suffer. If we have a chance, we will take people to the east of the city to make trouble, and let them know that we are not easy to mess with. Yes." Xie Peng urged beside him, thinking of today's defeat, he was very unwilling, and always wanted to have a chance to get the factory back.

"Yes, motherfucker Zuo Dazhu! I didn't want to be fussy with him all the time, so I asked my backer to come and support me? If you don't fight back, I'm afraid you don't know who I am, Sun Qi!" Sun Qi gritted his teeth with gauze on his head. explain.

"That's right, let's retaliate. Doesn't Zuo Dazhu have his company as the backstage? We have Brother Han as the backstage, so the thief is safe." Xie Peng somehow pulled Zhou Han into the chariot, bragging wildly .

Sun Qi felt a little baffled, and didn't know what happened?I thought that Zhou Han was good at fighting, but he was just a high school student, so he couldn't even talk about being a backstage.

Zhou Han's expression was very embarrassing, and he didn't even want to go to this lethargic beach, and he didn't want to be someone's backstage. It seemed weird to be pulled by Xie Peng like this.

"Okay, I think it's better to be honest. Don't always think about revenge. Zuo Dazhu is an old fritter who has been around for many years. He is a professional. Sun Qi and you can't compete, and your foundation is different."

Zhou Han told the truth, and felt that he had said everything he had to say, and it was Sun Qi's choice whether he listened or not.

"Zuo Dazhu is a bird? How about he has Anxing Security Company behind him, and he is not even a police officer." Sun Qi has clear grievances and grievances, and he doesn't want to let things go at all, he must want to call back.

"Is...really?" Zhou Han frowned, twisted his mouth, decided to leave Sun Qi alone, he had fulfilled his obligations, but then felt something was wrong, the name of this security company was so familiar——

"Anxing... security company?!"

Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

Chapter 970 6564

No matter how Zhou Han heard it, he felt that this security company was very familiar. It seemed that Elizabeth had just acquired the company not long ago, and it had a certain gangster nature.

"Xiaoyi, is this the security company you bought not long ago?"

Zhou Han couldn't help but ask Elizabeth, wanting to confirm if it was the same family, if so, then the joke would be a big one, the staff under him beat up his friend.

"Yeah, it sounds like the name is the same..." Elizabeth replied with a bit of embarrassment.

"So..." Zhou Han's expression became strange.

"That's right, the group of people who clashed with you just now are all your employees." Elizabeth helped Zhou Han finish the following sentence.

I wipe...

Is it really a black company?

And the fuck are they all employees under me?

And as a major shareholder, I was actually blackmailed by the employees below?

Zhou Han was in a very complicated mood, and his head was a little dazed. He didn't expect it to be so. Anxing Security Company was a product of his own Zhou's consortium, and it was a coincidence that he hit his friend.

"Zhou Han, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Zhou Han's expression was a bit strange, Sun Qi asked suspiciously.

"No...it's nothing..." Zhou Han waved his hands, and he was too embarrassed to speak.

"Have you heard of the Anxing Gang?" Sun Qi asked tentatively.

"Anxing Gang?" Zhou Han was at a loss, he was not on the road, and he had never heard of it.

"The Anxing Gang is the predecessor of the Anxing Security Company. It was established by an outsider in the 40s. At first it was a gang-related group. Later, it was severely cracked down and became a security company. It has been in Zhongqing City for more than [-] years. It's history, don't you know?" Sun Qi felt that the Anxing Gang should be well-known in Zhongqing City, but Zhou Han didn't know anything about it.

"I see, I really don't know..." Zhou Han said awkwardly, thinking that it was exactly what Elizabeth said.

"What do you want to do?" Elizabeth asked.

Zhou Han recalled the appearance of Zuo Dazhu and Chen Lei, and felt uncomfortable, "I have to teach those people a lesson."

"I have another way. Doesn't this Sun Qi really want to continue in this business? You can let him join Anxing Security Company as your spokesperson, so that you can not only help your friends, but also have a trustworthy confidant. Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?" Elizabeth gave Zhou Han an idea.

Zhou Han's eyes lit up, and he felt that Elizabeth's idea was really good.

Since Sun Qi really wants to work in this industry, but his foundation is weak, it is not easy to develop, and there are great risks if his wings are not strong.

By letting Sun Qi join Anxing Security Company, I directly gave him a good platform and a very strong foundation. As my major shareholder, it is not a big problem for Sun Qi to become a small boss in an instant.

The most important thing is that Sun Qi is someone he can trust and can be cultivated into a confidant.

Now that I have acquired the dark industry of Anxing Security Company, I need to be careful when dealing with black society. I am not good at it, but Sun Qi can.

Having him in the security company is equivalent to a reassurance that he is not afraid of being bitten back when he seeks skin from a tiger.

Zhou Han thought through these points and felt that it was very feasible, so he patted Sun Qi on the shoulder and asked seriously, "Sun Qi, do you want to display your ambition on a bigger platform?"

"What do you mean?" Sun Qi frowned, not knowing the meaning of Zhou Han's words.

"Just tell me if you need more space." Zhou Han didn't want to talk nonsense.

"Who doesn't want to?" Sun Qi said lightly, "If I had a better soil, I would definitely be more powerful than Zuo Dazhu."

"Okay." Zhou Han nodded, and then threw out an olive branch——

"Come out this Sunday, come with me for a walk..."


It was nearly twelve midnight.

Most people have turned off the lights and gone to bed.

But the living room in Zhou Han's house was still brightly lit.

At this time, Miyazaki Airi is still awake, waiting for Zhou Han to come home.

Although there are all kinds of disgust and complaints on the lips, the body is still very honest and waiting for Zhou Han to go home.

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