"Afraid?" Zhou Han was puzzled in the letter.

"The three of us were listening to a ghost story just now, and it was quite realistic, about a female ghost sword in the bathroom, but..." Lin Nianwei hesitated to speak, and was embarrassed to continue.

"As a result, I was too scared to go to the bathroom alone. I always felt that there was a strange eye staring at you in the bathroom?" Zhou Han added helplessly for Lin Nianwei.

"Don't say weird things, it's so scary!" Lin Nianwei retorted angrily, she was already scared enough at first, but she still brought up those weird eyes.

"All right……"

Zhou Han sighed, thinking it was so, he had already warned the three of them, but in the end he still read ghost stories disobediently.

Looking at the results, it seemed that only Lin Nianwei, who was usually calm, was frightened, while Aili and Xiaorui were fine.

"Why don't you let Airi and the others accompany you?"

"I... I heard the ghost story and said it was nothing, it wasn't scary at all, but I didn't even dare to go to the bathroom, I was a little embarrassed to be known." Lin Nianwei said in a low voice, with regret flashing between her brows.

I see……

Maybe this is the end of forced pretending.

Xiaowei is really a girl with high self-esteem.

Zhou Han smiled, thinking that the three girls were really interesting.

"What? Don't you want to accompany me?" Lin Nianwei was more sensitive, thinking that Zhou Han was tired of peeing with her.

"No, it just feels...so embarrassing..." Zhou Han laughed dryly, thinking that although Xiaowei and Xiaowei were childhood sweethearts, this was the first time such a thing happened. ah.

"Hmm..." Lin Nianwei blushed and explained, "What's the embarrassment? Don't we know each other very well? This kind of thing doesn't matter."

"Well... since it's so familiar, why don't you let me look back?"

"These are two different things and should not be confused." Lin Nianwei explained dissatisfied.

Zhou Han scratched his head, expressing that he didn't quite understand.

Lin Nianwei just felt that the way a girl pissed was not very elegant, and it was not good to be seen by others, especially the person she liked, who would want the person she liked to see her indecent side.

Otherwise, many girls don't let their husbands see themselves after removing makeup after marriage, how pitiful it is.

Lin Nianwei felt that she had almost solved it, so she told Zhou Han, "Xiao Han, you are not allowed to tell others about this, or I will hate you."

"I see." Zhou Han smiled, thinking that Xiao Wei is also a girl after all.

Lin Nianwei pressed the flush button and tidied up quickly.

Zhou Han even heard the "snap" sound of the underwear hitting the skin, it was very crisp and very attractive.

"Okay." Lin Nianwei said.

Zhou Han turned around and saw Lin Nianwei walking over pretty, her face was still blushing and her calves were still missing, her black hair like a waterfall was a little messy, giving her a lazy and beautiful feeling.

"Go back, you won't be able to explain clearly if you are discovered." Lin Nianwei said worriedly, she had been out for a long time.

"Xiaowei, since they're all out, let's..." Zhou Han held Lin Nianwei's little hand, hesitant to speak, and everyone understood the implication.

The blush on Lin Nianwei's face was getting stronger, her panicked eyes were dodging, and she said in a half-pushed tone——

"Don't... don't do this..."

"If you make a noise, Airi and the others will hear it."


Chapter 48 Monthly Pass Addition

A closed and quiet space will always create some kind of ambiguity between lonely men and widows, especially two people who like each other will definitely spark like glue.

Zhou Han thought to himself that since Lin Nianwei has come out, he should get closer, anyway, it's not too late.

Lin Nianwei also had this thought, but she was still very worried about being found out, which would be embarrassing, but she still wanted to be intimate, and she felt that it didn't matter if she made a move.

"It's been a long time since I left. If I don't go back, it will easily arouse suspicion."

"Just a moment, very soon." Zhou Han wrapped his arms around Lin Nianwei's slender waist, and directly hugged him.

Looking at Lin Nianwei's shy and timid appearance, she is indeed very cute, and now she is wearing a thin nightgown, the girl's figure is faintly visible, she looks very attractive, making people feel thirsty.

Although it would be embarrassing to be discovered, this kind of cheating in the bathroom in the middle of the night made both of them feel very exciting, and they became excited for no reason.

Lin Nianwei blushed, lowered her head slightly, put her hands on Zhou Han's chest lightly, and said half-pushed, "Don't do this, it's dangerous for us to do this, it's better to go back obediently."

"Don't be afraid, Xiaowei, we'll just kiss and we won't make any noise." Zhou Han was a little excited, Lin Nianwei's delicate body was in his arms, how could he not have the intention to bully her?

"No more..." Lin Nianwei uttered a very classic line, does everyone understand what's going on?

Zhou Han smiled, put his arms around Lin Nianwei's waist, let her delicate body cling to him, then lowered his head slightly and kissed Lin Nianwei's small mouth.


Zhou Han directly opened Lin Nianwei's teeth, teased her little tongue, and greedily sucked the girl's saliva.

Lin Nianwei was a little dizzy, tried her best to respond to Zhou Han's enthusiasm, and couldn't help but let out a provocative and cute moan from her mouth.

"Xiaohan...um ha..."

Zhou Han became more and more greedy, wanting to see more of Lin Nianwei's shy appearance.

So he took advantage of the opportunity to lift up Lin Nianwei's nightdress, and stroked her little buttocks with his hands.

"Don't...don't touch me..."

Zhou Han stopped kissing Lin Nianwei, but still touched her buttocks, looked into her eyes and asked, "Don't you like it?"

"Nor...not..." Lin Nianwei blushed and avoided Zhou Han's eyes in a panic.

Zhou Han smiled, kissed Lin Nianwei deeply, grabbed her buttocks with both hands and pressed her up vigorously.

"Xiaohan, it's too intense... Mmm!"

Lin Nianwei resisted symbolically, but Zhou Han's mouth was directly sealed, and she began to play with her wantonly.

Zhou Han became more and more obsessed with Lin Nianwei's delicate body, as if he could arouse his sexual interest everywhere, there was a firm and elastic touch from his hand, and the comfortable feeling when he was naked was indescribable.

"Dong dong dong..."

The bathroom door rang suddenly, followed by Yao Xiaorui's voice——

"Xiaowei, Brother Han, are you inside?"

Zhou Han and Lin Nianwei were stunned for a moment, a little confused, they didn't expect someone to come to their door.

The appearance of the two of them was a bit scandalous, and they were both messy and embarrassed.

Zhou Han's two pairs of big hands tightly squeezed her little butt, separated by the pure white fat.

As for Lin Nianwei, it was even more unbearable, her face was completely red, her eyes were uncertain, her nightgown was raised high by Zhou Han, and her chest was pressed tightly against Zhou Han's chest.

How ambiguous and ambiguous the posture of the two of them is, it is clearly the rhythm of doing business in the bathroom.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of knocking on the door suddenly became restless, it must not be the gentle Yao Xiaorui, but——

"Baga, are you inside? Say something!"

"Yes." Zhou Han responded.

A man and a woman in the bathroom separated at the speed of light, each tidied up their appearance, and tried to calm down their emotions.

"Is Wei-chan inside?" Miyazaki Airi asked again.

"Ah... yes..." Zhou Han replied with a strange tone.

He turned his head to look at Lin Nianwei who was opposite, and found that he had tidied himself up, but his face was a little red.

"What are you doing in there?" Miyazaki Airi's tone was very suspicious.

"We... what didn't we do?" Zhou Han was ashamed, a little overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of the Rape Squad.

"Really? Why do I feel a guilty conscience from your mouth?" Miyazaki Airi said meaningfully.

"Are you kidding? Who's guilty..." Zhou Han retorted, but he was really nervous.

"Open the door, what happens if you don't open the door? Are you afraid that Xiaorui and I will see it?" Miyazaki Airi was not polite, giving a very strong feeling.

"How can it be..." Seeing that Lin Nianwei had no problems, Zhou Han felt confident, so he opened the door openly.

Miyazaki Airi and Yao Xiaorui stood at the door pretty, with different expressions.

Miyazaki Airi looked at Zhou Han angrily, as if she was being prostituted and not paid.

Yao Xiaorui showed her face for a while, she didn't show much aggression, she was sniffing something in the air with her small nose.

"Brother Han, I smell an ambiguous smell. It seems that something happened here just now?"

"Haha, what can happen? Don't make random guesses..." Zhou Han was smiling, MMP in his heart, Xiaorui's guess was really accurate, could it be possible to smell the smell of hormones?

"Did nothing really happen? Ahhh..." Miyazaki Airi narrowed her eyes, expressing her suspicion.

"No, you really don't trust me." Zhou Han began to panic.

"How can I trust you? It's so late, what are you guys doing hiding in the bathroom?" Miyazaki Airi asked, always feeling a little uncomfortable. She only had sex with herself a few days ago, and ended up with Lin Nianwei right away.

Anyway, I have to wait for a while, getting tired of being together so quickly always makes Miyazaki Airi feel a little uncomfortable, as if she is not taken seriously.

"I really didn't do anything..." Zhou Han explained awkwardly.

"Didn't do anything?" Miyazaki Airi moved closer to Zhou Han, sniffed with her small nose, her eyes became strange.

"Xiaohan, he didn't do anything, I..." Lin Nianwei stepped forward, hesitated, and decided to help Zhou Han out, "I was afraid of going to the bathroom alone after hearing the ghost story, so I asked the child to accompany me?"

"Is that so?" Miyazaki Airi was startled, she didn't expect this to happen, "If you need someone to accompany you, you can find us, why do you want him?"

"I'm looking for you more or less... I'm a little embarrassed." Lin Nianwei blushed slightly in embarrassment.

"It's nothing..." Miyazaki Airi was a little embarrassed.

"Actually... Actually, I'm also very scared. If I knew this, I wouldn't suggest listening to ghost stories." Yao Xiaorui blushed, her expression was tangled, her legs were clamped tightly, and she covered her body with her hands, just like Lin Nianwei holding her urine just now. Exactly the same, "I've been holding back for a long time, I really want to go to the bathroom, but I'm so scared by myself..."

"Really, it's really useless to be afraid of such a ghost story." Miyazaki Airi sighed like a little adult.

"Aili, what are you talking about?" Yao Xiaorui frowned, pouted and said—

"Just now you woke me up and said that you were afraid to go to the bathroom alone, and begged me to come with you, wasn't it you, Airi?"

( . )

Chapter 49 Monthly Pass Addition

Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead, what was he thinking, he was afraid of going to the bathroom alone, and was always holding back his urine.

"I... don't have it, don't talk nonsense..." Miyazaki Airi snorted and refused to admit it.

"They didn't talk nonsense..." Yao Xiaorui's expression became a little aggrieved.

Lin Nianwei breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that everyone was scared because of the ghost story, not herself, she felt a little relieved, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

"Then you two go in and pee quickly, don't hold back, the more you delay, the more uncomfortable it will be." Zhou Han let the bathroom door out, thinking about Lin Nianwei's holding back just now, it was full of comedy-like feelings.

Miyazaki Airi's face turned red, and she didn't say a word, thinking that the topic of holding back urine is too embarrassing, how did such an indecent word come out!

"Brother Han, for what I just said, I can sue you for sexual harassment." Yao Xiaorui looked weird. Although everyone was close, it was really uncomfortable to say it so bluntly.

"Okay, let me put it another way..." Zhou Han scratched his head and said calmly, "Please go in quickly and release your holy water."

"Isn't this even more sexier? What holy water! Do you still want to drink it?" Miyazaki Airi felt that the name holy water was not good, and it was enough to solve the physiological needs.

Zhou Han was silent, his strange old face flushed.

"Don't be silent suddenly, you blushing! It's disgusting!" Miyazaki Airi was a little crazy.

"Okay, you two go in quickly, how long have you been holding back, Xiaowei couldn't hold back just now." Zhou Han said helplessly.

When Lin Nianwei next to her heard this, she felt that she couldn't hold back, and pinched Zhou Han hard.

Zhou Han resisted the attack of the little crab and stopped talking nonsense.

"You come in to accompany me, I'm alone...and...also afraid..." Airi Miyazaki pursed her lips, pretending to be careless.

"Wouldn't it be better to let Xiaowei or Xiaorui accompany you?" Zhou Han's expression was a little unnatural, thinking that this is not asking for trouble?

"I just asked you to accompany me, what's the problem?" Miyazaki Airi smiled, as if she was about to beat Zhou Han to death with a small powder fist.

"I...I also want Brother Han to accompany me..." Yao Xiaorui blushed and lowered her head, poking her fingers.

"No...no problem..." The black line on Zhou Han's head immediately came down, thinking what is this dead girl, Aili, fighting for?Xiaorui is also...

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