"Go in!" Miyazaki Airi forcefully pushed Zhou Han into the bathroom.

Zhou Han was still a little worried, and asked Yao Xiaorui, "Is Xiaorui not in a hurry?"

"I... I can hold on for a while..." Yao Xiaorui showed a very tangled look, and raised her small fist to cheer herself up.

After Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi went in, Lin Nianwei's expression was a little unnatural, thinking——

Airi... is she jealous?

Inside the bathroom.

A scene very similar to just now.

It's just that the gentle Lin Nianwei was replaced by the hot-tempered Miyazaki Airi.

"If you dare to turn back, I will kill you..."

Miyazaki Airi said something seriously, seemingly worried that Zhou Han would be dishonest.

"I won't look back, don't worry..."

Zhou Han faced the door, as if he was facing the wall and thinking about his past, he thought to himself, what are you afraid of?What haven't you seen?Is it because the relationship happened not long ago, so it was hard to accept for a while?possible……

Miyazaki Airi hesitated for a moment, she took off her pants silently, made a small sound of cloth rubbing between her legs, then sat down gently on the toilet, and started the familiar sound.

Zhou Han seemed much calmer than before. After all, with Lin Nianwei in front, he didn't have such a big sense of shame. Instead, he stood honestly at the door, not looking back curiously

But Miyazaki Airi really felt completely different. When she was peeing, it was fine, but standing next to someone she liked, she felt... extremely ashamed!

What the hell?

Why are you so uncomfortable?

Was Wei Jiang experiencing such a shameful feeling just now?

Miyazaki Airi's face rose with bursts of burning clouds, as if the whole body had a rejection reaction, and the hairs stood on end.

The trickling water of Xiao Qiao resounded through the confined space.

Come again?

Hurry up and get around me...

Zhou Han sighed, wanting to hit the wall with his forehead.

"You..." Miyazaki Airi said suddenly, breaking the deadly silence, "Don't listen!"

"Then I should plug my ears?" Zhou Han asked tentatively.

"No, I...I still have something to tell you." Miyazaki Airi's eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if she had something on her mind.

"Aili, I can't filter out that voice alone." Zhou Han said helplessly, thinking that he is not a mutant and has the super power to filter out voices.

"Well, forget it..."

It is estimated that Miyazaki Airi also knows that this contradictory order is a bit difficult. She feels that she is not emotionally stable now, and she is prone to say inexplicable things.

Miyazaki Airi hesitated for a moment, and deliberately lowered her voice so that the two girls outside the door could not hear her.

"You were here just now... have you made out with Wei sauce?"

"Eh!?" Zhou Han broke out in a cold sweat when he heard it, "No...no, what are you talking about, Airi?"

"Stop pretending, I already know." Airi Miyazaki paused, and said in a clear tone, "Just now you smelled of Wei Jiang's perfume, if you haven't touched it, why is it so strong?"

"Is there...is there?"

Feeling guilty, Zhou Han hurried in and smelled his clothes. There was indeed a faint fragrance. Girls are always sensitive. This fragrance will definitely be magnified by the difference and magnified several times.

Now that the matter has come to this point, he has no choice but to admit it.

"Just... just a few kisses."

"I knew it..." Miyazaki Airi felt uncomfortable, with a complicated expression, "Really, the two of you will stick together when people are not paying attention."

Zhou Han didn't say a word. In the current situation, he was really facing the wall and thinking about the past. He didn't expect the matter to be revealed. Did he really get carried away?

"Do you love me or not?" Miyazaki Airi asked suddenly.

"Of course..." Zhou Han replied awkwardly.

"Then why did you do this? Didn't you consider my feelings when you were making out? I'm still at home, what should I think?" Miyazaki Airi questioned one after another.

"Sorry..." Zhou Han covered his face, feeling that he was facing serious family problems.

"We... We just had a relationship not long ago, and you got tired of being with other girls in a blink of an eye, I am very unhappy..." Miyazaki Airi said seriously.

"I'm sorry for my fault..." Zhou Han didn't know how to refute, and felt that what Miyazaki Airi said was right, this situation was like cheating on his wife during pregnancy, embarrassing~

"Don't keep apologizing, I... I'm not blaming you, and I'm not angry with Sheng Weijiang, it's just... I just feel uncomfortable. Why can you get tired of being with a girl so quickly? It seems that soon It's like being able to forget the last girl, although I know that we are dating together, but I am very uneasy about it." Miyazaki Airi lowered her voice, thinking about Zhou Han.

"I won't forget you, and I won't suddenly dislike you, only you can rest assured about this." Zhou Han frowned, thinking that he had to restrain himself in the future.

"Well, forget it, I don't know people with small stomachs." Miyazaki Airi complained, and seemed to be in a better mood, "Don't mess around under my nose in the future, do you hear me? Out of sight, out of mind."

To accompany Yao Xiaorui.

It's just that Zhou Han's mind is full of complaints from Miyazaki Airi.

I feel that I should restrain myself. If this goes on, the grievances will be too deep, and the harem will collapse sooner or later.

The situation with Yao Xiaorui is similar to the previous two.

It's just that Yao Xiaorui's attitude is completely opposite to the previous two.

Yao Xiaorui blushed, feeling that the air was too quiet, and always wanted to say something.

"Han... Brother Han, you... don't you want to look back?"

"No...no need..." Zhou Han was startled and thought——

What the fuck?

This is tempting me to make mistakes...


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhou Han closed the bathroom door and turned off the lights.

"Okay, you guys go back to sleep."

The three girls looked at me and I looked at you, none of them spoke, as if they were struggling with some problem?

Zhou Han didn't understand, thinking he was telling himself to leave.

So he walked directly to his room, and turned around and said casually.

"Then I'll go back first?"

"Don't go!" Miyazaki Airi suddenly grabbed Zhou Han's arm, blushing and refused to let him leave.

"What are you doing? You scared me, really..." Zhou Han caressed his chest, startled by Miyazaki Airi's sudden words, thinking that something serious had happened.

"U...Ulusai..." Miyazaki Airi frowned and said dissatisfiedly.

"What else is there? It's almost one o'clock in the morning, are you going to sleep yet?" Zhou Han said helplessly, already feeling sleepy.

"You...you..." Miyazaki Airi hesitated to speak, her face was red.

"Brother Han, you should sleep with us." Yao Xiaorui interjected and said in a pleading tone, "We three girls are quite scared."

In fact, Yao Xiaorui's words were the thoughts of the three girls. After all, the influence of the ghost story is still there. The three girls seemed too weak and scared. It would be much better if there was a boy next to them.

"Huh!?" Zhou Han was stunned, thinking that this is the case. It's normal to be unable to fall asleep after listening to ghost stories, and he always thinks about it. He tentatively asked, "Is this not good?"

"What's wrong? It's just sleeping together. It's fine if you do some strange things randomly." Miyazaki Airi retorted with a red face, and added, "Besides, the three of us are staring at you, you If you want to do weird things, you won't have the chance."

"Yeah Brother Han, sleep with us, just now I could feel the dark side behind me, I was very scared." Yao Xiaorui's face turned purple, probably because she was frightened.

"Me...Me too..." Miyazaki Airi echoed suspiciously.

"Right, right..." Yao Xiaorui seemed to have found a like-minded person.

Lin Nianwei next to him didn't speak, and his face was not very good-looking, which may also be affected.

"Don't scare yourself, how can there be ghosts?" Although Zhou Han really wanted to sleep together, but when he thought of his recent self-indulgence, it is better to restrain himself, "Besides, I live next door. If you call, I will kill you." coming."

"Don't separate Xiaohan, let's sleep together, anyway, it's only for one night." Lin Nianwei also asked Zhou Han to come over, and she was also very scared, if she could sleep with Zhou Han, she would definitely feel at ease.

"This..." Zhou Han saw that even Lin Nianwei said that, so let's sleep together, if he refuses, he should be disgusted by others——

"Okay, let's sleep together."

late at night.

Zhou Han was lying on the bed with the three girls.

It was originally a very happy thing, but the posture was surprisingly awkward.

On the left, Lin Nianwei hugged Zhou Han's arm, her tender body pressed tightly against her.

On the right, Miyazaki Airi also pulled Zhou Han's arm, and secretly arched it into his arms.

As for Yao Xiaorui, it was even more exaggerated, sleeping directly on Zhou Han's body, her chest pressed tightly against his chest, squeezed into a pancake shape.

This is the rhythm to prevent Zhou Han from panting and breathing, to crush him to death.

"You... are you going to dismember me?"

Zhou Han's expression was awkward. When the three girls put them on him, he immediately felt weird, heavy and stressed.

"This... This is something that can't be helped. Only when you are surrounded like this can you feel safe, otherwise you will always feel separated from you." Lin Nianwei said with a red face, and Zhou Han's hot body temperature made her feel very uncomfortable. Comfortable.

"Lie down obediently, don't talk, give full play to the role of your pillow, don't complain." Miyazaki Airi raised her face, used Zhou Han's arm as a pillow, and wrapped her tightly around her.

"Yes... yes, it's very comfortable. I can feel brother Han's body temperature. I'm so happy..." Yao Xiaorui lay on Zhou Han's body, and could hide under the quilt as soon as he lowered his head. Sleeping brother, in case I am captured by a ghost, I can drag brother Han along with me, hee hee..."

I rely on!

Don't say such terrible things!

Is the subtext to die together?

Zhou Han swallowed nervously, feeling extremely nervous, being flanked by three girls, probably the current situation.

They are all cute and beautiful, and they wear so little, just a thin layer of pajamas, which is full of temptation. You can feel the delicate body of a girl in every part of your body, soft and warm.

Zhou Han felt that he was imprisoned on the bed. There seemed to be countless beautiful legs intertwined under the quilt, which made him unable to move, and could only let the girls do whatever they wanted.

Now Zhou Han finally understands how lucky he is, the data body can also improve, otherwise he will not be able to control so many wives sooner or later, and will be squeezed to death.

Think about how many male protagonists without superpowers in the novel have a harem and several wives, isn't this nonsense?

Without the blessing of super powers, isn't it just the rhythm of being squeezed dry to death?Or the cuckold who can't satisfy the wives and is subtle.

Love alone cannot support the harem, and the ability in that aspect is also part of the composition.

Although Zhou Han felt uncomfortable, he was still able to express his emotions in his heart.

"I warn you, don't move your hands when you sleep, especially your hands, be honest, or you will be at your own risk." Miyazaki Airi threatened, afraid that Zhou Han would get mad and do something ridiculous at night.

"Aili is right, Xiaohan, be honest, we are just sleeping, not here to accompany you... to accompany you to do other things." Lin Nianwei said with a serious tone on her face.

"I know, I can't move even if I want to..." Zhou Han said with a bitter face, his limbs were immobilized and tied up with several beautiful legs, how could he move?

"Brother Han, if you want to do something to me, you can do it anytime." Yao Xiaorui lay on Zhou Han's body, looking very comfortable, and the whole person became lazy.

Lin Nianwei's expression became weird, a little dissatisfied, she felt that everyone was restraining, but there was a quiet person.

"Xiaorui! Don't make trouble, we're just sleeping." Miyazaki Airi said seriously.

"I... I'm joking, don't be fierce..." Yao Xiaorui said aggrievedly, with a pitiful expression.

"That's good..." Miyazaki Airi nodded, and touched the lamp with her backhand, "Turn off the lamp?"

Seeing no one to refute, Miyazaki Airi turned off the light, the four of them slept together, and a few people complained in the dark——

Zhou Han: "So heavy, so hot, so uncomfortable..."

Miyazaki Airi: "Hold it! Is it a man?"

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