What the hell!

Uncle Su, Uncle Su!

Are you too explicit?

Didn't you mean you didn't want to tell Xiaorui?

He also subtly brought the two daughters together.

If this continues, things will be exposed sooner or later...

Zhou Han feels that things are not good, but he understands Uncle Su's thoughts very well. It is a sad thing that they are biological sisters who go to the same school and become like strangers.

That's why Uncle Su asked Yao Xiaorui to take the initiative to contact Su Xiaowei, right?In this way, the two sisters can be regarded as knowing each other, which is better than being strangers all the time.

"Xiaorui, what do you think of the president, Senior Sister Su?"

"I don't have any other ideas. I just feel that she is a kind big sister. She is beautiful, popular, and very respected as the president. How should I put it?" Yao Xiaorui pondered for a moment, and said seriously, "I am very yearning for her. Sister Su, I always feel that it would be great if I could be like her."


Xiaorui is good enough!

But don't learn from Su Xiaomai!

That guy is so black-bellied!

It's really not flattering to play tricks on others every day!

Zhou Han still has a certain amount of resentment towards Su Xiaowei, and his bad personality is still uncomfortable. If possible, he still likes Yao Xiaorui, who is soft and easy to pinch.

"She... she is not very good, you don't have to yearn for Senior Su, just be yourself."

"Really? I always think that senior sister Su is brilliant and respectable." Yao Xiaorui said seriously.

"It is undeniable..." Zhou Han blushed, thinking that this is the legendary sisters who are connected with each other?Apparently, "Well... would you really be happy if Senior Su was your older sister?"

"Yes, isn't Senior Su a beautiful, talented, and friendly sister? If Senior Su is my older sister, I will be super happy." Yao Xiaorui showed a look of yearning, eyes full of little stars.

Alas, girl, Su Xiaomai is your own sister...

Zhou Han sighed in his heart, feeling that fate is really strange.

"However, although Senior Sister Su is smiling, she looks very majestic, which makes a timid girl like me afraid to approach her and strike up a conversation." Yao Xiaorui said with a little regret.

"If you want to make friends with Miss Su, I can introduce you to each other."

Although there is no way to reveal the facts, Zhou Han can still help with some small favors. It is also Uncle Su's wish to make friends with the sisters Su Xiaomai and Yao Xiaorui.

"Really...really?" Yao Xiaorui showed some surprise, "Brother Han, can you help me get to know him?"

"Well, yes, Senior Sister Su and I still know each other." Zhou Han nodded, happy to help.

"Brother Han and sister Su are very familiar?" Yao Xiaorui asked in surprise, seemingly sensitively aware of something?

"It's okay, it should be at the friend level." Zhou Han nodded and said seriously.

"Really? Why do I feel that Brother Han is lying to me? Could it be something like having a leg?" Yao Xiaorui showed a very suspicious expression. After all, Sister Su is so beautiful, so it is inevitable that she will be tempted?

Moreover, Zhou Han's tone was understated, always giving people a feeling that the relationship between the two is unusual.

"How come? Xiaorui, what are you thinking? I can't have ordinary friends?" Zhou Han explained in a panic, a little guilty, but he was Su Xuejie's queen shield, acting as a fake boyfriend anytime and anywhere.

But being suspected, it is inevitable that I feel a little uncomfortable. For a long time, Yao Xiaorui and Miyazaki Airi have the same piss, and they don't trust themselves very much. Could it be that I have a scumbag face?

And that was Yao Xiaorui's own sister, she had an affair with Xiaorui, and then she had an affair with her older sister, it was a happy rhythm for sisters to fly together.

"Well, I trust Brother Han." Yao Xiaorui nodded obediently, and didn't ask any more questions, "Of course it would be best if I could get to know Senior Sister Su."

"It seems that you really want to know Miss Su?" Zhou Han asked curiously.

"Well, I really want to know her..." Yao Xiaorui's pretty face turned red, and she continued——

"I've always wanted to ask Sister Su..."

"Can I join the student union, become the vice president or something?"

o (* //// ▽ //// *) q

Chapter 53 Monthly Pass Addition

It turns out that Xiaorui wants to join the student union? !

Looking at her usual look of wanting nothing, it turns out that she also has something she likes to do.

I'm relieved now, I'd be surprised if my mind is full of it, because it's not normal, it's crazy!

Zhou Han breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the psychological pressure was much less.

"Why do you want to join the student union?"

"Because I always want to find something to do, otherwise it will be too boring." Su Xiaomai said seriously, "I go home early every day, and I have nothing to do after finishing my homework, and I feel that the student union is so handsome. Ah, it is said that the vice president is still vacant, so I just want to fight for it and see if I can..."

"Really? This is very good..." Zhou Han smiled.

"Really? Brother Han is willing to support me?" Yao Xiaorui raised her head in surprise, with little stars shining in her eyes.

"Well, of course I'm willing to support it. It's a good thing to have a wish, but don't underestimate yourself." Zhou Han is willing to support Yao Xiaorui, because it's not a bad thing, and he will definitely encourage Yao Xiaorui to do whatever he wants.

"Hee hee, then I'll try my best." Yao Xiaorui seemed very motivated to join the student union.

"If there is a chance, I will introduce you to Senior Sister Su. If you have any questions, you can just ask them directly." Zhou Han made a promise.

The two came downstairs, and it seemed that it was time to separate.

"I'll go back first." Yao Xiaorui said with some reluctance.

"Well, let's go back." Zhou Han nodded.

"Then..." Yao Xiaorui leaned in front of Zhou Han, stood on tiptoe, and kissed Zhou Han with great effort, "Bye bye~"

Zhou Han waved his hand and watched Yao Xiaorui leave.

The square near Anxing Security Company.

Zhou Han and Sun Qi had already talked on the phone, and after a very simple communication, they agreed to gather here and go to the meeting together.

Zhou Han intends to let Sun Qi join Anxing, then become his informant, and then become the spokesperson of the major shareholder, so that he also has the right to speak in Anxing.

Since Sun Qi really wanted to develop on this road, why didn't he give him a chance and let him become his accomplice, so it seemed very safe.

As long as I help Sun Qi myself, I can give him better resources, contacts, and platforms, and I can use him, and I can be a friend, so I can feel a little safer and more at ease.

There is absolutely no need to refuse this kind of thing that kills two birds with one stone.

As a major shareholder, logically speaking, he has the right to intervene in the companies under him. Isn't it easy to praise Sun Qi?

Elizabeth told herself that even if the other party is a gang-related company, she must act according to the rules, and she should have a lot of rights.

Unfairness is a violation of the spirit of the contract. Everyone breaks up and immediately withdraws their capital and leaves.

It doesn't matter to Zhou Han, he is not short of money, but Anxing Security Company is very uncomfortable.

According to what Elizabeth meant, Anxing Company was short of money and was on the verge of bankruptcy. The injection of its own funds was equivalent to sending charcoal in a timely manner. It fed everyone and allowed them to survive and continue to develop.

So even though Zhou Han was facing this kind of situation for the first time, he still had some confidence in discussing things at a table with a group of social bigwigs.

Because it is they who want things from themselves, not what they want from them.

As the boss myself, I have to be more powerful. It definitely doesn't feel good to me to let the chess pieces ride on my head.

Zhou Han saw Sun Qi and put on a neat black suit.

To be honest, it fits well, like an Italian mafia member, with a certain romantic color.

It was Zhou Han who made him dress up like this, to look more mature.

After all, I want to hold him up for a while, so I can just wear something more ordinary.

If Sun Qi is picked up, I can ask him to do things in the future, which is convenient, fast, and very confidential.

"Sun Qi."

"Brother Han."

Brother Han?What's this……

Zhou Han frowned. He didn't understand what the name was, but he didn't delve into it, thinking that Sun Qi called him casually. After all, this guy called himself that in junior high school.

"Don't waste time, let's go."

Zhou Han patted Sun Qi on the shoulder and beckoned him to go with him. It is estimated that the meeting held by those people will be held soon.

The two shuttled through the bustling streets together, and Sun Qi followed Zhou Han, seemingly preoccupied.

Zhou Han glanced at him in surprise, and he usually talks a lot, why is he so boring now?

"Sun Qi, what's the matter? Do you have something on your mind?"

"No...no..." Sun Qi's expression was unnatural.

"Then why are you so depressed? It seems like everyone owes you money." Zhou Han grinned, seeing that Sun Qi now felt like... a knife-wielding bandit who suddenly became Xiaojiabiyu, shrinking back and forth.

Sun Qi frowned, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Actually, isn't Brother Han an ordinary person?"

"Ah? What do you mean?" Zhou Han was stunned, thinking that Sun Qi's question was a bit inexplicable.

"What I mean is, Brother Han's family is very powerful, right? The very rich and powerful ones have always kept a low profile as ordinary people." Ask what's on your mind.

"This..." Zhou Han blushed, and asked tentatively, "Why do you say that?"

"Well... I don't like to beat around the bush either, so let's just say it straight." Sun Qi paused, scratched his head and continued, "After you left the hospital that day, Dapeng (Xie Peng) told me what happened, You have a black gold card, right? In the hospital, we can all be stuffed into VIP wards, just like... the privileged class."

"This..." Zhou Han's head started to run at high speed, thinking about how to get rid of this lie.

"I heard from others that the black gold card is like the identity card of the rich. It can only be obtained with high financial resources, and it also comes with many privileges." Sun Qi lowered his head and muttered, "I I thought you were an ordinary person, Brother Han, but I didn’t expect that to be the case. You’ve been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger to keep a low profile. Knowing the truth shocked me..."

In fact, Sun Qi was a little hard to accept for a short time. The friend he respected suddenly became the second ancestor who covered the sky with one hand, and became a person from another world, which he couldn't match.

Faced with this sudden change in status, Sun Qi felt a little complicated, not because he was jealous, but because he just felt overwhelmed. Isn't it surprising that the guy who fought hard before turned out to be a tough guy with a strong background? ?

Not long ago, he threatened to cover Zhou Han. Now that he thinks about it, isn't it a joke? , People's background, need to cover yourself?Are you kidding me?

Zhou Han's eyes were puzzled, and seeing Sun Qi's puzzled look, it was clear that he wanted to explain himself.

The question is... how to explain it! ?

A lot of money, a huge power, a dazzling black gold card.

Explaining that the rich rely on technology and the poor rely on mutation... It seems a bit far-fetched.

Seeing that Zhou Han didn't speak, Sun Qi asked straight to the point——

"Brother Han, I just want to ask..."

"Since you are so awesome, why are you still so low-key?"


Chapter 54 Spoof

"This one……"

Zhou Han hesitated to speak, he didn't dare to look Sun Qi directly in the eyes.

This day has come, and I need to explain the source of the large sum of money, otherwise I will be regarded as someone who robbed the bank.

Where did the money come from?How the hell do I know, is it okay to say that I am using a plug-in to brush gold coins?Who the hell would believe it...

Zhou Han thought of the scene of getting rich overnight that is often seen in TV dramas, winning the lottery is obviously not good, it's too fake.

There is also the death of a distant relative abroad, and a huge inheritance falls on him, which seems to be okay.

Anyway, Sun Qi didn't know what his father did, so he said that his father inherited the inheritance, and he became the rich second generation.

Zhou Han made up his mind and decided to use his father as a shield.

"In fact, I used to be an ordinary person, but my family has a distant relative abroad who is very rich. I heard that there is a lot of oil industry in the Middle East, but unfortunately he died a few years ago and has no children. Those properties were inherited to my father, so I somehow became the rich second generation.”

Zhou Han bragged a lot without telling the truth, and even brought out the oil industry in the Middle East. After all, there are many local tyrants in Dubai, rich in oil. This is the intuitive impression of many people, and the credibility of the blowout is also high.

"Really..." Sun Qi frowned, feeling that this was too damn lucky to be able to write a novel, but seeing Zhou Han's bragging appearance without blushing or heartbeat, he believed it half to eight.

"So I have been rich in recent years. I used to be the same as you. My dad was inconvenient to work outside, so he gave me a black gold card. That's how things are. Don't think too much about it." Zhou Han Patted Sun Qi on the shoulder, trying to get away with it.

"That's it, then you are really low-key. I usually don't see that you are a kid from a rich family. You are similar to ordinary people, very mediocre." Sun Qi said seriously, and the mystery in his heart gradually dissipated.

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