"Are you brothers and sisters still married?"

"Brother and sister get married, it's a mess!"

"Don't you feel ashamed? Are you ashamed?"

Remarks like this appear, giving people a lot of pressure.

However, although Miyazaki Airi was apprehensive, she did not regret it. This was the path she chose, and she just wanted to be with Zhou Han.

So what if someone chews his tongue?

It's better than missing out on your love.

Miyazaki Airi felt that she was no longer a little girl. She bid farewell to her virginity with Zhou Han, and she was already considered an adult. She had to be mature and give people a sense of stability.

So after knowing that Zhou Han was going to go out suddenly, apart from being sullen, he didn't lose his temper as before, and his mentality changed a lot.

emmmmm, the temperament has become more and more like a wife...

Miyazaki Airi wore an apron and was busy in the kitchen, like a housewife, so beautiful that it blinded people.

Although she is still very immature now, when she is 20 years old, she will definitely become an alluring stunner, but she will still have a flat chest.

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell rings, echoing through the home.

Miyazaki Airi raised her head to check the time, and guessed that it was not Zhou Han who came back, but Lin Nianwei.

She wiped her hands and hurried to open the door.

This established the harem relationship. Lin Nianwei came to be a guest for the first time, and as the hostess, she must treat her well.

Of course, it was largely because of Zhou Han. Miyazaki Airi also saw that he was having a headache after a few times in the Shura field, and was worried about the relationship between the girls.

But as the hostess of the family, I can only help Zhou Han as much as possible.

Miyazaki Airi's thinking has gradually changed, and she already has the prototype of the main palace, and it is estimated that she will be Zhou Han's virtuous wife in the future.

"Wei sauce, are you here?"

Miyazaki Airi opened the door and greeted her directly.

"Well, here I am."

Lin Nianwei stood at the door pretty, and looked at Zhou Han's house from the outside. She felt that a lot had changed, and she couldn't recognize her anymore.

If I didn't know the location of Zhou Han's house in my heart, I would probably think that I made a mistake and turn around and leave.

Since it was night, Lin Nianwei was dressed very warmly, with a red woolen scarf draped around her neck, her face was a little flushed, probably from the cold.

Lin Nianwei was wearing a one-shoulder schoolbag, probably carrying a lot of tutoring books, and she was holding a gift box of chocolates in her other hand.

Although I know that I don't need to bring any gifts, I still have to go for a walk, and I feel weird in my heart when I come empty-handed.

"Stop standing outside, come in quickly."

"Yeah." After Lin Nianwei came in, after looking around, she felt completely different from the feeling she had when she was a child. She handed the chocolate to Miyazaki Airi, "Airi, a gift."

"Eh?" Miyazaki Airi took it blankly, and said awkwardly, "There is no need to bring a gift."

"It's okay, it's not very expensive, and we can eat together tomorrow." Lin Nianwei smiled, feeling a little stiff in her heart.

"Sit down, what do you want to drink?" Miyazaki Airi put down the chocolate.

"Don't bother." Lin Nianwei stopped Miyazaki Airi and asked instead, "Where's Xiaohan? Why didn't you see him?"

She still cared more about Zhou Han, thinking that since she was here, why didn't she come out to see herself?Too strange.

"He..." Miyazaki Airi hesitated, and said honestly, "He was called out by Yao Xiaorui's father, seems there is something urgent?"

"Huh?" Lin Nianwei frowned slightly, with a suspicious expression——

What's the hurry?

Do you have to say it at night, but not during the day?

I always feel so suspicious...


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although Lin Nianwei was suspicious, she didn't say much.

Because Miyazaki Airi didn't show much concern, it would be bad if she asked this or that.

But Lin Nianwei still wanted to call Zhou Han and ask what was going on?

But Miyazaki Airi is still here, so it's not easy to call casually.

"Wei sauce, you sit down first, I'll cook, let's eat first." Miyazaki Airi made a pot of tea for Lin Nianwei.

"Eh? Isn't Xiaohan coming back to eat together?" Lin Nianwei asked in surprise.

"He, he must have been dealt with outside, and he probably won't be back until night." Miyazaki Airi said with a smile.

Lin Nianwei lowered her head slightly, feeling a little upset, she hadn't been here for several years, but Zhou Han was not at home when she came up, it was inexplicably unpleasant.

"Don't worry, he should be back soon." Miyazaki Airi seemed to see Lin Nianwei's thoughts, so she comforted her frankly.

"No... I'm not worried." Lin Nianwei blushed, and concealed, "It's better without her, we girls can chat without restrictions."

"That's right." Miyazaki Airi nodded, and walked directly into the kitchen, "I'll cook first, and the TV remote is next to me."

"Let me help you." Lin Nianwei got up, not in the mood to watch TV.

"No need, you are a guest, how can I let you do it?" Miyazaki Airi didn't seem to be offended, but she didn't feel very good.

"It's okay, I'm free anyway." Seeing that there was an apron next to her, Lin Nianwei simply put it on without being polite.

Miyazaki Airi put on her apron when she saw Lin Nianwei, so it was hard to refuse——

"Okay, let's make rice balls together, it's quite interesting."


Although Lin Nianwei is not very familiar with Japanese rice balls, the method of making them is very simple, just watch Airi Miyazaki make them once.

Miyazaki Airi is going to make more, and then seal it with plastic wrap for supper.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Lin Nianwei felt that Miyazaki Airi hadn't seen her for a few days, and her demeanor was a little different. There was a faint feeling of being married, and she was much more mature than herself.

Lin Nianwei was a little skeptical, what happened to Aili and Xiaohan these days?

Miyazaki Airi always has a slight smile on her face, inexplicably giving people a sense of happiness, just like a newlywed little wife.

Lin Nianwei was a little taken aback, and murmured in her heart, what's going on, what's going on with this brilliance of a married woman?


"Huh? What's the matter?" Miyazaki Airi turned her head to talk while kneading the dumplings.

"That..." Lin Nianwei's expression was a little unnatural, but she still couldn't help asking, "Aili, what happened when you were sick?"

"What are you referring to?" Miyazaki Airi didn't know what Lin Nianwei was referring to. The biggest thing was of course that she and Zhou Han bid farewell to their virginity.

"That's...that's..." Lin Nianwei found it difficult to ask directly, so she had to ask tactfully, "When you were sick, did Zhou Han take good care of you?"

In fact, Lin Nianwei was on the sidelines, wanting to know if something embarrassing happened. After all, that night in the hospital, Zhou Han almost pushed himself down, so Miyazaki Airi is similar, right?After all, there are many opportunities to live together.

"Well, of course he will take good care of me. Don't look at that guy who is clumsy, he even made egg custard for me." Miyazaki Airi thought that Zhou Han would cook for herself, and felt very sweet, "Although it is a very simple thing , but surprisingly delicious."

"Eh?" Lin Nianwei's eyes widened, feeling that her spirit had been shocked, "Xiaohan, can he cook?"

"It seems to be able to do it, but it seems that I can only do very simple things." Miyazaki Airi explained, now that I think about it, I am really worthless, and I was conquered by a bowl of egg custard.

"Really..." Lin Nianwei looked blankly at the rice ball in her hand, thinking that she would cook for Aili?It's really enviable. I don't know if I'm sick, will Xiaohan cook for me?Inexplicably jealous of Airi...

Miyazaki Airi saw that Lin Nianwei was in a daze, but she didn't know what was going on in her mind?

But Miyazaki Airi, who is a girl, of course understands Lin Nianwei to some extent.

"That guy is like that. He doesn't usually see anything, but when it comes to critical moments, he is very reliable. I think if you encounter difficulties, that idiot will be very considerate of you."

"Is that so?" Lin Nianwei blushed, a little embarrassed to be pierced by Miyazaki Airi.

However, Miyazaki Airi's words were very nice, which made Lin Nianwei feel warm.

Miyazaki Airi just saw that Lin Nianwei was very envious and didn't want her to feel unbalanced. If something unpleasant happened because of this incident, it would be very bad.

In fact, Miyazaki Airi also knew in her heart that Lin Nianwei's psychological status in Zhou Han was very high, even surpassing that of any other girl. After all, she had been in a relationship for more than ten years.

But Miyazaki Airi doesn't care, as long as she has a place in Zhou Han's heart, it's not unacceptable.

"You have known him for so long, and you have cultivated a relationship for more than ten years. Don't you know him?" Airi Miyazaki smiled and organized her words, "He just has a hard time expressing it. When it comes to the critical moment , the kind of person who will stand up."

"I know." Lin Nianwei nodded, being sweetened by Miyazaki Airi.

No one hates flattery, and Lin Nianwei is the same. She is a little shy when she is said to have cultivated a relationship with Zhou Han.

"When I chatted with him yesterday, he talked a lot about you." Miyazaki Airi said energetically.

"What are you talking about?" Lin Nianwei asked, she cared so much about this kind of thing, how did Zhou Han evaluate herself in front of others?Am looking forward to.

"He said that you were very smart since you were a child, and you always took care of him. You have always taken care of him. It is a very happy thing to be a lover now." Miyazaki Airi lied, but this white lie It's very comfortable.

If Lin Nianwei calms down and thinks carefully, she will find that Miyazaki Airi's words are all general words, none of which can refer to Lin Nianwei specifically, but she has already been dazzled by the sweetness.

Miyazaki Airi took great pains to appease Lin Nianwei.

"Actually, I'm not that good. It's just that Xiaohan is too upright, which always makes people worry. After a long time, I fell in love with him before I knew it." Lin Nianwei explained a little modestly.

"I see. Although it is very ordinary, it sounds very sweet." Miyazaki Airi sighed, feeling a little envious in her heart.

Lin Nianwei's face was flushed, and when she thought about the past, she felt that it was not easy to be lovers with Zhou Han now.

Miyazaki Airi had a smile on her face, but she was thinking——


If that idiot had half my EQ.

Is there still a need for a long-distance love run with Wei Jiang?


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Miyazaki Airi and Lin Nianwei had a lively chat, and it turned out that Zhou Han wasn't here, so they chatted very happily.

"What about you, Airi? When did you fall in love with Xiaohan?"

Lin Nianwei felt that it was not good to just talk about herself, so she also wanted to ask about Miyazaki Airi.

"This..." Miyazaki Airi thought for a while, and suddenly two blushes appeared on her face, "I don't know, but I gradually fell in love with it, maybe it's because we've been living together for a long time, and I have a good impression for no reason."

"Really..." Lin Nianwei nodded, thinking that sure enough, the effect of cohabitation is very strong.

"But it was my birthday when I really made up my mind." Miyazaki Airi said with a smile, remembering her birthday, "That guy actually went to work in order to buy me a dress and exhausted himself to death. I just thought, although this guy is stupid, he treats me so well, maybe he can entrust him for life or something."

"Aili, you..." Lin Nianwei's expression was half a smile, "So she is such an innocent girl..."

"Don't say that, what a shameful thing." Miyazaki Airi's face flushed, she was unexpectedly ashamed by Lin Nianwei's teasing.

Lin Nianwei smiled lightly, and suddenly realized something was wrong, "Aili, your birthday is over? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Don't worry, I don't like birthdays all the time, even Zhou Han knew about it accidentally, and I won't let him tell others casually." Miyazaki Airi explained.

"Really, you must tell me next time." Lin Nianwei was a little dissatisfied. It is too much to not know about a friend's birthday.

"I see, next time." Miyazaki Airi responded awkwardly.

Lin Nianwei kneaded the rice ball, thinking how did Xiaorui like Zhou Han?I'm really curious, but it's a pity that Xiaorui won't come today.

But it feels like Airi has really changed a lot, like an adult.

Lin Nianwei thought about it, and was still a little concerned about what happened in the past few nights.

"Aili, has there been... ambiguous things happening in the past few nights?"

Miyazaki Airi's eyelashes twitched twice, and said seriously, "No, he went back to his room to sleep at night, and nothing strange happened."

She didn't tell the truth, thinking that it's better to conceal the matter of having a relationship with Zhou Han for the time being, and tell it when the time is right, otherwise Lin Nianwei might think too much.

"Really? I feel that you, Aili, have changed a lot, like..." Lin Nianwei hesitated to speak, really embarrassed to ask.

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