Miyazaki Airi vowed that she would never trust Zhou Han again, and actually lied to herself to get the wallet.

As a result, he hasn't come back since he went there, it's unreasonable, he even lied to himself!

Usually, all kinds of good things are said in the mouth, but when it comes to this kind of time, it is discovered that they are all lies.

It's not that Miyazaki Airi has to wait for Zhou Han, but it's not very comfortable to be alone at home, and she feels very lonely, as if she has been abandoned.

The current Miyazaki Airi, in this empty house, feels colder and colder. The temperature in the autumn night is already low. She is only wearing a thin white nightgown, her feet are numb from the cold, and she refuses to go back to her room.

Miyazaki Airi suffers from a certain degree of mild depression and likes to think wildly.

Now her dazed eyes are very dull, and she seems to have a faint tendency to attack.

Miyazaki Airi is a very sensitive girl. She felt that Zhou Han lied to her to prove that he didn't trust her, otherwise he would not explain the matter clearly and leave herself at home.

It is a very fortunate thing to establish a relationship of lovers not long ago, but the reality does not seem to be very happy.

Miyazaki Airi doesn't understand what Zhou Han is thinking now, whether he regards himself as a sister to take care of, or as a trustworthy lover.

Not being able to figure out what Zhou Han was thinking made her feel more flustered and at a loss.

A girl like Miyazaki Airi who is very insecure and clingy is actually not very demanding, she just wants Zhou Han to spend more time with her.

It was the first time that she cared so much about a boy when she grew up so big, and the idea of ​​wanting to be with Zhou Han was clear in her heart, this sense of dependence had become very strong at some point.

Miyazaki Airi's linen hair fell down, she hugged her frozen legs, buried her face in her knees, her little toes, stained with pink nail polish, bent and buckled the sofa.

"Baga, what are you doing? Come back quickly..."

Zhou Han finished his busy work in the hospital, and made an appointment with Sun Qi to attend the board meeting of Anxing Security Company together this Sunday.

When he came downstairs, he saw that the windows in the house were still on, and he wondered if this dead girl, Aili, hadn't slept yet?

A sense of guilt welled up in Zhou Han's heart, and he was a little embarrassed to go home, wondering if kneeling on the washboard can get past him?

Zhou Han had predicted that when he returned home, Miyazaki Airi would torture him like a high-ranking little queen, asking him what the hell he was doing?

But I can't do it if I don't go back, I can't let Airi worry so much, she won't go to sleep if I don't go back, as my brother, I feel really uncomfortable.

Zhou Han went upstairs, opened the door with the key, and found that it was not locked at all, he couldn't help feeling happy, what?This damn girl, she said that she locked the door to prevent her from going home, but she still kept the door open.

Miyazaki Airi suddenly heard the sound of the key opening the door, and instantly woke up from the sad atmosphere, cheering up.

She got up, trying to block the door and make things difficult for Zhou Han.

Did you ever think that you would fall down embarrassingly just after getting up and taking a few steps? !

Miyazaki Airi's small face was in great pain, holding her smooth calf, biting her trembling lips, her crescent moon-like eyebrows were twisted together——

"Leg... leg cramps..."

. (>д<;).

Chapter 970 Monthly Pass Addition

Hesitating to keep a movement for a long time, coupled with the low temperature, Miyazaki Airi's unlucky calf cramps.

The bursts of throbbing pain made her feel very painful, her expression was tangled, and tears came out of pain.

Miyazaki Airi wrinkled her small mouth, trying not to cry out, holding her calf was uncomfortable.

How can it be repaired!

Why do you have leg cramps at this time?

I still want to maintain my majesty and reprimand this fool!

Miyazaki Airi wanted to cry but had no tears. She felt that she was too unlucky. She wanted to stand on the moral high ground and interrogate Zhou Han, but now she lost her momentum and wanted to ask the drowning person for help.

Zhou Han opened the door and came in, and saw Miyazaki Airi's pink chubby face, the shallow lace edge was still very sexy.

Miyazaki Airi held back her tears no matter how painful her calf was, and did not forget to cast a small look full of resentment at Zhou Han, as if to say——

"Huh~! You're lucky, Miss Ben stumbled at the last moment, and now I'm reluctantly giving you a chance to show off, hurry up and hug me!"

Seeing Miyazaki Airi lying on the cold ground with her face full of pain, holding her shivering calf, Zhou Han was startled, thinking she was injured.

No matter what, she was a baby sister, Zhou Han was very worried, he didn't want her to be wronged.

"Airi!? What's wrong with you?"

Zhou Han hurried in with slippers, floated up Miyazaki Airi's delicate body, checked repeatedly, and found no injuries?Why are you so uncomfortable?

"You big... big villain! You still know... know to come back!?"

Miyazaki Airi's expression was sometimes painful and sometimes annoyed. Compared with her own pain, she really wanted to scold Zhou Han so that she could relieve her anger.

"Can I not come back? Where will I go if I don't go home?" Zhou Han was a little helpless, thinking that this damn girl wanted to scold herself so much, she must have held back for a long time, "Stop gossiping, tell me where you are Not feeling well? Do I need to go to the hospital?"

"No...no need..." Miyazaki Airi leaned into Zhou Han's arms, blushing, feeling her calf was still throbbing, "I...my leg cramps..."

"Emmmm..." Zhou Han said embarrassingly with no expression on his face, "What, it turned out to be leg cramps. I thought it was some serious illness..."

"Baga! What do you mean by that disdainful tone!? Leg cramps are so painful! I'm about to cry! Do you still have the heart to speak sarcasticly? Big villain! I won't talk to you from now on!" Miyazaki Airi It really hurts, and I've started to cry, it's all because of the low temperature and I'm still wearing a thin nightgown.

"Okay, okay, cramp is not a disease, it hurts like hell, I'll rub it for you when I go back to the room..." Zhou Han was very funny seeing Miyazaki Airi's helpless look, but he still picked up the dead girl and told her to the boudoir.

"Eh!?" Miyazaki Airi was suddenly hugged by the princess, her heart was pounding, and she forgot about her leg cramps for a moment, she panicked and beat Zhou Han's chest and said, "Don't touch me! You crazy pervert!"

"Oh, damn girl, you are not honest with leg cramps..." Zhou Han sighed, really convinced, thinking why Miyazaki Airi is always like this, quarreling non-stop, and finally always dies like a stubborn child Don't admit it.

"Hmph!" Miyazaki Airi puffed up her cheeks, thinking of two little buns, and said angrily, "I... I will reluctantly let you hug once, it's really cheap for you, hmph~!"

Zhou Han smiled embarrassingly, thinking that this could also be a little arrogant...

Miyazaki Airi's room.

Zhou Han put Miyazaki Airi flat on it and asked her to sit up.

"Does it still hurt?"

"It hurts, it hurts! Hmph~!"

Miyazaki Airi hugged her calf, Lao Gao wrinkled her nose, and responded angrily.

In fact, it was not as painful as it was at first, but a burst of slight pain.

But because of Zhou Han's late return, Miyazaki Airi still had a lot of resentment in her heart, so she didn't show any good looks.

"is it?"

Zhou Han showed a bit of worry on his face. He also had cramps in his legs, and he felt really uncomfortable, just for a while. Why did Miyazaki Airi suffer from cramps for so long?

He quickly brought a quilt and covered Miyazaki Airi's legs to keep her warm.

Then his hand went in, under the quilt, and touched Miyazaki Airi's smooth calf.

"Ba... Baga! What are you doing!? You are not allowed to touch me!" Miyazaki Airi blushed and retracted her calf in a panic, but Zhou Han grabbed her tightly.

"You silly girl, what are you panicking about? I'm rubbing it for you, not to take advantage of you by force." Zhou Han said helplessly, wondering if he was so scary?

"Really... I really can't do anything about you. Since you are so persistent, I will let you serve me mercifully. Please rub me well. If you feel uncomfortable, don't even try to touch me..." Miyazaki Airihong With a straight face, pursed mouth, hugging his own airport, he seemed to have a condescending attitude.

In fact, Miyazaki Airi didn't dislike having skin-to-skin contact with Zhou Han at all, she just felt a little flustered.

In the past, there was no established relationship. Brother and sister touched each other, and it felt like that. Now it is a relationship of lovers, and every caress will make people's hearts flutter.

"Okay, okay, you are extremely honorable, and everything you say is right." Zhou Han's head was full of black lines.

"Hmph~!" Miyazaki Airi turned her reddish face aside, "I'm right!"

Zhou Han shook his head, he was too lazy to say anything, and began to give Miyazaki Aili meaty calf.

Miyazaki Airi's legs are already beautiful, and her skin is also high, as delicate as a baby's, so Zhou Han feels indescribably comfortable when she touches it.

Miyazaki Airi, who was a little stimulated, had a weird expression, bit her lips and said nothing, but her face gradually turned redder, Zhou Han's hands were very hot, and every time she cruised, she felt wonderful and quite comfortable.

"Aili, does it still hurt?" Zhou Han asked tentatively.

"It hurts! It hurts!" Miyazaki Airi was still angry, it seemed that she hadn't forgiven Zhou Han from the bottom of her heart, but her tone softened a little, "But it's much better, keep rubbing and don't stop."

"Uh!" Zhou Han dripped a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and his mood was rather complicated. What kind of trouble did the tone of this order mean?I am a voluntary laborer, so I don't have to rub it for you.

Although Zhou Han was a little dissatisfied, who made the dead girl her younger sister, so he kindly continued to rub her calf.

Miyazaki Airi looked down at Zhou Han, her eyes gradually softened, the resentment in her heart began to dissipate, and she regained her stability, bursting out with intriguing emotions.

Although this guy always lied and was always angry with himself, he was still pretty good to himself, at least no matter what time he cared about himself.

I just had a slight leg pain, and I made him anxious like this. This concern is real.

Sure enough, I have a high status in this guy's heart, right?

Even if I'm not the only girl beside him, but no one can take my place, right?

How to do it?Do you want to forgive him...

Zhou Han rubbed and rubbed, and accidentally touched Miyazaki Airi's ankle. This is her very sensitive G-spot, and the stimulation was doubled, causing her to let out a sound——


Chapter 970 Second Monthly Pass Addition

Miyazaki Airi's face turned red immediately, and she covered her small mouth as fast as lightning, her eyes revealing panic.

What are you doing me?

Why make such a shameless noise?

This guy must think I'm excited...

Miyazaki Airi was ashamed and angry in her heart, secretly hating herself for not having enough patience, and being touched until she made embarrassing noises, she would be ashamed to see others in the future.

"Huh!?" Zhou Han suddenly raised his head and looked at Miyazaki Airi in surprise, still pinching her calf.

"Look... What are you looking at? Hit you~" Miyazaki Airi stared at the red face, waving her little pink fist to show off her might, and didn't want to mention what happened just now?

"You..." Zhou Han narrowed his eyes and asked tentatively, "What was that sound just now? It's like..."

"Ulusai! Baga!" Miyazaki Airi panicked, and didn't want to mention it at all, "Is it okay for me to hiccup just now!? I want you to take care of it! Hurry up and continue kneading! Don't ask anything else, or I will let you You look good!"

"Your Neon Country's hiccup sound is really special, it makes people blush and heartbeat, and it's the same as the heroine of the little movie." Zhou Han tried not to laugh out loud, thinking that Miyazaki Airi is really not good at lying, and she can give any bad excuses .

"Hmm!" Miyazaki Airi's shame was almost exploded by Zhou Han's stimulation, and her blush was comparable to a ripe apple, "Ulusai! You are not allowed to talk about this! You are not allowed to laugh at me! You idiot and sensuality , A big villain with a mind full of H!"

"As for it?" Zhou Han's expression froze on his face, and he felt a little uncomfortable being scolded for no reason, "Isn't it just a panting? I haven't heard of it before."

"Who is to blame for this?!" Miyazaki Airi frowned, pouted her mouth and said dissatisfiedly, "What are you touching my ankle for? Is it to look at me on purpose? Baga!"

"Eh!? Is that so? I touched your ankle just now?" Zhou Han saw his hand covered in his life, but he couldn't see anything, but he touched it before, and after several stimulations, Miyazaki Airi was like **The same, "Sorry, I can't see it at all."

"Ahh..." Miyazaki Airi pouted and complained angrily.

"But do you feel comfortable? If you feel comfortable, speak up boldly, don't hold back." Zhou Han showed a smug smile, feeling that he has learned another survival skill so that he will not be starved to death in the future, that is massage.

"Such a shameful thing, who would say it! Eight Ga!" Miyazaki Airi said angrily, but then she felt something was wrong, "No! I didn't feel comfortable, you bad guy always hinted at me Say embarrassing things, alas!"

"Okay, okay, my fault." Seeing that Miyazaki Airi was very shy, Zhou Han didn't want to provoke him casually, "Does it still hurt now?"

Miyazaki Airi glanced at Zhou Han, and was not in the mood anymore, so she retracted her legs angrily, "It doesn't hurt anymore, let it go, ahh!"

Zhou Han was a little relieved, seeing that Miyazaki Airi was fine, so he asked patiently, "Why do you still have cramps? What are you doing in the lobby with so little clothes? I don't know if it's cold in autumn nights? What if I catch a cold? How can I let you go?" people worry about..."

Miyazaki Airi could feel Zhou Han's concern for her in her heart, but she was still a little bit wronged, so she said angrily, "Ulu Sai! I don't care about you! I just like wearing less clothes and being cooler. !"

"Tsk! Why don't you just run naked around outside? How cool is that?" Zhou Han satirized Miyazaki Airi very rudely.

"You!" Miyazaki Airi glared at Zhou Han, and said angrily, "I am willing, don't worry about it! You big liar! Hmph~!"

"I'm sorry, Aili, I kept you waiting for so long, but don't be so stubborn. You should sleep when you should. What are you doing until so late? You have to go to class tomorrow." Zhou Han's tone softened, and he really felt that there was something wrong with him. Saki Airi has been staying up and waiting for herself, isn't she caring about herself and her own performance?

"It's all your fault! Big villain! Huh~!" Miyazaki Airi fell on the bed, hugging her pillow and not letting go, still sulking.

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault, Airi, don't be angry, I really have something urgent today, otherwise I wouldn't be going home so late, don't I want to stay at home with you for a while?" Zhou Han coaxed patiently Looking at Miyazaki Airi, the gesture is like a brother, but the tone is like a lover.

"I clearly said I went out to get my wallet and came back soon, but I disappeared halfway, and I didn't know who I had a private meeting with, but I didn't come back until almost six hours later." Miyazaki Airi frowned, muttering and complaining, as if she was being pissed off My little daughter-in-law, "Do you know how worried I am about you?! I thought what happened to you outside! I was obviously in shock at home, but you suddenly said that I had something to do to perfuse me."

"Uh, this..." Zhou Han thought that he was a bit bloody, but he must not talk about going out to fight, so he lowered his head, "I'm sorry, Aili."

"We are not only family members, but also lovers?" Miyazaki Airi suddenly asked.

"Yes, that's right." Zhou Han replied in a positive tone.

"Then you still lied to me!? Why don't you tell me! Don't you know that deception hurts people?" Miyazaki Airi frowned, the washboard on her chest rose and fell in anger, and finally hugged the pillow Lose your temper, "I'll never talk to you again!"

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