Is it not finished if I don't kill me?

Too... so fucking insidious!

Zhou Han's whole body trembled when he heard it, and he was so frightened that he was out of his wits!

He was in doubt, feeling that Su Xiaomao called "husband", there would definitely be a lot of misunderstandings.

I am Yao Xiaorui's fiancé, but Su Xiaomai, as her older sister, calls her "husband", what's the matter?It is clearly touching ethics.

Although you can fuck Yao Xiaorui, you can also fuck her sister Su Xiaowei, which sounds very cool, and sisters flying together is the dream of all big gentlemen, but it's too crazy!

I didn't want to become an epic pile driver who would sow seeds whenever I saw a woman, and become an epic pile driver who would never let her relatives and friends go.

Zhou Han became nervous, his face was a little ugly, thinking how does Uncle Su think of him now?He will definitely be regarded as a jerk!

Su Youqiang had a weird expression on his face. He was almost choked to death by a mouthful of water when he was called "husband".

He thought to himself what happened to his future son-in-law?They both agreed to the marriage contract with Yao Xiaorui, but why did they still have sex with their eldest daughter? Is this the rhythm of two sisters flying together?

Too greedy!Both of my own daughters want it!Don't want to let go of any of them! ?

This is a violation of ethics!Could it be that the Zhou family boy has become so perverted?

Su Youqiang didn't dare to move around for a while, because he didn't fully understand the situation, and Su Xiaowei was staring at him with a defensive look, so that he didn't dare to act rashly.

But he really wanted to know what happened to Zhou Han and Su Xiaomai, but he could only sit on the chair and scratch his head, anxious.

In order to hide his embarrassment, Su Youqiang had no choice but to put on a face and silently took out a facial tissue and wiped the sprayed water on the table.

Su Xiaowei looked at Su Youqiang vigilantly, feeling that there was something wrong with this person, very suspicious.

She lowered her voice, and said mysteriously to Zhou Han, who had an ugly face, "Student, look at that person, he is really strange. He seems to care about the two of us very much. Could it be that bad people are trying to get us?"


my lady!

He is your own father, not a bad guy!

Who do you look at?Still calling me husband, can Uncle Su not be weird?

It would be fine if you don't pick me up and beat me up, and then question me...

Zhou Han rolled his eyes, he didn't know what to do, if this continues, Uncle Su will definitely not be able to sit still.

"Yes... what's so strange? Who hasn't choked on drinking water? You are too suspicious, senior."

"No, it's really suspicious. As soon as I called your husband, he sprayed water excitedly, which shows that he is paying attention to us and is still listening to our conversation." Su Xiaomai analyzed it again and continued, " And don’t you think it’s strange that you come alone to eat hot pot?”

"That's... not surprising, maybe it's because I choked on it by chance. As for eating hot pot alone, maybe... I really like the taste of this restaurant, right?" Zhou Han justified himself, feeling a lot of pressure.

Su Xiaomai stared at Zhou Han expressionlessly, feeling that Zhou Han was also very strange today.

"What... What's the matter, Senior Su? Why are you staring at me? You're making me nervous..." A fine layer of cold sweat dripped down Zhou Han's forehead.

"You are also very strange today, do you know?" Su Xiaowei narrowed her eyes, always feeling that something was wrong.

"I...what's wrong with me?" Zhou Han's eyes were evasive, and it seemed that there was a ghost in his heart.

"Your IQ is already low enough, today's IQ is lower than usual!" Su Xiaomai looked into Zhou Han's eyes and said seriously, "The uncle behind is so abnormal, you didn't notice it at all?"

Zhou Han's heart hurts because of Su Xiaowei, who has a low IQ?It hurts me to say that.

"It's really nothing, sister Su, don't think too much, okay?"

"I suggest that we change to another place to eat." Su Xiaowei said lightly.

Zhou Han was taken aback, and quickly said, "Don't, don't, just stay here, the order is finished."

"You look...a little nervous?" Su Xiaomai asked suspiciously.

"I'm not nervous." Zhou Han shook his head and said calmly, "Senior, don't worry, nothing will happen. If that uncle has any problems, I will protect you, trust me."

Zhou Han doesn't know how to change places. If it's difficult to communicate with Uncle Su, the long-planned meeting will come to naught.

Su Xiaomai hesitated for a moment, thinking it was the same, with Zhou Han by her side, there shouldn't be any danger.

She was a little relieved, but couldn't help teasing Zhou Han, "What you said just now is like a real boyfriend."

Zhou Han looked embarrassed, and felt that Uncle Su's gaze behind him was getting sharper, so he deliberately raised the decibel and said, "What boyfriend or husband? Sister, we are ordinary friends, right? Don't make such jokes!"

When Su Youqiang heard this, he couldn't help muttering in his heart, could it be a misunderstanding?But my eldest daughter has already called her husband by herself, wouldn't the younger ones like to play like this now?

He gradually felt relieved, suspecting "husband" or something, it might just be a joke.

Su Xiaowei felt that it was abnormal for Zhou Han to raise the decibel all of a sudden, so she asked, "Why are you talking so loudly? Who are you talking to?"

"I... I was talking to you, senior." Zhou Han said with a smile on his face, "You called me husband, which made me feel a little embarrassed, so I didn't control my emotions well."

"Is that so?" Su Xiaomai asked with a smile, and the bad taste in her heart began to rise again.

"Yeah, sister, don't call me anything..." Zhou Han frowned and raised the decibel, "I'm not your husband, please don't make such jokes!"

This is also for Uncle Su, don't let him misunderstand casually, otherwise it will be troublesome enough to explain.

Su Youqiang's uneasy mood calmed down, and he felt that Zhou Han dared to clarify the relationship in front of his eldest daughter, that is, he was not afraid of the shadow swaying, and it might be a joke among children, not true.

Su Xiaowei smiled, never wanting to let Zhou Han go, and said loudly on purpose, "Husband, are you living in a dream that you can't even recognize your wife?"

"No! We are pure friends, right!" Zhou Han broke out in a cold sweat, afraid that Uncle Su might misunderstand, but Su Xiaomai didn't want to let herself go!

The two started talking loudly, one wanted others to misunderstand the relationship between the two, and the other was desperately explaining the relationship between the two.

"What ordinary friend? Have you forgotten what nasty things you did to me the night before a month ago?" Su Xiaowei's actor mode went online instantly, and she began to talk nonsense——

"Roughly tore off my clothes and threatened me not to scream."

"Then he unbuttoned his waistband, revealing something black, thick and hard."

"In the end, there was no gentlemanly demeanor at all, and he occupied me forcefully."

"But you don't admit it now, you heartless man!"

"Whoa, whoa..."



That [-] tip doesn't count as a bonus, so don't make a fuss, I'm panicking.

Chapter One Thousand and Eight

Countless black lines appeared on Zhou Han's forehead, and he wondered if Su Xiaomai had read the pornographic book, why did he tell all the plots of sex?What the hell is this!

Nani! ! !

The bastard from the Zhou family actually raped my eldest daughter!

Now the two of them are still sitting and eating together, could it be that my eldest daughter is being forced! ?

This is not acceptable!Not to mention that Zhou Han is my youngest daughter's fiancé and cannot marry the eldest daughter, just this act of coercing women is terrible!

Su Youqiang had a terrified expression. If he hadn't been wearing sunglasses, his expression might have been very exciting.

Like other parents, he chose to believe what his daughter said without thinking too much, thinking that Zhou Han, the elder nephew, was too much.

Su Xiaowei is Yao Xiaorui's older sister, how could she behave like this?Chaos! This is it!

Su Xiaomai was pretending to be a victim, and the sympathy of the people who watched was overwhelming.

Although Zhou Han didn't know what Uncle Su's expression was behind him, he was sure that he was very annoyed, so he had to explain loudly in a panic——

"Senior sister, stop making trouble! When did I force you to do something? You have been bullying me all this time, right? Please don't talk nonsense!"

"You heartbreaker, you said you loved me when you forced me, but now you don't even admit the relationship, what do you think of me? Could it be..." Su Xiaomai shed crocodile tears, as if what she said was true , "You treat me like a dick, don't you just leave it aside when you're done having fun? It's too much..."

Su You gritted his teeth forcefully, a little annoyed that Zhou Han was irresponsible to his eldest daughter, and then flirting with his younger daughter, what is this?Cosmic level super big scum!

My two daughters have been harmed, and it seems that they have already had a relationship. Visually, there are five sets of creampie sex, of which the eldest daughter is forced and the younger daughter is deceived.

God!Is there anything worse in the world than the Su family?

The family is unlucky, both daughters were ruined by Zhou Han, a bully.

Su Youqiang really wanted to pull Zhou Han out to ask questions, but he was afraid that Su Xiaomai would notice something, and for a while, this old man in his 40s was stuck.

Zhou Han's face was very dark, he was already a little confused, and he didn't do anything, if Su Xiaomai continued to mess around, Uncle Su behind him would have to push himself to the ground with a hammer.

How does Zhou Han feel now?

It's no different from a country wife bringing a baby to the door.

"Sister Su, I beg you, don't do this, let me go, okay?"

To be honest, Zhou Han was about to cry, Su Xiaomai was really a bully.

"Are you so unwilling to take responsibility? That was my first time. Even if you took over my body, I was so soft-hearted that I didn't call the police. Can't you see my feelings for you?" Su Xiaomai is really good at acting. Powerful, people who don't know the truth can easily believe it, "Let me let you go now, am I a burden in your heart?"

Su Youqiang was furious. The more he looked at Su Xiaowei, the more he felt that his eldest daughter was pitiful. Such a kind and sensible girl was actually bullied by Zhou Han...

"It's not like this, Senior Su, I beg you not to talk nonsense!" Zhou Han was already convinced, and felt that he was almost unable to explain clearly.

"Here again, I really like you, I know you have a girlfriend, but I still like you, it's okay to be a third party, please don't leave me, eh..." Su Xiao Mao said with a sob, her little shoulders twitching.

Oh my god!My niece has a hard life, such a kind and infatuated girl is rare, but it's a pity that she fell in love with Zhou Han, a bastard, alas!How much favor does the old Zhou family owe our family!

Su Youqiang beat his chest and stamped his feet beside him, feeling very uncomfortable. He felt that he owed Su Xiaomai at first, but now he felt even more guilty. He really wanted Zhou Han to marry his eldest daughter honestly.

But the problem is, Yao Xiaorui also has an affair with Zhou Han, and the degree of infatuation is not weaker than that of Su Xiaomai, so what should I do?Could it be that this marriage contract should be used as two, and both daughters should marry Zhou Han?

Ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous...

"Senior sister, please don't, please don't torture me anymore, my temple is too small to fit your great god, besides, nothing happened to us, right? Don't talk nonsense..." Zhou Han's eyes squeezed out tears.

He thought to himself that if something happened between him and Su Xiaomai, although Yao Xiaorui would be soft and cute and wouldn't say anything, the other two would definitely not let him go.

With the tempers of Lin Nianwei and Miyazaki Airi, maybe the two of them would pick up a kitchen knife, chop themselves up, and die miserably by the knives of the two little jealous jars.

"Why don't you admit the relationship between the two of us? Is it because you dislike me? But the child is innocent!" Su Xiaomao became more and more unscrupulous when speaking, the child came out, and Lei was so tender!

"What!?" Zhou Han had a wonderful expression, his mouth could hold two eggs!Where did the child come from?If there is, I will be green, okay?No, I have nothing to do with senior sister Su, so I shouldn't be a receiver either!Will be laughed at to death, okay?

Su Youqiang's expression was dull, a little hard to accept the fact, thinking that both of them are high school students, how come they even have children! ?I love being a grandfather so much? !Depend on!It's all the fault of bareback creampies!Look how important it is to wear a condom while doing errands!

"Don't be so surprised, you didn't wear a condom when you pushed me down, didn't you make me pregnant? I decided to give birth to the child by myself and drop out of school to become a single mother. Even if you don't admit our relationship, you must admit us child." Su Xiaomao said in an extremely pitiful manner, like an infatuated girl.

I raise it!I raise it!I can help with grandchildren!

Go to school well when you are young, what kind of single mother!

Su Youqiang felt that his eldest daughter's life was too miserable, and he didn't want Su Xiaomai to waste her good years, and he sighed in his heart why she fell in love with such a prodigal son like Zhou Han?

It seems that Zhou Han must be made responsible and marry the eldest daughter. As for the younger daughter, if she is willing, then marry them together. As long as there are no regrets, some traditions can be relaxed.

"Sister Su..." Zhou Han showed a loveless expression, almost being played by Su Xiaomai, "Please don't make trouble anymore, we have nothing to do with each other, please let me go..."

Su Youqiang was angry, his eldest daughter was so beautiful and so infatuated, why didn't she deserve this bastard?

She even got her own daughter pregnant, and even separated the relationship, is she really going to be a scumbag?

Su Youqiang couldn't hold back anymore, and wanted to reprimand Zhou Han like an elder.

But just as Su Youqiang was about to lift his butt, Su Xiaomai said with a smile——

"It seems to be a bit overdone. I was just joking just now. Junior, don't look like you have nothing to love."

"Ha ha……"

Zhou Han had a smile on his face, and MMP in his heart.

Chapter One Thousand and Nine Monthly Ticket Addition

Su Youqiang's head was full of black lines, and he did it secretly again.

He picked up a tissue and wiped the cold sweat off his forehead in embarrassment, wondering if this is really my eldest daughter?This kind of joke scares me to death, so it's a black belly?Who does this look like?

Su Youqiang only now knew the fact that his daughter was a black belly, and he thought she was a perfect girl with no problems at all.

But since it's a joke, he can rest assured...

"Senior, I beg you, don't make such jokes in the future, okay?" Zhou Han smiled miserably, physically and mentally exhausted, always feeling that he was almost beaten by his future father-in-law.

"What are you worried about? Xuemei Lin isn't here, so there's no need for you to be so serious." Su Xiaowei put her hands on the table, held her face up, and said with a smile, "It's not very exciting to take the opportunity to flirt with other girls outside. Don’t you boys like this? Constantly looking for novelty.”

"Senior sister, who do you take? I'm really not that casual." Zhou Han sighed, wondering what kind of frivolous person he was. Although he had three girlfriends, it had nothing to do with frivolity.

"Don't suppress yourself. I'm not Lin Xuemei. Don't feel any pressure. Relax properly. Don't worry too much. Just show your animal nature." Su Xiaomai said jokingly.

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