Zhou Han: "Yes, but you can't bully me like this QAQ"

Lin Nianwei: "Xiaohan, just fall asleep."

Zhou Han: "It's hard for me to breathe, how can I sleep? I'll die, okay?"

Yao Xiaorui: "Come on brother Han, I fell asleep counting sheep."

Zhou Han: "Stop talking, Xiaorui, it's because you weigh me down so hard."

Yao Xiaorui: "People... people are not heavy! I'm very light, because the things on my chest are a little heavy!"

Everyone was silent for three seconds.

Zhou Han: "Xiaorui, are you showing off to Airi that you have a big desire?"


The first thousand and fifty-one chapters

Yao Xiaorui: "Brother Han is good or bad, I won't show off such a boring thing."

Miyazaki Airi: "Why are you sowing discord!?"

Zhou Han: "Hiss~, it hurts, Airi, don't pinch me."

Miyazaki Airi: "Honestly, do you hear me?"

Zhou Han: "All right, all right, but your chest hurts me so much, Xiaowei's tightness makes me so hot, and Xiaorui's pressure makes me breathless. I always feel that you two have negotiated and you are going to kill me." my rhythm."

Yao Xiaorui: "It's too much, brother Han, err..."

Lin Nianwei: "Xiaohan, do you know how to write dead?"

Miyazaki Airi: "He definitely doesn't know, we need to teach him."

Zhou Han: "Okay, go to sleep, I will endure..."

It began to quiet down in the darkness, appearing very ambiguous.

Surrounded by three beautiful girls, Zhou Han felt uncomfortable, but it felt good.

Sleeping with my wives for the first time, I feel very excited!


Early in the morning.

Zhou Han opened his eyes, bloodshot all over.

He hadn't slept all night due to being too excited, badly.

In fact, Lin Nianwei and Miyazaki Airi are fine, they sleep peacefully and don't move much.

Only this Yao Xiaorui moved around even when she fell asleep. Originally, everyone wore less clothes, so a little friction would make her feel very good.

As a result, Yao Xiaorui rubbed vaguely on Zhou Han's body as if she was sick.

Zhou Han reacted in a very useless manner, but he couldn't move, and couldn't express anything. He was stimulated by Yao Xiaorui all night like this, and he couldn't remember how many times he had been hard...

Although Miyazaki Airi and Lin Nianwei slept soundly, they still had problems.

Lin Nianwei stuck Zhou Han too tightly, causing every breath to be blown into his neck, which was very itchy.

Miyazaki Airi fell asleep and muttered in her sleep with her small mouth. Listen carefully, the content is "Zhou Han, don't run away, see if I don't hack you to death!"

Zhou Han shuddered, thinking how did he provoke this dead girl in his dream?

Heck, Airi didn't let herself go in her dreams.

Is this fucking a harem?

Who said opening a harem is very happy?

Stand up, I promise not to kill you!

Fairy tales are all deceitful, opening a harem is just a superficial show.

Counting the trivial things in the girls' lives, as well as some minor problems, it will make people very headache and become a big problem.

Now Zhou Han has no mood at all, only endless torture, wives can watch, but can't touch casually, it's very embarrassing.

Zhou Han looked at the watch on the wall, and felt that it was almost time, and it was time to wake them up.

To tell the truth, he had been waiting for this moment, that the torture could finally end.

I didn't move for a whole night, and my whole body was so sore and sore, it was very uncomfortable.

"Wife, no, Airi, Xiaowei, Xiaorui, it's 08:30, get up, don't sleep..."

Zhou Han began to struggle, waking up the girls who were stuck to him.

"Baby, wake up, babies, it's time to get up."

Miyazaki Airi got up, rubbed her eyes, and complained in a daze, "What are you doing, sleep a little longer, it's so annoying to wake me up..."

"Sorry, sorry." Zhou Han responded helplessly.

Lin Nianwei also got up, Rupu's black hair was a bit messy, and she looked a little tired, "Xiaohan, did you sleep well last night..."

"Okay, okay." Zhou Han said against his will, thinking what the hell, I'm going to be tortured to death, okay?

Yao Xiaorui was the last to get up, and looked at Zhou Han with sleepy eyes, "Good morning, brother Han..."

"Good morning, good morning." Zhou Han nodded sharply, and immediately felt relaxed, without Yao Xiaorui's breasts pressing down on his chest, he could finally breathe, so fucking happy QAQ!

Waking up early in the morning would always look a little embarrassed, and the three girls were the same, their hair was a little messed up, and even their expressions were listless.

Although still very beautiful, but not as gorgeous as usual.

Several girls seemed to wake up and began to check the situation.

Lin Nianwei's pajama straps slipped off, and she was about to have a good time, but she didn't realize it.

In order to avoid embarrassment, Zhou Han broke the flag on his head when he saw it, "Xiaowei, the suspenders of the pajamas are about to fall off."

Lin Nianwei was startled, at first glance, it was true, so she blushed, and quickly pulled up the straps of her pajamas.

"It's only 08:30, why did you wake us up so early?" Miyazaki Airi spoke in the concubine accent she learned from TV.

"My aunt, isn't eight o'clock too early?" Zhou Han frowned, complaining endlessly, "I'm going to send Xiaowei and Xiaorui home later, right? Always get ready."

"I think it's time for me to go back." Lin Nianwei nodded and told her parents that she would only be out for two nights.

"Come and kiss me good morning, Brother Han..." Yao Xiaorui moved her lips together as she spoke.

"Don't, don't, don't..." Zhou Han immediately made a gesture of resistance, he wanted to kiss for real, these girls must be endless, this flag must be this paragraph.

"Xiaorui, don't make trouble so early in the morning..." Miyazaki Airi stopped beside her.

"Okay..." Yao Xiaorui showed a disappointed expression, thinking that if we are together, we can't do anything.

"You guys go ahead, I'll sleep later..." Zhou Han put on the quilt and pretended to be dead.

"Get up and wash up too!" Miyazaki Airi held Zhou Han's buttocks and shook them vigorously.

"Grandma, I beg you, let me sleep for two hours. I didn't sleep well last night." Zhou Han replied hiding under the quilt.


"Aili, let Xiaohan sleep for a while."

Before Miyazaki Airi finished speaking, Lin Nianwei saw that Zhou Han was really tired, so she spoke up to help him.

"Well, all right."

Around ten in the morning.

Before Zhou Han slept for two hours, he was woken up by Miyazaki Airi, because he needed to eat quickly, and then sent Lin Nianwei and Yao Xiaorui home.

Zhou Han had no choice but to forcefully get up, dragging his tired body to wash and eat.

After eating, Zhou Han took Lin Nianwei and Yao Xiaorui to leave.

"Then shall I send them off first?"

"Well, be careful on the road, take good care of Weijiang and Xiaorui, if something happens, I'll beat you to death."

Miyazaki Airi pretended to be annoyed and said that she actually wanted to give Zhou Han a kiss and let him come back early, but after all Lin Nianwei and Yao Xiaorui were present, so she was too embarrassed.

Zhou Han took Lin Nianwei and Yao Xiaorui away from home and took a taxi. Although he could afford a luxury car, it felt too ostentatious, so it's better to keep a low profile.

According to Elizabeth's reminder, Zhou Han planned to send Lin Nianwei and Yao Xiaorui home.

Then I went to the board of directors of Anxing Security Company to meet those people, and hoped that they would be used by me and become the hair on the wings.

At the gate of Lin Nianwei's residential area, the taxi stopped.

But the strange thing is that Lin Nianwei refused to get out of the car for a long time, as if she had something on her mind.

"We're home, Xiaowei." Zhou Han reminded Lin Nianwei.

"En." Lin Nianwei nodded, moving slowly.

Yao Xiaorui watched from the side, then secretly whispered into Zhou Han's ear——

"Kiss Xiao Wei, she wants a parting kiss."

Chapter 52 Monthly Pass Addition

When Zhou Han heard it, he looked at Lin Nianwei's hesitation, and thought that what Yao Xiaorui said was probably true.

Yao Xiaorui moved her gaze out of the window, pretending to look at the surrounding scenery.

"Xiao Wei?"


Taking advantage of Lin Nianwei's raising her head, Zhou Han lifted her hair and kissed her lightly on the cheek.

After all, it was in the car, besides Yao Xiaorui, there was also the driver, so it's not good to play too much.

Lin Nianwei blushed, and gently stroked her cheek, feeling sweet in her heart.

"Call me if you need anything." Zhou Han urged.

"En." Lin Nianwei nodded, got out of the car and left.

Then Zhou Han wanted to send Yao Xiaorui home again, but ended up in the place.

Yao Xiaorui insisted on asking Zhou Han to stay with her again, as long as he was downstairs.

Zhou Han had no choice but to spend more time with Yao Xiaorui, thinking that even though we stayed together for one night, we haven't had a good chat with her yet.

The two were very close, and Yao Xiaorui held Zhou Han's arm comfortably, looking a little cautious.

Before it was clear, it was very radical and extremely open.

But when it comes to the world of two, they become reserved.

Zhou Han was amazed in his heart, thinking that Yao Xiaorui was really a strange girl.

The two chatted while walking.

"Brother Han, Dad has always been very strange recently. He came back drunk a few nights ago and always had a silly smile on his face."

"This one……"

Zhou Han hesitated for a moment, thinking that he was drinking with Uncle Su a few days ago?It turned out that after he left, he drank so much, that's right, he was happy to see his eldest daughter whom he hadn't contacted for many years.

"Maybe there is something happy?"

"Really? It's possible. Dad is really happy these days. I haven't seen him like this for a long time." Yao Xiaorui said thoughtfully.

"Is this Uncle Su's hobby? Some people like to drink when they're happy." Zhou Han laughed, saying that Uncle Su didn't seem to want Xiaorui to know about these things, so he could only laugh.

"Emmmm..." Yao Xiaorui looked thoughtful, "But my father is always talking about it these days, and he was still thinking about me the day before yesterday. If I have a sister, would you be happy?"

"Eh?!" Zhou Han was stunned, and became interested, "How did you answer?"

"Of course I'm very happy. I'm an only child. I'm so envious of Brother Han. You have younger sisters like you. Sisters, older brothers, and younger brothers are fine. It's better than being alone." Yao Xiaorui said excitedly, as if she really wanted to There is someone very close.

"Really..." Zhou Han smiled, thinking that all only children would have such thoughts?But the reality is cruel, having brothers and sisters is a very difficult thing, "What did Uncle Su say?"

"Dad just smiled, being mysterious, and then said that the president of the college looks like a big sister, and asked me to make friends with her and chat with her properly. If you want a big sister, you can just be a big sister, senior sister Su." Yao Xiaorui revealed said doubtfully.

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